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No Strings

Hey ya'll..I'm sure this is old news for SOME of you who have gotten to see the new N Sync show. But for me, and for some others, we have to wait till June or July. SOOOOO...I decided to put up some pics for ya'll to get a small glimpse at what Cracknuts was smoking when him and the boys picked out their outfits. And let me just tell you that Justin looks like an ass with cornrows (although you can't see them in these pics. Lol.). Thank you and goodnight. Lol.

*These photos are credited to James Edward Bates of the Sun Herald**

Is it just me or do they look like really scary ringmasters? Or is it puppetmasters? Lol. I hated that damn movie.

Nice ...headwrap? WTF is that anyways? Lol. have an eyeliner

The final thing that I know I personally am looking WAY forward to. The massive crowds. them teenies.

Actually looking at all these cracked out pictures gets me way excited as to what MY pictures may look like...ACTUALLY. I'm psyched for the concert I'm going to...and Stever just better watch out. Lol.


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