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Sometimes I Wonder...

This page is gonna be full of just good old fashioned randomness. Cuz I'm in that sort of mood. Yep, and you get to read it. Ooh aren't you lucky? I thought so. Lol.

Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes I like to listen to the N Sync Christmas cd and think about the good old days. There's nothing like Christmas carols in the middle of May, am I right? Lol.

I really hate when people crunk stuff that I say and pass it off as their own. I know someone that does that a lot without giving credit where credit is due and it irks me. She just jumps in and steals mah stuff right off my nutsack like I HAVE a nutsack or something. I know, I'm weird. Whatever.

Brit (well actually her brother) came up with a new name for Beyonce...Buhnoice. We think that Destiny's Child should change their name to Buhnoice in the Middle.

Speaking of, I really hate how she's always in the middle of pics. Just because she's got a blonde weave and the other girls don't, does that make her worthy of the middle position? Pssh, I think not.

Also, the other day I was talking to Brit and we noted that Destiny's Child has never had a slow song as a single. I think they should. That Brown Eyes song is good. *Free Plug*

I was watching the Madison Square Garden concert today, and thinking about how STUPID the It Makes Me Ill dance is. Interpretive dance much? Ew.

I really don't think that Justin WANTED to cut off his fro, I think he was just embarassed cuz his hair was falling out in chunks due to overprocessing.

Well, that and the fact that he housed a raccoon, the entire Egyptian population, a pair of glowsticks, and Richard Lugo in there. Tends to add a little weight to the ole melon after awhile.

There's a group out called ID...they have a song called BUSTED. One of the guys looks like Fatty Fatone. Like we need another one of him running around.

Wanna know who gets on my nerves? Alfonso Ribero or whatever the FACK his name is. He's a midget and he's not funny. I like to call him Alf. He sucks.

Steve Fatone has a new nickname. I didn't come up with it, so I'm not taking credit. It was either Kate or Brit I think. Here it is: Wartimer...Wartimer FART-one. Funny shit eh? I thought so.

If you see Stever at one of your concerts, you should call him that...Wartimer. LOL. I bet he'd love it.

I really miss those N Sync bastards sometimes. Even if they never shower anymore. *Shrugs*

I hate the word "decoupage". It's paper mache dammit, and it's ghetto. Nobody makes paper mache anymore unless they're in girl scouts ANYWAYS.

98º Nick and Jessica Simpson broke up. Apparently it was because they never get to see each other and they both plan on concentrating on their careers. Pssh. What career could he POSSIBLY have to concentrate on? His herbal essences commercials? Professional pedophilism? I'd really like to know.

Perhaps he just got sick of waiting to get into her pants. Lol.

I'm really rude sometimes, I just realized that.

Oh well, you guys should be used to it by now.

If not, feel free to send me hatemail. Might brighten up my boring ass day.

Aaron Carter is a hoover and Nick is a fatty. Thank you and goodnight.

Just Thrust It