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Teen People: Did Just Thrust It Tally the Results??

Hot SEX. Yep, that's it.

First off, let me comment AGAIN on that delicious picture of Justin up top. Does he GET any more gorgeous? Is it humanly possible to look THAT damn good? I think he might be genetically altered cuz ya have to admit...Lynn is kind of scary in a "I tan and bleach too much" sort of way. In any case...he's DEAD SEXY. Raaarrrr. Lol.

Aight back to the task at hand...Teen People's Hottest 25 Under 25. Hmmmm watching the program, I would have to agree that most of those stars are good looking...cept some of the people off of That 70's Show, but who am I to judge? I did think that one guy was pretty funny who was like, "I'm under 25 and I'm hot".

Justin was a pretty good host, pretty funny and all, cept WTF was he wearing? Brown leather chaps or something random? Anyways it looked disgusting. I think it was Courtnie who said he's single handedly trying to bring back the 80's. Poor guy...he doesn't realize exactly WHY the 80's fashions went out in the first place. He LIKED the big hair and bad clothing ensembles. Lol. I must also note that if he were any other guy, he would probably be the dorkiest person I know...some of that stuff he was doing, I was like...that is ONLY cute cuz he's so god damn hot. Don't you just hate that?

Anyways, I was happy to note that we got to see Justin's AFROBEAST look as well as the D'Angelo braid thang he's got goin on sometimes. (I just hope he's NOT doing that for the show I'm going to or I'm chasing him around the stage with a large flame and setting those damn things on fire. Lol. I mean seriously people...for fifty bucks I can't handle those nasty braids. On Chris...maybe, however he got smart and got rid of those smelly pieces of shit. On Justy? No. The fro...I'm used to it. The braids...get real.) Anyways he had to share the honor with Brian from BSB...which if it HAD to be a BSB member, Brian is the best choice cuz well...he's hot and I like his accent. I know Brian congratulated Justin...but did Justin congratulate Brian? I don't remember. Oh well.

Did anyone else laugh their asses off when Britney was like..."this is my dog BABY"? For some reason I thought that was really funny. Maybe it was cuz after she said that they started playing like every song she's ever sang that has "oh baby baby" in it. Lol.

Last comment and this is the funniest one EVER. Steve would probably like the humor (although it's making fun of his more POPULA he's not very popula anymore!!!)

HA HA HA Joey's spot on the 25 Hottest Under 25 was taken by JUVENILE! FAT ONE got knocked out by someone with GOLD teeth! ROTFLMAO. Oh god, I think I need to breathe...this really is too damn funny.

Aight enough making fun of Joey...but really, that was hilarious. For a minute there I thought maybe Just Thrust It was just THAT persuasive, and that we convinced everyone Joey is a big slut! Lol. Too funny...Joey didn't make it on, but Juvenile did...does he even have any of his original teeth?

Wassssup?! Send me home!