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TRL: Total Rejects Live

Aight first off, I don't mean N Sync are rejects by the title of this page. I mean stupid fatty Dave Holmes (whom I thought LEFT MTV by the way..what the hell is he doing there again? Like I need to see his ugly mug all up on my tv screen)and the rest of MTV. I really hate that MTV didn't play all of the song, that irks me. A lot.

Moving right along...I really like this song. Maybe it's the hand claps, maybe it's the thrusting, hell...maybe it's the high I get from seeing Chris dancing around in a bright orange sweatshirt and kneepads. Volleyball anyone?

Did anyone notice that Joey seems thoroughly unable to hump the floor? I guess he figures running in place will help his figure and well, he's tried the humping thing...look where it got him. A prize winning slot in Daddy-ville. So anyways...

Remember when Justin had the fro on the NSA tour and it was always really fun to watch because it tended to do it's OWN choreography? Well Kate (I think it was her) predicted that this tour, JC's hair will be the one to watch. He's reverting back to his 'Wipeout' days apparently. He forgot how busted and ugly he was back then. Someone do the world a favor...hand the boy a mirror and remind him.

Lance lost weight! And learned how to dance...finally! Go boy go! I must admit he looked pretty good.

I decided that Justin's hair is gonna look really funny when he grows it back out. Good times, good times.

My favorite part of the whole thing? When they thrust like the mad men that they are. Like I've always said, they're gonna put an eye out with that.

And in conclusion...anything bad that I've ever said about Wader J, I take it all back. He did good.

That is all. Thank you and good night.

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