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Everyone Deserves a Hot Dog...and the Bride of FATone

Okay, this is about the Today show on Friday. First off let me just comment BRIEFLY on their outfits. During the interview part...Justin's jacket is just gross. What, did he skin a camel for that thing? I HATE it. JC's jacket was pretty gross too, I think it was horse hair. Lmao. But otherwise I thought they all looked REALLY good. Even Joey. *Gasp* I can't believe I just said that. Lol. One thing, did Justin cut his hair? His curls didn't seem to be protruding as much as usual.

When it started out I was all, UGH...same shit, different interviewer. I HATE the questions that everyone that's been in this solar system for the past two years knows the answers to by heart. They suck, they're NUTS, what EVER. I did like Joey's little side comment about the one who "eats a lot". Sorry to disappoint you FATone. That's not the normal boyband stereotype, that's just the one you've been stuck with because otherwise you're just the SLUT and most people can't talk about that on tv.

Then they get talking about the loss of innocence they had going thru the law suit. Yeah, loss of innocence but not loss of INNOSENSE...unfortunately. Lol. They made comments about how they've evolved, and their personalities have become a lot "harder". So basically, in a nut shell, JC used to like jazz ver-shions, but now he just whips people for fun. He finds it much more theraputic.

Oh one other SIDE note about the lawsuit stuff they were talking about. "Barely making rent" my ass. That's EXACTLY why Justin drove a Mercedes at age 18 (or was it 17, no matter, it was a Mercedes regardless of his age). I wonder how they acquired all their medallions studded with DIAMONDS for god's sake. But please, bust out the kleenex so we can all shed a tear together for our POOR POOR N Sync boys who had to struggle to pay for a place to live. Hold on while I get out my ukelele and play a sad sad song. *Voice dripping with sarcasm in case you didn't notice*.

Napster. Justin says it needs to be regulated. I'll regulate something alright. Good god. Yes I like Justin, but I also really like Napster. Metallica can kiss my ass. Then Crackadoodledoo (JC's new nickname thanks to Brit!) busts out with something about "I like coffee, I want my coffee for free". Whatever you veiny little bastard, you probably get EVERYTHING for free so shove it up your sequined ass okay? (Lol I'm really not in an N Sync hating mood I just feel like being all Steve-like and bitter). Yes I realize it's their "livelihood" (music not coffee), but then he busts out with something about a hot dog vendor.

"I'm hungry, I want it for free...everyone deserves a hot dog." -Space Cracknut, smoking crack AGAIN.

Joey laughs, then Justin laughs. Then the cameras cut away as JC goes on a rampage and starts whipping them all. Rotfl.

When asked if they date fans or HAVE dated fans...Joey replies "No, we don't have time." Generic answer. What he really means: "No we don't date fans, there's no time since we're only there for a night or two. So we just use them for sex."

Their songs were crunk, Lance's mic needed to be turned down a tad. Did I mention that I LOOOOOOOOVE the It's Gonna Be Me dance? Cuz I do. I love it more than I love Tasty J (and no that's not Justin, and NO YOU CAN'T WEAR MY SHIRT--that's for you Brit, lmao). One last thing, did ya'll see the Bride of FATone? I think she was like 45. Lol. Remember the thing about not dating fans, well I think he DIDN'T date her after the show, ifyaknowwhatimsayin.


Thrust Me Hooooooooome