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Aight, so I missed N Sync on TRL except for like the last five minutes, and I got the pleazzzzzzzzure of knowing that Joey pry does inappropriate things while watching the 'Thong Song'. Whatever. Too much info there FAT-one.

So here's just some random was only a 1/2 hour show people, so don't expect too much!

I absolutely died laughing when Chris says, "The suit rubbed my nipples raw." I half expected him to start rubbing his chest ala Austin Powers. Lol. I freaking love that kid. Maybe someday the alzheimers really WILL kick in and he will wander away from a venue. I will be the one to pick him off the side of the road and keep him locked in my basement for laughs. J/k.

And of course, we can't forget JC's ever witty comeback, "Ya know, some times you just don't WANNA know." For once in your life JC, you're right. I didn't want to know, but once I did, it was damn funny. Now that kid needs to take some tips from Chris and just make an absolute ass out of himself on tv. You know, besides acting like he's in the middle of a crack fit. It'd maybe loosen him up a little.

Now one thing that I have to complain to Carson/MTV about is that they aren't giving the documentarian of those videos the props he deserves. We all know and *coughchoke* LOOOOOOOOOOVE Stever, yet the footage is marked in the corner by a distinct "N Sync Cam". Um hello? It's STEVER'S cam. Of course, Joey probably DID furnish it, AND the tapes...but whatcha gonna do...really.

Speaking of footage, that was really some classic stuff. Too bad they couldn't show the nasty porn scenes that Joey has a major role in...oh wait, that's supposed to be an *nside *nsync secret. Lol. My bad. In any case, the 'Livin La Vida Loca' thing was cute. Lance scares me...and Justin, well, this is just more proof that he's a Ricky wannabe.

My FAVE part is the Chris part where he's trying on clothes. Too damn funny. I think part of it has to do with the music in the background though.

One side note that I must include as a public service announcement:

While watching the "N Sync Cam", notice the effects crack has on one (namely JC Chasez of N Sync fame) while singing a Police song. Do NOT try that at home. Thank you.

Two more things, then I'll shut my mouth. Justin, tight pants went out in the 80's. I don't care how good of an ass you have...just say no. Mmmmm kay?

I love Ruben. Ruben was there. Carson thanked him. I think Ruben cut his greazzzzzzzzy hair. Maybe he couldn't afford to put in all those gel products.

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