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And the Survey Saaaaaayyyysssss....

Okay, this is something I do at night when I'm bored, silly, hyper, or delirious. It's great I thought I would share it with ya'll. :) (It's one of those email survey things bout N Sync)

1. Who's your favorite *NSYNCer?
Justin "I Dress Like a 70's Ghetto Child" Timberlake

2. Why?
Cuz I just want to get my hands stuck in his huge chia poof hair.

3. Who's your least favorite?

4. Why?
Cuz he's FAT and he's no rat bastard ifyaknowwhatimsayin.

5. What's your 'overall' list of the guys?
Justin, Lance/Chris/JC, Joey

6. What's your 'looks' list of the guys?
Justin (most of the time), JC, Lance/Chris, Steve...Ruben...Fubu Drew (Dre)...BOFF...Scary Guy...Busta...Joey. Lol. Aww yeah ya liked that didn't ya? Hahah.

7. What do you find the most annoying about *NSYNC?
Their absolutely non existant sense of style? Or how about the fact that 2/5 of them can't figure out what a good hair style is? The list goes on.

8. What do you like the most about *NSYNC?
The fact that they provide me with many hours of mocking at their expense. Basically...their idiocy..provided mainly by the entire FATone family.

9. If you could change 3 things about *NSYNC as a whole, what would you change?
Justin's hair...I would make him weedwack it, or maybe just comb it? I would remove Joey and replace him with Steve. And finally I would make JC less convulsive while dancing before he hurts someone or himself.

10. If you could only say one thing to your favorite guy, what would you say (you only have like, 10 seconds to say this to them)?
Tell me the honest truth. There was no Jason was there? It was really SteveN wasn't it? Don't lie to me...I know your secret. (I could really say this to ANY of the guys, but that's what I would ask). Orrrr...I would ask Justin...have you ever poked yourself in the eye with the T of your necklace while dancing? Just wondering. (Then I would ask if I could do a Vanna White or Barker Beauty thing with it for a picture with him. *Side Note: Which I WOULD have done in Hawaii, but I was too nervous, AND he wasn't wearing it!!!*)

11. If you had the chance to tell your least favorite guy one thing, what would you say?
It's called Jenny Craig and Crackwhores Annonymous. Live them, breathe them, love them. Mmmmmkay? Oh, and Ronald McDonald meets the Mafia--not cool. Lose it.

12. What's your NUMBER ONE AND ONLY favorite *NSYNC song?
"Supersize It". When it comes to their love...I'll be a hungry pig *snort snort*.

13. What non-*NSYNC song reminds you of *NSYNC the can only pick ONE song?
Back Dat Ass Up. It's their favorite...and it all started in Vegas Baby Vegas. Lol.

14. Would you rather take a million ($1,000,000) dollars, or get to spend an hour with your favorite *NSYNCer?
A million dolla dolla billz fool. What the hell do you think I am? Nuts?!? Besides, we all know Stever is my favorite and I've collectively spent a buttload of time with him already. How much is a buttload you ask? 1000 hours of Steve. Cuz this one time, I fit him up my butt for like 5 hours, and I know he could spend way more time up there. WAY more. EASY. Lol.

15. What one thing would you change about each guy?
Nothing! Because if they changed I wouldn't be able to make fun of their sorry asses! Muah ha ha. However I would make Joey sterile. (Thanks Mo!)

16. How much would you be willing to spend on getting the chance to meet *NSYNC?
NOTHING! They're just normal people and I can tell you right now I wouldn't pay to spend time/meet my next door neighbor even if they could hammy dance like Joey, sing like JC, tell jokes like Chris, thrust like Justin, ride horses like Lance, eat like BOFF and Phyllis, get wasted like Tyler, rock like Ruben, rat their hair like Scraggles, AND videotape like Stever. Okay? Sheesh.

17. How do you feel about JC's thug appeal?
Where the HELL does he hide it? Cuz it sure ain't in his baggy jeans, and I haven't ever seen him wearing timbs. But in any case, he's not a thug. End of STORY.

18. If you were there at Snowed In Mtv and were like 20 feet away from *NSYNC, would you have been REALLY REALLY tempted to have ran up on stage right then?
No, I can contain myself thank you. Plus I've been closer than that to Lance, JC, Joey, STEVE, AND Justin. Justy had his long hairy ape arm around me too. So there. Lol.

19. Would you rather be in a hot tub with *NSYNC (or your favorite guy at least) or be in a pool with them (him)?
Dumb question...but pool. First off I hate hot tubs cuz they make me feel like I'm gonna pass out. I don't really feel like drowning into N Sync's laps. Kay? That's what I thought.

20. Are you now obsessed with the Titans/Tarheels/Volunteers just because Justin is?
No. Am I also obsessed with bad afro hair, hairy arms, and disgusting clothing because he is? NO. Point made.

21. Will you skip school to meet them?
I skip class regardless. (not anymore though!) But probably not JUST for them. Plus, I would only miss school on purpose to meet Steve or Fubu Drew. I love them. J/k.

22. Will you drop out of school to go on tour with them?
Sorry nope, again, I have a life. Plus like I wanna be known as a tour bus slut. Hello..they only keep groupies around for one reason and it's not because they are good conversationalists. Got it?

23. What will you REALLY do when *NSYNC is over?
Have money again? Marry Steve...jk. Um...laugh at all the teenyboppers that go out and do drastic things like shave their heads and threaten to wear baby blue in mourning till they are 38.

24. What do you think that *NSYNC will do when they're done as a group?
The ones you hope will disappear from society won't...aka Joey. The ones you like will be in rehab...or in Justin's multiple personality talking to buildings.

25. Are you going to buy fuman skeeto clothes when they come to a store near you?
Pry not, but I dunno. I must support Chris and his dogs you know. Like N Sync spendage doesn't do it alone. Sheesh.

Ahhh aren't you glad you know what goes thru my mind at 4 am when I'm talking to Mo? Lol. It's fun stuff kids. Don't try it at home without a spotter. J/k. Peace.

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