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EVIL Has Left The Building...

Okay so yeah, I just went to the Joliet, IL N Sync concert and let me just tell you that I loved every minute of it. Lol. It was a fuckin blast. Seriously. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's how it all digitally went down...

Aight, we left Cedar Falls (where mah girls Ann and Linsey are from...I drove there the afternoon/evening before) around noon or so, and are drivin down the interstate to Joliet, whatever. Then all of a sudden we see this silver blazer, and these two guys are in it. We're laughin, whatever, until one of them whips out this N Sync ticket and starts pointing to it. Linsey's all "OMG they're going?" It was funny. Lol. They started following us, apparently because they didn't know how to get to the Speedway when we got off the exit that led right into the ghetto, they stopped too. We told them we were just gonna deal some crack before the show as we cranked up some "Bone Thugz in Harmony". Anyways they helped us out of the ghetto, which was crunk. However it was NOT crunk that we got to the Speedway and had an hour wait until they opened the damn gates.

So we're standin there right, and all these STUPID teenys are starting to piss me off. One other thing, if you ever want to get through a crowd just say something like, "Excuse me, VIP, Excuse me, VIP" and people MOVE. Seriously, people are way dumb. They just let you right on by. They might bitch and moan, but they don't question you either. Lol. Anyhow to the point of my story if I even have one. N Sync (the little bastards) start doing soundcheck. Well, where the waiting area is is RIGHT in front of the stage. Yeah, way to go boys, just start some mass hysteria you MORONS. But I got to see Lance sunbathing on the TIPY stage, trying to get rid of his Mississippi Albino look since summer's almost over and all. So that was the highlight of my waiting experience.

We get in, blah blah blah, the show (opening acts) start. I missed Stever announcing Ron but I caught Ron's last song and RUBEN came out. I was all "YEAH RUBEN", which got me some stares but that's okay right? He was lookin fione. Lol.

Next Stever comes out and he's announcing Innosense, blabbering on about some random shit. Making no sense as usual. And then he's tellin us to make some noise, scream, whatever for Innosluts, I mean Innosense. (He just likes them cuz they're www.crunkforsteve) In ANY case, he goes "That includes all of yous under the WILSON cup racing sign." I know you're pry like that's not funny Jen. But it IS because it just proves once again that Stever is indeed a complete dumbass, and not only does he have problems telling time with a DIGITAL watch, but also cannot read. I know this because the sign says: WINSTON CUP RACING. Yes, Stever is not the brightest crayon in the box, but whatcha gonna do. Lol.

Innosense comes out in their spandex pleather creations that only Lynn could have insisted they wear. Not to mention they didn't match. Last I checked, orange, pink, red, and blue didn't all mesh well together. They also are fuckin morons, because I think it was ...Nikki, called Joliet...JULIET. Seriously girls, get a brain.

Pink was up next, and with the exception of her 7 1/2 minute slow song (which was REALLY good btw, just kinda long for my taste), I thought she rocked. Very cool opening, etc.

And now...for the main event. Lol. The opening...I'm sorry but I didn't like it. I thought it was very anticlimactic (did I spell that right?) compared to their previous openings. It was just all POOF there they are. The Mission Impossible one, the stomp type glow in the dark one, and even the spacesuit ones were much more extravagant, and just...better. But it wasn't horrible, just didn't impress me that much. So yeah, NSA starts up, the boys drop down, whatever. Then the stupid asses in front of me stand on their chairs (which you aren't supposed to do, but yeah) so I turn to Ann and I'm all, FUCK THIS! And I crunk myself right up on my chair. Pretty soon the entire floor section with the exception of the first few rows were on THEIR chairs. Security had hardly ANY control, people who didn't wanna stand on their chairs had moved to the aisle, etc. I am kicking myself now for not trying to move up cuz there were so many empty chairs after people moved to the aisle, but I was content with my seat and was too excited to think clearly. But yeah...I digress.

Hmmm I honestly have no recollection of the order of songs or ANYTHING cuz I was freaking out, but I'll just tell you stuff that was interesting/funny to me. Here goes:

Justin cut his hair, and it's not blondish brown anymore, it's now reddish/deep brown. It was hard to tell cuz of the lighting but it was darker than he's been sporting it lately. It was still curly, but just not that huge fluffy afro we have gotten used to, and it looked WAY good. Makes me proud to be a Justin fan, oh yeah. Lol. I think that the refs at their charity bball game told him that if he didn't cut his hair they would count it as the 6th man and his team would then be disqualified. LOL.

FATone dancing for Lonnie at the "Klub" during JGP. Good lord, he was breakin it down, and it was so hilarious. The Lonnie just all pushes him away. Too bad he didn't fall on his ass.

Since it was the last show, the crew and all play tricks on the guys. So when the doors opened for the "Klub", there were only a couple FATONE Sluts back there, and the rest were crew people. Also there was someone dressed as a gorilla and Lance was grinding with him. It was special.

Makes Me Ill...that dance was RETARDED. GAY GAY GAY. Sorry, I hated that dance, but Joey cracked me up cuz he had one of those doctor/scrub hats on and he pulled it over his face while they were dancing. Yep, it was pretty funny.

Digital Getdown: GOOD LORD. That was my favorite part of the show, and I now announce my special love for JC because although he whips people, when he licked the stage, I about fell off my chair. I'm serious. I was like I don't care if he IS Space Cracknut, that boy...DAYUM. Lol.

Space Cowboy was really good. I loooooooove the dance to that, but I wish they would have showed less of that stupid space stuff on the screen and more of the boys, cuz from where I was, I could see them but I could see them BETTER if they were on-screen. Oh well.

TIPY was way cool too, especially cuz of the crowd blew bubbles. JC was conducting with a bear that someone threw at him, so that was kinda funny. Otherwise I just really love that song so I was all "ahhhh". Lol.

But yeah, that was the show, it was crunk. So yep, we're walkin out and all of a sudden I just stop and I'm all OMG there's a STEVE poster. Lol. So I run over and pick it up (it was laying on the ground near a car) and start laughing. I was all, "I have to show this to Brit, she'll die". This lady was giving me a dirty look, maybe it was HER sign (jk) and Ann was all, "What's it say on the other side?" So I turn it over thinkin it's gonna say "Joey" or something, and it says "RUBEN". ROTFLMAO. I was laughing so hard I thought I'd pee my pants. (This is also besides the fact, but today I found out Brit and Kate came out to the show. NOTE TO SELF: Give them your cell phone number next time so they can get ahold of you dammit! Lol. I didn't see them but maybe it was their sign? Cuz you know they DO love Ruben AND Stever just like me. :) Lol.)

Anyhow I had a 6 hour drive home, it sucked, so yeah. End of story. :)


Thrust Me OUTTA Here