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AMA's 2001

Aight, so this is gonna be just random ramblings about pretty much nothing even remotely coherant, so bear with me. Also, sorry for lack of updates lately, but as ya'll know, N Sync isn't high on my priority list right now. Word., I don't mind her much these fact, I did want to comment that her hair is really cute. But that's besides the point. What I wanted to say was when the AMA's started and she was in that pink dress, I was impressed. I thought she looked really pretty. THEN, she has to go and turn the AMA's into the VMA's and strip down to a pair of decorated bandaids. Nice.

N Sync. Where to I even start? I'm repulsed at this point because they all look homeless. Which I didn't even know was POSSIBLE when you have that much money, but apparently it is. In fact, I think I've seen homeless people that take better care of themselves. In any case, Justin was the only one that looked as if he had showered at all since the New Year. *Gag* By the way in case you didn't notice (not like you could AVOID noticing), Chris is reverting back to his Scuz ways. *Tsk Tsk*.

J-Lo. First I hate that nickname. It's retarded. Secondly, could you lip-sync ANYmore? I didn't think so.

I missed a lot of stuff cuz I was on the phone and just didn't really care, so yeah...

Britney's performance. Did anyone else feel like they were stuck in a bad Bon Jovi video? I mean seriously people, when did pop turn into the hair bands of the 80's? The guitarist frightened me, her glitter thong sticking out of her pants frightened me, and the fact that her dancers were all wearing men's tighty whiteys made me think of Ricky from NA, which in guessed it...frightened me. Lol. In any case, it didn't surprise me that they immediately cut to Justin who mouths "That was tight" to electro-shock patient JC and his woman Bobbi.

Score, Otown! Could Ashley be any hotter? And I am thoroughly frightened by the prospect of the "thing" on top of Jacob's hair coming to life and strangling Dan aka Rooster. (Not like it'd be a big loss, but hey.)

I was happy that BSB won Best Pop/Rock Group or whatever that category they won was. Nick looked totally unamused by that girl hugging them as they walked up. I laughed, it was great fun.

Rest In Peace Joe C. That was sad. *Tear*

Jessica Simpson's performance was killer. She put Britney to shame, not only by singing live but deciding to dress classy instead of trashy! Lol.

Jeff Timmons is a mullet trainer.

I hate Dream.


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