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Freaky Deaky

First off let me just say Eminem is a sexy piece of white trash and I am packing up and moving to Detroit right now. Thank you. Lol.

Moving right along though...N Sync's performance. *Fans self*. I have it on constant replay because if I don't I may do something rash such as driving down to Orlando, busting into their houses, throwing them up against the entryway and violating each and every one of them.

The TIPY part wasn't especially my favorite, it was okay but I was all *yawn* and pondering what to name my clothing line when I decide to sell busted ass dirty jeans. Then I suddenly snapped out of my day dream when out of the corner of my eye I noticed Justin ripping his white shirt off. Lol.

The TV screens were WAY cool, except I found it hard to watch their bodies as they danced cuz I was too busy trying to convince myself that JC was NOT Max Headroom. *All you 80's children know what I'm talkin bout* That was kinda scary.

Now onto my FAVORITE part of the performance. Grr baby, VERY grr.

"1,2,3 to the 4,
I think it's time we get on the floor.
If you're looking for a hot boy to FREAK,
I'm tellin' you girl it's gonna be me."

Aight this is gonna be short and sweet and probably very choppy sentences cuz I'm staring and drooling at my TV screen right now as I watch it replaying over and over and over.

Jayce, I don't know what's in the water that turned you into a freak nasty sexual deviant, but I must say that I WANNA SEX YOU UP. Sorry that was random of me, I'll try to contain myself. Lol.

Justin, as Kate and Brit would say...I wanna eat his FRO. Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your booty. Rarrr..he was on FIYA. That's mah Justin (yes I know he's not mine...he's Spears' but still who's gettin technical), GO BOY GO.

Joey was looking rather...delicious. *Crunks over dead as the fact that I just found myself attracted in some minor way to Joey sinks in.* Wake me up when he's ugly again, I can't take this twilight zone-ish moment where Fatty's are hot and Lance can dance like a freak on a leash.

Moving along to Lance. HOT DAYUM. I wonder what Mama Bass had to say about THAT. Did he get a haircut? He just looked like a sexy bitch. Ya'll gonna make me lose my mind...up in here, up in here.

Chris...all I have to say...who let the dawgs out? Psssh. Lol.

Aight guys I'm ending this review now. My tape just busted from repeated rewindings and I've got a full tank of gas and directions to Jayce's house. PEACE, I'm out. Lol.

P.S. STEVER IS A SEXY FREAKY DEAKY RAT BASTARD. I love him and his mad dancing skillz.

Thrust Me Home, Oh Yeah.