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N Sync...or No Refunds?!?

OMG. Okay, as if 7* Celcius wasn't funny enough on it's own, but No Refunds? ROTFLMAO. Seriously. I was dying.

Okay, first, the outfits. Orange striped shirts and khakis. Loooovely. I loved the little white hat JC had on, and the fact that ghetto dawg Justin's pant leg was all LL Cool J'd out. And the loafers with socks just totally made his ensemble even cooler. Riiiiight.

"Supersize It". They really might want to consider performing that in the regular tour. (lol, okay obviously I'm being sarcastic here people) I mean it has all the elements needed to drive the teenies crazy. A Lance solo, a Joey solo, and even a pelvic thrust. But one thing that they did that I KNOW would just drive me wild was lifting up their noses, and making pig noises. I mean, wouldn't you just want to be a teenybopper at that concert? I sure would. KIDDING. But honestly, it cracked me up beyond belief. I thought I was gonna fall off the couch.

And finally..was Justin wearing a hairnet? I couldn't really tell for sure, but it looked like he was. Hahaha...and the ass grab at the end. Wtf was that? He has a deep and meaningful relationship with his ass...did you see the way he was caressing those buns? Go boy go!

Good LORD. I just finished watching them perform Bye Bye Bye. I'm just writing as I watch pretty much cuz I don't wanna forget any good stuff. The performance...excellent as always. The clothes? Repulsive. ROTFLMAO. I have a million comments so we'll go boy by boy:

Justin: Our little Juju has taken to dressing "Like a rhinestone cowboy". ROTFL. Good lord, and those shoes. AGHHHHHH. *shakes head* WHAT the hell went through his head when he picked out that outfit (not to mention his hair to astounding, record breaking heights of oh...95487313468 feet)? Trying to revive the 70's has become his new mission or something is my only guess. I mean honestly, wtf?!?

Joey: Were those furry pants? I guess it shouldn't surprise me. Bozo meets the Italian mafia is obviously his new look. Loved the red shoes. They just...complemented the ugliness of his PANTS. Sheesh.

Lance: Nice BIKER BELT mister. They go along with the MC Hammer-like pants NICELY. I also love the studded hood he has under his two tone jean jacket.

JC: Okay, besides the fact that Cracknuts is utterly non-existant because of the slimming effects of drug use, lol, I didn't mind his outfit too much. Cept the fact that he had a two tone sweater on and a brown studded biker belt that he must have stolen from Lance.

Chris: He probably looked the best out of all of them, cept for the leather, or should I say..pleather...jacket he had on. Oh, and those shoes..what the hell were they anyways? 'Nuff said.

The school room thing was pretty damn funny. I just have to say that Cheri O'teri is the most hilarious person ever. And the guys had some good lines too...

"Get your hands off of me you old poodle man". Said by Chris, who for some reason just looked really hot. That boy has gone from ew to DAYUM. Knowwhatimsayin?

"We're into the Backstreet Boys"...said with a gay sounding lisp by Joey. WHY did he have to greazzzze his hair down even more? What...did Ruben pull him aside and say "Dude, you do not have ENOUGH gel in your nappy Italian 'do. Here, use some of this"...and squeezed out some extra gel from his hair?? Seriously.

Then, when Cheri starts talking bout some of her 'pills'...JC has to ask, "What are those red ones?" Like he really HAS to ask. For god's sake, he probably gave them to her and just can't remember. Crack is bad. I've said it once and I'll say it again. Crack is BAD.

One last comment.

I CANNOT watch Joey sing. Especially when he is wearing furry pants.

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