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I HATE the Ravens. Seriously.

Hey ya'll, what's up? Wanna know somethin kinda important? (Well to me anyways.) This page had it's TWO...yes, 2 year anniversary on January 1st, 2001. Can you believe it? I just wanted to give a big shout out to EVERYONE who comes to the page, and thank you for your support. Without ya'll coming back for more humor, this site would never have made it to the two years. So thanks.

Anyways, enough of that sentimental shtuff. I asked, and I received a few reviews of the Superbowl halftime show. So, after dispensing a few of my own random thoughts (after seeing clips of it on ET and stuff), I will post thoughts of others that were emailed to me. Here goes... wearing a sock on her arm. Apparently she thinks that's cool. I don't.

When did N Sync seriously stop taking baths? Is Justin the bathroom Nazi or something? Cuz it looks to me like he's the only one taking a shower these days. It's scary.

On a final note...I hate the Ravens. Maybe it's cuz I'm now living in Baltimore and they act like it's the coolest thing since Sisqo and his thong racin around Dru Hill and the Fudgery. I say...whatEVER.

Thanks to Lindsey for pointing the following things out to me.

There was a "Marry Me Steven" sign bouncing around in the crowd. Betcha Stever thought that was for him, since he's SO sesky with the warted look that's so popula these days. EW.

JC in shiny I didn't see it but according to Lindsey it was pretty scary stuff. I'm imagining it looked something like R2D2 on crack after a rousing electrotherapy session.

Justin shooting sparklers out of his hands. Apparently he never heard from Mommy Crunkness about playing with fire. Good thing he's cut his fro or we might have had a great ball of fire runnin around onstage. Goodness gracious.

Thanks to for the following portion...

First off, I was really looking forward to getting to see some backstage footage of *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys just beating the crap outta each other. That would have made the henious Super Bowl a thousand times better. *I, Jen, agree. Although Howie could have easily taken N Sync on by just giving them a triple threat rapid fire wink. Score.*

"It's Gonna Be Me" was cool. I loved the pyro junk on Justin's arms. Again, the coolest part of the performance was when Aerosmith screamed "It's gonna be me" at the end. *I, Jen, did not see this thank GOD. I think any shred of respect I have for Steven Tyler and the fact that he's a dinosaur but can still rock, would have gone out the window by seeing him sing an N Sync song.*

Now I have to comment on the whole collaboration of *NSYNC, Britney, Aerosmith, Nelly and Mary J. Blige singing "Walk This Way." What were they thinking? Now, that's the best I've seen Britney perform in....well...ever, but it was probably recorded so I'm not going to freak out about it. I think Nelly kicked on this though because he was one of two black people on the stage (and I'm not counting Justin) and he was rapping. That was different and cool. But other than that, they should have forgotten about the song and just had Britney strip or something. That would have gotten 'em ratings. *I, Jen, am glad they did not have Britney strip because that would have scared me and many small children.*

The last portion of the review was submitted by Barb. Thanks girls for your help!

So yah, I'm watching the SuperBowl, waitin for the stupid half time show to come on. They did a little on-screen thing to waste time. The whole comedy sketch was based on the commercials shown on MTV with Ben Stiller. Riiiight. I personally thought it lacked like...humor.

Anyways, so they start playing music and *NSYNC comes running out onto the field, Justin surprisingly trailing the pack. His tongue however was hanging out ( if my memory serves me correctly ) You know how that messes with his aerodynamics. Lmao.

So America's favorite five guys get on stage and start "Bye Bye Bye". They sing a verse and chorus. Aerosmith suddenly pops outa nowhere and sings a verse and chorus of "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" on the opposite side of the stage. Steven Tyler seriously frightens me, just thought I'd throw that in there. Soooooooo, then, the camera goes to the (you guessed it!) opposite side of the stage, where the beginning of "It's Gonna Be Me" is playing. the guys are armed and loaded with firework-shooting-thingies on their hands. So yeah. First verse and chorus, buuuuut...surprise! Steve Tyler sings the last, "it's gonna be MAY!" Aerosmith sings "Jaded", and Justin sings the last line of that sucker.

This would bring us to the finale. *NSYNC and Aerosmith start walking around the stage singing "Walk This Way." As they pass a connecting runway, who pops out singing a verse? The Princess of Plasti- I mean Britney Spears! Mary J Blige and Nelly come on periodically and join the lil train that's stomping around the stage, lead by Steve Tyler, of course. Justin, Britney, and Chris each get a lil solo thing goin' and before you know it, half time is over!

All in all, I was pretty impressed. Justin cut his hair, and dyed it a dark brown. Chris and Lance looked aight too. Joey still has that messed up blonde-tip thing goin, and JC...well, JC is JC.

Aight, again, thanks to ya'll for helping me out. Peace.

Football? It facken SUCKS! Take me HOME.