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Wild Side cont…

pt 32

"Oh, my God." Donnie screamed as he ran down the steps. Everyone else followed him. Evy picked up Lynn’s phone and called an ambulance and started to cry. Lynn stood there is shock.

"Lynn?" Evy ran to her when she hung up the phone, Lynn had turned pal as a ghost. "Lynn sit down." she could here the ambulance coming down the street.

Lynn sat down and leaned back "the ambulance is here already?" she asked. "it usually takes them an hour." she said in a weak voice.

"not when you’re a millionaire." Evy said hurriedly. Lynn appeared to have blacked out. She could here the medics down the steps. She opened up the window and yelled down to them. "Hey, Lynn blacked out." one of the medics that wasn’t really doing anything thing ran inside, Evy meet him in the hall.

"Lynn." he shook her. "Ms. Wild." he ran smelling salts under her nose and checked her pulse. He went to the window, "bring a gurney up here too." He looked at Evy "she is probably in shock." the other medics loaded Kim and then took off. By the time they got Lynn downstairs another ambulance was waiting. Donnie had gone with Kim and Mark tried to go with Lynn but they wouldn’t let him "family only" one of the medics said.

Evy pushed Jordan. "uh, I’m the babies daddy." he said looking at Evy confused.

"that counts." The medics let him on. "so what happened?" he asked Jordan.

"um, she fell out of a window." Jordan snapped.

"yeah, but how did that happen?" the medic asked.

"Is it your job to ask these things?" Jordan snapped again. The medic didn’t say anything else.

They pulled into the hospital and took Lynn right to a doctor. Donnie was sitting in a chair bawling. Jordan went over to him and sat down, so did Mark. Neither of them knew what to say so both of them stayed silent.

pt 33

A policeman came in and walked over to them. "Mr. Wahlberg we need to talk to you." Donnie got up and walked with the policeman to a less busy section of the waiting room. They sat down across from each other. "will you please explain to me what happened?" Donnie noticed another officer talking to Evy and yet another one talking to Jordan. Mark had Xavier, Dante and Davey who had all seen what happened. When Donnie told his side the officer spoke up "do you mind if I talk to your son about what he saw?"

"no, go ahead, but don’t upset him, I don’t know if he understands how bad this is. Are you going to arrest her?"

he asked concerned for Evy. Lynn needed her as much as anyone did right now.

"I don’t know yet." the officer walked over to Xavier and Mark stood up. Donnie nodded to him letting him know it was ok. "hey kiddo, you doing ok?" he asked him kindly.

"yeah, but mommy fell out of a window." he said trying to be tough.

"I know. Did you see what happened?" the officer asked.

"yeah." Xavier said looking down.

"can you tell me what you saw?" the officer smiled.

"yeah," Xavier looked at him "If I can wear your hat."

The officer smiled and gave Xavier his hat. "can you tell me what was said, in your own words, and then tell me what happened to make mommy fall out of the window." the officer knew that this little boy hasn’t been tainted because the father was to upset to say anything and the man that was with him wasn’t talking to any of the boys that were there.

"Well, mommy, Evy, Davey, and Dante and me were shopping. And mommy noticed Daddy, Uncle Mark, Uncle Jordan, Uncle Jon and Uncle Joe’s car in the driveway of this house that had been sold. So we pulled into the driveway, I think mommy was made because she was cussing and saying something about a garden tool, um, a hoe I think." the officer nodded and listened. "so mommy went upstairs and the lady with the big belly that feel asleep was standing there with my Uncles and daddy. Daddy had his arm around her and mommy and I ran into the room. Uncle Mark was laughing and saying something about daddy’s wallet and then Evy came in behind us. Mommy said something about daddy and the other woman having a baby and then Evy went over to stand by Jordan and was leaning against the window. I don’t know exactly what Evy said but she called my mom a bitch and said that daddy wouldn’t have cheated if mommy would’ve done her job. And that’s when mommy ran towards Evy, and Evy moved and mommy fell out the window." he took the hat off and handed it to the officer "can I go play with Davey now?" he looked at Davey who was also talking to an officer. Jordan and Evy were also talking to yet another officer. Mark and Donnie were just staring into space.

pt 34

A doctor came towards him. "your girlfriend is doing fine." he looked at Donnie "she just, once again got to stressed. The babies will be ok but we will have to monitor overnight."

"what about my wife?" Donnie asked.

"it doesn’t look to go. She has a fractured rib, spin, broken leg and broke her back. We haven’t yet got test results back and sometimes it takes a while to find out, but she might be permanently disabled."

"what kind of disabled." Donnie asked fighting back tears.

"Well, we are pretty sure she will never walk again, due to spinal cord damage, and she may be paralyzed from the neck down, but we aren’t positive of that yet." the doctor looked over at Evy who was sobbing. "The police want to talk to you again Mr. Wahlberg."

Donnie walked over to the officers "this seems accidental so it is up to you to press charges."

"no, it was an accident I was there. Leave us alone now please." Donnie went and sat down. "he looked up at his friends. "you guys can go home. They’ve got Kim in ICU and have Lynn in maternity, they are afraid the babies may come early. She is due next month." he gave Xavier a kiss on the head. "I’ll be home in a few days." he looked at Jordan, "can you take him home with you?"

"sure." Evy said "if Kim wakes up tell her I’m sorry."

A few weeks later Lynn was home and Kim was still in the hospital. Her bones had to heal and Donnie had never left her side except to eat and check on Lynn. The doctor walked in. "Mr. Wahlberg. I have some good new and bad news."

"bad first." he said without shifting his glaze from his wife’s face. She had been awake and talking a little for a few days now.

"Bad news is that she is paralyzed from the neck down. The good news is that she can go home now." the doctor looked at him "I suggest you make your home accessible and hire help. Um, I think it is permanent but you can try physical therapy."

"Ok, thanks." Donnie took her hand as she woke up.

"your still here?" she asked in a weak voice. "what did the doctors say."

"you can go home." he said looking into her eyes "I’m sorry honey. I love you and will be with you always ok?"

"I want to go home and see Xavier." she said "At least I’m not in pain. I’m never going to move again am I?"

"that’s what the doctors say, but you can try therapy." he told her softly.

"no, I’ll just accept it. Maybe a little to help my arms." she started to cry again. "I never want to see either one of them again." she looked at Donnie "and I don’t want you to see her either." she said protectively.

"ok Kim, I won’t. I promise." he said knowing that it meant he would never see his babies.

pt 35

Donnie got Kim home and settled in. He had kept his promise for two weeks. He hadn’t called Lynn or gone to see her. He broke one promise to Kim, the most important promise of all, his wedding vows to be with her and only her. He wasn’t about to break another one. He knew his babies were due to be born any day now but he tried his hardest not to think about it. He put three million dollars into Lynn’s bank account but he knew, deep down inside, that he should do more. His love for Kim was so strong that he was willing to give up a relationship with his children. The phone rang and he answered it "Hey, it’s me. Lynn just went into labor and she wants you." it was Jordan on the other end.

"I can’t Kim needs me here." Donnie said softly.

"You have a live in nurse and nanny, right now Lynn needs you more." Jordan snapped. "you can’t just avoid your responsibility to her and those babies."

"why not you did." he snapped back. "look, I love Kim and I promised her I wouldn’t see Lynn ever again, I put three million in her account and I’m leaving it at that, besides she told me months ago that she wanted to raise them herself."

"that’s bull-shit man, you know she was just saying that to make it easier for her when you did leave. I guess she knows you better than we thought she did. She needs you and she is asking for you. If you don’t get down here you can forget about being my friend!" Jordan yelled into the phone "please don’t make the same mistake I did. she forgave me but I know she won’t be so quick to forgive you. She was a teenager when I did it to her and she didn’t know what else to do."

"fuck you Jordan and mind your own fucking business." Donnie slammed the phone down and turned off the ringer, he knew Jordan would persistently harass him about it.

An hour later Kim noticed the caller ID box blinking a lot. "Donnie, did you turn the phone off?" she asked him. "it is blinking really fast."

"yeah, Jordan is being an ass hole." He picked up the caller ID and started deleting as he counted. His mom called twice, Jordan called six times, Mark’s cell phone was on it seven times and Danny and Joe each called four times. Almost every two minutes for an hour. there were no calls in the past ten minutes. His cell phone rang and he instinctively picked it up.

"You son of a Bitch!" it was Mark and he knew he was really pissed. "You get your irresponsible ass down here now!"

"why, she is just having a baby?" Donnie said coolly "and I promised Kim I wouldn’t see her anymore."

"yeah, and you promised Lynn you would help take care of these babies." Mark yelled. "She needs you Donnie, you are just going to knock her up and let her deal with it on your own. Shit man, that is something Bobo would do, I thought you were the good boy in the family. Boy mom sure was wrong." Donnie could here a scuffle and the phone change hands.

"Donald get your ass down here now!" his mom yelled into the phone. People in the hospital were starting to stare. "this little girl needs you."

"no, I promised Kim.." he heard Jordan yell in the background and Alma dropped the phone "mom? hello? hello?" the phone went dead.

pt 36

Donnie paced back and forth for hours, no one had called him. He heard Kim yell from upstairs. He ran to her. "Kim? what’s wrong?" by the time he got upstairs she was silent. He walked over to her and touched her face. He noticed she wasn’t breathing. "Kim?" he reached for the phone and called an ambulance while he did CPR.

Xavier brought the paramedics in and they took over. The rushed her to the hospital. The took her into a room and pushed Donnie out. A few minutes later a somber looking doctor came out. "Mr. Wahlberg?"

"yes." he said.

"I’m sorry but we couldn’t save her." the doctor looked at him. "what kind of medications was she on?" Donnie showed him. "she had an allergic reaction to one of these drugs, we will do an autopsy at your request if you would like us too?"

Donnie nodded his head and sat on the floor where he was standing. He burst into tears and so did Xavier. Mark just happened to walk by. "Donnie?" he asked. "what happened?" he looked at a nurse.

"His wife died." she said nonchalantly as she walked by.

"what?" Mark stood up and grabbed a doctor. "what happened?"

"are you a relative?" asked the doctor.

"yeah, I’m his brother." Mark said concerned

"his wife had an allergic reactions to one of the medications she was on and stopped breathing, we couldn’t do anything. We did all we could." he explained.

"Oh, Donnie." Mark helped Donnie up.

"what did I do to deserve this?" Donnie cried. "I’m such a horrible person."

"no, no, no your not, you just made a few mistakes but it’s not your fault." Mark tried to console him and Xavier. Jordan walked in. "Kim died." Mark mouthed to Jordan. Jordan dropped his pop.

"what?" he walked over to them and Xavier ran to him. Jordan hugged Xavier.

"mommy’s gone!" he cried. "mommy’s gone!"

The doctors brought Donnie some paper to fill out. "don’t do the autopsy, it was an accident I’m sure and I don’t want to tear up her body." he filled out the papers for the death certificate. "I have two birth certificates to sign don’t I?" he looked at Jordan.

Jordan nodded his head. "she’s waiting for you upstairs."

"why did mom drop the phone?" he asked.

"there were some difficulties but everything is fine now." Mark said quietly.

pt 37

Donnie walked into Lynn’s private room, his eyes were puffy. "Hi, sorry I didn’t come sooner." he said sitting next to her. She was nursing one of he babies.

"what’s wrong Donnie?" she asked.

"Kim, she, she," he broke down in tears and the babies started to cry too. "died."

"Oh, my God, I’m so sorry." Lynn felt a few tears run down her cheek. "you loved her so much." she touched his face and lifted it up. "I’m sorry."

Donnie looked down at the baby. "have you named her yet?" he asked.

"no, why?" she smiled.

"can we name her Kim?" he looked at her.

"sure, I would be honored to name my daughter after the woman you love." she smiled and tears poured down her face.

"what is the other ones name?" Donnie asked.

"His name is Donnie." she smiled. "Donnie and Kim, what a pair." she laughed.

"good." he took Kim into his arms and held her. Jordan brought Xavier in. "this is your little sister Kim and your little brother Donnie." he smiled

"that’s you and momma’s name." he said. "I have a brother and a sister?" he jumped up and down. "maybe momma died so we could have Kim, maybe momma is inside of my little sister."

"you could think of it that way." Lynn said "whenever you look at her you can remember your mom and you can take care of her the way your mom took care of you."

"but who will take care of me?" asked the little boy.

"Me and Lynn." smiled Donnie.

pt 38

A year later Lynn and Donnie were living together, not in the same room. Lynn’s feelings had grown stronger for him and he was getting over Kim. He missed her and he knew he would never love someone like he loved her. Lynn had stayed clean and out of trouble and had actually joined the PTA at Xavier’s school. She never went back to he old neighborhood or jobs.

"Donnie." she yelled up stairs. "Dinner’s ready!" It had been a year to the day that he sold his house and moved in with Lynn. They were best friends. He ran down the steps.

"it’s so quiet since Evy and Jordan have the kids." he smiled at her. He walked over to her and kissed her on the lips, he had never done that since the night that they conceived the twins. "it’s about time I tell you something Lynn." he looked at her "I love you. I always have, I was to blinded by Kim and my responsibility to her to admit it. I loved her too, dot’ get me wrong, but I have loved you since you were seventeen. It devastated me to see you into all that trouble way back when." He got down on one knee in front of her. "will you marry me?"

She got to her knees in front of him and started to kiss him. It was getting more heated by the second. He hadn’t’ had sex in a year and she hadn’t in a year and a half. They both needed it bad, and this time she could feel the love. "yes." she said into his mouth as he unbuttoned her shirt. He pulled her shirt and bra off and pushed her back onto the cold marble floor. He pulled her jeans off and then her panties. He stood up and took his clothes off to then laid on top of her and kissed her, taking his time. she wrapped her hand around his cock and moved it up and down. He put his finger into her wetness and tickled her clit, when they were both at the breaking point he entered her and in one hard thrust they both climaxed. When it was over she smelled smoke and jumped up. "Shit!" she yelled "the chicken." she pulled it out of the oven and it was crispy black.

Donnie picked up the phone "yeah, send us two large pepperoni pizza’s" he hung up and they both fell to the floor laughing. They made love until the pizza arrived.