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TIPY and RMA's

Aight, since I'm a lazy piece of crap, I don't feel like doing two separate reviews to bitch about the TIPY video and the lovely RMA's. This is gonna be REALLY random cuz I'm in one of my pissy moods today so pssh..yeah.

First off, the TIPY video SUCKED. The only good thing about the whole premiere of it was when they were introducing it and Justin got all bitter. Let me just say that I laughed for a good five minutes when Joey got yanked off screen by his hair. Score. Here's a little list of reasons why I hated the video and then two reasons to like it.

JC and the bubble. In a word? Frightening.

Joey wandering like a Yetti through the forest. What a weirdo. I HATE FAT-ones.

Christo's got a belly. Maybe he borrowed it from Fatty for the shoot. They share, like funnel cake.

JC's pants. What the hell were they made of anyways? Raccoon?

And here are the two reasons I could stand this video for the three or four minutes it was on:
Lance in sunglasses and JRT Bitch.

Now for the RMA's and this is going to be even MORE random and pointless than the above "review" (if I can even CALL it that).

Chris is a pissy bitter old fart. What was his problem anyways? Pssh with him.

Joey's date...the Stever. I hate him, but because I have Stever vision, I can't turn it off. Again, I hate him.

Lance, with his gargoyle. Oh, by the way, where the HELL was Dani anyhow? Is that why Chris looked all pissed and bitter? Did she break his heart?

Wanna know where Justin and JC were? word...Britney. 'Nuff said. JC? Two words...Riprock AG. Lol. They're his boypals ifyaknowwhatimsayin. Score one for the crazy Canadians. Heheit'sCRACKNUTS.

I really hate that they never ALL go to award shows together anymore. Excuse me, RARELY go to award shows all together. They're too "busy" doing their side projects, such as Britney (Justin's side project). I'm bitter and I really just hate N Sync right at this moment. (We helped Kate take down her N Sync stuff this weekend, it was very cleansing. Lol.)

Oh yeah, and I actually said Fatty looked good ACTUALLY. I think it was the Mike's Hard Lemonade talking...happens to Lance all the time.

I know a lot of N Sync fans are all ANTI-BSB...but I really thought it was extremely funny of Kevin when he said..."Whoever was in charge of the music when we came out...that was GREAT." I loved was damn funny. Hell, I'd be bitter if I won an award and they played Britney Spears or something. Wouldn't you? So, score one for BSB and I actually thought Nick looked like a big fine boypal. Brian too. Kevin's funny but he's got a mullet...AJ scares me, and Howie...well, Howie looked like Jesus. Um..yeah, he did. It worries me.

And since I'm an O-Town fan and they showed them and N Sync like 8 million times it seemed like...I just have to say that I was so completely repulsed by mah boy Jacob's disgusting hairstyle that I bitched about it for about five minutes, then turned around, and licked a poster of my new boypal Danny the Dutch Boy. Score, right? Lol. I felt so much better after having done that...seriously guys, Jacob traumatized me. EW EW EW.

So yeah, N Sync is busted, O-Town is busted, the only thing that's not busted is my new boypal Danny the Dutch Boy. He and his boypals gave me many hours of laughter this weekend, and my beer goggles gave Brit hours of laughter as well. She loves Stretchles, he's her bitch. Great. Lol. Okay now I think I definitely need a nap. Sorry if you hate me now after reading all my nonsense...feel free to write me and bitch. Word to your mullets.


Just Thrust Me Outta Here