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Randomness is Fun

Wow, I haven't updated in a really long time...I suppose you all think I crunked over or something. Actually, no, I've just been super busy with school and work and find hardly any time to check my email, let alone write or update the site. Bad Jen, bad, bad Jen...I'm sorry. Anyways, on with the random stuff...

I saw Lance's movie this weekend when it finally came out on video. *It never came near me in the theater*

It was actually alright, if you like that sort of cheeseball romance that doesn't exist in anyone's reality based world.

In fact, any love story that involves Joey as even a minute part doesn't exist in even my remotest fantasy world.

Maybe a nightmare though.

I did like the part where he's singing "Pour Some Sugar on Me", and dumps the sugar in his mouth and starts kinda choking.

It made me laugh, just a little.

Lance's character, it looked like he wore the same two outfits the entire movie, with the exception of the bright orange...almost "mango" colored shirt that one day.

Justin and Chris were definitely the best part of the movie, in my personal opinion.

"Poopstars"...I laughed for a good ten, fifteen minutes.

Okay, so it wasn't really that funny, but it was late and I was tired dammit.

"I want them to see this in CHINA...CHINA.." a very demanding Lansh Bash, but still, it cracked me up when Chris got sprayed in the face.

Justin as a gay cowboy hairdresser?

He's still hot.

Speaking of, they did a concert around here last week and Justin shaved his head again.

That makes me a very happy girl.

No, I didn't go to the concert...but I did hear on the radio that Justin was spotted rollerblading down Interstate 35.

He wasn't really but I found that amusing.


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