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Sweetstock 3

Hey ya'll! Wasup? I am still recovering from my weekend (well now it was a couple weekends- 5/20), which included a trip to Sweetstock III in Council Bluffs. In any case, ya'll have read my horrible experience (well mostly was teenybopper hell at it's finest) from LAST year. And I got a little scared as I re-read what I wrote about it before attending this year's show. I thought maybe I was insane, since last year I wrote, "I will never go thru that again"...and then decided to go put myself thru that again. Lol. In any case, going into it this year I was praying that the all day show wouldn't be total hell, and that I would survive the drive home (cuz last year I was so tired I started hallucinating. Lol. Whoops).'s how my concert experience went:

The show started at 11, but the gates opened at 10, so my (now ex) boyfriend and I left his house at like 6 am and got to Westfair Ampitheatre at about 9. We were actually pretty early, so got a decent spot in line as we waited for the gates to open. Finally at 10 they did, and we made our way down to the huge concrete slab in front of the stage (for those of you who haven't ever been there, it's an ampitheatre down in a valley and there are no seats. In the middle there is a huge concrete area with bars around the outside of it, and then a HUGE grass area all around it, like on the hill and stuff. Last year, we were on the grass up close, right outside the bars). Since they were still letting people in, we made our way easily to about the fifth row in front of the stage (the concrete is lettered, so I just went by that to kinda estimate where we were standing). Anyways then we had to wait another hour or so before the show started. Here are my random thoughts and pictures will be up as SOON as the Sweet 98 website gets THEIR asses in gear and posts them. Lol. I tried to put the artists in order, but who knows. It was a long day.

International 5:
If you hear this name, run, run, run screaming for your life. Seriously. You wanna know what these five girls are? Spice Girls rejects. You're probably asking yourself...rejects? How can the Spice Girls get worse? Well, with the example of International 5...they can. Much worse. The five of them were from like all over the world...hence the international part...very creative eh? Lol. If I remember correctly they were from: Florida, Israel, the Phillipines, England, and Mexico. The England one had blue hair, and the Israel one had pink hair. The one from Mexico had feathers in her hair, and the Phillipines one had pigtails with jewels in the part and red tips. The one from Florida had an orange shirt, do-rag, and orange sequins on her eyelids. One word: Scary.

One thing to these guys...If the sideburn girl is waving at you, WAVE AT HER FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! (There was this girl in front of me with sideburns and she would NOT stop waving cuz they were waving at like EVERYONE but her. So I had her arm in my face for the entire segment.) Anyways, they are kinda greasy...but like one of them was cute...cept he was wearing the half sweater/half denim shirt that JC wore on SNL. Lol. Their accents were cute though...I'll give them points for that even though one of the guys was wearing tight capris, and one of them tried to kick a beach ball and totally missed. Lol. Classic.

I don't know if many of you have heard of these guys, but they played at Woodstock. Let me just tell you that the guy who plays the bongos can really rock out. I know you're like huh? But actually they were really good. So yeah, if someone mentions them to you, be all..YEAH I heard they were really good. Trust me...good stuff.

Tone Loc:
OMG this was like one of the best performances EVER. He was so freaking awesome. I mean, everyone knows his songs...ESPECIALLY "Wild Thing". Well anyways, one little tidbit of information that I found out was that the voice he uses...that kind of grating one in his songs? Well that's not what his REAL talking voice sounds like. Weird huh? I thought so. Anyways he brought girls up onstage to dance to "Wild Thing" and this one girl was like booty shakin it. It was hilarious.

Angela Via:
I totally am NOT a fan of her song "Picture Perfect" I wasn't really looking forward to her performance. In any case, I realized that she's basically a Mariah Carey wannabe. She looks kinda like her, and tried to do the whole, "screech my head off" kind of singing. I think she broke a few mirrors in the back, but whatever.

My Town:
They are Irish dudes too, and I liked them a little better than Westlife cuz they can actually dance. Their songs are alright I guess, Body Bumpin' is...interesting. Lol. The only thing that really scared me was the tallest one had a black leather coat on and the inside was purple satin. For some reason it reminded me of like Phantom of the Opera's cape or something. Yes I'm weird.

At this time, I about fainted from sun exposure and not enough to drink, so we left our spot and got some food. Honestly I'm not really sad about missing his performance. Lol.

Sugarhill Gang:
Okay, they toured with N Sync last summer. But did that give them permission to kidnap Lonnie and make him part of the "Gang"? I don't THINK so. Lol. J/k, but really there was one guy that I swear was Lonnie's evil twin. Too funny. They were really cool cuz they got the crowd into it...especially the old dude rocking out next to me. The only thing is that they only did like 3 songs cuz all their stuff is like forEVER long. But Tone Loc came out and did "Rapper's Delight" with them as their final song so that was really crunk.

Mandy Moore:
She has cute hair...I'll give her that. She only sang like four songs though, one of which was her new one, "I Wanna Be With You", and then a "Candy" remix which SUCKED. I mean I can stand the constant grabbing of her head like she had a horrible migrane, but the fact that she barely sang at all during the "Candy" performance just annoyed me. She does seem like she's a pretty cool person though, and I liked her outfit. Lol.

Eiffel 65:
My thoughts before I saw them live? That they sucked. After seeing them live? They are alright. The one dude who runs the turntables had cool hair, reminiscent of Lance's when he had the bluish silver tips. Yep, it was crunk.

Okay, I just have to say that I had only heard like two of their songs. They played about twenty. So I amused myself by watching the guys standing next to me (who had nice bodies btw), as they blew up condoms and made jokes like "Is that Sisqo?". It was fun. Then after they left, and Splender was STILL playing, I sat on the concrete and waited for death to claim me. Lol. J/k.

Blessid Union Of Souls:
I like some of their songs, but we left while they started setting up for their performance to get some dinner and water. However, when we returned they still sang about fifty million songs so I guess it really doesn't matter eh? The lead singer...he kind of scared me in his gold pleather pants and black mesh shirt though.

I LOVE this group. Let me just tell you why. They had no instruments...they sang their three hit songs and then got their asses off the stage. THANK GOD. (FYI: the worst part about the concert was when they took forEVER setting up for the bands, then moving the stuff for the singers/next group. If it was MY show..I'd let all the people who had instruments play first, then all the singers/dancers go last. Less time in between and the concert would be way shorter.) Anyways I saw their choreographer's crack. That was interesting.

I wasn't too sure I would like their performance much but my (now ex) boyfriend assured me they put on a good show. Anyways the lead singer comes out and he's all "Let the rain begin" (cuz it had started sprinkling which felt SOOO good after being in the hot sun all day). So...shortly after he said that it started pouring. Lol. The performance kicked ass though...they sang about 5 songs..maybe 6. At least all their good ones and then some I didn't know. So however many THAT is. (I'm rambling) But in any case, he was really cool, and after their performance the rain stopped. It was weird, almost like it was part of their show.

Okay, one thing I have to say about these three guys is this: They took FOR-EVER to get onstage. I seriously aged about four years waiting. Lol. Anyways they were pretty cool. They played a lot of songs from their new cd and it's a lot more rock type stuff than say...Mmmbop (which I HATE btw). It was kinda funny when they were performing cuz the youngest one broke a drumstick. It like busted in half and just went flying over his head. Lmao. He like looked down and then threw the other part before grabbing a new stick out of the bag.

Innosense: Before they performed, the DJ's announced that there was a "special N Sync surprise". So of course everyone's like "omg maybe one of the guys is here, blah blah". I figured it was probably Mommy Crunkness and her afro poof. However, I was disappointed when it wasn't Lynn but her walking chia pet Justin that appeared via video. It went a lil somethin like this: They played a bit of the Bye Bye Bye video on the screen. Justin appears in his afro and do-rag. (It's like..wash your hair buddy, those rags only cover up so much). Anyways...he's all, "Hey Omaha, I just wanted to say hey and that me and the rest of the guys really wish we could be there but we couldn't cuz you know, our busy schedules and all" (GAG..most likely you just wanted too much money. Lol.) "But I wanted to introduce you to these five girls that I've known for a long time...Nikki (JC's ex woman), Veronica (my trailer park fling), Danai (Joey's old whore), Jenny (Scraggles' playtoy), and Mandy (didn't Lance date her?)...INNOSENSE!" Then their little Innosense symbol like flashed and they came trotting out onstage. Okay you are pry Jen you really hate those girls right? Actually no, I don't mind them, which is the scariest thing. I think their music is danceable, so I can stand it. But (now ex) boyfriend was all..."ohh the blond one is hot". I was like, "EW! Look at Veronica's poof! LMAO!" (it's gotten longer since Hawaii.) Anyways he then changed his favorite to Jenny (Scragglypoof's woman) although she was having "weather problems" as he stated. For all of you that are confused. It was cold and apparently she had a tight shirt on...and a news flash, guys seemingly have radar for that. But they sang three songs, one of which reminded me of Hawaii and www.crunkforsteve. Lol.

I just have to say that I totally HATED LFO before I saw them live. Well, now I don't like LOVE them, cept Rich. (I don't love him either, I just think he's cool.) But anyways they really got the crowd into it, and they sang the most hilarious song I've ever heard in my life. It's called the Twinkie Song. I can only remember parts of it, but it goes something like:

.."I like Pepsi and my tattoo,
I like Legos and I like Slinkies
But what I like best is my twinkie
So if you scream
I'll throw my twinkie to you!"

Anyways that's sort of how it goes. It's freaking hilarious. But, the best part is that they were like kicking twinkies out into the audience and throwing them and stuff. They had a big huge bin of Twinkies. I think the N Sync surprise (the REAL one) was that Joey was hiding in the bin of Twinkies, but they couldn't find him when it was time for the surprise and finally he couldn't take it anymore, ate a ton of Twinkies, bloated up, and fell asleep in the bottom of the bin. Who knows. Anyhow the two dark haired guys are kinda scary. One was wearing a stocking cap, and my (now ex) boyfriend was all, "Why is he wearing that?" Lol..soon after he took it off to reveal a huge afro, and I simply stated, "I think that's why." Lmao. Anyhow it was good stuff, and Sugar Hill Gang came out during a song to sing along with them. CrUnK.

Christina Aguilera:
When LFO got off the stage it was like 12:20 and we'd been there since 9:00 am that morning and had a long drive so since I really could care less if I saw her, we left. So let's just say that her performance...was crunk??? Since I didn't see it. Lol. Oh well.

Sorry that was such a long review. Any questions and you can email me at PEACE!

Thrust Me OUTTA here!