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Billboards 2000: N Sync Fact and Fiction Collide

So yeah, I forget that the Billboard Awards are on until I'm flipping through the channels cuz Buffy pretty much sucks and see dogs running through the MGM Grand. I was all pissed cuz I really hate that song "Who Let The Dogs Out", but I was informed today that N Sync in fact opened the show but my busted ass missedoutpeace on that. Pssh.

Let me just say that I really really love Kathy Griffin or whatever the hell her last name is (I dunno if it's Griffith or Griffin...I'm no BIG FINE FAN, I just think she's funny.). The joke about drilling her way out of the ice with her nipples and then saying "Britney, you know what I'm talking about" was just classic comedy at it's finest. Score.

WADE J ROBSON! I got so excited when he was in the audience and he's not even my bitch...Brit likes him though and she missedoutpeace so I hoped they would show him again, but nope...they didn't. I was sad.

Aight, when "The Real Greg Brady" thing came on I about threw the phone it was so funny. I was talking to Brit at the time and both of us were laughing so hard that we couldn't talk. It was greeeat. I wish they would have shown Eminem's face though...was he even there? Who knows. I laughed even harder though when in the midst of our hysterics Brit screams.."Whore-Hay in a wheelchair?". Lmao.

Aight then I missed a whole lotta stuff cuz I had to go eat dinner, but I turned the TV back on around the time that Kathy came out handcuffed to Justin. First off Justin used to make me all "awww" but now he just pretty much scares me. I had to laugh though when Britney came out and was all "Step off SKANK" and then Kathy screamed "BIAAAAAAAATCH". That was good stuff. I really like Britney's hair by the way (I know that's random but I had to throw that in there somewhere). Then Justin starts frightening me again with the whole "panties in a wad" thing and referring to himself in the third person. Pssh. I guess when they trimmed the fro they didn't shave off any of his ego. Lol.

I love the Carter brothers. I would really just want to see them wrapped in big shiny red bows sitting under my Christmas tree on December 25th. I don't want to jump Nick or anything and um...hello...Aaron's like 12, so it's not like I want him. I just want them in my family...they're so cute together. Aww, they're just adorable. So yeah, anyone who wants to get me a gift, I'll take the Carters. Score, right?

Speaking of Nick Carter though for a moment, were the rest of the BSB there? I wanted to see my mullet (Kevin) but I never spotted him. *Tear*. By the way if you haven't already, you should read the Rolling Stone article featuring the BSB, it's really good. (Free plug).

During Creed, I swear I thought I saw Sisqo up on the rooftop in the audience. I really hate Sisqo by the way, thong king my ass.

I just have to say that although I am thoroughly happy for the fact that Justin and Britney now admit their relationship rather than denying things, I am annoyed by the fact that now it's flaunted around as much as her cleavage. I mean seriously, was it REALLY that necessary to show her twice sitting in the audience when the guys won their awards (By the way JC looked like a Space Cracknut in that silver suit)? I don't think so. And Fe...ugh, who really wants to see her frightening face all over the place? Busted nuts.

Did anyone else notice that Ricky Martin messed up the second verse of "She Bangs"? His pants must have cut off the circulation to the part of his brain that stores memory.

I think that before the Billboards this year, the guys and Kathy went web surfing to all the humor sites and ganked our shit. I mean seriously, Fatty pointing out his STDS...JC beating Chris within an inch of his life (which was really scary yet comical at the same time). I mean seriously, who woulda thought JC could throw down like that, even just in pretend mode. Cracknuts just went off, it was almost disturbing...but like I said, hilarious.

Guess what? The mullet hunter strikes again...Rob Thomas...he's got a mullet.

It was really crunk that Destiny's Child won the Artist of the Year or whatever that last award was (you can tell I pay a lot of attention). They seemed geniuinely happy and excited...I was surprised that they beat N Sync truthfully.

Notice JC and Chris STILL fighting? RETARDS. Oh yeah and one question that remains unanswered...who was the leather-clad hugging mullet at the end? I think it was Howie D.


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