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He's Been Gettin Around...

First off I just have to mention that I'm not normally one to churn the gossip mill, BUT I saw these and just HAD to post. As you all know, I am a Justin fan...and well, these just had me laughing my ass off. Gotta love the tabloids.

Boy that kid moves fast. First one girl, then the next. I guess location is a big woman in Europe, one in the US. I guess you just can't ever have too much booty in one man's life. You go Justin, you still have time to catch up to Joey's record...cuz I mean, he didn't become a big pop star till he was oh...21? So you just keep gettin around...and find you some hoes.

**Side note: I really don't know if these are true, and frankly I don't care. I just thought it was funny and would amuse you all. It amused the hell out of me. And honestly, the Brit/Justin thing is old. Might as well spice it up with another woman. Lol.

Thrust Me OUTTA This Tabloid World