It’s True

By:  Ari


Even a lover makes a mistake sometimes / Like any other / Fall out and lose his mind


"Yes Miss Holliday, your appointment is for 1pm Wednesday" the receptionist informed her cheerfully, scribbling down the date and time on the back of a business card. "Remember you must fast 12 hours prior to the procedure and no medications 48 hours prior" she warned, handing her the card.
                "Thanks" Ari said faintly, restraining herself from running from the clinic. She finally made it to her car, letting her head rest against the steering wheel.

"You're what???" His face had been almost comical. All of the blood had drained from his face, his normal tan became a rather ashy complexion. His eyes were as big as saucers and his jaw on the floor.
                "I'm pregnant! In about 7 months you're going to be a Daddy!" she continued excitedly. She was waiting for the words to sink in and that huge smile to overtake his face like it did whenever he got excited. But what she was expecting was far from what actually happened.

                "Hey, you're back early" Lara smiled, looking up from her computer as her friend slumped through the room.
                "My appointment didn't take as long as I thought it was going to" Ari mumbled, trying to escape to her bedroom as quickly as possible.
                "So what did you go for again?" Lara asked, turning back to her computer.
                "Nothing major, just a check up" she lied quickly and high tailed it back to the guest room where she had crashed.


And I'm sorry for the things I did / For your teardrops over words I said / Can you forgive me and open your heart once again?


                "Come on J, stop hogging the TV, why don't you go home and harass Ari for a while" Kevin grumbled, snatching the remote control and plopping down in an overstuffed recliner. "What?!?" he demanded, seeing Lisa giving him a disgusted glare as she breezed into the living room. Surprising him further, Aj bolted up from the couch and stormed out.
                "Nice one slick" Lisa muttered dryly, raising her eyebrow. "Ari left him a week ago, she's been staying at Nick and Lara's for the time being."
                "And why didn't anyone bother to tell me about this?" Kevin growled, jumping to his feet in preparation to rush after the younger man.
                "They had a fight over something or another and she left. That's all any of us knows, now go find him, he really needs someone to talk to and you know how he is, he won't open up to you unless you ask him go!" She slapped his ass as he hurried by as if to punctuate her words. He rushed out of the house, almost tripping over the young man who was perched on his front steps.
                Kevin stared at him in silence, watching Aj stare off into space, occasionally pulling up his cigarette for a brief second.
                "It's all my fault man."
                "What happened J?" Kevin sank to the steps, waiting for him to continue.


Whatever happened / I know that I was wrong, oh yes / Can you believe me / Maybe your faith is gone


"How in the hell could you let this happen!" he bellowed, ignoring her cringe. "What happened to you making sure this was avoided! I have a fucking career to worry about! And how do I even know if it's mine?? I've been off touring for two months and the night I come home, 'Oh honey, you're going to be a daddy!' I don't believe this shit!"
                "How dare you" she hissed, the initial shock of his accusations gone. "How fucking dare you imply this is my fault, I thought you'd be happy! And even more DARE you imply that I've been sleeping around behind your back!" She kept balling her hands into fist to keep from hitting him, deciding that this didn't need to get any worse then it already was.
                "How can I keep tabs on you while I'm half way across the world? You could have been fucking half of the county and I would probably never know.."
                "Two months ago Alexander James...if your neanderthal brain can remember back that far, remember what we did the entire two days prior to you leaving? I can honestly not remember seeing anything but our bedroom until you left, 'Something to remember me by those long nights that you're all alone' as I recall you saying" she threw at him. "And something came out of that, something that will make me remember you every time I look at his or her face."
                "No, it won't, because we aren't keeping it." he answered flatly. Her jaw almost hit the floor as he glared at her. "The press will have a field day with this, it will ruin my life as well as those of my fellow band members when the fanbase is turned off by Aj McLean and his bastard child and loose girlfriend..." His sentence ended abruptly with a loud crack as her hand met his cheek.
                "What about MY life! You think I planned this out? I didn't want to even consider children until after I got married...not to mention that this is a human life Alexander, not a puppy we found wandering in the street! I will NOT get rid of my child! And I seriously doubt that Denise would stand for you aborting her grandchild as well..." This time it was her who was cut off by his hand cracking her face.
                "Don't you even think of blabbing this to anyone..." he threatened her, menace contorting his voice. "You tell ANYONE this brat is mine and you'll have a rude awakening...I...I...I don't know what I'll do, but whatever it is, it will not be a good thing for you dear" he sneered, boring his eyes into her own. His anger washed away as soon as he saw the fear and hurt that shone through his girlfriend's eyes. He let go of her, as if touching her physically hurt him.
                "Oh God babe...I'm.." He never got to finish before she ran out of the room.


But I love you and I always will / So I wonder if you want me still / Can you forgive me and open your heart once again?


"That bastard" Lara hissed, clenching her hands into fists under the table. "I had no idea, Ari hadn't said anything about it..."
                "Down girl..." Nick chuckled, patting his fiancée’s hand trying to calm her down. They had all met for their Wednesday afternoon lunch at the Paper Moon.
                "Can you blame her? I wouldn't want to talk about either, I mean shit..." Kelley pointed out, reaching for her drink.
                "Come on, you guys know how Aj is, he freaked out..." Kevin started, but squirmed under Lisa's glare.
                "But that's still no excuse, that went way beyond too far, even for Aj" Brian put in.
                "Where are they anyway?" Lisa wondered.
                "I have no clue where Aj is, probably holed up in his house with a few bottles of Jack Daniels" Howie offered.
                "Ari's still at our place, she rarely comes out of her room. I mean, Monday was the first time I had actually spoken to her in days, she's better off alone for now, when she's ready to talk she'll talk but no sooner" Lara sighed.
                "Hey, look what the cat drug in.." Nick whispered, nudging Brian. They all watched as Aj made his way over to the table.
                "Hey guys,” he said quietly, plopping down between Kevin and Howie. They all mumbled a greeting. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Aj started to squirm under their accusing glares.
                "Yo Kev, remind me never to confide in you again, k?" he joked, trying to lighten the mood. When no one smiled, he sighed. "How is she?" he asked almost timidly, glancing hopefully towards Nick and Lara.
                "She's hurting man, but that’s to be expected" Nick answered, taking pity on him.
                "I didn't mean to guys, honestly I didn't, but my mouth ran off before my mind could catch up" Aj whispered, turning his eyes to the floor.


It's true / I mean it / From the bottom of my heart / Yeah it's true / Without you I would fall apart


"I don't know about this..." Aj worried as he followed Nick down the hallway.
                "Look, you two need to talk this through, you're both miserable as hell. Besides, things can't get any worse."
                "No buts McLean, and if you upset her again, I will personally kick your scrawny ass" Lara added cheerfully, stopping in front of Ari's bedroom. "Honey, can I come in?" They waited for a few minutes before Lara knocked again. After another try she checked the door handle. Unlocked.
                "That’s odd, she usually lets me know when she's going somewhere, and there was no note in the kitchen" Lara thought aloud.
                "Perhaps there’s something on her desk..." Aj offered, flipping through a few papers that were laid out. He paled visibly as he skimmed over the top sheet.
                "Aj...what is it?" Nick demanded as Lara strode over, snatching the papers from his hands.
                "Holy shit" she inhaled sharply, glancing up to meet Aj's wide eyes.
                "What time is it now" he demanded.
                "12:30, why?" Nick glanced between the two of them.
                "Shit, we got to go, NOW" Lara ordered, grabbing Nick by the arm and yanked him out of the room behind her, Aj following close behind.
                "Where are we going?" Nick asked still confused.
                "Honey, just drive, we need to get to the Mayberry Clinic, and NOW" she ordered, snapping her seat belt. She turned to glare at Aj who had slid into the back seat.

"If she goes through with this, I will never ever forgive you" she breathed dangerously.
                "You won't have to worry about that, because I will never forgive myself if she does" Aj whispered.


I'd do anything to make it up to you / So please understand / And open your heart once again


"Ok Miss Holliday, if you just relax, we'll get you all wired up and set up on an IV and then we'll get started" the doctor informed her cheerfully. "The procedure itself should take roughly an hour without any complications. Do you have anyone waiting here for you? You will not be able to drive after it's all over..."
                "I've arranged for a taxi to come for me" she whispered, turning away from the doctor. She couldn't stand to look at him anymore than she had to, she just wanted to get in and get this over with, it would be better for them all in the end.
                "Shit, there’s her car, it's 1 now" Nick breathed as they squealed into the parking lot. Aj bolted from the Jeep before it had even stopped moving.
                "Sir, can I help you, Sir, you can't go back there!" the receptionist hollered as he bolted through the doors blocking off the restricted area.
                "Ariana!" he hollered, jogging down the corridor. He almost collided with a stretcher as he rounded a corner. He quickly regained his balance, about to resume his search, but stopped, blocking the attendant from moving any further. "Ari baby?" he said softly, coming up beside her.
                "Hmm?" she slightly turned her head towards his voice, the anesthesia quickly overtaking her.
                "Oh God sweetie, I found you, please don't go through with this" he whimpered, grasping her hand tightly in his own, stroking her cheek with his free hand.
                "Aj? What are you doing here?" she whispered, trying to make her eyes focus.
                "I'm so so sorry baby, I didn't mean any of it! If you go through with this, I'll never forgive myself, not to mention what the others will do to me" he tried to joke. He snapped his head up to trap the attendant in his gaze. "Isn't there something you can give her to stop her from going under?" he demanded.
                "No, it has to run through her system. I'm sorry sir, but you have to leave, the doctor is waiting for her."
                "I'm not leaving here without her or our baby" Aj growled, fixing the young man with a glare that made the small hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He turned back to Ari, softening his look.
                "But you don't want it, it will screw everything up, better off this way" she whispered, her eyes getting heavier with every passing moment.
                "No, Ari, wake up dammit!" he ordered, gently slapping her cheek.
                "Tired....sleep now" she mumbled.
                "Ari, please, I love you, I love our baby, please, wake up, tell them you don't want to do this..." he pleaded, trying to keep her from going under. "I'm nothing without you Love, this week has been hell, I can't live without you, or our child, now that I know. I'm a dumbass, for saying what I said, for acting how I did, for everything...Please baby...."
                "Ahem" Aj glanced up to see the doctor all scrubbed up and looking down at him disgustedly. "Jim, please escort this gentleman out, we have an operation to perform." he said coldly.
                "No..." they all turned to see Ari reach for Aj. "No...won't do it....I" she whispered, trying to fight off the anesthesia.
                The doctor rolled his eyes as Aj fell to his knees next to the stretcher.  "Babe, I swear, everything is going to work out perfectly, I will make this up to you I swear, I swear upon the life of our unborn child, I will do everything in my power to make this up to you" he whispered, pressing his lips to her palm.
                "Lots...ass kissing..McLean" she attempted to smile.
                "Just sleep hun, let that stuff run through your system and when you wake up we'll be home and I'll be right beside you when you wake up." he chuckled, kissing her forehead as she finally fell asleep.


It's true / I mean it / From the bottom of my heart / Yeah it's true / Without you I would fall apart


*Six and a half months later*


"But I look like a whale!" Ari wailed as she modeled in front of her mirror.
                "Honey, you are the most gorgeous woman in the world" Aj praised her as he came up behind her, adjusting his tie. He wrapped his arms around her extended waist, pressing soft kisses along her neck.
                "If you keep that up McLean we'll never make it downstairs" she murmured.
                "So?" he teased, nibbling on her earlobe. He slid his hands down to caress her stomach through the white satin gown. He froze as he felt the baby kick, smiling against her neck. "Our little man has some strong little legs" he chuckled, looking down at her stomach in awe.
                "Come on sweetie, let's get this over with, my back is killing me" she laughed, trying to disengage herself from his hold.
                "But..." he pouted.
                "No buts" she smiled, pressing a finger to his lips to silence him. "If we didn't have a crowd down there waiting for us, I'd gladly like to stay up here for the rest of the day, week or forever, but Doctor Sypek says that it could be anytime and I would like to have this child in wedlock" she smiled up at him.
                "Your wish is my command Love" he grinned, bending down for a quick kiss before leading her downstairs.


The End


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