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Live with Retards..err..Regis

So yeah, N Sync was on Regis today. I hate mornings, I hate Regis, and more than that, I hate those two things combined with N Sync. (Are you seeing a pattern here? Lol.) So, regardless of those strong feelings, I turn on the TV this morning for a little look-see. This is how it went down:

I turned on the TV.

I heard Justin's voice and actually cringed...then I heard Regis' voice and my ears started bleeding (lol).

I saw Chris' stomach (when he lifted up his shirt) that he borrowed from Fatty...I was almost blinded.

Regis announced that BOFF was going to be on the Joey. Nothing repulses me more than imagining the FAT-ones in the kitchen. Doesn't it just wanna make you go out and eat some good ole Italian food? Um..NO.

Then Regis says N Sync is gonna be doing a fashion show. Yeah, like they are REALLY good examples of what high fashion is. Maybe they'll be modeling Trace's busted ass NYPD stained jeans and rhinestoned shirts. Score.

After having heard what horror was to come within the hour, I reached for the remote and clicked off the TV. Oh yeah, big fan ova' here, can't ya tell? Lol.

Peace and Word to your Mullets.

Thrust Me Home Baby