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Leno #4 : Joey is Scary

Aight, I have very little to say bout this appearance. Mostly because it was short, and I've seen Bye Bye Bye performed so many times I could do it in my sleep. As usual, the only thing to comment on is either Joey or their outfits. Take your pick. So I'll just say Lance ya look good won't you back that ass up. Justin you need to fire your wardrobe lady and get over the denim before it consumes you and your massive afro of a hairdo. (Which, in case you all care, the latest news is that it has it's own zipcode. Next thing we know it will be a TV Series that runs for god knows how many years. Justin's Fro 90123...just sends chills up and down your spine doesn't it?) Moving on...Jc is now almost completely non-existant after heavy crack usage...and Chris is looking good, great, fine, wonderful as usual. Nothing else new to report. Oh wait, YES there is...

Joey's hair

Let's just say that he looked like a homeless that I would gladly run over with my CAR. (Now I have nothing against homeless people and would never run them over, unless they were Joey. Lol.) I think it's time that Johnny pulled the rest of the guys aside and had a talk with them. I envision it to go something like this:

Johnny: "Guys, now things are getting out of hand with one of your bandmates appearance lately."

Each boy then starts throwing accusations at each other, first complaining about the fact that Justin gets two bunks on the just for his hair, leaving considerably less room for bus sluts to reside. Then arguing about JC's spine practically protruding through his clothing because he's lost so much weight due to over zealous crack habits, the fact that Lance now uses enough Bed Head to style Ruben's hair three hundred times over, or bitching because Chris now spends more than 3 seconds in front of the mirror and more than 1.4 milleseconds in the shower.

Johnny: "Stop your bickering you whiny little shits. I'm talking about the missing bandmember from this little meeting."

The four guys looked at each other in confusion before Justin spoke up.

Justin: "Steve? He's not a bandmember."

Johnny: *shaking his head* "You are an idiot. Unfortunately there's little more upstairs than the fluff on top of your head. I'm talking about Joey...not the worthless documentarian or whatever he's calling it this week."

The four men sat and stared at Johnny dumbly before murmuring an "oooooh" in unison.

Anyways, it gets kinda boring after that. Basically Johnny was like, tell that FAT one to clean up his homeless rat look ASAP or he'll find himself living in a cardboard box outside of Transcon, begging Lou to take him in as a solo artist...or a duet if he can con Steve into joining him. (Which is VERY unlikely cuz Stever will eventually quit being the camera bitch and be the founding member of the boyband EN FRO. They are CrUnK.)

The moral of that very pointless story is that Joey just needs to shape up or ship out. Cuz pretty soon I'll just take the band hostage and replace him with Ruben...cuz honestly he's looking ten thousand times better without his too long very greasy locks (jheri curls whatever).

Anyways, those are my is a little something from Rachel after seeing a picture of the boys from the show.

"I can't see over Justy's Eiffel 65 tower of a fro, and the friggin lava (side note: meaning his hair color) is flowing too fast from Joey's volcano of a melon, meanwhile, JC's damn collarbone keeps poking me in the eye...but it's all good with Lance and Chris."

Thank you and good night.

Thrust Me Home I HATE Bad Hair