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I'm Staking My Claim While I Still Can! Lol.

How could you NOT love this guy?

Hi, my name is Jen and I'm an O-Town (or more specifically Jacob) addict. I'm currently NOT attending meetings for this addiction because I cannot find many people who will also admit their love for this up and coming boyband.

LOL. You're probably thinking, seriously Jen you have to be joking. Nope, this isn't the humorist in me playing a big prank on ya'll. I really am addicted to the show Making the Band. WHY oh WHY you ask? Well mostly because I don't have MTV here at home this summer (we used to but my dad the evil man-beast unhooked the satellite due to the fact that he's an evil man-beast)...and so the only boyband viewage I can get is on ABC's Making the Band. And dammit, I need my boyband fix, so I broke down and watched it, and now I'm totally hooked. So, I'm mentioning it now so that I have my stake in the O-town claim, and also so you know, I'm currently awaiting certification on my groupie status after sending Lou a life time supply of baby back ribs.

Now wipe away your tears, I haven't given up on our boys of N Sync. In fact, I'm anxiously awaiting the concert (August 1st bay-bee) so I finally have something to write on here other than my babblings about how bad N Sync looks in pictures (since I can't watch the damn shows they are on!!).

But I figure that Jacob (the hottie pictured above) is better than Justin anyways because he's not scarred by fame yet and doesn't have an afro that has acquired it's own zip code. (Although he does have curly-ish hair...which btw I have a fetish with that I think. It all started with NKOTB..Joey McIntyre, then Justin Timberlake, now Jacob Underwood. And while we're on the subject, the last names are sorta similar between Justin and Jacob. Lol. If you can't be a tree in the lake you might as well be under it dammit. Okay that was random sorry JC gave me bad crack.)

But yeah, this was totally pointless, but I felt like updating so sue me. PEACE ya'll!

Thrust Me Outta Here Before I Get Consumed By The Curls!!!