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Piano in the Dark

by: Viki

Suzanne walked quietly down the hallway, following the strains of music she heard. As the music grew louder, she recognized the tune, a sweet melody that had been haunting her dreams since she'd first heard it a few weeks ago. She'd been meaning to see who was playing such lovely music, but she'd always been caught up. Tonight she was the last left in the building-her, and the mysterious musician. Tonight she was going to find out who it was that had been taking over her soul.

She turned the corner, and glanced down the hallway. She could hear the music in one of the rooms, but no lights were on. She would be so frustrated if it were simply a radio that someone had left on by mistake. Quietly she continued her journey, peeking into each room. All the performance studios were quiet and dark. Growing desperate, she quickened her steps.

It was only moments later that she reached her destination. Suzanne peeked into one of the last rooms in the hallway, and saw a young man, about 25 or so, seated at a beautiful, black baby grand. A smile crept slowly across her face. Though there were no lights in the room, she could tell he was beautiful. It wasn't right for a man to look this incredible. He had dark brown, almost black hair that was cut short, almost shaved. He wore a tight black t-shirt that clung to his muscles, and black slacks. On his face was a look of pure joy, as if his entire life could be spent playing that song and he'd be perfectly happy with that. The moonlight shone though the window behind him, and illuminated him in the pale blue light. It was a look that was devastatingly sexy.

Not noticing her presence, he continued to play. Propping herself in the doorway, Suzanne stood and watched. Soon she became as caught up in the music as he was. She could easily see her dancing with him...swaying gently in the moonlight. Maybe, just possibly it could go further, become something more. Then...what a magical night. If only.

Slowly, with a beautiful decrescendo, the song came to an end. Only then did the gorgeous man look towards the door, and she was able to see him clearly. Suzanne recognized him now. And oh, he was more beautiful than she'd thought. Those eyes of chocolate brown, that stunning smile, and those sheepish dimples added for a combo that made her heart stop. This wasn't just any man. This was Jordan Knight, her newest labelmate, and the owner of the most incredible voice she'd ever heard.

Suzanne cleared her throat, and stepped slightly inside the door, making sure her presence was noticed, and that he could see her.

"Hey." Jordan whispered, not at all flustered at being watched.

"Hi. You sounded great." she said, stepping fully inside the room and coming to stand beside him.

"Thanks. I wrote that a while back. I was just kind of kidding around, you know, improvising, trying to make it better." His eyes averted hers, and Suzanne stared longer, willing him to look at her.

"I honestly don't think you could have made it any better than that." she whispered, swallowing her fear and sliding next to him on the piano bench. Jordan finally forced himself to look in her eyes, and instead of the cool, sophistication he'd expected to find, he found her warm, and open.

"I was sort of hoping that's how it would turn out. I made a recording." Her eyes brightened as he slid off the bench and made his way across the room, to where a small tape player, barely visible in the night, sat lonesome.

Pushing play, Jordan made his way back to Suzanne. Staring down at her, he smiled slowly. She was beautiful, with deep brown hair, and bright hazel eyes. Her smile in return was genuine. The opening notes began to play, and he reached out a hand to her.

"Care to dance?" he asked, softly. Without a word, Suzanne took his hand and stood, finding herself pressed closely against him.

The music had gone on for only moments, when she felt compelled to whisper to him, "I'm Suzanne." He gazed down at her, and grinned.

"I know." he said, and his lips met hers. Momentarily, Suzanne was shocked, but soon settled into the deep warmth of the kiss. His hands found their way to her chin length hair, and pushed it back away from her face, as his head tilted towards her neck.

Momentarily, Suzanne forgot who she was and where they were. All she knew at that moment, all the past hard times had been forgotten, and this incredible man had stepped into her life.

Her fingers traced the lines of his back over his tight shirt, and she could feel every smooth ripple. Jordan's lips had finished with her neck, and they had again returned to her face as he began unbuttoning the pale blue blouse she wore. Sliding it off her arms, he kissed her shoulders softly, then traced further down.

As his lips reached the swell of her breasts, Suzanne gasped softly. It wasn't that she was inexperienced. She'd had her fair share of lovers. But the way this man could tantalize her with simply a touch...and then his lips...Jordan Knight was truly amazing.

Pulling out of his arms, Suzanne walked to the window and stared out. The moon was full, and it's rays lit her skin into a deep purple. It was all so sudden, so soon. She never leaped into these things.

She felt Jordan's arms wrap around her waist.

"We don't have to do this." he murmered into her hair, pulling her close. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face him, staring deep into those warm brown eyes. She knew she could never look at him the same again, and yet it was somehow appealing.

If she did this, it wasn't a terrible thing. She wouldn't be the first person ever to have a one night stand. And it wasn't like he was the one to turn down. This man was incredible..she'd never have a chance like this again.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Suzanne breathed in that warm musk scent as she leaned into kiss him. Her mouth was passionate and deep against his.

Pulling back, her hands reached the waistband of his pants. Glancing up she whispered seductively, "Does this answer your question?" Jordan smiled, and reached around her to unsnap the lacy blue bra.

Suzanne sat in her office the next morning when a face peered around her door. Glancing up, she recognized the smiling face of Jordan Knight. Surprised but pleased, she put down the pen she'd been writing with and looked up.

"Hey, beautiful. I finished my song. Care to come listen?" Suzanne glanced at her watch, and nodded, grinning. As she got to the door, he took her hand and led her down the familiar hallway. It didn't take her long to realize which rehearsal room they were heading towards.

Turning the corner, Suzanne noticed with surprise that the room was startlingly similar to last night. The room was dark, with only a lighted candle, smelling of raspberries in the corner. There were roses scattered over the piano's top, and the fresh fragrances teased her nose. was the room so dark? It was 11:00 AM!

"Jordan, I..." she couldn't finish her sentence. She was too surprised.

"Well, after last night, I decided I do my best writing in this atmosphere. I put a black tarp in front of the window, then put up the blinds. I'll take them down when I stay at night. After all, maybe it's just moonlight that inspires me."

Pulling her down onto the bench next to him, he leaned over to quickly kiss her before he played an intro that put a feeling of warmth and true love in her heart. Then, to her true surprise, he began to sing, softly and gently, not in his falsetto, but warmly and smoothly.

Relaxed, she rested her head against his shoulder as he finished the song he'd created in the dark.

The End