Brillohead's Revenge
By Ari

March 2000

"Erin honey, I'm home!" I heard Lance calling.
"In the kitchen!" I hollered back, not looking up from the dishes that I was washing. I heard him come up behind me and I leaned back as his arms snaked around my waist.
" was your day sweety?" he murmured into my ear, kissing my neck softly.
"Fine...just piddled around the house, nothing exciting. How about you?"
"Same old same old. Nothing exciting. Why don't you run upstairs and put some more clothes on...I have company" he said, and I felt his fingers brush against my bare sides underneath my tank top.
"Who.." I started, turning around and saw Justin striding into the kitchen. "..Oh it's just Justin honey, I'm sure he doesn't mind" I said with a smirk, and turned back to my dishes. Inside I was groaning. I personally couldn't stand the guy. He was just so egotistical and self absorbed, I felt sorry for poor Lara, though I had yet to figure out what in the hell she saw in him.
"Erin?"  I looked up to see Lance staring at me expectantly.
"Hmm? I'm sorry Lancers, I was off in my own little world, what did you say?" I asked innocently, trying to ignore Justin.
"I said, is there anywhere you want to go for dinner? Lara's out of town for the weekend and I don't think I trust him home on his own, so I offered to let him crash here."
"Oh thanks a lot Lance" Justin said, and I looked over to see him roll his eyes.
"It doesn't matter, whatever you feel like is fine with me" I sighed. Great. There went my weekend. It was bad enough putting up with him for the evening let alone the entire weekend.
"Please try and behave yourself" Lance whispered in my ear.
"Who me?" I asked sweetly.
"Well, I'm going to head upstairs and take a shower, please try not to kill each other ok?" he said, giving both Justin and I pleading looks. He shook his head as we glared at each other, then turned for the stairs.
"Interesting ensemble you got going there" he commented, grinning.
"What's wrong with it? This is my house, I'll strut around buck naked if I the whim takes me" I answered shortly, looking down at myself. I had on a little black tank top and a pair of Lance's black silk boxers that had taken a permanent residence in my drawer. And as for underneath that...well...we won't go there.
"That would prove to be interesting" he smirked, going through the fridge.
"Just make yourself at home" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasam. I finished the rest of my dishes quickly, my thoughts reverting back to last night's events with the chocolate syrup. At one point I let out a small moan just thinking about it, and heard a chuckle behind me. I whirled around to find Justin still standing there, but he was just feet from me.
"Are you still here? There has to be something else that you can do rather than stand here watching me do dishes." I snapped, startled that he was still in the kitchen.
"Perhaps" he shrugged, but made no move to leave. He just stood there, staring at me with his arms crossed. "What was that for?"
"What was what for?" I demanded, turning back to the dishes. I grabbed a stack of plates and stood on tiptoe so that I could put them away. I all but dropped them as I felt his hands grab my waist.
"What were you thinking about that caused you to moan" he whispered, and I jumped, feeling his breath on my ear.
"Definatly not you, so you can back off now" I said quietly, my hands griping the shelf where I had just sat the plates. He shifted and pressed himself into the back of me, smushing my body between the counter and his.
"What have I ever done to you that makes you act so nasty to me?" he said softly, flicking his tongue over my earlobe. I stood perfectly still, forcing myself not to react to him.
"What does it matter to you? And could you so kindly back off? I don't particularly like having the drawer knob rammed into my thigh" I complained, trying to push him back, but he held firm.
                "Not until I get an answer." he said gruffly, pushing against me harder. To my horror, I could feel his growing erection against my ass, his jeans and the flimsy silk not doing much to hide it.
                "Ok Brillohead, I don't feel like playing, so let go!" I all but yelled, pushing him hard enough that it gave me just enough room to escape.
                "Did you just call me what I think you did!" he said, the astonished look on his face all but doing me in, it took every ounce of willpower not to fall to the floor laughing.
                "Did I stutter?" I snapped, proud of myself.
                "Girl, you have issues" he muttered, glaring at me. He plastered his cocky grin back on and started towards me. I took all of two steps back before hitting the wall.
                "Shit" I muttered. I looked around frantically, trying to find another way of escape, but he quickly closed the distance between us, slamming his hands on either side of my head. "Just what in the hell has gotten into you! Too much static electricity from the fro perhaps?" I snapped. The boy has completely lost it! I had just opened my mouth to say some other smart ass comment when his mouth descended onto mine, clipping off anything I was about to say. He slammed my head back against the wall with the force of the kiss, his tongue plunging past my lips and wrestling with my own.
                After what seemed like eternity, but could have been no longer than a minute, he pulled back, and kissed a trail down my neck.

"Can it be? She's speechless!?!" he murmured against my neck, sliding one hand underneath my tank top to squeeze at my breast. That brought me back to life.
"What in the fuck is your damage Timberlake! Get your grubby little paws off of me!" I growled. I don't know what pissed me off more, the way he was acting, or how my body was REacting. My body was tingling wherever his hands or lips had traveled, and even though I wouldn't admit it to myself let alone anyone else, I was turned on by these turn of events. My foot whipped out, meeting his shin hard, causing him to curse and stumble back. I quickly side stepped him and made my way towards the back porch. I felt a hand on my shoulder and whirled around, drawing my fist back.
"WHOA!" Lance hollered, grabbing my wrist before I could clobber him. "Down girl! What in the world could you two have done in the fifteen minutes I was in the shower!" he demanded, his eyes wide. I could feel the blood rush to my face, and my eyes looked over his shoulder into the kitchen where Justin was sitting at the table, rubbing his shin, the cocky grin still teasing at his lips. Lance turned to glare at his friend.

                "You should know not to push her Justin. I won't always be here to protect you from her" he scolded, then turned back to me.
'He won't always be around to protect you either'  Justin mouthed behind his back. Let me just say, he was lucky that Lance grabbed my elbow and steered me upstairs at that moment, because I would have killed him.
The evening passed without too many incidents. The guys decided they wanted to go to the Outback for dinner, and we made it through dinner with no problems at all. Justin would flash me a smirk whenever he thought Lance wasn't looking but that was about the worst of it. I had to drive home, Lance had had one too many drinks and Justin wasn't much better off, and being I only had one mixed drink,  was elected to the task. I chuckled as poor Lance staggered to the front door, not even looking back to see if Brillohead was passed out in the backseat or not. I slid my hand around Lance's elbow and guided him upstairs, making it to our room without him falling and cracking his head open.
"Which room do you want me in?" I whirled around and saw Justin propped up in my doorway.
"Give me five minutes and I'll help you get settled in" I said through my teeth. He shrugged and left. I quickly stripped Lance down to his boxers and got him settled fairly quickly.
"You're so good to me baby, I love you" he slurred, pulling me down for a sloppy kiss.
"I love you too sweety, even if you are plastered" I grinned, kissing him back and ruffled his hair before switching off the light. I padded down the hall to where Justin was standing.
"You can stay in the green room, its this way" I said stiffly, easing by him. I opened the door and turned on the overhead light. "There are extra blankets and pillows in the linen closet, and the towels and stuff are in there too, whenever you want to shower or whatever." I said, turning to leave, but his hand flashed out, grasping my wrist.
"Aren't you going to tuck me in too?" he asked, his blue eyes dark with desire.
"Fuck you BrilloBoy" I hissed, snatching my wrist from him and stalked out of there.
I rolled over for about the hundredth time. No matter what position I tried, I couldn't get comfortable, therefore I wasn't sleeping. Every time I shut my eyes, I'd see his face, inches from mine. I cracked open one eye and glared at the clock, not bothering to stifle the groan that passed through my lips. It was only 1:30, and I couldn't fall asleep to save my life. I slid out of bed and stumbled over to my dresser, rummaging through it for a moment before finding what I wanted. I quickly shed my nightgown and slipped on my dark red bikini. I grabbed a towel and silently slid outside to the pool. I dove in quickly, and swam the length of the pool for a while, I love swimming at night. It's so peaceful, and on nights like tonight, the moon brightens everything in false daylight, I dunno, maybe its just me. I laid back and just kind of floated around, enjoying the warm breeze that would blow over me every once in a while. I was finally so relaxed, I could have just melted into the water. That’s why I shrieked when a hand encircled my ankle.
"Shh, do you want to wake up the entire neighborhood?" Justin asked, and I could just make out his signature grin in the moonlight.
"What do you want now! I can't get away from you can I?" I hissed, kicking his hand off my ankle.
"Well lets see, you already know what I want, and no. You can't run from me forever...I don't know why you just don't stop fighting yourself, you know you want it" he said quietly.
"I know that you are so fucking conceited, I do know that much. I also know that I love Lance, and that little stunt you pulled in the kitchen didn't affect me in the slightest" I said with a surprising belief that I sure as hell wasn't feeling. Damn him.
"Bullshit. Do you mean to tell me that you didn't feel anything when my hands roamed over your body.." he said, advancing on me, and I started swimming backwards "you didn't feel anything when I kissed you...that you didn't become the least bit aroused when my dick was pressed against your cute little ass? Do you really think that I believe that? Or even that you do? Well I got news for you, I don't buy it" he whispered. By now, I found myself cornered, caught between him and walls of the pool. "You wanted me so bad, you didn't know what to do." he continued, swimming towards me. He stood on the ledge that ran along the length of the pool, and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was only mildly shocked to see that he wasn't wearing anything. "Why are you fighting this so hard?"
"Why are you doing this to me?" I heard myself whimper. My knees almost buckled as he pushed me against the side pool, his already rock hard erection pressing against my thigh.
"Doing what?" he asked innocently, his hands reaching up to untie my bikini top. He slid it off and tossed it out of the pool, grinning the entire time. I glared at him as his hands slid around to cup my full breasts, his thumbs teasing at my nipples, causing them to tighten up into twin buds. He leaned in and lightly brushed his lips against mine before bending his head to flick his tongue across my nipple. I narrowed my eyes and bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to think about what he was doing, how he was making me feel. I felt his free hand caress the small of my back before sliding under the hem of my bikini bottoms. He struggled with them for a few moments before muttering a curse and ripped them from my body.
"That was my favorite swimsuit!" I hissed, refusing to recognize what he was doing to me.
"Well I'll just have to get you another one won't I?" he said simply, sliding his hands down to squeeze my ass before traveling down the backs of my legs, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. I couldn't help the soft moan that escaped my lips as he plunged two fingers inside of me. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he continued to pump his fingers vigorously his thumb stroking at my clit, also working at my neck with his lips and teeth. I felt my body shudder as my orgasm drew close, but he stopped!
"No!" I gasped as he removed his fingers.
"What was that?" he chuckled, looking at me knowingly. "I think we should move this elsewhere, come on" he said simply, detaching me from himself and pulled me to the steps, where he whisked me off my feet before I could say anything. "Just in case you should feel the need to run off" he said seriously, but his eyes were dancing. He carried me out to the small gazebo that was hidden in the middle of my garden.
"You planned all of this!" I hissed, seeing blankets and various other things strung out in the floor of the gazebo.
"Guilty as charged" he sighed, lying me down.
"And what in the hell are you going to do if Lance wakes up to find us both missing and comes out looking for us!" I questioned him, still slightly ticked off.
"Erin honey, you know as well as I do that Lancey boy can not hold his liquor and I seriously doubt that he will be awake anytime before noon tomorrow" he snickered, covering my body with his own. "Now, I don't want to hear another peep from you unless it's my name you're screaming" he whispered, his lips ravaging my own. He grinded his hips into mine as hard as he possibly could, causing me to gasp out against his mouth in pain. He kissed a burning trail down my neck, my chest, and down to where I was aching for him the most. Do you know how much it killed me to admit that? But anyway, he carefully slid my legs over his shoulders, using his thumbs to part my moist womanhood, moaning at how wet I was for him. He slid his tongue along the center of me, causing me to arch my back, and I let out a small shriek as his lips encircled my clit and started sucking on it. I wove my fingers through his wet curls, begging him for more. For a brief moment, I caught myself, wondering just what in the hell I was doing. I was about to start bitching at him again when my climax hit, throwing my head back into the mounds of blankets, his name being the only word caught on my lips. He kissed his way back up, chuckling as I lay gasping for breath. He pressed his lips to mine roughly, and I could taste myself on his lips.
"I take it that you liked that" he whispered, nipping at my jawbone.
"Damn you" I muttered, still trying to regulate my breathing. He shook his head above me.
"Do you ever give in? A moment ago you were screaming my name, now you're damning me. I'll never understand you girl" he whispered before attacking my lips again. I felt his hand reach down and he grabbed himself, teasing at my entrance with the head of his eager cock.
"What do you want baby" he demanded, sinking his teeth into the tender joint of my neck and shoulder.
"You dammit! I want you...inside!" I hissed, then screamed as he slammed into me with such a force, my head hit the bench. He pounded in me like a jackhammer, his pace never slowing. He had his hands braced on either side of my head, and the sweat was pouring down his face as he vigorously slammed into my warm depths. I arched my body up to meet each of his thrusts. 
"Oh God!" I shrieked, clawing at his back as I found my release, my back arching high off the ground as my muscles clenched him, triggering his own climax. He let out a loud cry as he exploded within my depths, his body twitching in the throes of it. We held on to each other, drenched with our efforts. So help me God, I will be limping for the rest of the week! After he recomposed himself, he withdrew and fell beside me, pulling me into his arms. He bent down to place a loving kiss on my stomach.
"Well?" he asked, laying his head on my breasts.
"Well what?" I asked, twirling one of his curls around my fingers.
"Nothing" he sighed, tracing a pattern around my belly button. "Can I ask you one thing, and get a straight answer from you?"
"You can try, I won't promise you anything though.."
"Why in the hell did you hate me so much?" I laid there quietly, trying to put my thoughts into words. You really want to know why?"
"Yes" he said, turning to face me, his index finger tracing the outline of my lips.
"You know what"
"I honestly don't know" I chuckled. "I guess in the beginning I thought you were so egotistical and self absorbed, but I don't know, I guess it was just an Erin thing"
"So what does tomorrow bring for us?" he asked softly, planting a soft kiss in the valley between my cleavage.
"Nothing. I have Lance, and you have Lara whenever she gets back." I said firmly.
"Oh we'll have something...don't you dare think this is a one time deal" he warned, raising an eyebrow at me. I opened my mouth to fuss, but instead a huge yawn escaped, causing an evil grin to spread across his face.
"Aww poor thing! She's all worn out!" he teased. I slapped him. He pressed his lips against mine once more, his hands expertly moving over my body as he took me once again.
I winced as a hand brushed against my lower stomach, but I turned towards it anyway. I cracked open my eyes just in time to see Lance leaning forward for a kiss. How in the hell did i get back in here? My eyes darted over to the clock next to Lances side, 5:37. Justin and I had spent the majority of the night outside...but I haven't the slightest clue when he brought me back in. I was tired and sore as hell, but I let Lance continue his assault on me, I would have never have thought how rough he had been, it was NOTHING like Lance...Oh great, now I'm comparing them. Someone shoot me. But Lance closed off my evening with slow, sweet love making, before we both collapsed, falling back asleep.
"Can't you cook any faster! I'm wasting away over here!" Justin whined from his spot at the bar. I turned to glare at him, raising the spatula.
"If you want it so damned bad, you get over here and do it your own damned self!" I snapped, ready to chuck my spatula at him, but Lance snatched it out of my hand as he walked by.
"Will you two ever get along!" he snapped, tossing the spatula into the sink. I glared over to Justin who just smirked and licked his lips. I felt the blood rush to my face and I went to retrieve the spatula so I could flip the pancakes over. I turned to say something to Lance, and Justin was sitting there making all of these 'erotic faces' mouthing things like 'harder baby harder!' 'oh Justin'.
"Fuck you Brillohead" I muttered through my teeth. Lance looked up from the newspaper he was reading, shook his head and looked back down.


The End


Let Ari know what you think of this story!