All Cried Out

By:  Ari


"Dammit!" I thought I told you to leave me alone" Erin screamed at Tommy. "This is MY life, not yours, and I will live it as I want to! I’m sick of you following me around, and always checking up on me! I’ve put up with it for almost three years, and I’m sick of it!" She wrenched away from, and stomped away. He grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her back to him.

"Come on know you don’t mean that. You never do" he said laughing, pulling her close to him. His arms snaked around her waist, and traveled upwards, grabbing her breasts and fondaling them through her shirt. "Why don’t we just go back to your room, and I can make everything all better" he whispered, kissing her neck, still squeezing her breasts. This is where she usually calmed down and giggled, following him back to the bedroom, but not tonight. She elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to double over. "Not this time. You put me down like I am nothing, and then, just because you are horny and nobody wants anything to do with you, you come running to me. I’m sick of it, and all of your little games. You just like to fool around, and that is it. NO MORE!" she screeched and ran from the house.

Erin's mind was running a mile a minute. Everything had started out so nice. They had never formally been a couple, but for the past three years, they had been together to an extent, or as her friends liked to put it, as "friends with privileges" She had tried to tell Tommy that she wanted more, but all he wanted was the extras and nothing else. Sure, they had gone to both proms together, and were best friends, but she wanted more. She had tried to tell him soo many times, but he just blew her off, going on about school, and his future plans, and how everyone loved him. He was always an ass kisser. He had her parents wrapped around his little finger, and could never do any wrong. He was the straight A student, the apple of the teacher's eye, while she had been the socialite. She had tons of friends, was involved with everything, but never gave her all when it came to work of any form. She could do it, but she just never did. She couldn’t even explain it to herself. And even worse, Tj knew about it, and was always trying to push her. Make her work harder and achieve more. To act more like him...perfect. He always flaunted his accomplishments and put her down every chance he got. His excuse was "if you don’t like it, then do something for a change." Even when she received honors in French and music, he put her down. She was accepted to one of the best private colleges in the area, "you could have done better." And the bad thing was, they had been together soo long, she depended on him. When she went away to her first year of college, they had stayed close, and she never felt complete without him. Her friends all thought she was nuts, cause from middle school on, she was the tough one, nothing could put her down, and nothing could ever get to her. But they could never understand her relationship with Tommy.

She ran for forever it seemed, until she stopped about a block from her house, panting, tears streaming down her face. She had never felt so low in her life, there was nothing for her. Her family all treated her like shit, she was nothing compared to her sister, the jock, always in the papers, their crowning achievement. She ran upstairs and threw herself across her bed, sobbing loudly. She layed there, letting all of the events of the past years flood her thoughts. In the end, only one thing stood out. She wasn’t needed here. She was a burden to her family, her friends all had lives of their own, she was alone. She stood up after a few minutes and walked in the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair fell in tangles down her shoulders, and tears streaked her fever bloched face. She stared at her reflection as if it held all of the answers to her life, then turned around in disgust. She grabbed her car keys, flew down the stairs, scribbled a quick note to her parents and squealed out of the driveway. She drove with her windows down, the cold winter air burning her face. She drove with no destination in mind, just away. Away from Tommy, away from her family, and away from her life.

About an hour later, she pulled into a parking space near the beach. She got out of her car and walked to the shore line, shivering as a cold wind cut through her clothes. A tear slid down her face as she stared up at the full moon. She climbed out onto the rocks that lined out in to the ocean. Her mind drifted back to her senior week vacation, and the hours she had spent out there sunbathing with her best friend Jenny, but then, thinking of Senior week, Tommy had come down for a day, but she pushed the thought from her mind. She looked out on the ocean like she had soo many times before. She walked out to the edge of the rocks, where the waves crashed harshly around the base. She wished that she had spent more time doing stuff that she wanted to do, and stuff to impress everyone else. She wished she had lived long enough to find someone special, who loved her for her, and to have spent the rest of their lives together. She snapped her train of thought. There was no going back, cause it was never going to happen. She stepped a little closer to the edge, another step and another. Her toes were now hanging over the edge of the rock. Just one more step...

Erin took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"Hey! What are you doing over there...step back before you fall"
She jumped at the sound of the voice, and lost her balance. She hit the edge hard, knocking the wind out of her, but she managed to find a crack large enough for her to grab on to.
"Oh shit! Hold on!" she heard footsteps closing the distance between them, and a hand reached for her free one. She fought him and tried to pull away, but he grabbed her wrist and dragged her up off of the edge.
"LET GO OF ME!" she screamed, trying to disengage herself from the stranger's grip, but he held her firmly.
"That is some way to thank someone who just saved your life" he said, chuckling, but was cut off when she kicked him in his shin hard, hard enough for him to release his grip, and she dove away from him, making her way back to the edge.
"I don't want your help, or anyone else's" she spat. He stared after her, massaging his bruised shin, and realized what she was about to do.
"No! Hold up, you don’t wanna do that" he shouted after her, running over to where she was standing. "How in the hell do you know what I want. You don’t know me or anything about me" she mumbled, looking at the dancing waves.
"You're right, I don't know you. But do you really want to take the loser's way out?" he demanded. While they had been arguing and fighting, it had begun to drizzle, and the moon was hidden behind the incoming storm clouds, but now the rain was coming down in torrents. He thought about grabbing her again, and dragging her down, no matter how much she fought him, but decided against it for the moment. For the first time, she turned actually stared him directly in the face. "If the loser way out is anything better then what I have experienced, then yes, I do" she said calmly. Then, before he could react, she turned, and jumped.
He lunged after, grabbing her wrist, but since she was wriggling and trying to resist him, it was not going to be as easy as it had been before.
"Look" he shouted, "If you are going, you are going to take me too, and I don't think you want that on you, so stop fighting me and help me here for Christ's sake!"
After a few minutes, Erin realized that he was not going to let her go, and stopped trying to pull away. She sighed and resigned herself to letting him pull her up. She had no strength or desire to fight anymore. She let the stranger pull her up, into his arms, holding her close, while she sobbed, her tears mixing with the rain streaming down her face. He sat with her, rocking her back and forth, whispering soothingly to her, helping to calm her down. After a while, the stranger realized that she had fallen asleep, emotionally and physically exhausted. The rain had stopped, but they were soaked to the bone. He stood up, still cradling her and carried her to his jeep. He gently sat her in the front seat, and buckled her in, pulling a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She looked so peaceful asleep, nothing like she had when he had first seen her. He shut the door and walked around, sliding into his own seat, starting the jeep and turning the heaters on full blast. He turned off the radio, not wanting to wake her up, and drove to his hotel.

He pulled into his parking space and gathered her up in his arms. He walked in the back entrance, so he wouldn’t run into anyone. He stepped in the elevator, punched in his floor number and waited. He stuck his head out of the doors, checking to make sure there was no one in the corridor. Satisfyed, he walked out, and knocked on the door with his foot. He heard footsteps, and waited while Kevin stared through the peep hole. He heard a "what the fuck" and the locks being removed before the door swung in.

"What in the hell?" Kevin started, but he just stepped past him, walking into his bedroom. He laid the girl out on his bed and went to the dresser, pulling out some dry clothes for them both. "Kev? Give me a hand so I can get her out of these wet clothes, and then I will explain what I can" They both gently undressed her, and pulled her into one of his own shirts and pair of boxers. They threw the sodden heap aside and propped her up on the mound of pillows, bringing the comforter up to her neck. She had not stirred through the entire ordeal. He thanked Kevin, and grabbed some more clothes and made his way to the bathroom. He turned on the shower, letting the room fill with steam, and stepped in, relishing the hot water. He stood there for a few minutes, letting the hot water stream over his body, the night's events racing through his head. 'What in the world could have happened to that poor girl to have made her want to end her own life?' He shook his head and swiftly finished washing himself. He stepped out, dryed himself off, and pulled on his clothes.

While he had been in the shower, Kevin had gotten on the phone, called the rest of the guys, and told them to get their asses down to his room.
He stepped out of his bathroom, and checked on the girl. She still had not stirred and was snoring softly. He ran a finger down the side of her cheek, once again wondering what had pushed her to that extreme. He sighed and walked into the main room, where to his surprise, was all four of his friends, waiting for him. "Ok J, what have you gotten yourself into now?" Kevin asked, his bright green eyes boring in to his own deep chocolate brown ones. Aj told them that he had been out driving, just to get some air, and was walking down the shoreline, when he came across the girl. He told them everything he knew, and when he finished, they were all staring at him, their eyes wide open.

"Holy shit" Nick muttered
"Poor thing" Brian whispered.
"She could have pulled you down with her J, you are as lucky as she is" Kevin reprimanded
"Yes father" Aj muttered. He hated it when Kev tried to play daddy.
"Where is she now?" Howie asked
"She is in my room, asleep. She hasn’t woken up since we were on the beach."
"What are you going to do with her?” Brian asked
"I dunno Rok, I just want to find out why in the world would she want to take her own life. She probably has a family out there that is wondering where in the hell she is, or anything else."
"I think we should call the police, and let them handle it" said Kev. "It is none of our business, we should turn her over to the professionals."
"I’m not calling anyone, not until I have talked to her, and hear her story. Who knows what she could be running from." Aj snapped, sending Kevin a dirty look.
"Aj" Kevin began, but was cut off by a shriek from the other room.
"Get away from me you bastard!"
Aj was on his feet and in his room in an instant. She was trashing and fighting, but she was still asleep. Fat tears fell down her face as she fought her invisible attacker. Aj sat next to her and pulled her into his arms. She struck out at him, but he still held her tight, feeling a little deja vu from earlier. He stroked her hair, and summered soft words to her. She eventually calmed back down, and eased back into a peaceful sleep. Aj layed there with her the entire time, never letting go. At some point, he had forgotten all about the guys, and it only seemed to be him and her and no one else existed. He sighed, and nuzzled his face in her hair, and soon fell asleep, both of them in each other's arms.


Erin woke up slowly. She stretched out luxuriously, feeling more rested then she had in a long while. She can't remember the last time she has slept through an entire night, or at least with out some kind of meds. She squirmed a little, cozying up under the warm comforter when she realized that she was not alone in the bed, and that whoever it was had his arms wound around her waist tightly. She froze at the realization, and also realized that she had no clue where she was. She easily pried the arms off of her waist, careful not to wake him. She eased out of the bed and looked around her. She knew she was in a hotel, but that was about it. She turned to face her bedmate. He was handsome, that was no doubt. Tattoos ran down his arms, and his spiked hair was matted slightly. He still hadn’t stirred, and was snoring softly. She walked over and pulled the covers up to his chin. She walked out onto the balcony and plopped down in one of the chairs, trying to remember how she had gotten there. Then, all of the previous night's events rushed back at her.

The realization of what she had almost done hit her like a fist to the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Tears started to stream down her face She doubled over, her face in her hands sobbing. How could she have been so stupid? If it hadn't been for that guy....

Her head snapped up, looking back in the room at the mound in the bed. He must have brought her here, but she didn't remember it. The last thing she remembered was...was when he pulled her back, and cradled her in his arms.

She blushed furiously at the thought of him finding her the way she was last night. She never showed any emotions, and all she seemed to do of late was bawl like a baby. Emotions were for the weak, and did not want to be weak. The last time she let her walls down, she almost killed herself. No more. She gave herself a mental shake and walked back in the bedroom. The guy was still sprawled across the bed snoring. She walked out of the bedroom, casing out the rest of the place. She jerked to a stop at the sight of another dark haired man sprawled out on the couch, his arm lying across his face, hiding his features. She tiptoed by him, being careful not to make too much noise. She walked in the kitchenette and got herself a glass of water, contemplating her next move. She debated on staying and waiting until her guardian angel woke up, or just getting the hell out of there.

She walked back to the bedroom, wincing at her reflection in the mirror above the dresser. She spotted the bathroom and decided to jump in the shower. She rummaged through some of the drawers, pulling out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, hoping that he wouldn't mind too much, being she couldn't find her clothes she had on the night before. She walked in the bathroom, and turned the faucet on. She veto'd the idea of a shower, deciding on soaking in the tub for a while. She stepped into the tub, sighing gustily as the hot water washed over her body. She closed her eyes and just layed there, relishing it.

Aj woke up to cuddling a large fold of the soft cotton comforter. He jumped out of the bed, looking for the girl. He ran out into the front room, looking for her, only finding Kevin passed out on the couch. Aj shook him roughly
"Hey old man..get up..." he said, ducking Kevin's hand as he swung.
"Lemme lone" Kevin mumbled rolling over.
"Kevin...get up now! We have a small problem" Aj said through his teeth. When Kevin didn't respond, Aj grabbed the blanket and yanked it away from Kev, only to find out the he was all tangled up in it, and went falling to the floor.
"J! What in the hell is wrong with you!" Kevin hissed, rubbing his ass, from having hard contact with the floor.
"The girl is missing" Aj hissed back "have you seen or heard anything?"
"No" he mumbled "Not until you so rudely woke me up"
Aj went to the front door, realizing that all of the locks were still in place. He searched their suite, but didn't find her. He walked back in his bedroom, and plopped down on his bed trying to figure out how in the hell she disappeared. Then he noticed that the bathroom door was slightly ajar. He jumped up and let himself in.

Erin jumped as the door flew open and banged against the wall, and at the guy barging in. "What in the hell" she began..

"Oh thank God you are ok" he murmured, staring at her. Then, realizing their situation, began to blush furiously "Oh hell, I’m sorry" he stuttered, feeling embarrassed. "I didn't weren't there..couldnt find you...sorry... I'll just let you finish up" he finally spat out and walked out, closing the door softly behind him.

Erin just stared at the door, still in shock. Then she giggled. She hurried and finished up washing, dried herself off and got dressed. She spotted a brush by the sink and pulled it through her hair, deciding to just let it fall loosely down her back.

She walked out of the bathroom, noticed that the bedroom was empty and headed out to the living room. The two guys were in a deep discussion, but fell silent when she walked out there.

"Um, hi" she said, feeling really shy all of a sudden.
"Hi there" said her angel, smiling at her. "I'm Aj, and this here is Kevin, don't worry, we won't bite"
She smiled back at them "I'm..Teresa" she said, not ready to trust either one of them, or at least not yet. Sure, Aj may have saved her life, but who knows, they could be psychotic or something.
"Did you sleep ok last night? I’m sorry that I didn't ask before I brought you here, but you kinda feel asleep on me last night, and I wasn't about to leave you out there by yourself" Aj flashed another killer smile at her.
"Are you hungry or anything? Anything we could get for you?" asked Kevin "Um, I am a little hungry, but I don't want to hinder you guys anymore. You have done way too much for me as it is" she answered, shooting a meaningful look over to Aj. "I don't want to hear about it" he said, grabbing the phone. "Let me call the guys and we can all go out and grab something" "The guys?" she asked meekly, looking over to Kevin. He just shrugged.
"Our friends Brian, Howie, Nick and his girlfriend Chrissy" he answered. Aj punched in some numbers "Hey Rok! you awake? Well you are now. Wake up D and get dressed. We're going to get some breakfast. Meet you in the lobby in 10"
He dialed another number. "Hello??? Anyone there?" he asked when he heard someone pick up, but didn’t talk "Love you too Nickky." he chuckled after someone started hollering on the other end. "Get your lazy butt outta bed, and Chrissy's too. We're going to get some grub. Be down in the lobby in 10. C-ya"

He hung up the phone and grinned at the two of them. "I guess I had better throw something on myself" he said, glancing down at himself.
"Um, Aj" Erin asked softly. "Do you think I could bum a belt or something, cause I’m afraid these pants are going to fall down"

He looked over at her, realizing for the first time she had on a pair of his jeans and a shirt. She blushed as he looked her over
"I hope you didn't mind, but I couldn't find my outfit from last night"
"Hey, don't worry about it" he chuckled, thinking how cute she was in his clothes. "Lemme get dressed and I will bring you a belt out."

"Where in the world do you put it all?" Erin asked Aj, laughing as he scarfed down a third sausage mcmuffin. They had all piled into McDonalds, and she couldn't get over how much the guys could eat. They had all ordered at least twice as much as her and Chrissy did.

"Trust me, it all gets burned off in its own time" he answered with a little wink in her direction. She blushed and took a sip of her coffee. All of them seemed pretty nice, she thought. Kevin really didn't say much, Brian and Nick were the jokers, Chrissy and Howie just kind of sat back and seemed kinda neutral, joining in on the fun once in a while. And then there was Aj, in a class by himself. She hadn't quite figured him out yet, but had a feeling that there was more to him then the surface craziness. She had to think of where she was going to go, what she was going to do after the finished eating. She wanted to get out of the area, and never come back. She needed to go home and get some things first, so she wouldn’t have to live on the streets. She had plenty of her own cash, and stuff. But first, she needed to go get her car..

"Hey, Earth to Teresa" joked Brian throwing a piece of biscuit at her.
"Hey, watch don't want to start something that you can't finish" she cracked back, breaking off a piece of her hashbrown and chucking it at him.
"Now now now children" Howie cracked, only to have a fry thrown at him. They all laughed.
"So Teresa, do you live around here? Or just in for vacation?" asked Chrissy taking a sip of her orange juice.
" about an hour away. I just came um, get away for a while" she answered, a little flustered.
"Oh cool, do you come up here often? It's our first time here, and haven’t a clue about any hotspots"
"Yeah, I used to come up here a lot with my friends, but ..things have been...busy of late and I haven’t had time to come down” She was feeling really claustrophobic.
"So, uh, do you have any plans for the day?" Aj interjected, sensing that Teresa didn't want to talk about herself.
"Well, I’m not sure yet. Only definite thing is to go get my car and go home" she said, picking her hashbrown apart, not sure what else to say, only knowing that she really wanted to get outta there. .
"We were just going to roam around and check out the local life, so you are welcome to join us if you'd like" Howie offered.
"I really have to be heading home. My parents are probably worried about me, and I have stuff I need to do" she lied. She knew her parents weren't home, they were a couple of states away, with her sister at a softball tournament. She just needed to get away. These people were nice, but she felt smothered.
Aj's face fell, but he put on normal expression before anyone noticed. "I'll take you to your car if you want. Just say the words" he offered.
She smiled over at him, wishing that she could get to know him better, but she was not ready for anything new in her life. She had too much to deal with as it was.
"That would be great. Can we go after we finish here? I don't mean to rush off, but I do need to get home." "Sure, that’s no problem."
Everyone finished up breakfast, and then said their goodbyes.
"Um, can we stop and get my clothes? I don't want to steal yours from you" she said.
"Uh, I kinda trashed them. They were soaked and almost shredded from..umm....last night" he answered, his attention focused on the road. "But don't worry about it. You can keep those, I got plenty. Plus, it will give you something to remember me by" he said half-jokingly.
She smiled and then turned to face out the window. They drove in silence for a while when Aj couldn't stand it anymore.
"What drove you to almost jumping off a cliff last night?" he blurted out before he could stop himself, then blushed furiously after it was out. "I’m sorry, it’s none of business, and I have no right asking you." he said quickly.
"No, you have every right to ask" she answered softly, still staring out the window. "You could have gone down with me, and you stopped me from doing it. Not many people would risk their lives to save someone the way you did. It was beyond the call of duty. It was just soo many things that had built up, and I couldn't see anyway out. I just thought I had no other options to deal with my problems."
"Isn't there someone you could have talked to? I mean, a boyfriend or something?"
"No" she all but spat at him. "There was no one." she answered, her tone closing the subject.
They drove the rest of the way in an uncomfortable silence.
"That’s it, over there" she pointed. He pulled in next to her Volvo S40. She unbuckled her seatbelt and then turned to face him.
"Thank you. For everything. Last night, this morning, just everything. You have done more for me in the past twenty-four hours then anyone has ever done in my life" she said softly.
He reached over and grasped her in a big bear hug.
"It shouldn't be like that you know" he whispered in her ear
"I know" She pulled away wiping a tear away.
"Here" he said, offering her a small slip of paper.
"What is it?"
"It's my phone and pager numbers and email address. If you ever need anything, someone to talk to, just anything, do not hesitate to call me or write me. "
She felt another tear begin to slide down her face, but before she could reach up and wipe it away, she felt his warm hand wipe it away for her. "Whoever he was, isn't worth it" he whispered.
She nodded, because she knew is she opened her mouth to speak, then she would start to sob again. She reached across and hugged him again, thanked him softly and got out of his jeep.
He watched her climb into her car and drive away, not looking back. He sighed as her car drove out of sight. He put the jeep in drive and headed back to the hotel.

***About a year later***

Erin sneezed lightly and wiped at her nose, waiting for the crack to flow through her system. She loved the feeling she got when she was high as kite, there were no worries. And it wasn't like she was addicted like most of the crackheads she hung out with were. She just liked to get a little buzzed once in a while. She glanced around the club, her eyes fuzzing up a bit, but she just blinked a couple of times and she was fine. It was basically the same people there tonight, just like every other night. She sighed as she felt the warm fuzzy feeling overtake her system, closing her eyes in the ecstasy of the moment. She laughed at some stupid joke that Greg cracked and reached for the vodka bottle, taking a swig. Life was good. She didn't have anything to worry about. She had left home that night after she met Aj. She threw everything she called hers in the car and left, stopping only to withdraw everything she could out of her bank accounts and to get some gas and sleep. She ended up in Florida, in an extremely small apartment, but she never let on that she actaully had a lot of cash, even though her "occasional" buzzes cost her a small fortune. To all of her friends, she was just some chick off the street, and she preferred it that way.

"Hey Lisa, didn't your mom ever teach you to share" slurred Ray, reaching for the bottle. Since moving down there, she also changed her identity, just in case her parents ever did try and find her, she tried to cover her tracks in every way. Thanks to her underworld connections, getting new ID and stuff had been a breeze.
"Not really" she answered, taking another gulp of the hard liquor, wiping away the drop that drizzled down her chin.

"And did you say you heard of this place?" Brian asked, glancing over at Aj who merely shrugged.
"A friend of a friend. Supposed to be one of the better clubs around here"
"Well, I can definatly agree with that" Howie murmured, taking in one of the girls on the dance floor. "If you will excuse me gentlemen" he said, making a beeline to her. Chrissy had already whipped Nick out on the floor and they were already lost in the beat of the music. Brian followed Howie's lead while Aj walked over to the bar and ordered himself a shot of vodka, downing it in one gulp, savoring the burning down his throat and ordered another. Once again, like so many times before, his thoughts wandered back to Teresa. He wondered what ever happened to her. He had hoped that she would have gotten in touch with him at some point, but had not seen or heard from her since the day in Ocean City. He sighed, sipping his drink.

"Hey Lisa, check out that hottie on the floor" whispered Beth, who elbowed her. Erin followed her gaze to the shorter guy with the reddish blond hair who was dancing with some girl. He was facing their table and Erin squinted trying to make out his features. Why did he look so familiar she wondered. Then she heard Sheila mutter "whoa daddy" under her breath, and followed her gaze over to the guy at the bar, bent over a shotglass. His features were hidden by the sunglasses and she could make out strong muscles running down his arms and the rest of his magnificent body. His hair shone red in the lights that flashed across the floor. The guy straightened up and pulled off the sunglasses, wiping at his eyes. He glanced around the dance floor, and Erin could finally make out his facial features as his gaze swept over her cliche and almost passed out as she realized she recognized them. She bolted to her feet, knocking her chair over and practically ran out of the club.

'Shit' she breathed as she ran back to her apartment, her buzz gone now 'How in the hell could they be here? What are the chances of it?' She slammed the door behind her, throwing on the bolts and locking it tightly. She walked in her bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face. She reached over for a towel and blotted her face dry. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was a lot paler and thinner now then what she had been a year ago. Plus, she was now a blond, which reminded her, she needed to pick up some more hair dye. Her dark brown hair was starting to peek through at the roots. She had been fine this past year, not thinking of who she used to be, remembering nothing of her life back in Maryland. Except...for Aj. She had started to call him so many times, but before she punched in the last number, she hung up, furious at herself for being such a pussy. And he was here, invading her home away from home, but she didn't know if was accidental or if he had tracked her somehow, which of course was ridculas. She had covered her tracks well. But still, why was he here?

"Damn" Aj muttered to himself, kicking at a piece of trash on the sidewalk. He had run out after the girl and she was gone, just like she disappeared into thin air. He caught her gaze a moment before she jumped up and hightailed it out of there. She looked so damned familiar, almost It was just his mind fucking with him. Plus that girl was a short cropped blond and Teresa had had brunette curls tumbling down her back the last time her saw her. He walked back in the club and reclaimed his seat at the bar. But damned if she didn't look like Teresa though.

Erin tossed and turned in her bed, but no matter what, she could not sleep, and she had one hell of a headache. It didn't help matters any that her friend and neighbor, Beth had her stereo blaring. Muttering a curse she jumped out of bed, yanked open her front door and let herself into Beth's apartment. She walked over to the stereo and ripped the plug from the electric socket. At the sound of the door slamming open, Beth had pounced up from the couch, leaving her present toy wide mouth in shock.

"Lisa, you know how I hate it when you do that" she pouted, not really angry cause she was so freaking high.
"Yeah, and you know what I have told you about keeping that damned thing up so loud. And anyway, if you don't people barging in your room, there are little things on your door that are called locks" she spat, not paying any notice to Beth's latest conquest who was sitting up his mouth gaping open.
"Holy shit" he gasped, causing Erin and Beth to cease their bickering and stare at him. Beth just kind of threw him an 'I’m sorry' kinda look while Erin stood there, the blood draining from her face.
"Teresa? Is that you? What in the hell have you done to yourself? And how in the hell did you end up here? Oh God, wait till Aj hears about don't know what he's been through, he always talks about you..." he rambled, not even taking a breath. Beth tossed her a funny look like 'what in the hell is he talking about', but Erin never caught it. She couldn't believe that of all of the people in the club, Beth just had to bring home Brian, the guy she had seen earlier, but didn't recognize. And now, she had no idea what to do. She had been found.

"Dammit" Aj muttered for about the fiftieth time, taking a swig of vodka. He was sitting out on the balcony of his hotel room, thinking of the girl he had seen at the club. Brian and Howie had gone somewhere with some chicks from the club, Nick was in his room, doing lord only knew what with Chrissy, and Kevin was in his room. She had looked so much like Teresa, but the chances that it was actually her were slim to none. He needed to move on with his life, and he knew it, but he didn't want to. He had been mooning over Teresa, and what it would have been like had they gotten to know each other. He closed his eyes, and remembered that night they first met, cuddled up together, him protecting her from her nightmares. Life had been so perfect at that moment, like two puzzle pieces that fit. But that was a year ago. And he was never going to see her again. He needed to get a grip.

"I’m sorry, do I know you?" Erin asked, desperately trying to play it off, hoping to convince Brian that it wasn't her.
"Teresa, don't you remember me? Brian? Remember, back in Ocean City? We.."
"Ocean City? I’m sorry, I have never been outside of Florida. And my name is not Teresa" Erin saw Beth watching the two of them curiously, like she would an interesting soap opera.
"Come on, I would recognize you anywhere. And I know you know me to, what’s going on?" he asked
"I’m sorry, you really must have me confused with someone else sir. I have lived here in Florida my entire life. And if you will excuse me, I’m going to try and get back to sleep, since I was kept awake by someone's stereo" she said, turning on her heel and walking out the door, not noticing Brian jumping up, grabbing his shirt and following her out into the corridor. She turned when she heard Beth's door slam, and saw Brian right behind her.
"Leave me alone before I call the cops" she spat, stepping in her own room, and tried to slam the door, but Brian wedged his foot between the doorway and the door.
"Not until I get some answers" he said softly, staring directly into her green eyes with his own baby blue ones. At that moment he knew for sure that it was Teresa, because he had memorized their depths when the had met the first time. She glared at him for a few minutes, debating on striking out at him, screaming for help, or something else. But she sighed, and stepped back, allowing him to come in.

She walked into the small living room and plopped down in her favorite threadbare chair, tucking her legs underneath her. Brian followed her, shutting the door behind him, and taking a seat on the couch. "Well, what do you want to know?" she asked in defeat.
"For starters, what happened to you? I mean, you dropped off of the face of the Earth, we never heard from you after that day, and you show up here?"
"Um, excuse me...I have lived here since we met that day. I moved down here that very same day that Aj dropped me off at my car. It was YOU who showed up here, poking your nose where it doesn’t belong. And why did I have to 'keep in touch' I mean, it wasn't like I needed either of you." she said cruelly. She just wanted him out of here. She had to make plans, or perhaps she could convince Brian to keep his trap shut, but at the moment, it looked like that wasn’t going to happen.
"You've changed" he said softly "And I’m not talking about your looks alone. And why was Beth calling you Lisa? And why are you lying about never knowing us, this is all just too much. Wait until I tell Aj..."
"Hold up!" Erin bellowed, her patience gone. "You do not need to tell ANYONE that you saw me here, especially Aj. Not that he cares that I’m here, I just want to live my life the way I want to live it. I do not answer to anyone, nor will I ever. I do not have to explain myself or whatever I do to you, or anyone else, and I think you need to leave right now" she finished, an unspoken threat hanging over him.
"Look," he sighed in resignation. "Here is the number to my hotel room. If something should come up, please don't hesitate to call. Just take it, give me a little piece of mind" he pushed, when she just stared at him. She sighed and snatched the piece of paper from his hands.
"You know the way out." she said in dismissal. He walked over to the door slowly. And just before he shut it behind him, he looked back over his shoulder, "Your secret is safe with me, for now. Just call in to say that you are ok every once in a while" and with that, he shut the door. Erin jumped up behind him, throwing on all of the locks.

Brian walked into his hotel room, still shocked with the night's events. He couldn't believe that it was really her. He wanted to run over and tell Aj, but he had promised not to tell Teresa. She was hiding so much, and he wondered if she could even tell the difference between her real life, or the one of lies that she had formed to protect herself.

Erin leaned her head against the cool glass of the window, her headache even worse then before. Why now? Everything was finally going well for her. She had friends she could trust, no one ruling her life, and over all, it was all good. But now, everything was crashing down around her. Brian and them were here, and worst of all, they had found her, and Brian had even gone as far as interrogating her. She sighed, a tear sliding down her cheek. If word got out that she wasn’t who she said she was, there would be trouble. She walked in her bedroom, rummaging through her drawers, looking to see if she had a hidden stash of any "pick me uppers". She tore through her room, and couldn’t find anything, and finally, muttering a curse, settled for a cigarette. She lit it and inhaled deeply. She would leave tomorrow night. She'd pack everything up, then head over to the club to say good bye to everyone and tie up some loose ends.

Brian tossed and turned in his sleep. Knowing that Teresa was nearby, and not being able to tell Aj about it was really disturbing him, but he had promised her. And he was not going back on his promise. He was going to have to carefully earn her trust, and help her. That was the only way she would ever open up to someone. Something or someone had really hurt her, and he couldn’t help her, so it was hurting him. He grunted and rolled over again, trying to find a comfortable position, but it wasn’t working. After a while, he had finally settled down somewhat when the phone rang. He groaned, rolled over and picked up the receiver.
"Bri...get down here now...we have a problem" Kevin said, in a tone that meant business
"Ok, I'll be right down. Let me pull on some clothes" he hung up, and pulled on some sweats and a shirt. He walked down to Kevin's room, where he was waiting, along with the others, no...they were missing one. They were all standing around, waiting.
"What’s going on?" Brian asked, scared.
"Its Aj" Howie said softly.
Kevin rolled his eyes heavenward, "Brian, Aj's in the hospital. He went downstairs for another drink. But one drink became two, and you can imagine how the story goes. He passed out, and they called the ambulance. But he didn't just pass out. He drank himself to the point of alcohol poisoning, to the point of being in a coma. They don't know if he will come out of it or not" he finished softly.
"My God" Brian whispered, he face pale. "We should have gotten him some help, before it got this far."
"Anyway, we got to get down there. He needs us, especially if...when he wakes up" said Nick. Brian nodded his head in agreement, still in too much of a shock to answer verbally. Then he had an idea. "You guys go ahead, I have to make a stop before I go over there. Don't ask, I'll be there.” he said, out the door before anyone could respond.

Erin sat perched on rail surrounding her balcony, smoking her fourth, no fifth cigarette. She decided to run to Massachusetts. She had loved it there when she went on a trip with her friends. No one would think to look for her there. She would live in one of the little rural towns, where no one would ever think to look for her. But deep in her heart, she wished that she could stay here. Not in this shack of an apartment. Live in one of the nice townhouses in the cities, just have an over all better life. And even though it seemed small, just to hear her real name used. But it was her own fault. She never completely put her trust or feelings into anything, afraid to be hurt again. She jumped at the sound of someone banging at her door. She flipped her wrist over, checking her watch. Who in the hell would be here at 3:36 in the morning? She took a hit on her cigarette, narrowed her eyes and walked over to the door. She wished she had a peephole, but beggers can’t be choosers. She undid the locks and opened the door a crack. She groaned when she saw who it is. "Brian, I thought I had gotten rid of you for the night. What are you doing here?"

"Well? Are you going to answer me or just stand there and gawk?" she said, impatiently.
"I need you to come with me. Aj is in a lot of trouble, and..theres not time to chit chat about it here. Please, I'll explain on the way there." he begged
"On the way to where?"
"The hospital" he said, not waiting for an answer, grabbing her arm and pulling her down the hallway.
"Oh hell, let me grab my coat and keys." she muttered, snatching her arm away from him.

"Where in the hell is he?" Kevin muttered, looking at his watch for about the fiftieth time since they arrived in the hospital. The doctors told them that there was still no change in him. They had called Denise, and she was on her way over. They were all still in shock. They knew that Aj had been drinking too much for a while, but no one said anything, and look what happened. Kevin turned his head sharply as he heard a light knock on the door. Nick got up, walked over and answered it.

"Sorry it took so long. There was an accident on the freeway" said Brian sweeping in the room. "Has there been any change?" he asked softly, looking down at Aj.
"Nothing. Where did you have to go that was so important?" Kevin asked.
Brian looked behind him as if expecting to see someone behind him. He sighed and walked back to the door. He stepped out in the hall way, then came back, pulling someone with him.
"Brian....who is..." Kevin began.
"Kevin, just shut up please." Brian snapped. He motioned gently for the person to stand by Aj. The lights were dimmed, and neither of them could figure out who Brian had brought with him.
"Oh god, Aj..." she whispered, taking Aj's hand. Brian pulled a chair up behind her, and eased her into it. She shrugged off her coat, and leaned in, stroking Aj's cheek.
Kevin, Nick and Howie shared a mutual look. 'Who in the hell was this?'. Neither of them recognized her yet, but they were only worried about who was this girl, and why was she important enough for Brian to bring her here.

"Why did he do this?" she asked no one in particular. When no one answered her, she turned to Brian.
"He's gradually gotten worse over the past year, and lately, every time I saw him, he was drinking something, trying to forget about...." his voice trailed off, looking away from her. Erin felt the blood drain from her face. It was her fault he was like this. If she had known....but there was no way she could have known. She had never given him the chance....she just ran. And now look at him...She jerked her hand away from him, and jumped up from the chair, running from the room. They all looked at the empty door with surprise, then Brian ran after her. He ran down the hall, looking for her. He rounded a corner and stopped when he saw her crouched in the hallway, her hands covering her face, her sobs carrying down the hall.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sliding down next to her, wrapping his arms around her.
She tried to pull away from him, but he held her tight. She gave in finally.
"What do you think is wrong?" She sobbed against his chest. "Because of ME Aj is in there...and he may never leave here...I didn’t know!"
"Shh..." he comforted her, stroking her hair as she cried. After a while, she calmed down, and pulled back
"Oh lord...your shirt" she mumbled.
"Don’t worry about it" he chuckled, reaching out and brushing away her tears. "What do you say we go back in there" he asked, standing up and offering her his hand.
"Brian, I don’t think I can...I don’t belong in there..."
"Yes you do. No arguments. Come on...when he wakes up and sees your face, it would be the best thing for him. If I knew that your face would be the first thing I saw when I woke up, Id be up in an instant" he said, the later part only half jokingly.
"Yeah, if he even recognizes me" she shot back, dragging her fingers through her short hair.
Brian stopped right outside of the room. "I’ve been meaning to ask you, if you don’t mind me being nosey...why did you go such a drastic route? You use a different name, you hacked off your beautiful hair, and I don’t even want to know how else you changed.."
She looked away for a moment, then looked directly at him.
"Because, partially because, no one would recognize me IF they came looking for me, and also....because I needed to be a completely new person. I wanted to completely get away from my old life. I wanted nothing to remind me of that part of my life." She turned and put her hand on the doorknob.” I also wore contacts to change my eyes. You left that out" she chuckled.
"Oh really" he asked, lifting an eyebrow.
"Yup. Everyone is always complementing me on my gorgeous baby blues" she said, sticking her tongue out at him, and then let herself into the room.
"Hey, what’s going on?" asked Brian, coming in on her heels. Nick, Kevin, Howie and the doctor surrounded Aj's bed. Her heart jumped into her throat. 'Oh God, what if he....while I was gone..." her mind was reeling.
Howie turned, the only one to acknowledge them. He had a big grin on his face. "He's awake!"
Erin took a step back, but Brian's hand on her shoulder stopped her from running again. "He needs us now" he whispered in her ear.
The doctor left the room, leaving the guys and Erin. She stood off in the shadows while they all talked. The guys joked around like they would any other day, trying to make Aj feel better. He even joined in once in a while, his voice still weak, but it was music to her ears, she thought that she would have never heard that noise again. After a while, they had quieted down a bit. Brian looked over at his cousin.

"Why don't you guys go get some food. I can stay here with him and make sure he behaves himself."
"Hey Bri, that sounds good, I’m starving!" Nick said, grabbing his stomach to prove his point.
"I don’t know..."Kevin began, knowing Brian wanted them out of the room.
"Come on Kev, I’m a big boy, go ahead" broke in Aj. "If Nick doesn’t eat soon, I think he may be driven to violence" he added with a weak chuckle.
"Whatever. Lets go so we can back. You want anything Bri?" he asked, ignoring the girl in the corner. "Ok, suit yourself. Be back in a little bit" he grabbed his coat and stalked out the door, Howie and Nick trailing behind.
"What is up his ass" Aj grumbled, trying to sit up.
"Hold up, you stay like you are. You don’t need to be moving around too much, we almost lost you today Bone. As to Kev, I don’t know. He's been like that for a while now. But I had a reason for getting rid of them for a while. There’s someone here who wants to see you, actually they've been here with us since we arrived earlier.” Brian motioned for her to come over to them. She covered the space between her seat and the bed, but her feet felt like lead. She kept her head lowered, and stood next to the side opposite of Brian. She sat down on the bed next to Aj, and grabbed his hand, lifting her head so that he could see her face.

"Hi there" she said softly, her green eyes lost in his brown ones immediately.

Erin winced at his sharp intake of breath as he recognized her. She managed a weak smile for him, while he struggled for words.
"My God" he whispered, reaching up and caressing her cheek, as if touching her to make sure she was real. "Is it really you?"
"It's really me" she whispered. Before she knew what had happened, he had pulled her down next to him, embracing her tightly, as if she would disappear from him at any moment. Brian stepped away, and left the room quietly, he didn't belong there, and they both needed this so bad. He closed the door silently, and sat out in front of the room to wait for the guys.

" I thought I would never see you again" he said softly, tilting her chin up so he could stare into her eyes. "That was you last night, in the club wasn't it?"
Her eyes flew open, not realizing that he had actually paid any attention to her. "Yes, that was me" she said, trying to pull away, but he was not letting go.
"I ran after you, but I lost you. Why did you run away like that? And what happened to you in the first place. I had practically sat by the phone for three days after I dropped you off, hoping that you would call, or anything, but you didn't. I didn't have your number, so I couldn't call you, you just seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth" he said, still softly, nuzzling the top of her head, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo.
"A lot has happened since then..."she whispered, tearing her eyes from his, "I...moved down here right after I met you guys, has just been a lot of different things. If I had known that things would have turned out the way that they have, I would gladly go back and change everything, but I can't" she said, a tear sliding down her face. "I’m so sorry Aj...if I had only known how you felt...I would have never left the way I did, but there is soo much about me, about my life, and thing's I've done that you don't know about, or that you probably don't even want to know about...."
"Well, we have all of the time in the world, and I’m definatly not going anywhere soon" he chuckled, stroking her hair.
"Aj, I’m serious" she said, sitting up and staring him in the face. He was surprised by the emotions that were flickering across her face a mile a minute.
"Teresa..." he began, but stopped as she winced at the sound of her name...
"That is not my name" she said bluntly, looking away.
"Huh?" he asked with a confused look on his face.
"My name is not Teresa. I...lied to you guys that morning, because I didn't know who you all were, and I got scared. My real name is Erin..." she said softly.
"Erin..."She smiled slightly at the sound of his voice, she had not heard her real name spoken aloud for almost a year, and it felt good.” How did you know I was here though?"
"Once again, sort of a long story, but anyway, after the club, I had come home and tried to get some sleep, but my neighbor Beth had her stereo blaring. I ran over and unplugged it, only to find out I had interrupted her and Brian's little make out session..."
"Oh really?"
"Yes...but he recognized me, and followed me down to my apartment, and I couldn’t get rid of him. Eventually he left, making me promise him some things, but then he came back later, telling me to come with him, that you were here..."
"Good ole Bri" he chuckled. But then he turned serious. "Why exactly are you here? I mean, it's a long way from home..."
"Aj, there is just too much for you to understand..."
"Bullshit." He glared at her. "I could understand....if you would just talk to me. When we first met, you were the same way, secretive and very defensive. I want to know why, I want to know what you are hiding from, and don't say that you aren't hiding from something, because you are. You always have been. I helped you once, why won't you let me help you again..."he trailed off. They stared at each other in silence. Then Erin mumbled something.
"What was that? I couldn't make it out..." he said softly, reaching for her again, and this time, she came down with him without fighting.
"Because I’m scared..." she whispered, a tear trickling down her cheek
"Of what babe?" he asked softly, surprised to get a direct answer.
"I’m scared, that if I open up to you, or anyone else, that I will get hurt again, and I can not take it if it does happen again" she sobbed, letting him pull her closer.
"Aww...babe." he whispered.

"Hey, whatcha doin out here?" Brian jumped at the sound of Nick's voice. He had been lost in his thoughts, until the guys had come back.
"Uh, nothing. Just letting them two have a private chat...that’s all"
"Who is she Brian?" Howie asked, still curious. Brian stared up at them in shock.
"You guys didn't know who she was?"
"No, are you going tell us or what?" demanded Kevin.
"It's Teresa" They all kinda dropped their jaws, looking at him as if he had sprouted a second head.
"Oh shit" Howie breathed
"How in the world?"
"And you let her back into his life? After she fucked him up this bad already" snapped Kevin, his temper flaring...
" You don't know the half of it Kevin, and neither do I. All I do know is that the two of them have been through hell this past year, and they need each other. So you need to get that thorn out of your ass, and let them be" Brian shot back in an unusual show of temper. Kevin took a step back, surprised by his cousin's outburst.
"Where did you find her?" asked Nick, trying to change the subject before it got ugly.
"Uh, remember that girl I went back with the night we were at the club? Well, surprise surprise, Teresa was living right next door...and I will fill you guys in on everything else I know later. I guess we should check in on them two, make sure everything is ok." he knocked softly on the door, and opened it after he heard someone giving them permission to enter.

Brian walked in, smiling as he saw the two of them embracing each other, looking happier then he had seen either of them, or at least Aj, in a long time.

"Teresa! We didn't even recognize you've changed since we last saw you." Nick said, coming in behind Brian.
Aj and her shared a look and he chuckled. "Guys, I want you to meet Erin..."
Kevin, Howie and Nick stood there, looking confused, but Brian just kind of looked at her. "Erin, huh" he said.
She giggled, remembering that he also knew she went by 'Lisa' to some people, "Yes, it's Erin"
"Don't worry, I'll explain everything later..."Aj said, pulling her closer, and planting a kiss on her cheek.


*****About Two Weeks Later*****

"Yes baby, I know....yes, I'll be careful, and yes Dad, I promise I will call you first thing in the morning" Erin laughed into the phone. She finished folding the last of her clothes and put them in the box on her bed. Things had been going so good these past two weeks. Aj had been let out of the hospital a week after he was admitted, and was finally moving back to his home in Orlando, and she was going with him.

"Love you too babe, Night" she pushed the off button and put the phone back in it's cradle. She sighed at the sight of her empty apartment, thinking of how she really wasn't going to miss it, but in a way, she was. She quickly changed her clothes, slipping into a silvery top and her black pants, pulling her hair into a fashionably messy ponytail at the nape of her neck. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied. She grabbed her car keys and headed out the door. The climbed in her car and sped off to the club.

"Hey! Look who finally decided to show up" slurred Sheila as Erin made her way over to their usually corner table. She was greeted warmly by her friends, and they moved around to make room for her.
"So where you been? We've wondered what happened to ya" asked Beth, as she took a swig from the ever present liquor bottle.
"No where special, just reacquainting myself with some old friends, which is why I’m here tonight. I’m leaving." She looked around at their expressions.
"No!" "Come on Lis, you can't leave us"
"Where are you going"
She was bombarded by questions, but she only answered a few, not really wanting them to know where exactly she was going, or with whom. They all argued over her going for a while, but it didn't last too long, cause they were all fairly out of it from the time she got there, and they were getting more and more out of control as the night wore on. Erin kept herself in check though, only taking a few sips of whiskey.

"Oh come on Lisa, you can handle more than that, and tonight is our last night together, let's make it a good one" Jess said, pushing over a tile of glass, with a small amount of fine powder and sniffer on it.
"No....that’s ok, but thanks anyway" Erin said, pushing it back.
"Huh uh. I’m not taking no for an answer. You need a lil to loosen you up anyway, you are way to uptight tonight, so come on. What will one lil hit harm?” Jess said, all but shoving it over to her.
"Oh what the hell, you only live once" Erin said, giving in, reaching for it. It was only a little bit, and it would be her last, she told herself.

"Come on guys, I’m tired, I don't feel like being out tonight" whined Aj as Nick pulled him into the club.
"Oh shut it Bone. Erin is out probably having some fun, why can't you?
"I don’t know, I’m just tired" he lied. All he really wanted was to be back at the hotel with Erin in his arms...
"Wow, this place seems to get more crowded every night we're here" Brian pointed out, taking in the crowd.
"Yeah, whatever. Just come and get me when you guys are ready to go back" Aj mumbled, heading over to a table. He stopped short when he saw a flash of silver in the corner of his eye. He looked over and once again caught a flash of silver from the blond sitting over in the corner.
"What the hell" he muttered and walked over to the table.

"Mmm...incoming" Sheila murmured sipping her bloody mary. Erin giggled at something that Randy was saying to her, not taking any heed to Sheila. She reached for the glass again, inhaling deeply.
"Holy Shit...Erin..."Aj gasped

Erin jumped at the sound of her given name, whirling around to see who it was, dropping the glass on the floor, shattering it, the tube still in her hand.
"Oh God, Aj" she whispered, the full realization of what was happening hit her full force. He snatched the small straw from her hand, staring at it.
"What in the hell is going on here" he asked quietly, not sure how to react.
"Oh God" she whispered again, refusing to meet his gaze.
"Lisa, who is this clown" Randy snarled, standing up beside her, clutching her shoulder.
"Who do you think you are?" Aj snarled back, knocking his hands off of her. "Do not touch her" Randy pulled his fist back, about to slug him, and Aj did the same, when Erin came to life
"Knock it off guys" she spat, jumping in between them, her back to Aj, grabbing onto Randy. "Sit down, and stay out of this, it is none of your damned business Ran" His eyes widened, but he did as she said. Then she whirled around to face Aj. He glared at her, and she was lost for words, any anger she held towards him, melted away, and she was ashamed of being caught, especially by him.
"Lets go" was all he said, and she followed him out, not even looking back at her friends.

They drove in silence for a while, neither of them knowing where to start.

"Aj, I.."
"Erin, what..." they both said at the same time, then broke off. Aj pulled off onto he side of the road and turned off the engine.
"Erin...what was going on back there." he asked quietly.
She stared out of the window, when she felt his fingers wrap around her chin and turned her head to face him.
"It was exactly what it looked like Aj. That is all there is to it." She said just as softly and tried to wrench away from his grip, but he wasn't letting go.
"Why? Why in the world were you doing that stuff Erin, it is dangerous stuff to get mixed into..."
"You don't think I didn't know that when I first started it? When I took a hit tonight? I didn't care then. It was wonderful because it made me forget everything, how horrible Tommy had treated me, how horrible my life was. It was wonderful. But tonight was the first time I had done it since know. You have to believe that, and as to why I did it tonight, I honestly could not tell you." she said, staring him in the eyes for the first time that night. They stared at each other, trying to figure out what else to say, when the shrill sound of Aj's cell phone broke the silence. He muttered a curse and reached for it.
"What" he snapped into the phone"
"Where in the hell are you? And why did you leave without telling either of us?"
"Rok, don't worry about it. Something came up and I ran into Erin. I've got her and I'll see you later at the hotel" he snapped the phone shut without a goodbye and chucked it in the backseat.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a problem with this?" he asked softly.
Erin narrowed her eyes at him. "Because I DONT have a problem. It's not like I crave it or go berserk whenever I don’t have any. It is just something I do every once in a while. No biggie...."
"The hell its not a 'biggie'. For one thing, its friggin you know how much trouble you could get into if you were ever caught? And what if someone mixed a little extra stuff in it, you would never know until it’s too late. Is this the only stuff you do? Or is there more?" he demanded, waving the straw in her face.
"No" she spat, "that was it. And what right do YOU have yelling at me? You were just in the hospital for what again? Alcohol poisoning, that’s right" she sneered.
Aj turned around so that he was facing the road and started the engine, pulling back on the highway, heading back to the hotel.
"Why are we here? I want to go back to my place" Erin said, as they pulled into a hotel parking lot.
"You are staying here tonight. We will go and pick your stuff up in the morning, then head back into Orlando." he said softly, opening his door and climbing out.

"Like hell I am. I’m going back home, and I’m not going to Orlando. That whole idea is out of the question now." she spat. Aj sighed and walked around to her door and yanked her out of the front seat. "Aj, what in the hell is your problem, let go of me!"
"No, you are going to come in here with me, and you are going to behave yourself, or else I’m either going to call the cops and have you arrested on drug charges or admit you to a treatment center. You are still too fuckin high to know what you are saying or doing, now come on" he said, pulling her into the back entrance of the hotel.

They argued all the way up to his room, and even then when he finally got her in there.

"Look, this whole big daddy thing is getting old, now let me go home" she snarled, looking around for something to throw at him. He pushed her into the bathroom and locked the door behind them, ignoring her constant bitching. He turned the shower on, full blast and then picked her up and plopped her unceremoniously under the jets of cold water. She squealed and thrashed around for a bit, but he held her down. After a few minutes, he let her go, stood up and walked out of the bathroom. He pulled out one of his older wife beaters and a pair of boxers and headed back into the bathroom, where Erin had turned off the shower and was sitting in the tub shivering.
"Have you decided to calm the fuck down yet?" he asked, standing her up.
"Prick" she spat, her teeth chattering.
"What was that? You want some more?" he shot back, reaching for the knob.
"No! No more...dammit."
"Here, dry off and put these on then. I'll be waiting for you." he said, dropping the clothes on the closed toilet seat and walked back out.
"Dammit" he muttered, shaking his head. This was not the Erin he knew. He reached for the phone, and punched in a few numbers.
"Hey Rok" he said when Brian picked up on the other end. "Can you come down here? I need your help and I don’t want the other guys here"
"Ok Aj, I'll be right down" he replied and hung up the phone.
A few minutes later, Aj let Brian in and filled him in on the evening's events. "So you see why I didn't want the others involved. You are a little closer to her then them, and I’m hoping she will listen to you a little better" Aj finished up.
"Christ Aj, what next?" Brian asked softly, running his hand through his hair.
"I dunno. I’m more worried about what the rest of this night will bring. Hopefully, it's just the ice talking, but even so, it's going to be a long night" Aj sighed, just as the bathroom door opened up and Erin emerged.
"Oh fuck, him too?"

Brian yawned and caught himself, glancing over at Aj guiltily.
"So do you think tonight's episode is over?" he asked, looking over to the lump in the middle of the bed.
"I hope so, for tonight and for good. I didn't have any idea that she was into that scene..." Aj mumbled, running his fingers through his hair.
"I’m sure there is plenty of stuff that you don't know about her Bone, and you wont know until she is ready to talk."
"I know, I know. But things had been going so well this past week..She was opening up a little bit everyday. I’m dreading the morning when she wakes up, not even factoring in the major headache she's going to have"
"Has she said anything about her life back up in Maryland? I mean, other then these past few weeks, we know nothing about her."
Aj shook his head. "No, she hasn't really said much. I know that there was an old boyfriend that played a major part in fucking her up, but other than that, nothing."
"Damn, how can she not explode, keeping all of it inside? Not talking to anyone about her problems, and stuff"
"Because she does everything possible to forget about it. She thinks that pushing it away and forgetting about it will make it all go away, that’s the reason for the drugs, I’m pretty sure. She actually told me that it helped her to forget...but still, I agree. She needs to get it all out. I want to help her so bad, and end all of her pain, but I can't when she doesn't open up to me" Aj said softly, trying not to let the tears start flowing.
"It will all work out somehow J. Why don't you go try and get a little bit of sleep. I'll sit up and make sure she doesn’t try to high tail it out of here."
"Ok, that sounds great Bri, thanks."

Erin moaned as she rolled over, feeling as if her head was being pounded by sledge hammers. What in the hell was wrong with her.. She pried open her eyes, shielding them from the sunlight that had just begun to pour through the windows. She slid out of the bed and made her way into the bathroom, and dug through the medicine cabinet, trying to locate some Advil. She popped open the lid and poured out four tablets, swallowing them all at once, washing them down with a glass of water. She stumbled back into the bedroom and closed the blinds tight. She looked around, realizing she was in Aj's bedroom at the hotel. How in the hell did she get here? And where was he at? She tripped over the corner of the bed, and continued to stumble into the living room of his suite. Aj was sprawled out on the couch, his arm flung over his eyes, snoring softly. She walked over to him and pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and pulled it up to his chin.

"How are you feeling this morning"
Erin jumped at the sound of the voice, and whirled around to see Brian sitting at the dinner table, nursing a cup of coffee.
"What are you doing here at this hour Brian?" she asked softly, not wanting to wake Aj.
"I’m here to make sure you don’t run off and do something stupid" he muttered, taking a sip of the now lukewarm beverage.
"And why would I do that?" she asked, a puzzled look flashing across her face.
"You don't remember do you Erin" he sighed softly, getting up to refresh his coffee.
"Remember what?" she followed him in the kitchenette, pouring herself a cup too.
"Oh nothing, just that Aj had found you with your 'friends' and you were so fucking strung out...well, lets just say it wasn't a pretty picture from what Aj told me."
"Oh God" she whispered, the blood draining from her face. How could she have been so stupid!
"Yeah" he muttered, sitting back down at the table. "Erin, what are you running from? Why can't you tell us, we are here for you, and you can't run from your past forever, it will eventually catch up with you, and when it does, it will not be pretty"
"No. You are going to listen to me. You won't listen to Aj, but you will listen to me. If you run again, and especially from us, and put Aj through what he has been through again, so help me God, I will track your ass down, and there will be NO hiding from me. So you might as well start talking, because I want some answers." he said quietly, but in a dangerous tone she had never heard him use before.
"Why in the hell does it matter..."
"It matters to me, and to Aj because it matters to you whether you want to admit it or not"
"No. Talk."
She stared at him defiantly, trying to decided whether or not to call his unspoken threat.
"Fuck" she muttered, getting up, rummaging through the cupboards looking for some liquor, cursing again when she didn't find any. She stood in the kitchen, feeling Brian's eyes on her back, as she banged her head against the cabinet. The next thing she knew, Brian picked her up and carried her out of the suite.
"What in the hell has gotten into you Littrell? Put me down!"
"Please shut up....just hold on a damned second" He carried her down the corridor and into his own suite.
"There, now you can rant and rave and be as loud as you want. I didn't want you to wake up J, he needs sleep" he said, plopping her down on the couch. "Now talk!"
She glared at him. "Where do you want me to start" she spat.
"At the beginning."

Aj woke up to find both Brian and Erin missing. He freaked out at first, but then figured that Brian was with her and hopefully had her under control. He jumped in the shower, feeling a little more refreshed then he had in sometime. He washed off quickly, and pulled on some clean clothes, and plopped down in front of the Tv, waiting for them two to get back.


Erin glared at Brian defiantly, and he had the gall to glare right back at her.
"You are not leaving until you start talking, so you might as well give in. And trust me, I have the patience of a saint when it comes down to it, so we can sit here and stare at each other for a week, and it won't phase me in the slightest, though I bet Aj will knock the door down before it comes to that, so start talking." Brian said quietly. "I don't know how in the hell you can bottle up all of your emotions, and try and forget everything, but it doesn’t work like that, and you are only hurting yourself and the ones around you by not dealing with it all now."
"What in the hell do you know about it all" she muttered, looking away from him, and out the window, wishing she could be anywhere but here. Her head was still pulsing and it seemed to be getting worse by the moment.
"That's just it. I don't know. I don't know what happened to make you try to kill yourself a year ago, or sniff crack, or become a completely different person. I don't know if you have a family back home, or anything like that. What I do know, is you have four big brothers, and a guy that is crazy about you. Well, I guess three big brothers and one little brother, but hey, it's all good" he offered, trying to lighten up a bit, sensing that the tough asshole approach wasn't working.
"Why do you want to know about it? About a family that didn't want shit to do with me, a boyfriend, no, a prick that used me, just an over all life that I would not wish on anyone? Why in the hell do you want to know about it?" she said, turning to face him again, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Because, it is part of what makes you, you. Because it hurts you, whether or not you want to admit it. Because I care about you. That is why. And if you can't understand that, then you do not need to be around any of us. We take care of our own, which you are one of us, even if you don't realize it."

***Flashback; April, 1998***

"Guys, I just wanted to let you all know, that I’m not coming back next year" Erin announced to her roommate and her friends. They had all gathered in her dorm room, and were all staring at her, their mouths gaping open.
"But you had finally gotten situated!"
"Where are you going to go?"
"I’m sorry guys, you all know that I wanted to leave back last semester, but mom wouldn't let me. Now that my grades are down, and she has just overall changed her perspective of this place, and of course, it figures that I do actually like it here now, but her mind is made up. I’m changing majors and moving back home, and going to go to the local community college" She said, silencing their protests.

***Flashback, June, 1998***

"What in the hell are you trying to say? That if I don't bow to your every whim, I’m not allowed in my father's own house, or to see my brother and sister?" Erin said, staring at her step-mother in shock. They were having yet another of their fights. Ever since she had moved back home for summer break, they had been giving her hell about every little thing. And now, because of some stupid little thing, such as not vacuuming one room, her stepmother was laying into her yet again, and even worse, her own father was standing behind Lori, her stepmom, backing up her decision.
"That is pretty much it. And I don't appreciate your tone of voice young lady. You may be 18, almost 19, but you are still here under this roof as a daughter." Lori said, slanting her eyes at Erin.
"And you are letting her say this to me? To conveniently kick me out of your lives? Dad, what the hell is this? I’m your own flesh and blood! You raised me! You have been there for the majority of my 18 years! And you will drop me like a bad habit because your wife of 7 years gets pissed! Fuck this, I should have never come back here." With that, Erin ran from the kitchen, into her bedroom, grabbed what few clothes and personal items were left in there, threw them into a bag. Her father came into her bedroom behind her.
"Erin, its not that.."
"Don’t even say it. You made your choice. Just let me grab my things and say goodbye to the kids and then I’m outta here. As of this day, you have lost your daughter, John" she spat, whirling around with her stuff and pushed by him, and went into the living room where her brother and sister were watching TV, oblivious to what was going on around them.
"Hey guys, come give sissy a kiss, I gotta go."
"You come back tomorrow?" her little sister asked, carefully walking over to her, giving her a big hug.
"No, sorry Kayla, sissy...has to work. I love you"
"Love you too" she said, giving her a big wet sloppy kiss.
"I hope you get to come back soon" Blake said, giving her a crushing hug, surprising strong for a 6 year old.
"Love you, take care of Lala for me while I’m gone" Erin said, giving him a kiss and ruffling his hair.
"I will. Bye"
They both plopped down in front of the Tv, and Erin turned to leave, her father blocking the way.
"I will never ever forgive you for this" she spat, pushing by him once again and running out to her car.

***Back to present****

"He forbid you to contact your own brother and sister?" Brian asked her softly, shocked that a father could do that to his own daughter.
"SHE forbid it. And because John was pussy whipped, he sided with her. Like I told him, he made his choice." she said softly, turning her head so that Brian wouldn't see the tears flowing down her cheeks. Gently, he reached forward, turning her to face him again, softly wiping away her tears.
"Go on, there is more" he urged her gently.
"Don't you think we should call Aj, let him know that we are still alive? I mean, we have been sitting here for almost three hours, and I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry."
"Here, why don't you order us some lunch, just call on down for some room service, and I will call Aj and let him know that we're fine ok? Do you want me to tell him what we are doing, or just make something up?"
"I don't care, you might as well tell him, actually, why don’t you tell him to come on down here, so I can get this over with all at once. Cause its bad enough doing it now, and I don't want to have to relive any of it, let alone doing it twice."
"Ok, I will fill him in while you order."
"Ok, what do you want?"
"Doesn’t matter. Whatever you think sounds good. Order something for J too." Brian grabbed his cell phone and Erin walked into the bedroom to use the other phone to order.
He punched in Aj's room number and waited for him to pick up the line.
"Hey, its me"
"Oh hey, where are you guys, I woke up and neither of you were here, is Erin ok?"
"Yeah, she ok. Look, why don’t you get down here, we are in my room, and she wants you here for the rest of it"
"Rest of what man?" Aj asked, concerned. Brian proceeded to relay Erin's story on to Aj, who remained silent.
"Oh hell, if I get my hands on her father " Aj growled..
"Save it Bone. Just come on down. She's ordering some lunch now, I'll let her recompose herself, and let her finish after we eat ok?"
"Sounds good. I'll be down in a sec."

Erin hung up the phone and a pair of arms encircled her waist.
"Oh babe, I’m sorry about your dad. A man who does what he did to you should not be able to even call himself a father" Aj whispered into her ear, pulling her close.
"I know, but it hurts so bad. I hate him for that. I haven't seen Blake or Kayla in almost 2 years now. They probably don't even remember me.." Erin's voice broke and she whirled around, burying her face in Aj's neck, letting all of the tears and pain she had been hiding loose.
"Shh...everything is ok now...I promise, I will never let anyone hurt you again.." Aj whispered as tried to soothe her. He turned his head at the knock on the door, and saw Brian peep in.
"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt" he said softly, "But lunch is here whenever you two.."
"Ok, thanks Bri, we should be out in a moment" Aj answered him.
"Are you going to be ok?" he asked softly.
"Yeah, I think so" she sat back, still sniffling. Aj pulled away from her gently and walked in the bathroom, returning with a cold washcloth.
"Here, this will help you feel a little better" he offered, wiping her tears away gently. She sighed as the cold rag touched her scorching hot face, relishing the coolness.
"Thank you" she said softly, looking up at him almost shyly.
"It's no problem" he said, smiling down at her. "Doesn't it feel a little better to get some of that off of your chest?"
"Definatly" she answered, smiling a little.
"Well, uh, how bout we go out there and get something to eat. Then you can continue on...that is if you feel up to it"
"That sounds good. Brian would make me finish talking anyway" she chuckled, "he was very adamant about that"
"Bri can be like that sometimes" Aj laughed, reaching for her hand, and led her back into the living room.

"This is him" Erin said softly, handing Aj a couple of pictures. The first one was her Junior Prom picture. She was posed, standing back into Tommy's arms, wearing a black dress with white satin straps, Tommy in a tux. They looked great together, both happy. "That one was taken back in spring of 1996. The other ones were taken the summer after I graduated" she said softly, turning around before Aj could look at them. She winced at his sharp intake of breath, knowing what he was reacting to.
"Oh God Erin" Brian whispered. The pictures that they were looking at were the ones that her friend Mandy made her take, so she could take them to the cops. She never did though, thinking that he would change. The pictures showed her with a busted lip, her right eye blackened, and tons of bruises everywhere, her arms, her face. She had kept them to remind herself, that was what happened when you let someone in. To harden her heart against people like him. She finally turned around to face the guys fully. Brian sat there, clearly looking at the pictures, then her, then back to the pictures again like 'how in the hell could a guy to this to woman'. Aj sat there, deadly silent, staring up at her face, and the look in his eyes scared her.
"If I ever...EVER see this guy, he is dead" he said softly, and Erin almost took a step back, surprised by the rage in his eyes.
"Erin, why in the hell.." Brian asked.
"Did I stay with him? I couldn't tell you, because I have wondered that for the past 4 years. I always just blamed it on me, I made him angry, and I deserved it, all of that kind of bullshit. He always made me feel so inferior, always put me down, I was never good enough. When I had first met him, I weighed almost three hundred pounds. My height helped me hide some of it, but I was still fat. He constantly criticized me, and I lost the weight. I became anorexic, never eating, trying to make myself better for him. I can't remember how long I went on, but at one point, I think I weighed like 97 pounds. My mom admitted me to the hospital, and I had to go through treatment after treatment. When I was allowed back at school, he started up again. 'Your grades are terrible...look at mine', 'Everybody loves me, ' ya da ya da ya da. It made me sick, but I couldn't stand to be without him. His friends always talked about me terrible, and he never once stood up for me, though I did for him countless times. It was a take all relationship. He beat me, he used me, he fucked me then threw me in the gutter. He never knew when to stop" she sobbed, tears running down her face. "That night, I was going to jump, he had pushed me too far. I was calling it quits, and he wouldn't leave me alone. I was trying to tell him that I was leaving him, that I deserved better, he was too busy pawing me, trying to pull me into the bedroom. To top it off, relations between my mom and I had been bad too. My sister was almost like Tommy. Everyone loved her, she could do no wrong. My family had gone off with her to some tournament that night. Mom and I had had a huge fight, and she had threatened to kick me out of the house if I didn't get my act straight, just because I wasn't getting a 4.0 like my sister, because I wasn't in everything like I used to be. I couldn't take it anymore." she finished, pulling her knees up to her chin and buried her face in her folded arms.
Brian and Aj sat there, staring at her. Why in the hell had she been put through so much?
"Oh babe" Aj whispered, sliding off of the couch and kneeled next to her, pulling her down into his arms.
"I just couldn't take it anymore" she continued to sob, wrapping her arms around his neck.


***A few days later***

Aj stretched, sighing at the thought of having to get out of bed. He rolled over, not realizing how close to the edge he was, and fell to the floor in a pile of blankets. He layed sprawled out for a minute and chuckled. He pulled himself to his feet and padded down the hall. He opened Erin's door quietly, not wanting to wake her up yet. She always looked so peaceful in her sleep that it almost took his breath away. She had moved in with him the day after she had told them everything, and things were working out pretty well. They had separate rooms, by her choice, and he readily agreed. He was not going to push her into anything she didn't want. The guys had been over a few times, Kevin even stopping by once. Aj shook his head. None of them knew what had gotten into him lately. He had still been walking around like he had a major thorn in his ass. Brian and him had decided that what they knew about Erin was going to stay between the three of them, and that had pleased her immensely.

He closed the door and walked downstairs, pulled out some food and started to fix some breakfast for the two of them. By the time he had finished cooking, Erin still hadn't woken up, so he piled the plates and glasses on a tray and headed back upstairs. He let himself in her room, where she had barely moved from the last time he checked in on her. He sit the tray down on her desk, and kneeled down by the side of her bed. He tucked her hair behind her ear, and lightly drew his finger down the ridge of her nose, stroking it.

"Wake up sleepy head" he said softly.
"Mmm....don't wanna" she mumbled. turning her face into the pillow.
"Come on now, get up. Its almost 10."
"Too early"
"Nah" he stood up, staring down at the lump of blankets. He grinned and jumped on top of her, tickling her.
"AAGGHH!!!" she squealed, trying to get away from him, but he wouldn't let go, tickling her until she was breathless.
"You ready to get up yet?" he laughed
"Never!" she said in between fits of giggles. He kept it up, until they had rolled off the bed, laughing.
"Next time you will get up the first time I say so won't ya" Aj cracked.
"Probably not" she shot back with a mischievous look in her eyes. "Now get off of me, you're heavy!"
"I am not!" he argued, bouncing a little bit. Then, before he could react, she pulled him down off of her, and pinned him down, grasping his wrists and holding them above his head.
"How do YOU like it" she giggled.
"Hmm, do you really want me to answer that" he asked chuckling.
"You have a sick mind" she laughed.
"You have no idea" he said, rolling over so she was pinned down again.
"Haha, look who came out on top this time." he bent down and planted a light kiss on her lips. "Come on, breakfast will be cold if we keep this up" he stood up reluctantly, reaching for her hand and pulled her up.

"So what are the plans for the day? Erin asked as she dried the last dish and put it away.
"Well, I was thinking we could go shopping, perhaps catch a movie later. Why? Did you have some other plans or something else in mind?"
"No, that sounds great. I need to pick up some new clothes anyway."
"And while we're there, why don't we see if any of the stylists in there have time to squeeze you in."
"What is that supposed to mean McLean?" she asked, raising an eyebrow
"Nothing, I just don't like the bleached look on ya" he said with a grin.
"I know, I was planning on going back to my natural brunette eventually, hadn't gotten around to it. That’s all." she giggled.
"I know just the place. They're the best"
"Oh ok. I guess I better go get dressed and stuff. What time do you wanna leave?"
"An hour?"
"Sounds good" she blew him a kiss and went upstairs.

***A couple of hours later***

"Damn girl, and I thought I was bad" Aj laughed as they sat down in the food court. He was digging through her heap of bags.
"Hey, don't mess with me when I shop" she grinned. They had been in almost every store the mall had to offer. Aj pulled out a bottle of body wash from Bath and Body works bag.
"Ooh, I like this" he said sniffing at it.
"I think I have enough to fill my closet now, what do you think?"
"I think we may have turn another of the bedrooms into a closet for you if you get any more stuff" he chuckled as Erin flung a french fry at him.
"You don't have any room to talk" she said, gesturing to his pile of bags.
"Hey, it's all good. Do you really like your hair?"
"Oh yes, it's much better than what it was. Thank you. That guy is a miracle."
"I know. He is one of the few people I trust to do mine."
"Which, by the way, looks good, I like what you did." she said. While she had gotten her hair dyed back to normal, Aj had gotten the tips of his hair dyed red, and it looked really good.
"So, do we have any where else you'd like to hit?" he asked, reaching across the table and stealing a french fry.
"Is there any art shops in here?"
"Um, I think so, up on the fourth floor. Why, what do you need from there?"
"I'd like to pick up some pastels and and a sketch book. I haven't drawn in forever, and I miss it."
"Oh that’s cool. I never knew you were into art"
"There is still lots you don't know about me, J. Like the fact I was a music ed major back when I was at my first college, I received honors in French, lots of little stuff that you don't know yet" she said with a smile.
"I look forward to learning all about you" he smiled, reaching over and taking her hand in his.

*Later on*

"And that's Mandy, she and I grew up together. People always used to think we were sisters", she said, pointing out a picture in her yearbook. They were curled up on the couch, the fireplace lit, going through some of Erin's stuff. "She is...was my best friend. We had a lot of good times." she said softly. She was laying back on Aj's chest, and he was twirling her hair around his fingers.
"If you miss your friend's so much, why not call them or something." he offered
"I don’t know. I’m afraid if I do, people will find out where I’m at. I don't want to go back there, or have anything to do with those people. It's just my real friends I miss."
"How about e-mail? They can't track you through that."
"True, but I don't have a computer, and neither do you"
"Yes I do. I have a laptop in my room."
"You do? I've never noticed it"
"Come on, lets go up and see what we can do." he said, sitting up, and heading upstairs. He logged onto the net and let her have the chair. "Do you have any accounts?"
"You'd be surprised. I think I had like eight different ones, whether or not they are still active, I couldn't tell you." she said laughing. She pulled up Yahoo! and tried her old account, and it was still up. "Damn" she muttered, looking at all of the back mail she had. She flipped through it, deleting all of the ads and forwards and stuff, leaving about a hundred messages from her family and friends. She started reading them, the letters from her mom and friends, begging her to contact them to at least let them know she was alright. After reading the first few, she clicked into her address book and selected a few names.

Hi guys, Just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive, and for the first time in years, I am happy. I am sorry for running out like I did, but I can't change the past anymore then any of you can. I am sorry for any pain of grief I have caused any of you, but you all had no clue what I was dealing with. But like I said, I’m happy, and I’m doing great and I just wanted to let you all know that.

Love ya,

She clicked the "send" button and a confirmation note popped up on the screen.

"Damn, some people have some big mouths" Erin muttered as she flipped through her mailbox a day later. It seems the few people she had written to had told everyone else, and now she had a ton of letters from everyone. Most of them were the normal "blah blah blah, we miss you, blah blah blah, please come home" kinda stuff. She read all of them, waiting to read the ones from her parents and Mandy last. She cleared out her now full trash folder, and clicked on her moms email address.

She sighed as she read. It was like a written out lecture and sob story all rolled into one. Telling her what she had put their family through this past year and a half, begging her to call home, or even better yet, to come back home. She clicked on reply, wrote her mom a short note, once again apologizing for any trouble that she had caused, saying that she will keep in touch, but she was not coming home, that she was happy where she was. Mandy's letter was more compassionate, and was making sure that everything was ok, and filled her in on all that had happened while she was gone, good old Mandy.
"Hey J, do you mind if I download some stuff on here?" she hollered down to him.
"Knock yourself out"
She downloaded herself the yahoo messenger, and plugged in a few peoples names. She smiled when she saw the little face next to Mandy's name light up. She quickly opened a message box
-Hey girl.
-lol...yuppers, its me.
-Are you ok? Where are you? What in the hell happened?
-I’m fine, you wouldn't believe me if I told you and ditto.
-Ohmygosh! I can't believe it's actually you!
-well it is, so get over it :o) How is the family?
-everybody is doin ok. Kris is getting ready to graduate. but yeah, everyone is fine. Now fess up! what the hell happened to you!
-its a long story mandy
-I have plenty of time. start yaking.

Erin sighed, and started to type in everything that had happened, leaving out the drugs and a few other small pieces.

-damn girl, if I ever get my hands on wait.
-leave him alone. he doesn’t deserve any thought we give him. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m here, and I have Aj.
-a friend. I’m living with him now.
-Oh really...just friends?
-yes, for now, just friends. anyway, here, I’m giving you my address and phone number here. If you give it out to ANYONE back home, I will hunt you
-hey, gimme a lil credit. I wont tell anyone.
-good. If anything ever happens to anyone up there, give me a call immediately. that goes for any kind of emergency.
-Ok. Florida, damn girl, I’m coming down there with
-hey, if you ever wanna come down, lemme know so I can clear it with Aj, and we can fix a room up for you. You are welcome here whenever
-thanks. I may have to take you up on that sometime
-good. Oh yeah, I showed Aj and Brian those pictures you took for me.
-God, you still have those?
-yeah, I kept them to remind me. hell of a lotta good they did. only thing they accomplished is if Tommy ever shows up around here for any reason, he will look far worse then I ever did when Aj gets finished with him...hehe
-I’m thinking I like this Aj.
-Me too :o) Hey you, I gotta jet, J's hollering up to me that dinner is ready.
-he cooks too? damn, I AM coming down
-he's a sweety. anyway, I gotta go. talk to you soon
- you take care of yourself. bye!

Erin logged off, shutting down the system and bounded downstairs where Aj was putting steaming plates of spaghetti and meatballs on the table.
" favorite" she said, sliding into the chair opposite Aj.
"Oh really."
"Well, I’m glad. Cause its mine too, and you have to deal with having it at least once a week" he cracked, digging in.
"I have no problem with that"

"So did you hear from anyone" he asked later on, while they were curled up on the couch, watching a TV movie.
"I'd say so. I had a ton of letters. Word gets around quick up there" she chuckled. "I downloaded Yahoo! Messenger on your computer, and Mandy was online so we were talking."
"Oh that’s cool. What did she have to say" he asked, twirling her hair around his fingers.
"Just fussing at me for leaving the way I did, filled me in on how my family was and all that good stuff. I gave her your phone number and address in case of an emergency. I hope you don't mind"
"Of course I don't. It's your home too"
"I know, but still..."
"No buts" he said, pulling her around so that she faced him. "You are welcome here as long as you want. And I want you to stay. You don't have to ask me to do anything or clear it with me. You are your own person, and I..."
"What?" she asked softly
"I...nothing. " he stood up and walked into the kitchen. She sat there puzzled for a moment, listening to the bottles clinking together as he fixed himself a drink. Then realizing what he was doing, she jumped up and hurried into the kitchen, and snatched the drink from him.
"Aj, hun, you know you aren’t supposed to drink. You are still a recovering alcoholic."
"I don't give a damn, give it back"
"No" she said, pouring it down the drain, and reached for the bottle that still sat on the counter. "And where did you get this anyway, I thought we got rid of all the hard liquor in here"
"Come on Reese" he begged, using his pet name for her.
"No dice. And don't call me that, you know how much I hate it. What is wrong?"
"Nothing, come on, one drink won't hurt"
"Yes it will, what is wrong?!? We're talking, then all of a sudden you freeze up. What’s on your mind? You can tell me anything, and you know that.."
"You wouldn't understand"
"I think I would, but you wont give me a chance to understand!"
He stared down into her face, contorted with confusion and worry, her green eyes almost glowing with their brightness.
"Oh fuck it" he whispered, pulling her into a tight embrace, and bringing his head down towards hers, capturing her lips with his own.

Erin moaned as their tongues tangled together, leaving her breathless. After a few moments, Aj withdrew, looking almost shyly in her face.
"I'm sorry..." he began
"Sorry about what? I'm not" she said, her cheeks flushed, and still a little breathless. She closed in the distance between them, and pulled his head back down for another kiss.
This time, the kiss was more passionate then before if that was even possible. Aj slowly eased her back until she was leaning against the refrigerator. He pulled away once again, before the situation got too out of hand.
"Erin, honey, if you want me to stop, tell me now, cause once I start, I can't stop...and are you sure you are ready for this? I mean, after..."
"Aj," she said, pulling him down to her eye level, "I have been wanting this just as much, if not more than you do," pulling him closer and ending any more arguments with a kiss. "But lets go someplace a little more comfortable, if you don't mind" she giggled, her eyes dancing.
"I was just thinking that" he said, and in one swift movement, pulled her up into his arms and carried her upstairs.
She bust out laughing, and grunted as he tossed her onto his bed.
"Hey!" she fussed as she landed.
"What?" he asked, looking at her innocently, laying down beside her.
"That wasn't very nice" she mumbled, tracing his lips softly with her index finger.
"Who ever said I was nice?" he replied, pulling her sweater over her head and tossed it over his shoulders, where his shirt soon followed. He unclasped her bra, sending it flying too. She laughed and flipped him over onto his back, leaning down to kiss his chest softly. She unbuttoned his jeans, and slid them down, pulling his boxers down with them. She flung them over with the growing heap of clothes.
"Mmm...that’s much better" she said softly, planting soft kisses on his lips, and trailing down his chest, softly sucking on his nipples, and blowed softly on them, chuckling when he moaned softly. "You'll be doing plenty more of that before the night is over"
"Oh really" he said, then gasped as licked the tip of him, "Oh God" he moaned as she took him into her mouth. He tangled his fingers in her hair as she slid the length of him into her mouth, until he touched the back of her throat. She savored the slightly salty taste of him, the droplets of pre-cum that had formed. She slid up, and down, scraping lightly with her teeth. He pulled her up, "Now its your turn" he managed to gasp, trying to get a little control of the situation. He kissed her roughly, tasting himself on her lips. "You are entirely too overdressed for my tastes" he mumbled, fumbling with the wasteband of her jeans. He slid them off, a little shocked to find that she wasn't wearing any panties.
"What?" she asked innocently at his raised eyebrow.
"When did you start that?"
"I dunno, just didn't feel like putting any on this morning. Depends on my mood I guess" she laughed.
"Well, it's a little less work for me" he said, rolling over so he was on the top. "Hmm, I think I like this better" he said, leaning over to suck softly on her nipples, drawing them up into little peaks with his tongue. He chuckled as she let out a soft moan. He pressed his hips closer to hers, pressing his hardness against her as she gasped. He transferred his attentions over to her other breast, then trailing soft kisses down to her stomach, dipping his tongue in her belly button, and circled around it before heading down lower.
He settled himself between her already spread legs, and used his thumbs to open her nether lips, to expose her womanhood to his gaze. He licked at her clit softly, flicking it back and forth ever so lightly, as Erin grasped the comforter, hold it in a death grasp, her body humming with passion. She let out a small shriek as she found her release, letting wave after wave of passion flowed over her body, gasping as she felt Aj move his tongue from her clit, plunging deep inside her wetness. He twirled it around, moving it in and out, until she grasped his hair, and yanked him back up beside her.
"I want to feel you inside me" she gasped, pulling him down and kissing him deeply.
"What a woman wants, she gets" he mumbled, kissing her neck softly, and eased himself slowly inside her. They both moaned as he went deeper, Erin wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, gasping.
"Oh God, you are so tight hun, relax a bit" he whispered in her ear, nipping at her neck.
"I am relaxed" she whispered back, "I have only done this a few times, the last time being almost two years ago" she moaned, as he slid in the rest of the way, burying himself deep inside.
He layed still for a moment, letting her body get used to him, whispering sweet words in her ear, kissing her. He then began to move out slowly, pulling out almost completely, then easing back in, slowly, lovingly.
He began to move faster as she urged him on, and she met his every move perfectly. They both came at the same time, crying out as one, collapsing into a sweaty heap of tangled sheets. They were awoken to the sound of the telephone. Aj mumbled a curse, and reached over to pick it up.
"Hello?" he mumbled, squinting at the clock. "Um, who is this?" he asked, looking down to Erin. "Hold on a second.." he said into the receiver, then to Erin, "Honey, it's Mandy, and she sounds upset"
"Oh shit" she whispered, and snatched the phone from him. "What's wrong?" she said, completely awake now. Aj sat up, and watched her face as she listened to Mandy. "Oh my God" she whispered, the blood draining from her face. Aj grabbed her hand, and mouthed 'what', but she wasn’t paying any attention to him. "I'll be there as soon as I can, I want you to go to her personally, and tell her that I’m coming, please don't let her leave! Tell her I’m coming! I'll be there as soon as I can, I’m going to call the airport as soon as I hang up with you, thank you for calling me, I’m coming!" she said, hanging up the phone and springing from the bed.
"Honey! What's going on?!?" Aj demanded, following her as she ran into her room, grabbing a suitcase.
"My great-grandmother was taken into the hospital, they know she's not going to hold out for much longer" she choked out, throwing clothes in her suitcase, and pulling on some clothes.
"I'll call the airport and make us reservations, and I'll be ready to go as soon as I do that" he said, pulling her into his arms. "Calm down, getting hysterical isn't going to get us there any faster"
"You don't have to go" she said, in between sobs
"I want to. You'll need somewhere there with you, and from you've told me, it wont be anyone who is already there" he whispered, kissing her cheek. "You finish packing and I'll take care of the rest, which airport are we going to need to get to?"
"Ok, calm down, and it will all turn out ok" he said, rubbing her back.
"I don't want to lose her, I don't want her to go without knowing and seeing that I’m ok, she raised me practically"
"Well, if it's her time, there is no stopping it, now finish packing, and I'll get us the next flight"

Erin yawned as their plane landed in Baltimore. Aj couldn't find any planes leaving before noon, and it was only four in the morning, so he made a few calls, and found a small private jet that would leave an hour later. They finished throwing some things in their suitcases and drove down the small airport for private jets and planes. She looked at her watch and noted that the time was about 10 a.m., not bad. They paid the pilot and hailed a cab to the University of Maryland Medical Center. They paid the driver extra to drive over to the Sheraton and drop off their luggage, and gave him a generous tip for his added help. They walked into the receptionist area, and got the room number, and Erin all but ran to the nearest elevator. They made their way up to ICU where the majority of her family was seated in the waiting room. She kept on walking, not paying any heed to them, walking straight her grandmother's room. It took everything in her to not break down when she saw her grandmother hooked up to so many machines, she wasn't even breathing on her own anymore. Mandy jumped up as she walked in the door, embracing her in a tight hug.
"Thank God you got here, they don't think it will be much longer, they say she won't make it through the day." she said softly.
"Thank you for sitting here with her for me" Erin whispered, fighting back tears. She pulled away from her friend and made her way over to the chair that was beside the bed. She vaguely heard Mandy and Aj introducing themselves to each other.
"Mae Mae?" she called softly, taking the elderly woman's cool hand in her own. She smiled a little when her eyes opened slowly, looking up at her in a mild shock.
"Erin.." she breathed, pulling her down into a fraile hug. "Thank God you are alright child, I've been so worried about never called...." her voice trailed off.
"I’m so sorry mae mae" she cried softly, sitting back, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I came as soon as I heard, Mandy called me...I didn't want anything to happen to you before I got here..."
"I was hoping you would come...who is the young gentleman behind you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Mae mae, this is Aj, I have been living with him for a while. Aj, this is my grand-mother Audrey."
"It is nice to meet you mam. Erin told me everything about you" he said softly, covering her hand with his own.
"You take good care of her young man, I can see that you two need each other, please watch after her for me..." her voice trailed off again, her eyes closing, her breath growing more shallow. Mandy ran from the room to get the rest of the family, and a doctor, things didn't look good.
"At least I know you will be alright, I can go now, knowing you are safe and happy..." the old lady whispered, opening her eyes one last time, reaching up to caress Erin's tear drenched cheek, then she closed her eyes forever.
"NO! You CAN'T leave me!" Erin shrieked, standing up, and reaching for a pulse she knew wasn't there. Aj pulled her back, letting the doctor's come in, and take over. She whirled around, and buried her face in his chest, sobbing.
"God, why now! I wasn't ready for her to go!"
"Shh..." Aj tried to soothe her, but it wasn't working. She started to pound against his chest inbetween sobs, and he had to grasp her hands, she was hitting him so hard.
"Honey, she's gone, they can't bring her back."
Before he could say anything else, she collapsed.

"Shit" Mandy hissed, reaching for her friend the same time Aj did. He carried her out, and Mandy motioned him into one of the empty rooms, and he layed her out on one of the beds.
"Let me go get her a doctor" Mandy began, but Aj just shook his head.
"No, she will be fine, just let her come around in her own time. She has been a wreck since you called this morning. We're they really that close?"
"Yes, Mrs. Audrey was closer to her than her own mother. Her mom worked all the time while she was growing up, and Erin was always over there at her house. They were as close as they could possibly get. I know whenever this would happen, it would hit Erin hard..." Mandy's voice trailed off.
Aj sat there for about another fifteen minutes before Erin woke up. He pulled her into his arms, and just let her sob.
He watched the doctors and nurses walk past the door, and various people looked in on them, Mandy always getting up and keeping them at bay, at least until Erin could compose herself enough to face them all. She just lay there in his arms, her sobs slowly receding, until she was just laying there silently.
"Hey babe, let's get back to the hotel, so you can get some rest, you have had maybe two hours of sleep in the past two or three days, and you need your rest..." he told her after a while. It was getting late, and lack of sleep was catching up to him as well. "Why don't we walk out and see what sort of arrangements everyone is making and then we can go and get some sleep?" he suggested.
"Ok" she whispered. She sat up slowly, wiping at the tears that stained her face, and smoothing out her matted hair.
"Erin?" They turned to face the door, where a pale, slender middle aged woman stood, staring at her.
"Uh, we are all heading home. They are going to transfer Mom-mom down home, do you need a place to stay?"
"No, we have reservations here, but thanks for offering. We will be down tomorrow, and I will plan as I go. Do you have all of the arrangements made?"
"Yes, I'll fill you in on everything tomorrow when you come home. We will all be there, just come over whenever you get in"
"Ok mom." Erin said softly, then stood up from the bed and embraced her mother. They stood there for a moment before Erin pulled away. "I'll see you all tomorrow" she said, holding her hand out to Aj. He grabbed her arm and led her out of the hospital, nodding goodbye to people who were calling out to her. Mandy stopped them just before they left the building and slipped a prescription bottle in Aj's pocket
"Just in case she goes hysterical. It's just a mild sedative" she whispered in his ear, making out she was hugging him.
"Thanks" he whispered back.
"You go and get some sleep girl. I'll be home if you need me, or if I’m not, you know my pager number" Mandy said, hugging Erin, but not getting much of a response.
Aj just nodded to Mandy, wished her a good evening, and hailed a cab.

The next few days passed in a blur for both Aj and Erin. Erin had completely withdrawn into herself, barely speaking to anyone, and Aj was worried about it. He just wanted to get her back home to Florida, knowing that between her grandmother's death and all of the bad vibes between her and everyone around there, she was beginning to act like she did when he had first met her. He had even called Brian, and tried to get him to talk to her, but she was not responding to either of them, just sitting in her own little world. He had politely turned down her mom's offer to stay at her home while they were there, knowing that being in such closed quarters with her family would do more bad than good. The night of the viewing had passed uneventfully, but he dreaded the funeral itself. He had known her grandmother but for a few minutes, but realized quickly that she had touched everyone she knew, and it was a hard time for anyone who had known her. They had come back to the Holiday Inn, and he had left her long enough to run out to the plaza to grab something for dinner. He pulled through the drive-thru of KFC, and went back to the hotel.
"I'm back" he called as he balanced the bags of food, trying to get his key out of the lock. He finally succeeded and shut the door behind him, walking into the small living room in their suite. He frowned when he walked in there, wondering where she had gone. He set the bags down, and checked out her bedroom, to find it empty, the balcony, the bathrooms, and finally his bedroom, where he found her curled up, still in her black suit, asleep. He sighed with relief and walked over to his bed, and gently pulled off her shoes, and set them aside. He rummaged through his drawers, and found a pair of boxers and a wifebeater, smiling as deja vu hit him, reminding him of the last time he had done this. He carefully removed her suit, and eased on his clothes, recovering her with his comforter. He gently removed the pillow that she had been hugging in her sleep, surprised to find it damp with tears. It was a good sign to him, being that she had not shown any emotion since they had left the hospital a few days ago. He dropped the pillow as he heard a knocking at the door to their suite. He frowned as he went to answer it, wondering who it could be.
"Hey" he said, surprised to see Brian, Nick, Kevin and Howie standing there. "What are you guys doing here?"
"We came to check on you guys, to make sure everything was ok..." Brian said, walking in and plopping down in one of the recliners.
"Well, they are about as good as can be expected. The funeral is tomorrow, and hopefully we will be home by the end of the week. Just being home is putting her through hell" Aj said, running his hand through his hair.
"Where is she by the way?" Nick asked, glancing around.
"She must have just came home and went to bed. I ran out to get some dinner, and came back to find her asleep. I'm hoping that no one is heartless enough to jump on her these next few days, I’m going to talk to her friend Mandy, to see if she will help me keep her family off her back. She doesn't need that now, on top of her grandmother's death."
"I agree. What time is the funeral tomorrow?" Brian asked.
"It's at 11. Why?"
"Well, we need to know what time to be up and ready."
"You guys don't have to.." Aj began.
"Yes we do, I have a promise to keep to Erin", Brian replied with a smile.
"We're going. End of argument." Kevin said, ignoring the look they all gave him. "Hey, cut me some slack. She's practically family."
Aj couldn't help but smile, the first real one that actually lit up his face in a while. "Can't argue with that one. Well, are you guy’s hungry? I got dinner, but no one to eat it" he said, gesturing towards the bags sitting at the dining table.
"I thought you'd never ask" Nick said, pouncing up and heading in the small kitchenette. Brian and Howie followed, Aj and Kevin lagging behind.
"That meant a lot to me, about the family remark, and it will to Erin. Thank you..."
"It's the truth. And besides," he added, with a twinkle in his eye, "I can't have a stick up my ass all the time"
Aj bust out laughing.

Erin woke up nuzzled in Aj's chest. She eased herself back a little, and carefully detached herself from his embrace. She sat back and watched his sleeping figure for a few moments. He had been so good to her, most men would have dropped her and left a long time ago, but not AJ. She was puzzled as to why he would have put up with her throughout the entirety of their weird relationship. She sighed and shook her head. She would deal with it later...right now she could only deal with today, and making it through the funeral.

Aj rolled over, reaching out for Erin, only to find her spot empty. He frowned and pushed the covers back. He walked out of his room, and smelled coffee. He smiled, seeing Erin sitting on the couch, already dressed, her legs tucked underneath her, nursing a cup of coffee.
"Good morning" she said softly, looking up at him as he walked over to her.
"Good morning" he replied, raising an eyebrow. She was actually up and about, even talking to him for the first time since the hospital. "How are you feeling?"
"Ok I guess...just a little dazed still" she said, wincing gently "I'm sorry about how I've acted these past few days, it just.."
"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad that you are did have me a little worried there..."
"Well, I am sorry..."
"You don't have to apologize. I can only imagine how this must all be on you..." he started, then let his voice trailed off. They sat there for a moment in an uncomfortable silence, then Aj stood up. "I guess I had better go and get ready...What time did you want to be at the church?"
" I guess around 10?"
"Ok." He turned and walked back to his bedroom, pulling out a suit, and reaching for the phone. He called up all the guys, telling them to meet them in the lobby at about 9:30. He jumped in the shower and got dressed and was ready by quarter after 9.
"You all ready?" he asked Erin as he emerged from his bedroom.
"As ready as I'm going to be" she replied, giving him a weak smile.
They stepped into the elevator and pressed the Lobby button. Aj pulled her into a quick embrace as the doors shut.
"You will make it through today, and I am here for you, don't you forget it" he whispered, kissing her on her forehead and releasing her just as the doors reopened. He smiled, seeing the other four guys already down there and waiting for them. He felt Erin tense up seeing them, and he have her hand a reassuring squeeze, and felt her calm down a bit.
"Hi guys" he said, smiling at them.
"Good morning" they chorused, and they surged towards Erin in a big hug.
"What are you guys doing here..." she asked as she hugged each one of them in turn.
"I told you before, we take care of our own, and you are one of us, you're family" Brian whispered in her ear, causing her to smile.


Erin could feel everyone's gaze revert to her as she walked in the church. She gripped Aj's arm tighter as they made their way up to the front pew. She set her purse down and walked over to where her mother and stepfather were standing. Aj started to get up and follow her, but she just waved him down.
"Hi guys" she said softly.
"Hello" her mom pulled her into a tight embrace. Erin bit her lip to prevent the inevitable tears. She pulled back and gave her mom a shaky smile, and then turned to greet some people.

"So..who's who?" Brian asked Aj softly. He had gone back and joined his friends while she was up with her family.
"The lady she is standing next to is her mom, the guy to her is her stepdad Kermit, and that's her sister over there, oh yeah, and that blond over there is her best friend Mandy." Aj whispered back, pointing them out.
"Um, Aj, I think you better get up there.." Howie pointed out, and Aj snapped his head up to look at Erin, who had frozen and had paled."
"Uh, excuse me guys" he whispered, and pushed through the crowd to make his way up to her.
"What's wrong babe..." he asked, grasping her cold hand and giving it a squeeze.
"He's here.." she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Who honey?" he asked, following her gaze.
"HIM" she hissed, and Aj finally made out who she was talking about. Tommy had slid in a few pews behind the guys. He could feel minute tremors of anger wash over her. "How dare he even show his face here" she spat, her eyes narrowed.
"Honey, you know as well as I do, this is not the time nor the place for this...and we will take care of him, but later" he whispered in her ear.
"But still...he has no right to be here!" she hissed back.
"We will argue about this later, but I think it is about to start" he said, and pulled her over to their seat.

The service went fairly smoothly, besides the fact that their was barely a dry eye in the entire church. Friends and family went up and talked of old times, and memories of Audrey. Erin made out a little better then Aj had expected, sure she had cried through the majority of the service, but she hadn't gone hysterical and passed out or anything dramatic. Aj let out a sigh as the funeral home director made his way to the front of the church and was thanking everyone for coming and invited them all to the graveside service. He finished giving directions, and started to dismiss everyone but the immediate family. He pulled the pallbearers aside and gave them last minute instructions, while the family said their final goodbyes. Erin walked up to the casket and kissed her grandmother's cheek. She still couldn't believe that she was gone, that there would be no more talks over coffee about their family, gossiping about all of the people in town, no one to confide in like her. Tears started to roll down her cheeks again, and Aj pulled her into his arms.
"It's time to go hun, they are about to take her out."
"Ok, let's go sit in the limo, I just need to sit down.."
They nodded goodbye to her parent's and told them they would meet them at the graveside service, and squeezed their way to the limo were the guys were waiting.
"I still can't believe he had the nerve to show up here! It's almost sacrilegious!" Erin fussed as they slid into the limo.
"Erin, wait until we get back to the hotel, then we can.."
"No! I want to know why he came! There is absolutely no reason for him to show up" she ranted. She was tired of crying so much, so she needed a different emotion to deal with for the time being, and anger was a good one.
"Uh, what did we miss?" Kevin asked, looking from Aj, to Erin.
"Someone showed up that had to right to be there" Erin snapped, looking out the window, looking for his red grand am.
"Tommy was there" Aj said quietly, sharing a look with Brian who immediately understood.
"A few rows behind you guys"
"Uh, who's Tommy?" Nick asked, completely lost.
"Long story" Aj mumbled, not looking too happy.
"You wait until I get a hold of him" Erin growled, still mumbling a lot of stuff under her breath. She wasn't really feeling anything right then, she knew she should still be grieving, but she was all cried out. Anger was the only option right now, and she was like neither of the guys had ever seen her. It was a big change from the same girl who was barely speaking a day before.

The funeral procession took about half an hour to get to the cemetery, and everyone piled out, Erin and Aj going over to the chairs set up for immediate family, and the guys standing not far behind them. During the ceremony, Brian finally caught a glimpse of Tommy, who was staring at Erin during the entire service. He hoped Aj hadn't seen him glaring over their way, because he knew that it would take very little pushing for Aj to go after him. If he didn't knock it off soon, Brian himself was about to go over and say something, but he kept his peace for Erin's sake.

The graveside service lasted about fifteen minutes, and afterwards everyone surged up towards the family members, offering words of sympathy. Erin separated herself from the rest of the mass and was surprised that some of her old friends had shown up. All of her friends had known Audrey, but she was still surprised that they had come. They were all hugging and questioning her as to where she had been, and what she had been up to. They were all chit chatting, trying to help Erin get her mind off of her grandmother, and Aj had stepped back a little to rejoin his friends.
"I'll be so glad to get back home soon" Aj commented, running his hand through his hair. "And I'm sure she is too. This has been the longest week in my life"
"I can fully understand that" Howie agreed.
They stood there and talked as the crowd thinned out, soon just leaving the family, their closest friends and the people from the funeral home. Aj walked back over to Erin and her friends and slid his arms around her waist pulling her closer.
"Aj hun, I wanted to introduce you to some of my friends" she said leaning back into his embrace. "This is Jenny, Vickie, Jennifer, Mike, and Cory. Guys, this is Aj." They all said their round of hellos and Aj whispered in her ear, asking if she was ready to leave yet. She nodded and said her goodbyes to her friends, giving them her room and telephone number at the hotel in case they wanted to call or stop by while she was still around.
Erin flung open the door to their hotel room with a loud sigh and plopped down on the couch.
"I think this has been the longest day in my life" she mumbled, throwing her arm across her eyes.
"Well, at least it's almost over" Aj said, also plopping down on the couch, but layed down so his head was on her lap.
"Um, are you comfortable?" she asked stroking the bridge of his nose.
"Mmm...more than you would probably like to know" he said with an evil grin. He sat up long enough to plant a light kiss on her lips then he layed back down and reached for the remote.

They were both dozing lightly when they heard a knocking on the door. Aj let out a curse and rolled off the couch and stumbled to the door.
"What do you all want?" he asked, knowing who it was before he opened the door.
"We just wanted to know if you two wanted to go get some dinner or something" Kevin replied as Aj finally opened the door. Aj turned and looked to Erin for her response.
"Why don't you guys just go pick up some take out or something and bring it back here to eat" she suggested, not feeling like getting up to go out.
"That sounds good. What do you want?" Brian asked her.
"I dunno. You five go and surprise me. I'll sit here and wait for you guys" she said, yawning and curling back up to go back to sleep. Aj chuckled and walked over, gave her a kiss goodbye, and left.

About fifteen minutes later, Erin heard another knocking at the door. She got up, wondering if Aj had left his key. She walked over and opened the door, and gasped.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!?" she demanded, glaring at Tommy.
"Someone told me that you were staying here, and I wanted to stop by and say hi. I didn't get a chance to say anything to you earlier." he said simply.
"Well? Say what you have to say" she said, mentally making note to find out who told him and to kick their ass.
"Can't I come in? It's a little awkward to stand out here you know"
"Fine, come in" she sighed and regained her seat on the couch.
"Wow, it sure has been a long time" he said, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch.
"Not long enough" she muttered, flipping through the tv.
"Erin, come on now, we haven't seen each other in over a year and a half now, and I'm trying to be civil" he said, trying to get her to pay attention to him.
Erin sighed, turned off the tv and turned to face him. "Tj, what do you want?" she asked, knowing how much he hated to be called Tj.
"Christ Erin! You freakin ran away! You didn't tell anybody where you were going, and it worried the hell out of everyone! When it came out that I was the last one who had seen you, do you know how much shit they put me through? I was interrogated by the cops, and people thought that you had been killed since you had pretty much dropped off the face of the earth! And the majority of people were blaming ME for it all! You don't know what kinda hell I was put through while you were God only knows where."
"What kind of hell YOU'VE been put through?!?" she hissed. "You stupid prick.." she spat but was cut off by his hand flashing out and making contact with the side of her face. Her head snapped to the side, and she sat there stunned for a moment, then she slowly raised her head to stare him directly in the face. Before he could react, she brought her hand around and hit him with all her strength, then bolted up from the couch.
"How dare you hit me you impotent little bastard" she spat, glaring at him, ready for whatever he had to dish out. "I am not your bitch anymore! Get out of here now before I call the police!"
"You fucking slut!" he hollered, holding a hand to where she had slapped him and standing to his feet. "I can see that you haven't changed much, you still need to learn some respect"
"Not for you I don't. And I have changed, and I'm not about to take any of your shit like I used to. Now get the fuck out!" She cried out as he ran at her, and tackled her to the ground, causing her to hit her head against the floor.
"Stupid slut, you still need to be broken, that’s your problem. They let you have your way too much" he hissed, groping at her chest and squeezed her breast hard.
"Get the fuck off of me!" she shrieked, trying to position him so she could knee him in the crotch, but he anticipated that, and pinned her down. He kissed her, ramming his tongue through her tightly pressed lips, and cried out in pain as her teeth clamped down on his tongue, drawing blood.
"Fuck!" he hollered, jumping back a little, and slugged her.
He started to advance on her again when he heard the jangle of keys at the door.

"Hi hun, we're back" Aj said cheerfully, opening the door, and dropping the tray of drinks that he carried.
"Hey J, stop blocking the door so we can set this... whoa" Nick said, pushin Aj aside so they could enter the room.
Erin was sprawled out in the floor, sobbing, blood running from her nose and her busted lip, and bruises starting to form, and Tommy was standing there, staring at them, blood running from his nose and his cheek red from where she had hit him back, and blood trickling down the side of his mouth from where she had bitten his tongue.
"You are so fucking dead" Aj growled and lunged for Tommy, fists clenched. Brian rushed over and pulled Erin up into his arms while Kevin and Howie tried to pull Aj off of a shrieking Tommy.
"Let me go! He isn't so fucking big when he's not beatin the shit of women. Let go of me!" he roared, struggling as Kevin and Howie each grabbed an arm and tried to calm him down. Nick, Brian had finally gotten Erin fairly calmed down, or at least she had stopped crying. Tommy layed there, reaching up to his bloody lip. Before Brian or Nick could move, Erin pounced up and lunged for Tommy, going for him, her hands formed into claws, reaching for his eyes. He screamed as she drug one hand down the side of his face, leaving four bloody welts from her nails, just as Nick grabbed her waist and yanked her back.
"Get him out of here!" Kevin bellowed, and Brian jumped up, being the only one of them not holding someone down. He grabbed Tommy by the back of the neck and shoved towards the door, sending him sprawling out in the hallway.
"You'll be sorry for this, she is nothing but a tramp!" Tommy shouted as he rose to his feet. He took off running down the corridor, and Brian slammed the door.
Kevin and Howie let go of Aj, and he hit the floor, the same time Nick let go of Erin. Aj crawled over to her and pulled her up into his arms.
"Oh God babe, I'm sorry.."
"It's not your fault! You have nothing to be sorry for..." she said, sniffling. He gently brushed her hair back from her face, wincing as his fingers brushed the spot where his fist had made contact.
"Here" Brian said, squatting down, and handing Aj a damp washcloth. He gently wiped the blood from her face, while Kevin was on the phone, calling in a police report.

"I am soo ready to go back home to Florida" Erin mumbled, reaching for a sweater, folding it and placing it in her suitcase.
"You and me both hun" Aj said, stepping into their walk-in closet, making sure they weren't missing anything.
Erin tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and reached for a pair of jeans. They were leaving the next morning, and she was not at all sorry for leaving again.
After Kevin had called in the police report, and an endless round of questions, they had put out a warrant for Tommy's arrest, and found him shortly after the warrant was served. He was out on bail, but Erin wasn't worried about it. Everyone knew him for what he was now, and that was all that mattered to her. That and getting to smack the shit out of him helped too, she thought, allowing herself a grin.
"And just what are you smiling about?" Aj asked, stepping out of the closet, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh nothing, just contemplating something.."
"Sure" he said, pulling her into an embrace, and kissed her gently on her still swollen lips. "You feel up to going out tonight?" he asked, pulling back a little bit.
"Mm, I guess so...why? Where are we going?" she asked, curious.
"It's a surprise, and no..whatever cute little face or whining fit you can throw isn't going to get me to tell ya" he said chuckling.
"Your no fun" she pouted.
"Aww...poor deprived little thing" Aj cooed, and kissed her on her nose. "I'm going to head on down to make sure everyone is clear on what time we are leaving tomorrow, and then I'll be back, and then we'll have a nice quiet evening to ourselves, ok?"
"I guess so" she said, swatting at his behind as he walked out of the room.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Brian asked as Aj paced his floor.
"I think so, just really nervous, I mean, what if she says no? I don't know what I'd do.."
"Aj!" Brian said, grabbing Aj by the shoulders. "You two are crazy for each other, and are meant to be together. You both have been put through hell and back this past year and a half, and you two just keep going, growing stronger and closer with each obstacle. I think that you and I, and the rest of the guys know that she will say yes. Now, are you sure she doesn't suspect anything?"
"Not a thing. She thinks I'm down here clearing schedules with you guys.."
"Oh shit, hold on, let me get that" Brian swore as the phone began to ring. "Hello?" he asked, and then a big grin appeared on his face. "I miss you too baby" he said, mouthing "Amanda" at Aj.
"Hi Amanda" Aj hollered, ignoring the look Brian threw him.
"She says hi. Yes, we will be home tomorrow evening"
"Hey Bri, I'm going to head on back upstairs, I will see you guys later ok? Don't forget, 6 o'clock, and don't you dare be late" he said. Brian nodded his head in agreement, and waved good-bye to him, already deep in conversation with Amanda.

"Hey J, what should I wear tonight?" Erin called from their bedroom as she heard the front door open and reclose.
"Hmm, how about that silvery dress you haven't worn yet" he suggested, wrapping his arms around her waist, and kissing her neck softly.
"Are you sure?" she asked doubtfully. "The only reason I got it was because you kept pestering me about how good it looked on me"
"Positive. Why don't you go ahead and jump in the shower, so you can start getting ready. It's five o'clock now, and I want to leave here by 6:00."
"Come on, can't you even give me a hint?" she begged.
"Nope" he told her with a sly grin. "Now into the bathroom woman! Make yourself all pretty for me" he said, chuckling at the dirty look she flung at him.

As soon as the bathroom door shut behind her, Aj scribbled her a quick note, and left it on the dresser where she would be sure to see it, and left the room. About fifteen minutes later, Erin strolled out of the shower in her bathrobe, her hair wrapped in a towel. She called out for Aj, frowning when she didn't recieve an answer. She spotted a slip of paper lying on the dresser, picked it up and scanned through it.
"What in the hell is he trying to pull?" she asked aloud, dropping the page back on the dresser and hurried to get ready. She was just putting the final touches on her make-up when there was a knock on the main door.
"I'm coming" she hollered, throwing one last glance at her reflection, and walked out to answer the door.
"Brian, uh wow, what are you doing here?" she asked, taken aback by the fact that he was in a perfectly tailored tux, and was holding a perfect white rose.
"I'm here to pick you up of course silly" he grinned, leaning in to give her a peck on the cheek. "You look gorgeous" he said, handing her the rose.
"Uh, thanks. You wouldn't happen to know what he has planned for me tonight do you?"
"Yes I do," and then he added quickly, "And no, I'm not going to tell you. You will find out soon. Now, I just need you to put this on.." he said, pulling out a blindfold.
"Oh no I'm not" she said, taking a step back.
"Yes you are, come on, the sooner you slip it on, the sooner you will find out what's going on" he said slyly, moving closer, the blindfold dangling off of his index finger.
"Oh hell, gimme that thing" she growled, snatching it and carefully sliding it over her eyes, be extra careful not to smudge her makeup or to mess up her hair. "Oh, I don't like this already.." she said, reaching out uncertainly. Brian grasped her arm in a tight grip.
"Don't worry, I won't let you fall or run into anything, or at least I will try not let you" he chuckled. He walked her out into the corridor, and in the elevator down to the lobby. He guided her out to a waiting vehicle and eased her into the seat. They chit-chatted and listened to music as the drove for a while.
"Are we almost there? Can't I at least take this thing off for a little bit?" she whined about half an hour into the trip.
"Yes we are almost there, and no, don't even think about touching that blindfold."
About another fifteen minutes later, she felt the vehicle slow to a crawl, and eventually stopped.
"We're here" Brian said cheerfully. She heard him get out of the car, and heard some voices. She sighed, and sat back, tempted to peek out from under her blindfold, but decided against it. A few moments later, she felt Brian's hand on hers, pulling her out, but before she stepped out of the car, he made her pull off her shoes. She wanted to demand why, but knew that he wasn't going to answer anything. She kicked off her heels and and got out of the car, surprised to feel sand beneath her feet. Then she gasped as someone lifted her off of her feet.
"I'll see you later!" she heard Brian holler, from a distance. She wrapped her arms around the person's neck, wishing desperately she knew what was going on.
After a few minutes of walking, the person set her down on her feet. She could hear the waves crashing, and smell the saltiness in the air. It didn't take a genius to figure out that she was at the beach, but which one? She was no long standing on sand, but on cool rock.
"Aj?" she called out softly, not sure if it was him that had carried her there, or where he was. She felt someone pull off the blindfold, and she smiled seeing Aj's face.
"You look beautiful" he whispered in her ear, pulling her close.
"You don't look so bad yourself handsome" she whispered back, her arms encircling his neck. He was wearing a tux similar to Brian’s, and it looked great on him. They stood there for a moment, just holding each other close, when Erin's eyes sprang open.
"Aj, honey, what are we doing here?" she asked in a small whisper, pulling him closer.
"Sh..calm down babe, trust me, I have my reasons." he said, gently pulling back and taking her hands in his.
"Erin, ever since I met you that night, almost two years ago, in this very same spot, you have been a part of my life. I don't know why I was here that night, it was just one of those feelings you can't ignore, a gut feeling, so I walked up here, and there you were. I don't care about the past, it is done for the both of us, and in the past two years, the time we had been separated was pure hell for me, even just knowing you for a day. Then I found you again, and I haven't let you go, and have absolutely no intentions of letting you get away from me again" he said, kneeling down on one knee. "Erin Teresa, you would make me the most ecstatic man in the world, if you would be my wife."

Erin stared down at him, the moon softly shining down, his gorgeous brown eyes warmed by the love showing through their depths. Her mind had kicked into high gear, and was working on different levels, almost like a parfait
"Oh God, he just asked me to marry him!"
"I don't deserve this, I'm just a big nuisance, he shouldn't be doing this!"
"Do I love him?"
"No wonder he wouldn't tell me what was going on"
"How romantic!"
And the rest was just thinking, "Aj".

"Oh God" Aj thought to himself, staring up into her green eyes, waiting for an answer. It was taking too long, she would have said yes by now if she was. He inhaled deeply, and gulped.
"Erin?" he asked softly, his heart hammering in is chest. He had never been so scared in his life, not when he was near death in the hospital, or on this very same cliff, he was no where near as scared as he was this second.

Erin gave herself a mental shake, and smiled.
"God yes Aj!" she whispered, her eyes tearing up. Aj broke out into a huge grin, and pulled a small black velvet box from his pocket. He brought it up and opened it slowly, pulling out a glittering diamond solitaire and slipped it on her finger. He rose to his feet, and pulled her close, lifting her off her feet, and twirled them around in a circle. They slowed to a stop, and he kissed her with all of his heart. She nuzzled her face in the side of his neck, tears still sliding down her cheeks.
"God, don't you ever scare me like that again" he whispered, kissing her neck softly. "I thought you were going to say no!"
"I should deck you for even thinking that, McLean" she whispered back, holding on tightly.
They stood there, just holding each other close for a while.
"How long have you been planning this?" she asked.
"For a while, I was going to do it soon, but I wanted to do it here, and we were all here now anyway, so I arranged it and here we are" he said, pulling back and kissing her forehead.
He looked down at his watch, and swore.
"Shit. We have to go" he said, "We are already running a little late"
"Little late for what?" she asked puzzled.
"The night's not over yet" he said with a chuckle. He reached down, and lifted her up into his arms, and started to carry her back down to the beach.
"I can walk you know" she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I know, but I'm carrying you down, so hush"
He made his way down, and there was a limo waiting for them.
"Did I ride up here in this?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course! Nothing but the best for my lady" he said, leaning over for another kiss. He set her down, and let her climb in as he gave the chauffer last minute directions. They pulled away, and drove off into the night.
"So where are we heading?"
"It's a surprise"
"Oh come on, you know how much I hate not knowing what’s going on..."
"I know, but don't worry about it. Nothing bad has happened yet has it?"
"Well no....but"
"No buts. You will see when we get there."
Before she could put in another argument, she was interrupted by his cell phone ringing.
"Hello?" Aj asked, flipping the receiver open. "Yeah, we are on our way, we should be there in another twenty minutes or so. See ya there"
"Who was that"
"No one."
"Oh come on...plllleeeaaaassseeee" she begged, giving her best puppy dog face.
"Nope. I am immune to that sort of thing now" he said, poking at her nose.
"Ok ok, I get the picture. So...we are going to have a lot to do here soon, when do we want to set the date for?" she asked, trying to get her mind off what she wasn't finding out.
"Whenever you want. I leave everything up to you, spare no expense. Between the two of us, we have more than enough to majorly splurge on this. All that I ask, is that you let Brian, Kev, Howie and Nick be my groomsmen. Everything else is up to you. Oh yeah, I will take care of the honeymoon. It will be my present to you, and no! Don't even start, cause I'm not going to tell you anything until we are on our way" he said slyly, an evil grin spreading across his face.
"Well, I'm insulted that you would think that I wouldn't let the guys be in the wedding party. They are all like my older brothers. But which are you going to ask to be your best man?" she asked curiously.
"I don't know yet, but I'm thinking Brian. When are you thinking about having it?"
"I would like to have it sometime in July. That would give us over a year and a half..."
"That long?" he asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Why can't we have it THIS July. We can get it done, and I just don't want to wait that long" he whined.
"You are always so impatient" she laughed. "But I guess we can. We have to figure where we are going to have it, who to invite, my bridal party, all of that stuff" she sighed, ticking items off of her fingers.
"Just tell me what you want done, and I will take care of it"
"You can start by telling me where we are going" she said with an evil grin.
"Nope sorry" he grinned back.

About ten minutes later, they pulled into a long spiral driveway.
"Aj, where are we? This place is gorgeous!" she murmured, staring out the window at the huge mansion at the end of the driveway.
"Wait till you see the inside babe" he said, reaching for her hand as the limo pulled to a stop. They climbed out of the limo and made their way up the marble steps to the front doors. Aj reached in his pocket and produced a set of keys, and proceeded to unlock the door.
"Aj, what's going on, whose place is this?" she asked, entering first as Aj held open the door for her. She walked into the main hallway, looking around as she moved forward.
"Aj?" she called out, noticing that he wasn't following behind her. She walked through a beautifully decorated dining room, and ended up at a pair of closed doors. She walked over and pushed one open, moving around carefully in the dark.
"Congratulations!!!" a crowd cheered as the room was flooded with light. Erin stood there, her mouth gaping open, seeing all of her friends and family there, along with the guys standing in front of the crowd.
"Surprised?" Aj purred in her ear as he walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Oh my God" she whispered, too shocked to say anything else. Everyone surged forward, congratulating the couple. Aj shook hands, received hugs and words of congrats. Erin kinda stood there, still in shock of everything. They were in a huge Victorian style ballroom, with beautiful hardwood floors, and a humongous crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the room.
"Are you ok babe?" Aj asked, turning his attention to her.
"Yeah, I think so. When in the world did you find time to pull this off? And whose house is this??"
"Well, Mandy and the guys helped me contact everyone and plan everything. You know how Howie is all up in the real estate business? Well, I had him look out for a place like this for me. I was thinking about buying this for us. What do you think?" he asked, with a big grin.
"Aj, you are too good to be true, I don't deserve all of this.." she started, but was hushed as he placed a finger on her lips.
"It doesn’t matter, and I don't want to hear any arguments. Do you really like this place?"
"Yes, but.."
"No buts. Then it is ours."
"Oh Aj!" she squealed, and threw her arms around his neck. A band started up and everyone started dancing. Erin walked around, surprised by some of the people who were there. She was in the middle of a conversation with Patrick, one of her friends that she had grown up with, when Aj pulled her aside.
"Erin hun, there is someone who wants to see you. And I want you to just watch your temper and your mouth please. It took some doing even to get him to come..." Aj said, rubbing her shoulders.
"Aj, what are you doing?" she asked him puzzled, then gasped as she saw her father come up behind Aj.
"Erin?" her dad asked softly.
"Dad" she whispered, and flew into his arms.
"Erin" he gasped, rubbing his face on the top of her head.
"Oh God, what are you doing here?" she asked, not letting go of him just yet.
"Your fiancé tracked me down, and invited me to come. I should have never let you leave that day, I have regretted that ever since it happened"
"I'm sorry I blew up the way I did, but then we have both been famous for our tempers" she chuckled through the tears that were flowing down her face. "Where’" she asked nervously, looking around.
"I don't know and frankly don't care. I divorced her. No man should ever have to choose between his wife and his children. She wasn't worth all that I lost" he cried. "But, there is someone else that wants to see you" he said, pulling back. He nodded to Aj. Erin turned, just as two kids ran at her. She felt her knees collapse, and she hit the floor just as Blake and Kayla hit her, hugging her tightly.
"ERIN!!!" they cried out happily, planting sloppy kisses on her cheeks.
"Guys!" she cried out, embracing the both of them tightly. They had gotten so big! It had been almost three years since she had seen them last, and they were so different from the toddlers she had left. She looked up, and spotted Aj, standing back with tears in his eyes.
"Thank you" she whispered, and turned back to her brother and sister.

"This is really turning out good" Nick said, taking a sip of champagne.
"I know. Aj really gets a kick out of doing stuff like this" Kevin chuckled.
"I wonder what else he has up his sleeve" Howie wondered, all of them watching the scene with Erin, Aj, her dad and her brother and sister.
"Lord only knows" Brian sighed, looking at his watch.
"Hey, I wonder who that is?" Nick said, looking out the window, watching another limo pull up to the front door.
"I don't know, I thought everyone was here that was invited" Brian said, frowning, trying to make out the dark figures exiting the limo.
"Hey Aj, did you invite some more people?" Howie shouted over to him. Aj grinned back, and went to answer the door.
The guys stared at each other puzzled.

"Aj! Thanks for letting us know about this, are you sure they don't suspect anything?" Lara asked, hugging Aj and pulling off her wrap.
"Not a single clue" he chuckled, taking their wraps and coats as Lara, Amanda, Shae and Kelly walked into the corridor.
"Congratulations by the way" Amanda said, each of them hugging him in turn.
"Thank you ladies, now I think there are four gentleman in there with your names on them. Go get them!" he said, shoeing them into the ballroom.

"What in the world is he doing" Kevin mumbled, taking another sip of champaigne.
"I don't know. Who else could he have invited? All of their family is here, and friends too..." Nick wondered.
"Aj!" Brian hollered as he walked back into the room. Aj looked over at him and grinned, turning to say something to someone behind him. Nick, Howie, Brian and Kevin all dropped their jaws as Lara, Kelly, Amanda and Shae walked in behind him. The girls all rushed over to their men, hugging them tightly.
"Shae! What in the world are you guys doing here?" Kevin asked, pulling her close.
"Aj called us all and told us what he was planning, and figured you guys shouldn't be left in the dust"
"When did you get in?" Howie asked Kelly, nuzzling in her neck.
"We got in about lunchtime today. Aj hooked us up with a room at your hotel" she giggled as he nipped at her neck.
"How long have you been planning on coming up here?" Brian asked Amanda.
"Um, the past few days" she laughed. "We had just gotten to BWI when I called you earlier"
"And you didn't tell me?" he asked, pretending shock.
"Oh you'll get over it" she grinned.
"Oh baby, I've missed you!" Nick said, kissing her forehead.
"I've missed you too!" she said, pulling him down for a kiss.

"Aww Aj, that was sweet" Erin said, easing herself back into his embrace, watching Lara, Nick, Amanda, Brian, Kelly, Howie, Shae and Kevin converse over in their little corner. "How in the world did you pull all of this off?"
"If I told you, I wouldn't have any secrets left" he chuckled. He pulled her onto the floor, and pulled her close as they swayed to "My Heart Will Go On".
The party went on for a few hours, when Aj excused himself from Erin, and gathered up the other guys. Erin joined the four other girls and wondered what the guys had up their sleeves now.
They each took a microphone from the band members, and Aj walked to the center of the stage that had been put up for the band.
"I want to thank you all for coming, you all don't know how much this meant to Erin and I, but now, I have one last gift for her tonight. Erin, will you come up here for me hun, and bring those four other beautiful ladies up with you." The girls all shared a look, and headed up on stage.
"This is for you ladies" Aj said, reaching out for Erin's hand. The band started up, and the first strands of music floated through the room.

Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And There it goes
I think I've found my best friend

I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

Aj pulled her close and stared into her eyes as the rest of the guys joined in for the chorus.

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

There’s just no rhyme or reason
Only this sense of completion
And in your eyes
I see this missing pieces
I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home

I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I've found you

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

As the song came to end, Erin opened her eyes, not even realizing that she had shut them, and felt a tear slid down her cheek.
"I love you Erin" Aj whispered huskily.
"I love you too Aj" she cried, throwing herself into his arms, knowing that she had finally found where she belonged.

July 22, 2000 - The morning of the wedding.

Erin rolled over, reaching out for Aj, opening one eye when she realized he wasn't laying beside her.
"Where in the world could he be?" she mumbled aloud, then crawled out of bed. She couldn't believe that today was THE day. They had been rushing since the night after their engagement party to pull it all off. All of their families and friends were going to be there. They had arranged to have the ceremony performed at one of the beautiful old fashioned cathedrals in Orlando. They had sent out tons of invitations, and very few people had written back saying they would not be able to make it. She looked over at the clock, seeing that it was 8:30. She jumped in the shower, got dressed and headed downstairs. She had her appointment at 10:00 to get her make-up/hair/nails and everything else at one of the premier salons, and all of the other girls were going to be there too. She had chosen Mandy for her Maid of Honor, being that they had always been best friends, and Mandy had always been there for her. Lara, Shae, Kelly and Amanda were her bridesmaids and her little sister Kayla was going to be her flower girl. AJ had chosen Brian for his Best Man, the other three guys for his groomsmen, plus Brian's brother Harold and Erin's little brother Blake for the ring bearer.
Erin walked into the kitchen, frowning when she didn't see Aj's car out in the driveway. There was a note laying on the counter though.

Morning beautiful. I had some last minute details to take care of, so I shall see you this afternoon at the church. I can't believe this day is finally here!
See you later.
Love, J.
P.S. Here is another is a little belated birthday present for you.

She looked up, and there was breakfast all layed out for her, with a little box sitting to the right of her plate. She walked over and picked up the box, wondering what he had done now. Her birthday was on the 16th of July, and he had lavished her with gifts, which of course she had told him not to do, with this wedding coming up. He still hadn’t told her what he had planned for their honeymoon. She carefully unwrapped the little box, and removed the lid. There was a set of keys.
"Alexander James McLean" she hissed, and ran to the garage. Inside was parked a brand new, emerald green 2000 Mustang Convertible.
She sighed, shaking her head, and checked it out. It was a sweet car, fully loaded with anything possible. She walked back in the house, flipped open his laptop, logged online, and went to the website for the company that he had bought his pager from. She clicked on "Send Alphanumeric Page" and typed in his number.
"J, u r 2 much. Thank u 4 the car, but its 2 much. C-ya later @ the church. Luv ya, E."

"Uh oh, she’s up" Aj chuckled as his pager went off. He read her message, and sighed. She always fussed at him whenever he bought her anything, but she would have to learn to break that habit, he thought to himself. He loved to do stuff for her, and the car was part of his wedding present to her.
"Uh oh, what have you done now" Kevin asked, looking at his reflection in the mirror, checking the tuxedo for any flaws.
"Nothing, just bought her a new car" he grinned, letting the tailor slip his jacket on, making sure it was a perfect fit. The guys had gone for black tuxedos, and Aj's was the same, but tails. He and Erin had opted for the traditional sort of wedding. The were classic cut suits, with a deep violet vest underneath to match the bridesmaid dresses.
"Good grief Aj, you will be broke by the time you two reach your one year anniversary" Nick teased.
"I don't care, as long as I'm broke with her. And even then, it wouldn't matter because we would be together"
"I didn't think I'd ever hear you say something like that. And I DEFINATLY didn't think you would be the first of us that got married and settled down" Kevin commented.
"Well, what can I say, I've the perfect reason for it all"

"Oh my God Erin! When did you get the car!" Shae asked, getting scolded by the girl who was painting her nails for moving.
"Aj left it for me this morning. How are you guys, all ready for today?" she asked, plopping down in one of the chairs. Shae, Kelly, Amanda and Lara were all in various stages of getting ready. "Hey, where's Mandy and Kayla?" she asked, looking around the salon.
"Right here, sorry we are a little late" Mandy said, coming in the door, Kayla following her.
"Come here big girl" Erin called, and Kayla ran over to her sister, giving her a big hug.
"The question is, are YOU ready for today" Kelly hollered from underneath the hair dryer.
"I think so, I just am ready to get it over with" she laughed. Her stomach was all tied up in knots.
"I don't blame you. I'd be a nervous wreck the day of my wedding" Amanda said, sucking her cheeks in as one of the ladies applied some blush to her cheeks.
"Have you managed to pry any info on your honeymoon out of Aj yet?" Lara asked. She was sitting in one of the styling chairs, getting her hair put into a bunch of ringlets.
"Not one word. Has anybody told you all what he has planned?"
Everyone shook their head in the negative.
"Nope, I don't think they'll tell us just in case we were to leak to you"

"So, does she have any idea where you are taking her for your honeymoon?" Brian asked, buttoning up his vest.
"Not a clue. Not that she hasn't tried. I know she has been asking everyone to tell her, but you guys are the only ones who know, and if you told your girls, I may just have to deck ya."
"Hey, give us a little bit of credit. I just told Kel that I didn't know, so she wouldn't be begging me to tell her." Howie said, bending over to tie his shoe.
"Where are you taking her? No one has told me yet" Harold said, tucking his shirt into his slacks.
"Somewhere she has always wanted to go. She has always been talking about going over there, about all of the sights to see, and every landmark she wanted to see, so I've arranged it"
"And where is this wonderful place?"

"Ohh, I like it" Mandy said, as the stylist turned Erin's chair around for everyone to see. She had a gorgeous tiara with the veil attached, flowing down her back. Her hair was done up in a french twist, rhinestone and pearl studded hairpins keeping it in place, with a few curls framing her face.
"Me too" the others agreed.
"You guys don't look too shabby yourselves" Erin said, taking in their hair styles as well. They were pretty similar, their hair was left down, curled softly, with rhinestones at intervals. "I can't believe that in about another two hours, I'll Mrs. Alexander McLean! It's so weird."
"Remember, back in high school, you were the one, if I remember correctly, that said she would never get married, or if you did, you would be the last of us. Looks like you were wrong huh?" Mandy said, laughing.
"Yeah yeah yeah" Erin said, sticking her tongue out at her. "Now, if I can get into my dress without messing up my hair or make-up, I think that will be my biggest accomplishment in life" she sighed.
The girls all piled in their cars, and headed back to Erin and Aj's house, which was designated for all the ladies to get ready. When they pulled into the driveway, Erin's mom, Lisa, and Aj's mom, Denise were all ready there, along with Kevin's, Brian's, Nick's and Howie's moms, and anyone else necessary.
The mom's cooed over the girl’s hair and makeup, then shooed them upstairs to get dressed. Erin hung around for a few minutes, waiting till the last possible minute to get dressed. She went to the fridge and pour herself a glass of iced tea, having a seat in the living room.
"I can't believe my little girl is getting married today" her mom said softly, coming up behind her.
"Me neither. But then, a lot has happened that I still can't believe" Erin said, just as softly.
"Honey, I know I have said so a hundred times before, but I am soo sorry about what all happened.."
"Mom, its in the past, and nothing we can say now can change it. I just want to forget about it all, and start over, and today is that day I can do so. I'm just glad that you are here, and you are my mom. You have been so great to me, even though we did have our times, you did your best, and I thank you for being there for me.I love you mom," she said, her eyes tearing up. "I love you too honey" her mom said, hugging her tightly. They stayed that way for a few moments, then pulled away.
"Lets say we go get you ready. You have a wonderful man waiting for you, and we don't want to disappoint him, now do we?"

"What time is it?" Aj asked for the tenth time, pacing the floor at Brian's house. The guys had left the tailor’s and headed there to wait out the time until the limo came to pick them up. They had eaten lunch, and watched some Tv, and then gotten dressed, and were now waiting for the limo.
"Aj, if you ask me that one more time, I’m going to have to clobber you, and if you don't stop pacing, you are going to wear a rut through the floor!" Brian complained.
"I know, I’m sorry Bri..but I'm just nervous, ya know." he said, then cheered as the limo pulled up outside.
"Please, just one hit, I can borrow Amanda's make-up to cover the bruise...please" Brian begged, as Aj bounced outside and jumped into the limo, hollering for the guys to hurry up.
"Don't worry, he will calm down by the time the wedding starts, and if he doesn't, I'll even help you beat the shit out of him" Nick said, closing the door behind him.
"Come ON guys, we don't want to be late!"

"Are you sure, I mean, maybe its too poufy a skirt, or the train is too long.." Erin complained, turning around, eyeing herself in the three-fold mirror.
"It's perfect, you're perfect. Stop worrying! You're driving me nuts!" Kelly complained, smoothing a wrinkle from her own skirt. The girls all wore similar floor-length dresses, with spaghetti straps, deep lavender in color. Mandy's was the same, only a darker violet. Kayla's was the same color as the other girls, but was only down to her ankles, her little black patent leather shoes shining.
Denise came in, followed by the other mom's, and they all oh'ed and ah'ed over how beautiful the girls were, handing them their bouquets of white roses and orchids. Lisa handed Kayla a white basket with loose white rose petals.
"Is the limos here yet?" Erin worried, taking her own bouquet, similar to the other girls, but bigger and more elaborate.
"Yes, it just pulled up. Let's get you ladies to the church!" Brian's mom Jackie said, ushering the girls out the door. The girls all piled into the first limo, and the moms got in the one behind it.
"God, I hope I don't puke or trip or something....I don't think I can do this guys" Erin whined.
"Erin, if you don't shut up" Mandy threatened, just as Amanda, Lara, Shae and Kelly broke out, singing.
"We are, going to the chapel and we're going to get ma-hair-hair-ied, going to get ma-hair-hair-ied, going to the chapel of love!" they all chorused, causing Erin to bust out laughing.

"And smile" the photographer said, taking yet another picture of all of the groom's party. "Wonderful" he said, finally handing the camera to his helper. I'm finished with you guys. You can just relax now."
"Finally" Howie complained, falling back into one of the chairs.
Right then, the preacher came in, making sure that they had the ring, and making sure everyone remember his role in the ceremony. He ushered Howie, Kevin, Nick and Harold out, so they could start seating the guests.
"Are you ready for this Alex?" Brian asked, completely serious.
"Yes. I've never been more ready or more happy about anything I have ever done in my life. I love her with my very being."
"Then I wish the two of you the best of luck" Brian said, his eyes tearing up a little.

"Oh God, please don't let me screw up, what if I forget what I'm supposed to say? Have I forgot anything? Where's the ring? Oh please tell me someone has his ring" Erin worried, pacing back and forth.
"Erin, calm down NOW! Damn, you are getting ME all worked up" Lara complained from her chair.
"I'm sorry, I'm just scared I'm going to screw this up somehow" she apologized, but still continued to pace back and forth. Just then, the there was a knock at the door.
"Who is it? Mandy called, ushering Erin behind the door in case it was one of the guys.
"It's John" Erin's dad called.
"Oh ok" Mandy said, opening the door for him.
"Time to line up ladies" he said, complementing them each in turn. They all grabbed their bouquets and headed to the front of the church. John held Erin back for a minute.
"Are you ready honey?"
"As ready as I will ever be dad. Thank you for everything" she whispered, giving him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.

Pachebel's Canon floated throughout the church as Kayla began her walk through the church. Aj smiled as the little girl carefully dropped a few petals every step. She made her way to the front, and took her place, smiling. Kelly came next, followed by Shae, Amanda, Lara, and finally Mandy. Aj's heart missed a beat as the Wedding March started, and the doors opened for Erin.
Her father had his hand placed lightly on her's, as they walked slowly down the aisle. Her eyes were on him every second from the moment the doors opened, as his were on her.
Her heart started to beat fast and furious as she made her way to the pulpit.
"God, he looks so handsome"
"God, she is so beautiful"
They stopped as they approached the front of the church, and the music stopped. The preacher began his sermon.
"Dearly Beloved, we are here today, to join in holy matrimony, Alexander James McLean, and Erin Teresa Holliday. Who here is giving this woman to this man?"
"Her mother and I" her father answered, raising her veil to give her a kiss, then placed her hand in Aj's, then went to sit with Lisa.
"Is there anyone here, who believe that these two should not be united in holy wedlock, please speak now, or forever hold your peace." The seconds drug out, until the preacher continued, and Aj and Erin both let out a breath, they didn't know they had been holding.
Erin stared at the preacher as he continued the ceremony, her mind thinking of twenty-million other things, none of them relating to what he was saying.
"Alexander James, do you take this woman..." the preacher said, bringing her back to reality.
"I do" he said, his eyes seeing nothing but her.
"Erin Teresa, do you take this man..."
"I do" she whispered,
"Do we have the rings?" Blake made his way up to the couple, and Aj and Erin bent down to untie the rings from the satin ribbons on the pillow, then handed them to the preacher.
"These rings are a symbol of the love these two profess for each other. Now Alexander, please repeat after me..." Aj repeated after him, each word coming straight from his heart.
"Please take this ring, as a symbol of my affection, and undying love, from now until eternity" he finished, sliding a beautiful gold band, studded with diamonds over her left ring finger.
"Erin, now will you please repeat after me..." the preacher said, continuing on.
She repeated him word for word, her eyes never leaving Aj's.
"Please take this ring, as a symbol of my affection, and undying love, from now until eternity" she finished softly, sliding a gold band onto his left ring finger, feeling a tear slide down her cheek as she finished her vows.
"Now, by the power vested in me, by the power of God, and state of Florida, I now pronounce you Man, and Wife!" the preacher finished. "You may now kiss the bride" he added.
"I thought you would never ask" Aj chuckled, lifting her veil, and kissed her heartily to the cheer of the crowd.
"May I present to you now, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McLean!"
Erin felt her eyes tear up again, and Aj squeezed her hand. They made their way down the aisle, followed by their friends and family. They stood aside in one of the rooms as the crowd moved outside, to wait until the bridal party was finished with pictures.
"I can't believe you are finally mine!" Aj said softly, kissing away her tears.

They regathered in the chapel for pictures, which practically took forever. Then they moved outside where they were showered by birdseed and blessings. The got into their limo and sped off to their house, where the reception was being held.

They drove around a while, giving everyone time to get to their house, just holding on to each other. They finally pulled into their driveway, going inside, waiting a few minutes with the rest of their party, before heading outside where everyone else was waiting for them.
They were greeted by cheers and streamers as the made their way to the head table. They had opted for an outside reception, since it was summer and the weather had been perfect for the last week.
There was plenty of dancing, and lots of food, and champagne and wine flowed freely. Brian got up and said his speech, congratulating the couple, and joking about some of the stuff they had been through, among other things, and Mandy stood up after him, and did the same. Toasts were made, the bouquet was tossed, as was her garter, which were caught by a blushing Mandy and Harold. Good natured cheers and comments were shouted as he slid it up her thigh.
All of the dances were danced, tons of pictures were snapped. The cake was cut, and passed around. As everyone was sitting down for the cake, Aj took the opportunity to jump on the stage, and gestured for the Dj to cut the music. He thanked everyone for coming, and then called for Erin to join him up on stage.
"Since we were engaged back in January, my beautiful wife has pestered, and begged, and pleaded to know where I was taking her for her honeymoon. Well, now I will tell you...or...I can wait until later..." he said, pausing for effect, then laughed as she fussed and playfully punched him in the shoulder. "I guess not" he said still laughing. "Well honey, we are going for a month long stay in France, starting with a week in Paris, then onto wherever your heart desires. You used to tell me how much you wanted to go there, so we are going." he said, his heart leaping at the smile she gave him. She shrieked and threw herself into his arms.
"I love you, and always will, don't you forget that" he said in flawless french, causing her to look up at him and laugh.
"And I you" she responded, also in french, pulling his head down for a kiss.

As passionate as they both were, and as much as they wanted each other, Erin and AJ talked about everything BUT the honeymoon while on the flight to Paris. It was like everything had changed. They were man and wife now, not just two people who wanted to go at it like rabbits.
"Oh, AJ, this is perfect!" Erin sighed happily as she stood on the balcony of their huge hotel suite. In the distance, she could see the lights on the Eiffel Tower blinking in the twilight. "It's like you read my mind…like you knew what the perfect honeymoon location would be for me."
"Well, you've only mentioned it about one hundred million times," he teased as he placed their bags on the floor near the bedroom door. Unpacking was the last thing on his mind. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Totally," she said, leaning back against him.
AJ felt his body respond to hers, and willed himself to relax. They had done nothing since that day Tommy had snuck into the hotel room, and he didn't know what that had done to Erin. He knew she loved him, and that she wanted him, but he couldn't imagine how awful it had been to have Tommy attack her like that, even though she had fought him off. AJ nibbled behind Erin's ear.
"There's a balcony in the bedroom, too," he suggested. She whirled around.
"Really?" She squealed. She hadn't even made it to the bedroom yet. He released her and she ran off like a little girl. "Oh, AJ, the view is even BETTER in here!" She exclaimed. He walked into the bedroom.
"Definitely," he agreed, his eyes seeing nothing but her. She blushed.
"I'm…um…gonna go change," she said suddenly, grabbing one of her smaller bags and locking herself in the bathroom.
Good job, McLean! AJ snapped at himself. You didn't even DO anything yet, and you already scared her. He sighed and turned down the covers on the king-sized bed. He opened one of his suitcases and pulled out his favorite boxers. He didn't want to do anything to frighten her, so he would not sleep in the nude that night. AJ was pulling his wife beater over his head when Erin re-entered the bedroom.
"I went shopping with the girls last week," she said almost shyly. AJ looked up at her and almost passed out. She was wearing a long emerald green satin nightgown, which had a slit up to her left hip. The bodice and top were totally lace, and tiny spaghetti straps sat at her shoulder blades. AJ made some unintelligible gurgling sound. Erin's face fell. "You…you don't like it, do you?" She said with disappointment. AJ jumped to his feet and came to stand in front of her.
"Oh…baby…completely the opposite." AJ placed his hands lightly on her shoulders. "It's gorgeous." He smiled his sly smile. "I'm just wondering how I'm gonna tear it off of you without destroying it."
Erin smiled back. "You're rich…buy me another one."
With a growl, AJ sank his teeth into the softness of her neck. She gasped. "I'm gonna buy you seven…one for each day of the week," he whispered in her ear. He lifted her up and carried her to the bed. "And I'm gonna make you wear it every night, and then every night I'm gonna take it off of you…" his hand slid up her bare thigh, "…and make wild passionate love to you."
"Every night?" She said breathlessly as her nails raked down his back. He pulled back to look at her.
"I know right now that I will NEVER be able to get enough of you." His fingers fluttered across the lace that covered her breasts and she drew in a ragged breath. "You are so gorgeous…I won't be able to help myself…" he untied one of the straps and pulled down the material until one breast was exposed. He carefully kissed a trail from her neck down to her chest and around her breast, purposely avoiding her nipple. Erin took as much as she could and then began to arch her back up.
"Alex…please…" she begged. With a smile he finally took the nipple in his mouth, circling it with tantalizingly slow movements of his tongue. She groaned, pulling his hair. He stood up and she whimpered.
"Patience, love," he murmured, pulling her up to stand with him. He slowly untied the other strap, his dark eyes never leaving her face. The nightgown fell in a pool at her feet. She swallowed deeply as he came to stand behind her. His hands roamed from her shoulders to her stomach and back up again. She could feel his hardness against her, and it took everything she had not to throw him down on the bed herself. As his hands traveled below her stomach, she almost collapsed against him. "You like that?" He whispered against her hair. He laid her back on the bed once more, and began to kiss a trail up from her ankles to her thighs, barely avoiding his true destination in the middle. Erin was soon squirming on the bed, begging him not to tease her. He licked up the inside of her left thigh, crossed over to her right, then finally up to the center of her.
When she felt his tongue flick across her, Erin screamed with delight, oblivious to who might hear. One of his slender fingers explored inside of her, and she could not help the way her body thrust up to meet him. He sucked on her clit as his fingers moved in and out of her, and soon she could take no more.
"AJ…please…" she implored of him.
"Baby…I want you so bad…I don't know how long I can hold out," he told her as he moved up above her.
"I don't care. I want you inside of me…please!" The last word was almost a shriek as he plunged inside of her. After a few strokes, he realized that he could not wait much longer. He placed an arm under her waist and pulled her up to meet him.
"Oh…AJ…God…" she panted, feeling the orgasm build inside of her.
"Erin…baby…I love you!" He exclaimed as he thrust inside of her one last time.
"Oh…AJ…I love you, too!" She whispered as he fell against her, burying his face in her chest.

The next month and a half passed almost too quickly, even though they had extended their honeymoon an extra two weeks. They visited almost every landmark that France had to offer during the day, and made love almost every night. Even when Erin had caught some flu that kept her in bed for a while, they enjoyed every moment together. They flew back to the states almost reluctantly, only to be greeted by everyone at the airport.
"So how was it you guys, did you get do everything you wanted to do?" Kelly asked, with a devilish grin.
"That and more" Aj replied, grinning back.
"Erin? You're awfully quiet, is everything ok?" Kevin asked, noting that she wasn't paying much attention.
"Uh?" she said, startled.
"Is everything ok?" Kevin repeated.
"Oh, yeah. Just jet lag" she said softly.
"She's been trying to get over the flu this past week" Aj told them, pulling her into his lap.
"Oh that sucks, being sick on your honeymoon" Lara cooed.
"Doesn't it though?" Erin said, snuggling up close.
"I guess that means we will have to postpone our welcome back dinner then" Nick whined, getting a playful whack from Lara.
"We can do it later, when everyone is feeling up to it"
"That sounds great, all I want to do is go home and sleep, especially since I haven't been getting too much anyway" Erin said, smiling.

"Ahh, home at last" Aj sighed, letting his suitcases crash to the floor.
"I know exactly how you feel" Erin said, coming in behind him.
"Mmm, are you sure you're ok hun?" he asked, nuzzling his face in her neck.
"Yeah, I'm just exhausted" she said, plopping down on the couch.
"Well, why don't you just sit still and I'll bring in the rest of our luggage, and I'll fix us something for dinner, how does that sound?" he asked, kissing her forehead.
"That sounds great, if you don't mind me being lazy"
"Of course I don't mind, you have every right to be exhausted" he said, a cocky grin spread across his face.
"You, Mr. McLean are full of yourself" she laughed, swatting at him affectionately, "Even if you are right"
"And you Mrs. McLean, are the most beautiful woman in the world" he said softly, kissing her again.

"I aim to please" he said, and left to finish hauling their bags upstairs. He emerged in the living room again fifteen minutes later, to find Erin curled up asleep on the couch. He smiled, and carefully pulled her up into his arms, and took her upstairs. He walked into their room, and carefully laid her down, pulling the covers up to her chin. He stood back for a moment, staring at her, not believing how lucky he was to have found such a treasure. He grinned to himself, and climbed into the bed, wrapped his arm around her waist, and fell asleep beside her.

"Aj, I don't know why in the world you are making me go to the doctor, it's probably just the flu, and it will go away on its own" Erin complained, as they weaved in and out of traffic. It was two weeks later, and she was still feeling really shitty, and AJ had announced that morning that she was going to the doctors whether she liked it or not.
"Because, I don't like you being sick all of the time, and perhaps they can give you something...all I know is that it won't hurt you just to go in and see what he has to say" Aj said firmly.

**About a week later**

"Hey, it's about time you two" Brian said as Aj and Erin approached the table. They were all meeting up for their "welcome back" dinner that had been put off for three weeks.
"Sorry, traffic was terrible" Erin said, pulling off her wrap and taking a seat.
"And someone takes forever to get ready too" Aj added, sitting down beside her.
"Oh hush"
"Aww, how cute! They're arguing!" Shae said chuckling, ignoring Erin's glare.
"So, how are things?" Howie asked.
"Going really good, aren't they dear?" Aj said, sharing a smile with her.
"Very good" she replied, smiling back.
"In fact, things are getting better" Aj said, reaching for her hand.
"Huh?" Nick asked, confused.
"Well, it turns out that the 'flu' I've had for the past three weeks hasn't been the flu" Erin said.
"Oh my goodness! You're..." Lara said excitedly
"Yup" Erin smiled as the girls shrieked.
"Uh, you're what?" Howie asked, sharing a glance with the other guys.
"Men" Kelly muttered.
"What she means guys" Aj said, taking pity on them, "is that in another seven or so months, you guys are going to be uncles"
"That's great! Congratulations!" Brian said excitedly, clapping Aj on the back.
"Aj, a father. That's scary" Kevin said seriously, then broke out in an evil grin. "Guess that means if you can do it, anyone can"
"Oh thanks Kev" Aj muttered, tearing off a piece of his roll and threw it at him.
"Now, now, now children" Erin said, grabbing the roll out of Aj's hands.
"How long have you two known?" Amanda asked.
"About a week now. Aj made me go to the doctors to get some medicine so I wouldn't be feeling so crappy, and they just did a few routine tests, and everything pointed to pregnancy"
"See? Next time you won't argue with me when I tell you something huh" Aj demanded. kissing her on her nose.
"I doubt that" she said seriously, raising an eyebrow.
"We'll see"

**About seven months later"

"Oh God, here comes another one" Erin groaned as they wheeled her down the hospital corridor. She gripped Aj's hand tightly, and bit into her lip to keep from crying out.
"It's ok babe, just let it go" Aj cooed, trying to sooth her.
"Easy for you to say! YOU aren't the one who is as big as a house and YOU aren't the one feeling like she's being ripped in two!" Erin hollered, ignoring the nurse's requests for her to keep her voice down.
"Whoa, I think that's the worst one yet, about much longer do you think she'll be?" Aj asked the nurse, as they pulled into her room.
"I'm not sure, we will have to wait until the doctor examines her" the nurse told him, helping Erin out of the wheelchair and up into the bed.
"Are you ok hun? Is there anything I can get for you?" he asked as the nurse hurried about, hooking Erin up to a bunch of monitors and started an IV.
"I WANT SOME DRUGS!" she hollered as another contraction ripped through her.

"Yeah, her water broke this morning, so we hung around home till her contractions came closer, that's what the nurse told us to do" Aj said into his cell phone. He had called Brian, so he could start calling everyone else up.
"Wow, so it's anytime now huh"
"Pretty much, she has a few more centimeters until she's fully dilated, and then she can start pushing, so I figured you guys should know"
"Ok, well, I'll call everyone one and we should be there within the hour.
"Ok, make sure you call Mandy and tell her, or else Erin and her will be after me" Aj said chuckling.
"No problem bro. See ya in a little bit" Brian said, laughing at Erin's sudden string of obscenities in the background
"Ok, gotta go, another contraction, bye!"

Mandy and her fiancé Corey stepped out of the elevator and were greeted by the group of people in the waiting area. She recognized them all, and plopped down next to Shae and Kelly.
"How is she doing? Any word yet?" she asked, dropping her bags of gifts.
"Nothing yet, but we should be hearing something soon"

"Come on babe, push!" Aj encouraged, gripping her hand. The nurse counted to ten, and then Erin fell back.
"Almost there, about one more push" the doctor said, looking up at her. She felt another contraction hit her, and she bore down, pushing as hard as she could. She felt something slippery fall from her body, and sighed gustily, falling back against the pillows, exhausted.
A few minutes later, she heard a smack, and a hearty wail. Her eyes tore up, as the doctor held up her baby. "Congrats mom, you have a beautiful, healthy baby girl"
"It's a girl" Aj whispered, reaching for her hand, and kissed her. When he pulled back, she saw the tears in his eyes
"You have a daughter dad" she said, smiling through her tears.
The nurses cleaned her up, and Aj cut the umbilical cord, they wrapped her up, and handed her to Erin.
"What is her name?" one of the nurses asked.
"Audreya Marie, after her great-great grandmother" Aj responded, caressing the his daughter's tiny cheek. The nurses bustled about, cleaning up everything, and finally announced that they could have guests.

"Excuse me" a nurse said, quieting everyone in the waiting room. "You can all go in now. We only let two or three people at a time, but Mrs. McLean demanded you all to be allowed in, so please keep it down" she warned, and led the group to their room.
"That sounds like Erin" Mandy chuckled and entered the room. Aj was perched on the edge of the bed, and Erin looked at everybody with a big smile.
"Well, do we have a niece or a nephew?" Brian demanded.
"Hello to you too Bri" Aj said wryly.
"Everyone, I want you too meet Audreya Marie" Erin said softly, pulling the blanket away from her face, and handed her to Aj.
"Aww!" everyone cooed, gathering around them.
"She's so tiny" Nick said, taking her from Aj.
"She's got both of you in her" Shae whispered, giggling softly as Audreya wrapped her hand around Shae's finger
"Yeah, she's going to have her mom's eyes" Mandy said, taking her from Nick.
"And her father's receding hairline" Kevin cracked, softly stroking her cheek.
"Hey, not funny old man" Aj said, unconsciously running his fingers through his hair.
"Lord, we are going to have build another room just to store all of her toys" Erin sighed, seeing the heap of stuffed animals that everyone had brought with them.
"It's all good" Corey said, handing her a small box. "We were told to give this to you the last time we went home"
"By who?" Erin asked curiously, unwrapping the little box. She gasped as she removed the lid, and pulled out her mother's necklace that she always wore. "How did you?" she asked softly.
"Your mom gave it to me. She told me to tell you, from one mother, to another." Mandy said, handing Audreya to Lara.
"It's always been passed on from mother to daughter, ever since my great-great-great grandmother" Erin whispered, clasping the necklace around her neck. "My grandmother June always told me about it...I had forgotten all about it to tell the truth"
"Well, she should be getting here within the next day or so. We called her before we came over here, and she was going to catch the next flight out"
"Uh oh, I think someone's getting hungry" Lara said, bouncing slightly, as Audreya started to wail.
"Here, let me try, she shouldn't be hungry, we fed her before you guys came in." Aj said, reaching for her. As soon as she was situated in her father's arms, she ceased crying.
"She's already got him wrapped around her little finger" Erin said, shaking her head, watching Aj coo over her. "You are going to spoil her, you know that?"
"Of course, and you of all people know how good I am at spoiling beautiful women, now I just have two of you to deal with" he said, grinning.


The End


Tell Ari what you think of this story so far!