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Psychic Connection

Aight ya'll, I just got done reading all the boys little psychic things they did for Teen Magazine. In any case, go merry. (Teen) Then, come back and read these comments!

**Coming soon...Steve's psychic reading by yours truly. Aren't you excited? I would be.**

Lance just scares me. Plain and simple. I don't have many comments for him, because he's just...weird. His house...that was interesting. Dr. Suess? Ride Toby, Ride Toby to Nairobi, Ride Toby with Obi Wan Kenobi. Whatever.

JC is an android I think. He's a Stepford. That's all. Oh yeah, and he is a moron. Very cynical too, but in an annoying way. That's about it. Lol.

Joey likes sluts, and lots of em (since he likes to be in groups). Preferrably ones in lime green fishnet stockings and red hotpants (flashy, seductive). He is attentive...meaning he pays attention to his hoes. He knows where they are at all times...he doesn't want them pickpocketing him you know. He sounds uncertain about her asking if he has a kid now. Hmmm...and the ONE he is supposed to have is gonna be a boy. Interesting. Nikoles (Steve's supposed kid if anyone doesn't know) anyone? Lol. It just seems odd to me that she asked if he had any now...did she sense that he did? Things that make you go hmmm.

Chris is gonna have kids soon AND it will be untimely. CRACK ME UP. The day that comes, I predict riots and pillaging by 13 year olds dressed in FuManSkeeto. It will be teenybopper rage at it's finest. Then, they'll all turn to the new band that Lou is doing for an ABC special, disregarding Justin and Sync for 5 unknowns. Lol. HAHAHA he's got more manners than Joey. Does that honestly surprise you?? He's kind of a skeptic of it in a different way than JC. Jc is just scary. Chris is just's cool man, it's cool. Lol.

Justin: (He talked the most, he gets the most comments. Knowwhatimsayin.)
"Drop the barriers and go for it". Yeah...keep telling him to do that. Maybe he'll start braiding his BUTT HAIR or something. Ugh. I'm sure that's just exactly the phrase him and Scragglypoof came up with before they decided the chia afro look was in, and more trimmed down, normal looking hairdos were out.

ROTFLMAO, his old girl cheated on him, ohh poor Justin. BUT it's a situation where he HAS to see her, however he IS dating casually now and is happy. Good for him. But could this girl be...Britney? Maybe he has to see her cuz she STALKS him? Lol. He's gonna have lots o kiddies...eventually. What can we say...he's a fertile boy and wants to spread the Timberlake genes around. (And rightfully so...who wouldn't want those genes in their family tree?) And she said it...the acting thing is not you. Um..hello?! It all seemed very forced on Model Behavior (even though he was really a doll)'s SO not him. Lol.

People people, finally. All he really wants in a girl is a nice butt. He's said it before ("I didn't notice her boobs, I was too busy starin at her butt" -talking bout Britney)...and he's just said it again. His new theme song? Big Booty Hoes. Lol...can't you just hear it now...Big Booty Hoooooooezzzzzz. Hahahaha. Okay, obviously this boy has like...A.D.D or something because when she mentions something related to relationships he's talking about something with work/the group. When she's talking bout the band, he's yammering on about relationships. He's one confused boy. Lol.

Aight, so yeah. That's pretty much it. Peace ya'll.

I don't believe in psychics, take me home Sylvia Brown!