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Grammys 2001

Hey what's up? Sorry this review of the Grammy's is so totally past due, but hey, I've been busy. I'm sure you have to, if anyone even CHECKS this stuff anymore. I say, whatEVER. Anyways, here's some random thoughts of mine while watching this year's Grammy awards.

Aight, I didn't see any pre-shows or anything but I did see Entertainment Tonight where they announced that in US Weekly, Joey's said to be a father-to-be. So yeah, Kelly is pregnant (or whatever, I didn't read the article, maybe it's a different "girlfriend". Lol.) and I don't know about ya'll but when I heard the news I SO almost dropped over dead. Like it's a big facken shock when slut-man gets a girl preggers. Good lord, I think we all predicted that one about oh...I don't know, a year and a half ago?

Madonna's performance. All I have to say is that I love Lil Bow Wow and that the Material Girl is getting old. Plus, that "Music" song, SUCKS. That's all.

Christina Aguilera..nice dreds. Even better, I got to see Whore-hey. Double score. I hated her performance too...I don't know why exactly but I just did. Pssh.

John Stewart was a pretty crunk host I guess, didn't annoy me too badly, although he seemed really nervous. I suppose I would be too though so pssh.

Let's see..N Sync's performance was alright. I wish they would have done something a little more woo-woo though. I like the fact that Joey's hair is no longer bleached blonde, but WTF happened on JC's head? A natural disaster? Ew. Justin looked pretty cute I suppose, but I must say that I have 'beef' with the fact that he can do pretty much anything to that head of his and STILL looks hot. I think it's just a matter of brainwashing half of the female population. However, if he was trying to get people to stop talking about his hair, he did the wrong damn thing. Oh yeah, and his shirt looked like he cut it out of a fruit rollup. Final thought: You know it's bad when your best dressed member is Chris or Joey. Scary stuff.

And last but certainly not least, Eminem and Elton. The anticipated duet that was pretty much the only reason I stayed tuned to the busted ass boring as hell show after throwing my remote at Destiny's Child (whom I wasn't impressed with btw). Anyways I really liked the performance, I could have done without Elton's outfit but whatEVER. However I must say that for all the hype it received, it could have been a little more controversial than Em just giving a double fisted bird flipping to the audience. Oh well.

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