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Celebrity Review

Aight, it's been about a week or so since I've had the Celebrity album and about 2 or 3 MONTHS since the last time I updated this site. Oops. Anyways, I figured it was about time to attempt humor and review the new album. Because I'm nice like that. I hope it doesn't suck too much, and if it does...too bad for you eh? Lol.

Aight, I'm just going to put a few random comments and stuff, I don't have a lot of musical review experience so you're not gonna hear stuff like "well I appreciate the urban beats and techno funk of the title track, I think it exemplifies the sound that pop music will in turn be taking on in the coming year". Okay? Score.

Do you ever wonder why
This music gets you high
It takes you on a ride

I really like this song. I don't care too much for the video because it reminds me of a really obnoxious pinball game. However, I do enjoy watching it occasionally because Wade J Robson is in it and he is hot. I think the lyrics are pretty crunk too, it's kinda like pssh in your face to all the people who think that pop music won't last.

If you really loved me
You'd try to show me
That it ain't even bout my name

At first, I hated Celebrity. I was like good LORD, this song has to be the worst thing I've ever heard. I mean, seriously..."if I didn't have cheese like everyday, would you still wanna be with me?" Well, MAYBE Justin...because frankly all that cheese gives you really bad gas. Or so I've heard. don't mean CHEESE like American, Swiss, Colby Jack? My bad. I wasn't familiar with the word cheese standing for money. I've been too busy driving my beef around town. (That's new slang for CAR by the way...I just made it fit in the song I'm writing about being a non celebrity. It's great.)

Game Over
You may be beautiful
But there's more that the eye can't see

I like this song alright, the Pac-Man songs get on my nerves the more I listen to it but other than that it's okay. Oh, cept for the part where JC starts screeching "how could ya do me like that" scares me EVERYTIME. I think it's because he sounds like the rapper Mystikal and every single time I hear it I wonder WHY or HOW they got the rapper Mystikal to make an appearance on their album. Yeah, I'm funny like that. Or something.

Cuz he don't love your eyes
And he don't love your smile
Girl you know that ain't fair

For some reason I'm not real woo-woo about this song. I don't hate it but it's just too...I dunno, weird for me. It's not a ballad, it's not a dance beat...I guess it's like R&B or something, but yeah. I'm just kinda 'eh' about it. Maybe it'll take some more listening to it in order for me to like it a lot. I tend to skip it when I'm listening to the cd at this point in time.

The Two Of Us
See I just love the feeling, knowing I can make you smile
And I haven't felt that way about someone in quite a while

This song is kinda cute in a weird funky JC-ish sort of way. Did he write this? I don't have the liner handy. Whatever. Anyhow, this is the song that my grandma said she liked best. My grandma also likes Joey best. Therefore it's not one of my immediate favorites. Lol.

Oh, seems so long ago you walked away
Left me alone

I am sorry for anyone who likes this song but I think it is just...BOFF. Maybe you have to see it performed live to really feel this song, but frankly I'm not a big fan of it. It's just Justin, and although I'm a Justin fan I'm getting sick of him hogging the spotlight AGAIN. Isn't it enough that he wrote a good majority of the songs, sings lead on every song, is the hottest one in the band, is dating Britney Spears--therefore drawing more media attention than ANY of the others? Apparently it's not. I say whatever.

Tell Me, Tell Me...Baby
Tell me, tell me, just how
What am I supposed to do right now?

I LOVE this song. I think it's my favorite on the album. I don't know why I like it exactly, I just do. I think it's got a good beat and I like the lyrics. What do I look like, a professional album reviewer? I don't think so people. By the way, after listening to the album several times, I think Joey, Lance, and Chris are dead. Lol. Seriously though, where are their vocals? Not like they got any airplay before now but can't hardly hear them at ALL on this album. At least Joey got a solo on the last album...Chris got a rap...Lance got to caress his adam's apple lovingly? Lol.

Up Against The Wall
You know that I don't care at all
I just got caught up when
She had me up against the wall

I hated this song at first, I'll be very honest with you. I think though that it was partly cuz I heard soooo many people raving about how great it was. Then, when I played it I was like WTF is this two step shiznattie? Then I took a break from it and listened to the Craig David song "Fill Me In"...which is also two-step. Speaking of, does anyone know why it's called that? Cuz I'm a moron these days. Thanks. Lol. So yeah, I like the song quite a bit grew on me much like the hair on JC's head.

See Right Through You
Does he freak you the way that I do?
Cause you know that I know how to

N Sync pissed off...yeah, I guess you could say I've taken a liking to this song. I love JC's little line about how he knows how to freak. I'm sure he does. Not to mention he's gotten a little freaky with the hair products lately, seriously, sometimes I wonder what happened to his hairdo. I think he took Kelly from Destiny's Child's old weave (remember that short hair that was kinda flippy like Jayce's is now?), lightened and highlighted it...and then plopped it on his head for that oh so fresh feeling...err..that's not what I meant. Nevermind. Lol.

You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?

I think this ballad is really pretty. I like it so much better than Gone, and I don't understand why people aren't going on and on about this one INSTEAD. But yeah. Didn't Justin write this? I'm too lazy to look in the liner notes right now cuz I don't know where they are. Whatever. I think it's just really a good song, it's so sweet. Awww. Okay enough of this mushy junk.

Just Don't Tell Me That
You wanna be in the flashes of light
Holding me tight
With your phony laugh
I guess you gotta be photographed

This song makes me laugh everytime when it says "Playboy Mansion". For some reason I find that funny...mostly because I think one time I saw pictures of JC and Bobbie at this pajama party at the Playboy Mansion. So my immediate thought was that JC wrote this tune as a sort of "get the hint why don't you" to Bobbie. Unfortunately, he didn't. Although the fact that it made it on the album is maybe a hopeful hint to her? Who knows. Lol. It made me laugh anyways. But yeah, I like this song a was one of the first ones that I really liked. The others took awhile. It reminds me more of their old sound, so I think that's why.

Something Like You
Cause something happens when you look at me I forget to speak
Something happens when you kiss my mouth my knees get so weak
Could it be true this is what God has meant for me cause baby
I can't believe that something like you could happen to me
Something like you

Although I really like "Selfish", I think this is my favorite ballad ON the album. It's really pretty, and of course, the Stevie Wonder harmonica is what got me hooked. Cuz, well, I'm a big Stevie fan. Only because Justin is of course. By the way, I'm totally kidding about being a big Stevie fan. Actually, if you must know, my sister and I used to put on sunglasses and sway our heads as we played an imaginary piano and sang "I just called, to say I loved you...". And I mean THAT from the bottom of my heart. Lol, yeah like I'm funny or whatever. Anyways, I like this song, it's really crunk.

Do Your Thing
Keeping yourself from taking on your perfect dream
Being something somewhere that you read in a magazine

I hate this song. Like, more than I hate Joey even. And that's a lot, if I do say so myself. Some of the lyrics are alright, like the ones listed above. I mean, I guess it's a good motivational tune...however, since I'm not Richard Simmons and in need of motivation to get fit fast, it's not helping me any. All I need for motivation is some diet coke, good pay, and the prospect of vacation very soon. It's fun. Lol. They should have ditched this song, it totally bites.

I loose my step
I loose my ground
I loose my self
When you're around

I love this ballad, and I really am sad that it didn't get put on the album. I heard that it was on the "On the Line" soundtrack and that was why but I say whatever, kick Gone off...the tribe has spoken, and put on this song instead. Oh wait, the album is already in stores...pssh dammit, nobody asked me MY opinion. Apparently I'm just not cool these days. Lol, don't mind my rambling, I haven't done this in awhile and tend to go off on rants because I have nothing else better to do and my mind wanders...much like it is right at this moment. Okay, so back to the review. Chris wrote this..right? Anyways, if he did, I take it that it's about Dani or based on their relationship in some way and that makes me sad. I wish they'd get back together. *Tear*.

That Girl [Will Never Be Mine]
Next thing, she's livin' in my TV
That girl, stealin' every daydream
Tough luck, she had to be a star when I'm just same old me

I facken love this song. I wish it was on the cd again, but I guess it fits really well with Lance's movie so they put it on the soundtrack to that instead. Which I guess is cool, I have it on a burned cd so I can listen to it whenever I want. I could have bought the import but I'm lazy and don't wanna spend the extra like 5 bucks for two songs when I can get it online for free. Lol. I'm so retarded. Anyways, I like this song, I think it's got crunk lyrics. It's kinda the reverse about what their more psychotic fans think about them I suppose. Like the part about falling in love with a star and how they're just normal...blah blah blah. Good times.
