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Oops, She Forgot To Mention THAT... I good or am I good? sneaky Britney and JUSTIN...

Here's something that I found on about this picture and Brit's little Hawaiian adventure. I was right...the curly top IS Justin. Don't ya just love it? Lol. (Yes I'm a dork, but it's late...and early class is gonna suck btw.)

Britney's Horrible Hula

Britney Spears has offended locals with a poor attempt at native dance the hula on a recent Hawaiian holiday with 'N Sync boyfriend Justin Timberlake. The pop sensation flew to the tropical isle from London last week to perform a concert for over 10,000 fans on Hawaii's Waikiki Beach.

The 'Sometimes' singer was joined by Timberlake and five of her oldest pals from Louisiana for a five day snorkelling holiday in the Oahu region of the sun-soaked island. But locals were not amused when Spears attempted the native dance on a beach - and onlookers are suggesting the teenage singer "takes lessons before attempting the hula in public again."

Local Dennis Oda says, "Britney was dancing around on her holiday she looked really happy and so did Justin. But, one thing is for sure, Britney can not dance Hawaiian style. She had a go but it was a bad attempt. People were saying perhaps she should take lessons and I think she should because it wasn't cool at all."

Now I know I said I don't care if they are dating...and frankly, I don't. I just think it's utterly hilarious that they deny and deny it, and then go to Hawaii together TWICE (December/January she was there with him and N Sync...he was there recently with her for her special.) Now I also have said that if they don't want to talk about it, that's completely cool with me. I really could care I said I just think it's damn funny when stuff like this comes out after they try so hard to protect their "relationship". Just admit it already...or not. No skin off my ass, it just gives me one more thing to make fun of. Peace.

By the way...I miss Hawaii. Just thought I'd share.
