Bad Girls

By:  Ari


"I told you that you weren't supposed to see that little tramp Ari anymore" Lara hissed, running her nails across Lance's bare chest.

"I know you did love, but she's kinda hard to ignore" he moaned, pulling against the restraints that bound his wrists to the bed.

"Perhaps" she began, inching slowly down his firm body, "if I helped you decide which one of us you want" she whispered softly. She looked up to see him staring at her, wide-eyed in anticipation. She grinned at him evily, licking the tip of him teasingly before taking him fully in her mouth. She chuckled as he threw his head back and moaned, his hips jerking upwards. She went down on him slowly until he was touching the back of her throat. She pulled up just as slowly, her teeth raking the length of him ever so lightly.

"Oh God" Lance whimpered as she drew upon his head hard, caressing his balls with her free hand. It wasn't much longer before she felt his balls twitching in her hand and knew his release was near. She played with for a moment longer before stopping all together. She stood up from the bed, ignoring his cry of protest. She stood back for a moment, taking in the fine piece of meat that was writhing against the rumpled sheets.

"Aww, poor Lancey..." she purred. "Are we all pent up and frustrated?" she sashayed over to the head of the bed."What would you do if I untied you?" she asked out of curiosity, taking a moment to lean forward and encircled the tip of a nipple with her pointed tongue.

"I would wipe that smirk off your face for one thing" he gasped.

"And just how would you do that?" she transfered her attentions to the other nipple.

"Come on Lara, I swear! I'll never see her again PLEASE!" he pleaded.

"You PROMISE" her hand traveled down and gripped his rock hard cock.

"I SWEAR" he cried as she squeezed him gently.

"You, know, I like hearing you beg, and if I wasn't so fucking turned on by your sexy ass, I'd leave you like this for a while" she announced, straddling his chest. "You promise?" she demanded one last time.

"YES! I fucking swear it!" She leaned forward and untied that ropes that held his wrists. As soon as he was free, he flipped her underneath of him and slammed into her, enjoying her cries of ecstasy. She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him on faster.

            "Oh GOD" she shrieked as she found her peak, her back arching high off the bed as Lance continued to slam into her.

            "Oh shit" he hissed as her velvet walls clenched him tightly, triggering his own release. He rolled off of her, both of them struggling to catch their breath.

"Mmm, thanks baby. I knew you'd see things my way" she chuckled, leaning over to kiss him. She stood up from the bed and gathered her clothes.

"So when in Mr. Carter expected back?" he asked, stretching then reached for his own clothes.

            "Sometime in the next day or so, you know he never tells me anything" she sighed, fastening her bra.

"Will I see you again this week?

"Hmm, how about Friday? I have off and Nick will be home and I won't have to worry about him surprising me."

"Sounds good to me. Same time, same place?"

"Of course! Well dear, I must be getting back to the office. Thanks for lunch" she chuckled, kissing him deeply. "Remember, no more Ari" she warned, then left.

He gave her fifteen minutes before leaving. He stopped by the front desk to drop off his room key when the pay phones caught his eye. He rushed over and punched a pager number. He waited for the beep then plugged in the phone number plus his code, 696969. It wasn't five minutes later when the phone rang.

"Hey sweety" he mummered softly.

"Hey yourself, whats up?"

"Nothing much, just wondering if you were busy tonight."

"Oh silly, you know I'm never to busy for you."

"Good, how about around six? And we need to find somewhere new. We've used our usual place too often.."

"Lance, I thought it was pretty clear that you weren't supposed to see that bitch anymore, but if you haven't learned your lesson..." she said dangeriously.

"Oh baby, you know that it's only you in my life"

"Thats what I thought. Just come to my place, the door will be unlocked for you."

"Sounds good to me, when is Mr. McLean due home again?"

"Sometime tomorrow, thats what he told me, so we'll be fine. See you at six?"

"It's a date. See you later love."

"Bye" He hung up the phone and left the hotel whistling.

He showed up on her doorstep promptly at six. He let himself in and headed automatically upstairs to her bedroom. He frowned when he saw that she wasn't in bed waiting for him. He was about to turn around and look downstairs when he heard the shower running.

"Clever girl" he whispered, and opened the bathroom silently. He creeped in unnoticed. He quickly stripped, and stepped in the shower behind her.

"What a girl wants, what a girl needs, whatever makes me happy, sets you free" she sang, completely oblivious to the man standing behind her.

"Hey baby" he purred in her ear as his arms snaked around her waist.

"Mmm, hey yourself handsome." she replied, leaning back against his chest.

"Jeeze, you know how to greet your man don'tcha" he chuckled, squrting some body wash on her damp chest.

"Oh, don't you know it" she mummered, enjoying the feeling of his hands. She moaned as he soaped up her breasts, teasing at her nipples. He quickly rinsed her off, then whirled her around so he could capture her mouth with his.

"Oh God, it's been too long, where have you been anyway?" she moaned as his lips moved from hers, down to her neck, biting down softly where her shoulder and neck met.

"Work has been busy" he said quickly, slowly sliding one hand down her stomach, gently parting her womanly folds. He found her clit and began to lightly flick his finger across it, causing her knees to buckle slightly. He eased her over to the bench that lined one side of the shower, knocking bottles of shampoo and conditioner to the tiled floor, making room for her to sit. He kneeled down in front of her, capturing one nipple in his mouth, sucking on it while his finger worked furiously on her womanhood.

"Oh..Christ" she gasped as she came, but instead of stopping, he gently kissed his way down, and replaced his finger with his tongue, and slid one finger inside of her. "You are definatly making up for lost time aren't you" she whimpered as he slipped his tongue where his finger had just been. He licked one straight line up the center of her before traveling back up.

"Do you think you can keep up with me?" he asked mischievously, his eyes dancing. He was still feeling frisky from his time with Lara earlier. He liked having two different girls with two completely different sexual habits. It kept life interesting.

"Oh hell yeah" she said huskily, yanking his head down to hers, kissing him roughly. Never breaking the kiss, he lifted her up and pressed her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around him reflexively as he positioned himself at her opening. He intended to tease her, but she slammed down, impaling him with her.

"Oh God" she moaned as he filled her.

"Damn girl" he also moaned, she was still tight from her orgasm, and her muscles caressed his cock as he started to pull out. He pulled out almost entirely, then plunged back within her depths slowly. He repeated the process numerous times, never speeding up, he wanted to make it last. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and began to slam into her. She wrapped her legs around him tighter, her arms encircling his neck as she urged him on. Together, they found their release, screaming each other's names.

"Oh God Ari, I've missed you..." he murmured, placing a kiss on her throat.

"Not as much as I've missed you" she teased.

"How about we move this into the bedroom?"

"Sounds like a plan to me, but we need to dry off first. I don't want my mattress soaked" she warned.

"You know what?" she asked as he layed her down on the bed.

"What honey?" he asked, kissing a light trail up her thigh.

"I think I want to be the one in charge for a change..."she said, sitting up, and pushing him on his back. He raised an eyebrow. This was new, Ari usually liked to be on the receiving end. She pulled out a length of black silk.

"Now just relax...I promise I won't hurt you, too bad" she teased, tying the scarf around his eyes, satisfied that he was virtually blind. She reached over in her nightstand and whipped out some handcuffs. Before he could react, she had his hands cuffed to the bedposts, and his feet also, leaving him spread eagle and completely helpless.

"Oh darn, I left something downstairs, I'll be right back Lancers" she called, flicking her tongue across his lips before leaving the room.

"It took you long enough" Ari snapped, seeing Lara just now striding in.

            "Sorry, there was an accident. Do you have him?"

"Yup, poor thing is blindfolded and handcuffed, unable to move" Ari pouted mockingly.

"You always were a bitch" Lara laughed.

"But being a bitch comes in handy at times like these. I think someone needs to learn his lesson. Apparently he enjoyed our 'punishments' so it doesn't phase him to keep seeing us both, but after we're through with him..." Ari chuckled, her eyes dancing gleefully.

"Are we ready for phase one?" Lara asked, picking up a bowl of ice cubes.

"Ready" Ari answered her, reaching for a candle and lighter.

"Oh Lancers, I'm back" Ari called in a sing-song voice.

"It's about time, do you know how cold this room is?" he muttered, pulling against the cuffs.

"Yes, it usually is pretty drafty, I'm sorry" she said, sitting the candle on the nightstand, lighting it as Lara sat the bowl of ice on the other side of the bed. Lara picked up one of the ice cubes, letting it melt a little, the cold droplets hitting his Lance's chest.

"Shit! That mess is cold!" he hissed. Lara grinned evily, drawing the ice cube down his neck, and around his nipples, causing them to tighten up into tight buds. She pulled her hand away, and nodded to Ari, who in turn picked up the candle. She tipped it slightly, letting the hot wax coat one of his nipples. He hollared, his back arching high off the bed.

            "Christ! That fucking burns!" he screamed.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey" Ari replied in a sickling sweet voice. She looked over to Lara who was smiling hugely, and smiled back. She moved the candle over his other nipple and tipped it.

"Hold it, don't think about it" a voice called from the doorway. Ari and Lara both jumped, causing Ari to splash hot wax all over her wrist and Lance's chest, both of them letting out a string of curses, while Lara stared in shock at the two men standing in the doorway.

"It's about time, shit! How much longer were you going to let these two torture me!" Lance hollered.

"Sorry, our flight was late" Nick said, staring at Lara, who just gaped back.

"What are you doing home" she asked weakly.

"Well, a little bird told us what was going on behind our backs, so we arranged for this...little get together." Aj answered, glaring at Ari, who was nursing her wax burned wrist.

"But how did you figure to get the both of us here" Ari demanded, snatching the ice away from Lara, rubbing a piece over her scorched hand.

"Easy, you both like revenge, so we figured it wouldn't be too much longer before you two got fed up with Lance going back and forth" Nick explained.

"How bout letting me up, between Lara and the ropes, and these blasted cuffs, I'm not going to have much skin left on my wrists" Lance complained.

"Let me have the key Ari dear" Aj said, advancing on her.

"Oh hell, it's in the drawer" she snapped, pissed that she was found out.

"Ropes huh?" Nick asked, looking to Lara, who just blushed. Ari gingerly peeled the wax off her wrist while Aj and Nick unlocked poor Lance, and unblindfolded him.

"Now, what are we going to do with these bad girls?" Aj asked, the three men glaring down at the girls.

"And just what did you have in mind?" Ari smirked from her spot on the floor.

"Oh just shut up" Lara snapped, flashing her an evil look. "You've gotten us into enough trouble as it is"

"I think you both need to be quiet" Aj said slowly. He picked up the handcuffs from the bed, tossing two pairs to Nick, leaving himself with the other two. "You can take Lara down to the room three doors on your right, I'll be right behind you" Nick nodded, grabbing one of Lara's arms and dragged her down the hallway.

"I really wish  you would kill the 'bad ass' attitude, it's getting old really fast" Ari sneered, standing up. Aj glared at her as she sauntered over to Lance, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his sore wrists. "I didn't hurt you all that bad, did I Lancers?" she asked sweetly, one hand trailing down his chest to his groin, which she squeezed gently. "No, you enjoyed it, didn't you" she smiled wickedly, leaning over to brush his lips with her own.

"You do realize that your husband is standing right behind you, right?" Lance whispered.

"Of course I know this. I also know how much this is turning him on" she chuckled.

"You are such a bitch" Lance laughed, but was cut off when Ari cupped his face between her hands, her tongue plunging between his lips. Unfortunatly, it didn't last too long because Aj yanked her off of him with a growl.

"Lance, get your ass downstairs, you are only making matters worse. There is a paper beside the phone with a name and number, I want you to call that person and tell them I'm ready for them" Aj snarled, pinning Ari up against the wall. "You do know that you are walking a fine line young lady" he hissed, pushing her harder against the wall.

"Yes daddy" she whispered, the grin never leaving her face. He stared down at her for a moment, then picked her up and dropped her on the bed. She scrambled away, trying to put some distance between them, but he easily grabbed her wrist and yanked her back, pinning her beneath him.

"Can we just stop this now, I'm tired, and I don't feel like playing anymore" she pouted.

"We're not playing by YOUR rules this time, Ari dear, plus, maybe you will think of this the next time you decided to fuck around behind my back" he whispered, nipping at her neck. He pulled her hands above her head and cuffed them, snapping them to the end posts.

"Come on, let me up!" she hollared, attempting to thrash around, but his thighs pinned her down. "Dammit Aj.."she growled.

"Would you shut up for five minutes?" he asked, easing out of the bed, and walked over to her dresser. He rummaged around for a moment, then pulled out some of her pantyhose. He easily caught her ankle, and tied it to the footboard, repeating his actions with the other foot. The whole time she struggled, mumbling curses at him.

"If you don't shut up I'm just going to have to gag you" he warned, firmly tying a length a silk across her eyes.

"You wouldn't dare..." she hissed, but true to his word, he tied another length of silk, this time around her mouth.

"Now you lay here, and try to behave yourself, I'm going to go see to Miss Lara now..." he said, dragging his fingers down her bare chest.

When Aj stepped into the guest room, everything was chaos. Lara was standing on the opposite side of the bed, glaring at Nick, who was advancing on her. Lara had her back to Aj, and was about to bolt again when he grabbed her around the waist, pulling her close.

"Damn Nick, I can't leave you alone for five minutes, and you can't even handle your own girl" Aj complained, dumping her on the bed and easily locking her wrists to the headboard. "Lance is downstairs calling our other guest now, why don't you go see to Ari while I play with Lara for a bit."

"Sweet, just give me hollar when you're ready to switch" Nick called over his shoulder.

"Are you scared yet?" Aj asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Fuck you" she hissed. He lightly began to trace the rim of her belly button with his tongue. She forced her body to remain perfectly still, concentrating on not responding to the feelings that he was making her experiance.

"Not yet, but you'll get your chance soon enough" he promised her, moving up long enough to ravage her lips with his, then pulled back. There was a light knock on the door, then Lance walked in with a bowl.

"He's on his way" Lance announced, than sat on the opposite side of the bed, running a finger down her cheek. "It's not so much fun being tied up now is it? And since you liked playing with the ice soo much, now it's time to repay the favor" he smirked, pulling an ice cube from the bowl he brought. She let out a small shriek as the ice touched her nipple.

"Hmm, hand me the bowl" Aj said thoughtfully, then moved down to the end of the bed. "Open your legs" he commanded.

"Eat me you prick" she snapped, then moaned as Lance traced the ice around her breast.

"All in due time, now, if you would just open your legs for me.." he said softly, easing his hand in-between them. He pushed a finger past her lips and found her clit, it not taking more than a few moments before her legs reflexively parted. He quickly situated himself between her shaking knees, licking a straight line up the center of her. Aj took an ice cube and teased at her clit for a few minutes, before dragging it down the path his tongue had just taken.   Lara was writhing at their attentions, and she couldn't help but moan as Aj slipped a cube of ice deep inside her.

Nick slipped into Aj's room quietly, but couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips. Ari was trashing around on the bed, gagged and blindfolded, completely tied down. She stopped moving at the sound of his voice. She let out a muffled scream and started to buck against the restraints. Nick quickly stripped and moved up the length of the bed, his body covering Ari's.

"You're going to wear yourself out before we even get started" he murmmered in her ear, licking at the lobe. "If you'll be a good girl and promise not to start screaming or anything, I'll take off the gag, but if you start, I've other ways to shut you up" he said. She quickly nodded and turned her head so he could untie it.

"I'm going to fucking castrate the three of you when I get up, you all just wait" she hissed, licking at her parched lips.

"Now now now, you be nice, you both brought this upon yourselves" he said playfully, nipping at her neck.

"Like hell. You can go around behind Lara's back and screw those Kelley and Amanda girls. And don't think I don't know about Aj's little playthings. But WE'RE the ones who get punished, I think something's wrong with that picture" Ari said smugly. Nick stopped what he was doing and froze.

"How in the hell did you know about that" he whimpered.

"Girls talk" she smirked. "But I don't think Lara knows about your little leisions to see those chicks, but, if you want to keep me here and follow through, I can't promise you anything" she continued.

"That would work for you, wouldn't it, trying to blackmail me...but I know about your OTHER little indiscretions, such as a certain Mr. Littrell.." he said, chuckling as she paled slightly.

"Where in the world did you come up with that horseshit" she spat.

"Guys talk" he smirked. "Ok, enough talk, I'm ready to play" he whispered, attacking her lips.

Lara moaned as Aj slipped another ice cube inside of her. He pushed in as far as he could, using his tongue, then lightly swirled it around before for pulling out.

"Ooh, I think she enjoys that" Lance chuckled, squeezing her breast. He bent over and kissed her, his thumb caressing her nipple. Lara moaned into his mouth as Aj started to suck on her clit, his teeth scraping at it gently. He felt her body start to tense up as her orgasm neared, so he backed off.

"No, don't stop" Lara whimpered, jerking her hips towards him.

"Oh no Lara dear, you are only going to cum when we want you to" Aj whispered huskily, moving up the length of her body. Lance backed off for a moment. Aj pressed himself down on her, grinding his hips against hers.

"Oh God" she moaned, her head falling back against the pillow. He slowly moved so that he was sitting lightly on her chest, his massive erection staring her straight in the face.

"You know, the nicer you are to me, the nicer I am to you, and that can be pretty good for the both of us" he said softly, stroking her cheek.

"Is that what you told that Shae girl, or the other one, uh Kayla?" Lara snapped, pissed that he hadn't allowed her release. He glared down at her, his eyes darkening.

"And just where did you hear about that?" he hissed.

"Just something someone passed along to me" she grinned from underneath him. "Oh, and don't worry about me telling Ari, she already knew" she added wickedly. "Now, why don't you let me out of these handcuffs and I'll show you just how nice I can be" she said softly, flicking her tongue over the tip of him.

Ari moaned against Nick's mouth, his one hand tangled in her hair, the other holding his dick while he teased her clit with it. He was about to slam into her, all plans to passionately torture gone from his mind as she grinded her hips against him, when he heard the door open behind him. He muttered a soft curse and looked over his shoulder. His friend raised an eyebrow seeing Ari completely tied down and blindfolded, with Nick poised over her.

"You had to come in right at that minute didn't you" Nick growled, backing off a little.

"It's a good thing I did, Aj would have been upset if you had given in that quick. You remember the plan...” he said softly, coming up on one side of the bed.  Ari had stopped moving at the sound of a new voice, and was listening to two of them.

"I know, I know" Nick grumbled. "I can see why they are so good together, she's as wild as he is, and when I came in, he had even gagged her" he chuckled.

"Oh really, is that true, Ari?" he asked, fingering a lock of her hair. She flinched away from his touch.

"Who are you?" she demanded, not quite recognizing his voice.

"If you don't know, then I'm not going to tell you" he said teasingly. "I can see that this is going to be a long night" he grinned at Nick.

Aj threw his head back and let out a loud moan as Lara took him into her mouth. He threaded his fingers through her hair as she drug her tongue up and down his length.  She cupped his balls and caressed them with her thumb. She heard Lance move up behind her, and felt his tongue flicker over her mound. She moaned against his cock and parted her legs. Lance quickly situated himself underneath her and plunged his tongue inbetween her lips, lapping at her juices. As his tongue encircled her clit she scraped the head of Aj's dick with her teeth, drawing a sharp intake of breath from him.

"Sorry" she chuckled, trying to keep a little bit of control over her situation, but Lance was making it extreamly hard for her.

"Please, no more!" Ari whimpered. The friend was situated between her legs, bringing her to the edge countless times, but never letting her go completely, while Nick was dripping hot wax on her torso. He let a few more drops splash in the valley between her breasts, licking the pain away.

"Look, would you two PLEASE untie me! I swear! I won't try anything, just let me up!" she pleaded, thrashing her hips around, but he grabbed them and firmly held them in place.

"Sorry babygirl, no deal." Nick whispered, but by the tone in his voice, she could tell that he wasn't sorry in the slightest. He set the candle on the nightstand, then turned back to ravaging her breasts.

"You know, that isn't a bad idea, I don't see why we don't unhook her from the bed, at least that way we can move around a little easier" the friend agreed, surprising the hell out of Ari.

"Can I take off this damned blindfold too?" she whispered as he freed her ankles and Nick went to unlock her wrists.

"No, I'm afraid that will have to stay put" he answered. He pulled her so that she was leaning back against him, completely supported by his chest. Nick sat down at the head of the bed where she had been laying.

"How much longer do we have to do this, I mean it's frustrating" Nick whined.

"You don't say" Ari snapped, aching for her own release, which obviously wasn't happening, so she was getting pissed. Kevin shoved her forward, her head landing on Nick's lap while he grabbed her hips. Nick met Kevin's eyes, quickly reading his thoughts and lifted Ari's head. He positioned her mouth over his engorged cock.

"No. I'm not doing this. I'm not helping you two get off while you leave me hanging" she spat, but was hushed by Nick shoving his dick in her mouth. He moaned as he felt her warm mouth encase him. He felt her jaw twitch and realized what she was about to do.

"Don't think about it" he hissed, yanking at her hair. "If you're good, my friend here will be good to you" he said in a softer tone, guiding her head back down. This time there was no hesitance, and her tongue teased at his length.

"Oh God"' Nick moaned as she deep throated him. She chuckled, sending vibrations that caused him to moan louder. She felt the other man press his own erection against her ass, causing her to lean back slightly, grinding back against him. This time she heard him moan. No matter what either of them thought, she was the one controlling the situation now. Just as that thought flashed through her mind, the man behind her slammed his entire length into her.

Lara felt her knees falter as she climaxed, Lance's lethal tongue lapping at her juices. Just as she hit her peak, Aj did also, shooting his load down her throat as he hollered her name.

"Holy shit" she mumbled, trying to recompose herself.

"I was just thinking the same thing" Aj chuckled. He saw Lance sitting off, just watching the two of them recover. Aj motioned for him to come up towards him. He pushed Lance so that he was laying on his back. Lara caught Aj's line of thought and straddled Lance.

"Poor Lancey...I didn't mean to leave you out" she murmured, flickering her tongue over his lips. He quickly grabbed her hips, lifting her slightly so he could slam into her. She moaned, but started riding him hard. He let his head fall back, a moan escaping from deep within him. She would slow down, almost stopping completely, then start going hard and fast again, wanting to make it last as long as she could. Finally, she couldn't wait any longer, and thrust herself down on him one last time. She let out a wild cry as her climax washed over her, and she faintly heard Lance's own cries as he too found his release. She felt him flood deep within her, and collapsed against his chest, panting. They laid together for a few minutes, catching their breaths.

"God damn girl" he muttered as he thrust into her yet again. He felt her grip his cock and knew that she had hit her climax, letting out a loud cry. That was all it took to trigger his own release, him collapsing on top of her. Nick sat back, still panting from his own orgasm.

            "Are you going to tell me who you are yet?" she asked in between breaths. He untied the blindfold with shaking fingers, and turned her over, capturing her lips. She stared up at him in surprise, then lost herself in the kiss.

"Surprised?" he said, leaning back slightly.

"Hell yeah, you're the last person I'd expect...." she said, her voice breaking off with a yawn.

"Aww, Kevvy, look, looks like we've worn her out" Nick chuckled, weaving his fingers through her hair.

"How do you know I wasn't already tired from Lance earlier?" she shot back, then cuddled up on the pillows, falling asleep.

"I was wondering if you two were ever going to make it down here" Aj chuckled, watching Kevin and Nick stumble downstairs.

"Hey, you're lucky we came down at all" Kevin replied, tossing Aj a smart ass grin.

"How's Miss Lara?" Nick asked, rooting through the fridge.

"Out like a light. I figured we'd let her rest up a bit before turning her over to you two, I mean, between Lance and Me, ...lets just say don't be surprised if you can't wake her up"

"Trust me, Ari's not that much better off" Nick replied, draining a can of soda. "How in the hell can you handle both of them man?" he demanded, looking over to Lance.

            "I have my ways" he replied with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, Ari knows about your, um, other little conquests, along with mine" Nick informed Aj.

"I know, Lara was telling me" Aj sighed. "What?" he demanded, seeing the looks that Kevin and Lance were giving them.

"Why in the hell do you two anybody else when you got them two upstairs?" Lance snapped

"Same reason they needed you, a little variety" Nick smirked.

"Ok ok ok, lets not fight, we're almost through this..." Kevin ordered.

"Yes dad" Aj rolled his eyes. "Ok, Lance and I got Ari this time around and you two got Lara...have fun kids" he turned and practically dragged Lance up the stairs.

"I can't wait to see when she get's him back for this" Nick laughed.

"So how are we going to do this?" Lance asked softly as Aj opened the door to his bedroom. Ari was sprawled out on her stomach, the covers just barely covering her bottom.

"I think I'll let you do whatever you want. I'm going to kick back and watch, and eventually I'll join in, but it's your turn" he said, settling himself in the chair in the corner. Lance stared at the sleeping figure for a moment, then quickly pulled off his red satin PJ bottoms before climbing in the bed next to her.

"'s time to wake up" Nick whispered, stroking her nose gently. She swatted at his hand, muttering something unintellagible before rolling away from him. "Guess not, time for plan B" he chuckled, sliding down underneath the covers. He slid his hands over her thighs, gentling parting them and settling himself between them. He used his thumbs to part her lips, slowly licking the center of her. He lightly flicked his tongue over her clit, her body twitching reflexively. After a few moments, he trailed his tongue down, and teased at her opening. He grinned against her moist flesh as her hands tangled themselves in his hair. He kissed a path across her stomach, meeting her lips gently.

"No, don't stop" she whimpered even as his lips touched hers.

"Don't worry dear, we have all night" he whispered, nipping at her ear lobe.

"I'm up I'm up" Ari grumbled as Lance tweaked her nose again. "What do you want" she snapped, snuggling back underneath her covers.

"Nope, you can't go back to sleep just yet" he said softly, pulling the covers off of her and tossing them to the floor.

"Dammit Lance, it's cold in here, and I'm tired, can't we do this another time" she whined, curling up in a ball.

"No, and don't worry, you won't be cold for too much longer" he chuckled, pushing her onto her back and covered her body with his. He nipped at her neck before claiming her lips once again. "Tell me what you want Ari baby" he murmured, planting soft kisses along her jaw line. He grinded his hips against her, and she could already feel his massive erection pushing against her thigh.

"You" she gasped.

"Oh God, don't stop" Lara moaned as Nick's tongue flickered across her clit and his fingers pumped in her furiously. Kevin silenced her, turning her face up to his as his tongue probed her mouth. She was leaned against Kevin's chest, his large hands fondling her breasts and pinching at her nipples while Nick finished what he had started. She had her right hand tangled in Nick's hair, keeping his head in place and the other on the back of Kevin's neck as he deepened the kiss. She cried out against his mouth as her orgasm washed over her, her back arching off his chest in it's intensity.

"That’s the way my baby likes it" Nick snickered, pulling himself up. He pushed a damp strand of hair off her cheek as she tried to regulate her breathing.

Ari moaned as Lance slid deep inside her. He pushed until he was buried to the hilt, then began to pull out slowly. He repeated this numerous times, ignoring her urgings. She was digging her nails into his sides, trying to get him going faster, but it wasn't working. Finally she couldn't take it anymore, and flipped him onto his back, beginning to ride him hard. She could feel him twitching inside of her and felt the beginning of her orgasm when another pair of hands grabbed her waist holding her still

"You should have known that she doesn't like to be teased" Aj whispered against her ear. "And that she is very impatient. Ari baby, you have got to learn that patience is a virtue" he flicked his tongue against her ear.

Lara pushed Kevin until he was lying on his back. She trailed soft kisses down his chiseled chest until she stopped below his belly button. She slowly dragged her tongue up the length of him. Kevin couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips as she starting sucking on the tip of him.

"No" he groaned, pulling her up so that they were face to face. "I only want you one way" he said gruffly, his green eyes meeting her blue ones. She leaned forward and kissed him softly.

"If that's what you want" she said softly, then impaled herself on his hard cock.  Kevin's head fell back in ecstasy, moaning loudly as her muscles caressed him. "Nicky, come here" she ordered, and he caught her train of thought. She leaned forward onto Kevin's chest as Nick came up behind her, parting her ass cheeks. He lubricated her puckered hole with his pre-cum, grasping her shoulder with one hand for leverage while he used the other to guide himself into her tight opening slowly. Lara winced slightly as he eased into her,

"Aj...don't...please, you know I...FUCK!" she hissed as he slammed into her ass. She bit her lip trying not to cry out, but it felt like she was being torn apart.

"Oh damn baby" Aj moaned, staying still long enough for her to grow accustomed to the new sensation.

"Come on Aj, I don't like this" she whined, but was silenced as Lance grabbed her face and plunged his tongue past her lips. Aj took that as his cue, and started to pump slowly, Lance mimicking his movements.

"Shit" Lara hissed as both guys continued slamming into her. She could have never imagined the wonderful feeling of being filled like she was now. She kept urging them on faster until she was sure they were smoking.

"Oh fuck" Kevin moaned as he exploded inside of her. Lara collapsed on top of him, her own release washing over her, then felt her ass being flooded with Nick's hot cum.

"Holy shit" Aj gasped, pulling out and falling on the bed next to Lance.

"Damn" Lance muttered, kissing Ari's neck.

"You know Ari baby, I think you need to be bad a little more often" Aj said softly, pulling her into his arms. They all snuggled together before falling into a deep slumber.


"Good morning" Ari greeted Nick, Kevin and Lara as they made their way downstairs the next morning.

"Why in the world are you up so early?" Lara yawned, stumbling down the last two steps.

"Oh, no reason."

"Where's Aj and Lance?" Kevin asked, poking his head into the kitchen.

"Oh no, she has that look, where are they?" Nick demanded.

"They are still upstairs asleep." Ari said innocently, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Asleep huh?" Lara asked, smiling smugly.

"Yes, they haven't woken..." she was interrupted when they heard a bellow from upstairs.


"As I was saying, they are up now, so I guess that's my cue..." she sighed, standing up and straitening her robe.

'What did you do?' Lara mouthed behind Nick.

"Handcuffs" Ari answered aloud. "He should have known that whatever he did to me, he was going to have to pay for eventually" she shrugged and made her way back upstairs just as Aj started yelling again.

The three turned to leave.

"Don't make me have to whip out the gag!" They all bust out laughing as they closed the door behind them.


The End


Tell Ari what you think of this story so far!