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Let me begin by saying the ideas expressed are not necessarilly mine. Some are, but I'm not saying which ones. First, let's take a look at Judaism. We KNOW they're wrong. They believe that the year is actually something other than 2000, though I'm not sure which they think it is. And why do they dress in those stupid hats? Oy vey! Now look at Hinduism. The belief in reincarnation is absolutely absurd. Otherwise, no matter how many times you died, you would keep coming back to do it over and over again. You could hide money somewhere and when you came back it would still be there. You could keep stockpiling and killing yourself over and over until you were rich! Buddhism isn't as much a religion as it is a way of life. So how bout the polytheist belief? If any of those gods was as powerful as everyone says, one of them would have killed all the others. It's kinda like multiple personalities. Sooner or later they all end up dead. Now we get to Christianity. Can we say "contradiction?" There are so many contradictions in the Bible that I don't have time to get into. Except for the biggie. I don't remember the verses, but one of them states that Jesus is the king of the Jews. Funny he said he was the savior, but the Jews don't believe that Christ will come for another 2000 years. In Revelation somewhere it says that the king of the Jews is the antichrist. Making Jesus none other than A.) a fake, or B.) an ordinary human being. Remember, the ideas offered here aren't necessarily mine and I assume no responsibility for anyone who is offended by these. The only thing I didn't touch on was atheism, which isn't a religion at all. Atheism is a practice for skeptics. Atheism means "no religion."
