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Model Behavior

Model Behavior. I expected it to be pure cheese...with Kathie Lee AND her son Cody in it, you can't ask for much else. Lol. In any case, it was a cute movie. I only have a few comments.

Opened with Here We Go - nice plug there boys.

Justin - although I hate his curls now all big and bushy, I like them better than they are in this movie all tight and gross looking.

Maggie Lawson - Pretty, but does anyone else think she semi resembles Alicia Silverstone? I was impressed with her acting...that would suck to have to remember two parts. Knowwhatimsayin?

All in all, Justin's acting debut was...a debut. You could tell he was trying really hard to act...which kinda made him seem, stiff? I dunno. That's just my opinion. I'm not saying I could do it better...he's just better at comedy (like variety type skits...MMC, get the picture). Ya know?

But regardless of the above comments, Justin is adorable as always (see, I don't ALWAYS make fun of the boys. I love them ALWAYS. I love them like a boyband.)...charming, endearing, the list goes on. He's a doll and there's no debate about that.

Thrust Me Home, Kathie Lee Scares Me