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Space Cracknuts and AFRO-Mania

Aight, I got my tape of HBO stuff from April. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to her first of all cuz that tape is CRUNK. I seriously was like wtf on some of the stuff though cuz I had TOTALLY missed stuff during my show. So yeah, on with the review (this will be random sorry)...

In the preshow...Justin's face when he tells about the mom giving the camera "the money shot". Classic. That's the look I give Steve but he usually just says "I HATE THAT" and runs away. Oh yeah, I'm kidding.

I just have to say that I am soooo happy Justin cut down his fro for the show I went to. After watching the HBO special, I was telling mah girl Nikki, that thing seriously needed to be restrained during JGP, cuz it was doing it's own choreography!! I just couldn't stand it when the entire afro looked like it was going to jump off, sprout legs, and start rump shakin it right there as the 6th N Sync member. *Shrugs* But that's me.

Did anyone else notice during JGP when they do the last butt slap...after that, they shake their hands in the air like the McDonald's guy (the commercial where the workers are dancing to BBB)? I laughed SO unbelievably hard at that. Mostly because I was doing that outside McDonald's in Waterloo the morning before our show (remember Ann?), and the workers looked at me like I was smoking crack.

Makes Me Ill. That dance, like I mentioned SO completely gay. I hate it. But I did laugh pretty hard at the crazy faces Joey makes. However, when he yells "CLEAR" toward the end of the mom (who was sitting in the living room doing something for work) looked up and says, "Is this show totally stupid or what?" (look of disgust on her face as she stares at the TV). I bust out laughing and proceeded to rewind multiple times till I succeeded in clearing out the room. See, Joey IS good for something.

Like I said, this review is random and I'm totally going out of order. But I really loved the beatboxing thing JRT Bitch was doing. It was way crunk. The whole "My friends call me Lake...Timber-timber-timberlake" was cute. His voices kinda freaked me out how he was all "Four, three, two, battle"..and all that. Otherwise it was one of my favorite parts of the show. Way to go JRT you beatboxing biatch. He also does the cha-cha...and THAT is why he's my favorite. Lol.

Hmmm what else. Oh yeah, the little spiel where they go in their quick change area. That was cooler when I could actually hear what they were saying instead of "AGHHH AGHHH AGHHH I LOVE NSYNC AGHH AGHH AGHH" in high pitched teenie screams. I loved when Chris was all, "He looks like Lance, he's got his hair...etc" and then JC getting all scared and sayin "Holy Shit!". Ya know, he's really starting to get on my good side even though he beats people. Lol.

Justin's face during TIPY when JC wants to move up...and then Chris just bein all, "follow me" and trying to crawl off the stage. That was so cute. Then FATone busts out with "let's stage dive". Yeah, and either crush the teenies stupid enough to attempt to catch him or fall flat on his face because everyone with half a brain moves quickly to the side. On second thought Joey, stage diving sounds like a GREAT plan. Lol. Rid the earth of either FATone or a few teenies. What could be better?

Does the TIPY stage remind anyone else of a flying spaceship sort of thing? I think maybe it's cuz of the blinding lights on the sides of it. I dunno...Jerome gave me bad crack.

Digital Getdown...JC is so fucking hot during this song. I dunno what it is...maybe it's cuz he licks the stage and that just takes me back to my concert when I almost fell off my chair. In any case, I like it...a LOT. The treadmills were crunk, I never noticed that during my concert. I am thinking it's because I was still recovering from the hot flashes JC gave me when he licked the stage. Yep, in fact I think I'm still recovering.

Anyhow that's all I can think of right now...but I'm gonna watch it again when my sister gets home so I might add more later. PEACE.

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