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NSA Preview

Hey ya'll, this is just a short little page that I decided to add cuz I had some immediate thoughts about the songs off of NSA that I have had the opportunity to hear clips of or whole songs. So I thought I would share some thoughts with YOU all, AND I don't know how many of you have heard all of "Space Cowboy" yet, but a friend of mine (thanks April) found a site where the girls kick ASS and somehow got the entire song. It's so CrUnK, I can hardly believe it.

As most of you know, you can go to either OR to hear clips of:

Just Got Paid
It's Gonna Be Me
This I Promise You
It Makes Me Ill

In any case, I just have to say that so far I really like "Just Got Paid". It makes me laugh. LOL. I mean, seriously...why would you have Justin, who seemingly is the most 'popular' or 'arrogant' one..singing lyrics like, "Check the mirror, lookin fly". Why can't Joey sing that? I mean, of course you'd have to adjust it to "Check the mirror, lookin FAT"...but just tell him that it's really phat, not fat. Or something. Hey, it's just a suggestion.

"It's Gonna Be Me" and "This I Promise You" are really good also. We've all heard "This I Promise You", and it's a really good ballad. "It's Gonna Be Me" is also a good song, and compared to the other "dirty pop" songs that are listed for me to hear, I like it second best.

Third of all, I guess I like "It Makes Me Ill"'s just not my favorite out of all the ones listed. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I think it sucks or anything. I just like the other ones better, and maybe my opinion will change once I finally hear the entire song. :)

And FINALLY...what you've all been waiting for..."Space Cowboy". Let me just say that everything I've said about the order of how I like those other clips goes OUT the WINDOW when I talk about this song. I read the lyrics and debated on whether I realllllly wanted to ruin part of the surprise by listening to it before the 21st. But then I said, "screw it, I hate surprises anyways". So, I listened to not only a clip, but the whole song. Let me just address Cracknuts (even though he will never read this):

I just have to tell you that even though I originally thought you were high when you wrote this song, and just wanted to make a sequel song to Giddy Up...I LOVE IT. Honestly, you can "Wi-yi-yi-yippie-yi-yay-yippie-yi-yo-yippie-yi-yay Wi-yi-yi-yippie-yi-yay-yippie-yi-yo-yippie-yi-yo" anytime your little crackhead heart desires.

So without further adeu (or howEVER you spell it)...please go listen to this song. Space Cowboy . When you are done, PLEASE do a favor for not only us but for the person that took the time and effort to get this song, and sign the guestbook on Always N Sync (the page which that link is from). Thanks, and also SIGN the messageboard on OUR page letting us know what YOU think of Space Cowboy!

I think my favorite part is when they sing:

If you wanna fly
Come and take a ride
Take a space ride with a cowboy baby

And one other thing...Left Eye is really cool, and I love the rap she does on this song. I definitely would say 'Space Cowboy' is one of my favorites so far!! :)

AGHHH! I just found pretty much EVERY song on the new album on Napster (a share Mp3 thing). Digital Get Down kicks ASS, Just Got Paid...lovin that entire song, etc.

The entire album just ROCKS and I can't wait to buy it on the 21st!!! I think my favorite three are:
It's Gonna Be Me --I think it's cuz it's similar to Bye Bye Bye.
Space Cowboy --I looove this one. You go JC. Lol.
Digital Getdown/Just Got Paid/Makes Me Ill --It's a tie between these for third place. I like them all for different reasons. Lol. I'm a dork.
Ballad wise I looooooooooove This I Promise You better than the others. It's just an amazing song. Awwww.

AGhh, I can't believe I just ruined the whole album as a surprise for myself, but hey...I get to rock out to it a whole week before I can buy it so who the hell cares right? Lol. Just thought I'd share ya'll. PEACE.

Thrust Me Home
