Switching Roles

May 2000

By:  Ari

                "Oh yes...that's my Nicky" Lara purred, running a gloved finger across his clenching ass. She knelt down in front of Justin, lightly
flickering her tongue across his lips as he panted. "Is my little Curly enjoying himself?" she teased, weaving her fingers through
his curls and pulled him down to capture his lips with her own, plunging her tongue deep within the warm confines of his mouth.
                He let out an animalistic moan as Nick shot his load deep in his ass and fell on top of him, gasping for breath. Lara leaned back
on her heels, grinning. She lightly kissed both of their foreheads before rising to her feet and strutted over to the two other men
that inhabited the room. Lance and Chris pulled at the chains that held them to the wall, pleading to be released. Her stilettos clicked
against the floor as she made her way to them, grinning coyly as she pressed herself up against Chris.
                "Please" he begged, gasping as her hand encircled his length.
                "Please what?" she looked up at him, smirking at the lust that was clearly showing through his dark eyes.
                "Please mistress, let me loose...let me please you" he whispered, thrusting his hips against her lightly. She continued gazing into his eyes, then let out a loud sigh.
                "I'm tired, I'm going to bed now, you are all free to do what you
want this evening" she sighed, reaching up and unlocked Chris and
Lance. She turned and saw Nick and Justin looking up at her strangely.
                "What's wrong honey, aren't you feeling well? Would you like me to come with you?" Nick asked, easing himself up from beside his lover. She smiled at him, he was her favorite after all.
                "No, you can do whatever you want, I'm going to bed, alone." she
said firmly, reaching for her whip and a few other toys she had pulled out for the evening.
                "What was that all about?" Lance asked looking from face to face, looking for an explanation.
                "I have no idea" Justin sighed, his eyes lingering on the doorway.
                "Well, I have an idea, but it was over a week ago since she had
said something about it" Nick said softly, trailing a finger up and down Justin's spine.
                Lara ripped her gloves off and flung them across the room, flinging a few curses with them. She didn't know why, but she was bored.
                How many people could say that? She had four of the hottest guys around, all begging to do her bidding, and she was BORED! She flopped down on her bed, tugging her fingers through her hair, loosening it from it's tight french braid, letting it fall softly down her back. She shrugged on her favorite midnight blue silk robe and slid in her bed, pulling the comforter up to her neck.
                "Dammit, this had better be good" Ari growled, tying her robe as she hurried down the stairs. She stomped to the front door and threw it open. "Lancers! What are you doing here!" she purred, grabbing him by the collar and pulled him over his doorstep. "What a pleasant surprise, couldn't wait a couple more days for our time?" she teased, slipping her hand underneath his shirt.
                "Oh you know it" he grinned, leaning to kiss her cheek. "Actually, I came to ask you a favor" he said, reaching for her hand, and stroked her palm with his thumb.
                "What can I do for you?" she asked, leading him into her living room.
                "I was wondering...if you would mind if we could reschedule our time..."
                "And just what is more important that our time Lancers! It's bad enough that I have to share you with Lara, I only get to see you every other week!" She demanded, narrowing her eyes.
                "Well, I don't know if I should tell you or not.." he said, glaring down at his shoes. She hooked her fingers underneath his chin and yanked him up to meet her gaze.
                "Spill it. You are asking to cut into my time, I refuse to grant you permission unless I know what this great reason is" she demanded.
                "Well..." he grinned sheepishly and spilled what him and the other 'groupies' had planned. She sat back with a satisfied grin on her face.
                "I'm proud of a Lancers, I didn't think you or any of those others had it in you, of course I'll let you out for something like that...in fact, I'll help in anyway I can" she smirked. "I'm into kinky, and
this sounds pretty good to pass up" she grinned, lightly scraping her nails against his knee.
                "What's too good to pass up?" Aj asked, coming downstairs and joining the two. Ari chuckled as she watched his facial expressions. She had made Lara go with her to this Sexual Advancement Clinic a few months ago, after Aj had been complaining about how much their sex life had been deteriorating. She refused to go alone and Lara had been the only one she could talk into joining her, who would have thought that Lara would have come out the top of their group. They had even been invited to study under Mistress Kelley. Well, after that, that was all that she wrote. Ari never heard a single complaint from Aj, and Lara...well...she was one of the best known Mistresses in the area, some people had even compared her to her mentor, and that was saying a lot.
                "So Ari..." she looked up to see Lance and Aj looking at her expectantly.
                "Do you think we could borrow that one outfit of yours?
                "Dammit, this had better be good, whoever is calling me at this hour" Lara grumbled, rolling over and reaching blindly for her telephone. "Yes?"
                "Good morning sunshine.."
                "Ari, I'm going to kill you. What in the hell do you want?" she growled, glaring at her alarm clock.
                "Jeeze, are you always this lovable in the morning?"
                "Ari.." she warned.
                "Fine. Look, I sent Lancers over with some stuff for you, I have plans for us tonight, I think you will like."
                "Oh really, just what are these plans?"
                "Not telling, just get all prettied up for me, and be a good girl" Ari purred into the phone before sitting it back in its cradle.
                Lara stared at the phone for a moment, wondering what the girl had up her sleeve this time. She didn't have too long to ponder because there was a light knock at her door, and Lance let himself in.
                "Yes?" she asked
                "Mistress Ari asked that you would wear this" he said, handing her the box and bowed lowly. Lara turned from him and sat the box on her bed, curiously ripping the lid off, flinging it over her shoulder. She narrowed her eyes as she pulled out the leather thong and nippless bra.
                "What in the hell" she wondered aloud, eyeing them.
                "Hello? Where is everybody?" Lara called, making her way downstairs.  She went from the living room, to the parlor, and she couldn't find anyone. "Curly? Lancey? Chris? Nicky? Where are you guys?" she demanded.  She nearly jumped out of her skin as a pair of arms snaked around her waist.
                "Hey there" Nick purred in her ear, his tongue snaking out to flick lightly over her earlobe.
                "Where is everybody" she demanded, trying to turn away from him, but he held her tight.
                "Oh, they are..around dear." he whispered, his lips tracing down her spine while his hands slid from her waist to her chest, his fingers teasing at her protruding nipples.
                "Nick, let go, I'm not in the mood" she snapped, trying to throw off his hands.
                "Ah ah ah" he admonished, smacking lightly at her hands. "We aren't doing what Miss Lara wants tonight...we are doing what I and our other friends want...
                "Nick, I'm serious.."she was silenced as his hand met her bottom with a loud smack. "What in the hell was.." Smack!
                "I see that the little mistress needs a lesson in submission" he smirked, turning her to face him finally. He traced his fingers from her cheekbone down her neck, his fingers teasing at the edge of her bra.
                "I don't know what has.." his fingers pressed against her lips firmly.
                "Do not speak unless bidden. One of the first things you had taught me. Remember back to the basics, and perhaps you will find some pleasure out of this, just as we will" he instructed her, leaning his head to plant a soft kiss on her lips.
                She opened her mouth to say something smart, but thought better of it, her ass still stinging from her earlier disobedience.
                "See? I knew you'd catch on quick" he smirked, reaching for her hand. "This way love.." he guided her back into one of the bedrooms. 

She stood still as he turned away to find a few things. It was defiantly an intriguing turn of events, one she hadn't counted on. She raised an eyebrow as he turned back, pulling a scarf taut between his hands.
                He motioned for her to turn around, and when she did, he slid the soft silk over her eyes. Firm hands on her hips pushed her against the wall. Her head smacked the wall as a pair of lips roughly claimed hers, not Nicks. She moved to lock her arms around his neck, but they were firmly held down. The hands that were holding her own down swiftly danced up her arms, tangling themselves in her hair, pushing her down to her knees. She let him guide her down, knowing
what he wanted. She reached up, gently tickling his waist, but he firmly thrust her arms down.
                "Put them behind your back, and leave them there, only your mouth should be touching me, nothing else" he said softly, brushing his already half-aroused cock across her parted lips. She smiled slightly, the sound of Chris's husky voice easily giving him away. Her lips eagerly separated, sucking lightly on his head, then drew her tongue up and down the length of him before fully engulfing him in the warm confines of her mouth. She bobbed her head slowly, taking her time with it, knowing fully well that she had full control over him at the moment, no matter what their game plan was. She was so intent on hearing him beg for more, she never heard anyone coming
up behind her, therefore causing her to nearly jump out of her skin when a warm tongue traced her spine. She let out a soft moan as the tongue slid down her spine, over her pert ass cheeks, and down to her growing wetness. She moaned against Chris's cock as the warm velvet teased at her opening, causing her knees to slide further apart. She wanted to melt right where she was kneeling, but every so often Chris's fingers would tighten in her hair. She gagged a bit as he suddenly forced her to deep throat him, his head tickling the back of her throat. She started drawing on him hard, sliding him as far as he could go, and by the loud gasps he was making,
she knew he was close. She sucked as hard as she could, not letting up until his fingers tightened in her hair, and he spurted down her throat. She cleaned him off with her tongue, making sure to
not to miss a single drop of his essence. At the same time, she was slowly brought to the edge of her own climax, but the teasing tongue quickly withdrew at the first hint of her orgasm.
                "No!" she whimpered turning to look behind her, the blindfold still obscuring her view.
                "Don't worry sweetie...there will be plenty of time for that later.." the tongue whispered, tracing up her spine again, then disappeared completely.
                Lara froze where she was, listening for any sound of another body.
                She was rewarded soon enough, feeling soft hands grasp her own and pulled her to her feet.
"This way love..." she smiled at the soft sound of Justin's voice, and let him lead her. After what seemed like forever, he gently pushed her backwards, guiding her to lay back on her bed. He pushed her up so that she had her head on the pillows. "Hands" he whispered, brushing his lips against her ear. She was desperate for release, she did as he said, and brought her hands above her head. He quickly tied them to the posts, then slid down the length of the bed, catching her ankles and fastening them down as well. He paused a moment after ascertaining that she was indeed well bound, he trailed a finger along her inner thigh, just barely letting it penetrate her folds.   Lara whimpered, and bucked her hips up to meet his palm.
                "ah ah.." he scolded. "Your time will come precious, you just have to be patient" he chuckled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her forehead. As soon as his weight left the bed, another replaced it quickly. Unfamiliar hands lightly traveled her body, exploring every inch of her exposed skin. Lara moaned as the slender hands cupped her breasts, their thumbs teasing her nipples into hard buds.
                The new person slid up so that they were laying together closely, and a tongue flickered out to taste the softness of Lara's lips before plunging forward. The two moaned softly as they explored
each other's mouth and the person brought a hand up to cup the side of Lara's face.
                "So sweet..." they purred huskily, trailing butterfly kisses down her jawline to her neck. The person moved to that they were straddling the helpless girl, bending down to capture her mouth once again.
                Lara's eyes sprung open against the blindfold as breasts crushed against her own, and the figure slid so that they were covering Lara's body completely.
                Her lips traveled down to the hollow of Lara's neck, nipping softly at her shoulder, then trailed soft kisses down between the valley of her heaving breasts. She paused to look up at her, then bent her head, lightly tracing the edge of her hard nipples, slowly and teasingly.  One hand slid up to taunt her other breast, and the other hand slid slowly down her body, tracing the rim of her belly button before traveling down to glide her finger across Lara's damp folds. Lara moaned and arched her hips against the imposing digits. A single finger smoothly slid down the crease of her, bypassing her clit and gently teased at her opening, before immersing itself deep within her.
"Precious likes that I see" she chuckled, transferring her attentions to the other rosy breast. The finger slowly thrust in and out, and soon another finger followed. "I wonder..." she slid back up the
length of her body "...If you are as sweet down there...as you are here" she murmured, catching Lara's bottom lip between her teeth.
                She pulled her hand up, licking at her fingers delicately, almost cat like. "Mmm..just as I thought...taste how sweet you are precious" Lara shook her head, pressing her lips together tightly. She gasped aloud as fingernails dug into her side, and the fingers slid past her lips. "That's right, lick 'em clean kitty" She bent over, lapping at her own fingers, their tongues occasionally flickering over each other. When she was satisfied, she shifted into 69 position, running her tongue across that sensitive skin when Lara's leg met her waist.
                She smiled as she felt Lara's tongue lightly flicker across her own womanhood, and bent down herself, her tongue easily finding Lara's swollen clit. She used her pointed tongue, circling it lightly, trying to contain herself as Lara was mirroring her actions. She captured her clit between her lips, sucking on it softly. She felt Lara moan against her, and also another moan from across the room. She raised her eyes and saw Lance and Justin standing in the doorway, Chris and Nick not far behind them. She hooked a finger, gesturing for Lance to join them. He eagerly hurried over, and she sat up. Lara whimpered, being brought to the edge for a second time now, and still no release.
                Lance slowly slid his hands up Lara's smooth legs, caressing them gently.
                "Um, who said you could stop?" she purred, poking a finger in Lara's side.
                "Hey, I'm not doin anything until...oh yeah.." Lara shut up as Lance's tongue replaced the other womans, slowly licking up her center before latching on to her clit. It wasn't long before Lara was thrashing from Lance's lethal tongue, the woman on her chest forgotten.
                "Dammit Lancers...you could have let me finish before you turned that tongue on her!" she pouted, hopping off of the bed.
                "Ari...shut up! Lancey, ignore her babe...just keep...oohh" Lara bit her lip trying not to cry out. Ari glared down at her writhing friend, reached for her robe and slunk over to the three drooling
young men. Justin scurried after her to show her the door, coming up a few minutes later with a small bowl.
                "Ok Lance, I think she's had enough..." Nick chuckled, coming up to stand beside the bed. Lara was pulling against the bonds as best she could, uttering every foul word in her vocabulary. Oh they were going to pay for this later...she was literally aching for her release.  She whimpered as Lance's warm mouth left her.
                "Shh...don't worry baby, you'll have your turn, patience is the key" she heard Chris purr, leaning over and pressing a kiss to her forehead. She yelped as something cold graced her nipple. Then, finally she felt the blindfold being undone, and she blinked against the soft light in the room. She saw Justin and Chris smiling down at her, Lance was still at the foot of the bed licking his lips,
and Nick was the one tracing her navel with an ice cube. Against her already sweat dampened skin, the ice didn't last too long, and he reached for another piece, dragging it up her chest, swirling it around nipples, wiping his cool damp fingers on her neck. He tossed her his trademarked grin/smirk, and chose another piece, settling himself between her legs. He opened her to his gaze,
taking the ice and circling her clit lightly with it. She jerked her hips, the cold ice on her hot sex was almost more than she could bear. She couldn't help the cry that escaped her lips when he slowly
slid a piece deep inside her, her walls clenching painfully as the ice seared her. But it was quickly gone, she felt Nick's tongue slid inside of her, gently coaxing her to relax against the chill.
                "Nicky please...no more" she whispered, her hips rising to meet his mouth. He continued to tease her for a few moments before kissing a soft trail up to her mouth, thrusting his tongue in her mouth so that she could taste herself. He propped himself up so that he could look into her eyes, so much like his own.
                "Are we having fun precious?"
                "Nicky...please...don't tease me anymore..I want you..so bad" she whispered, raising her hips to grind into him as best she could. "Let me go, let me please you..." she pleaded so softly, he could barely hear her. He nodded slightly and she felt her arms and ankles fall loose finally. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, flipping him underneath of her. She pressed her lips to his fiercely, moaning as he sucked on her tongue. She looked up as Justin slid underneath of Nick, pulling him up so that blond was laying back on his chest.
                "Sorry Nicky, but I can't wait.." she whispered, nipping at his ear as she slammed herself down onto his cock, inhaling sharply at the sensation. She let her head fall back, savoring the moment before slowly rising up and then bringing herself back down. She rode him slow, holding back as much as she could, trying to torture
him like she had been all day. She let Justin pull her down, their tongues intertwining while her hands roamed over Nick's body, and his doing the same, pinching her nipples...one hand snaking down to rub at her clit. She felt a pair of warm hands on her shoulders, and she turned to see Lance smirking behind her then one finger
traced her spine before separating her ass cheeks, one finger softly tracing the rosy pucker. He brought his finger up, and traced her lips with it, smiling when she slid it in her mouth, sucking on it softly, then he brought it back down, slowly penetrating her.
                She continued to ride the panting blond beneath her while another finger soon followed the first, preparing her of what was to come.
                "Stop wasting time and just do it Lansten!" she growled, leaning forward on her Nicky, nuzzling his neck. Lance didn't argue, he pulled his fingers out, and placed the head of his cock at her entrance, and slowly pushed. She grimaced slightly, letting out a sigh when he was buried as far as he could go. Damn what a feeling! Neither of them moved, allowing her to grow accustomed to the new feeling.
                They all turned hearing a sound, and saw Chris sitting on the chaise, his fist pumping his erection. His eyes were on the four in front of him. Lara let out a soft chuckle. Nick and Lance locked eyes and they both starting moving at the same time. She moaned as they both left her, then the wonderful 'filled' feeling returned. She decided in those moments that there was no better feeling than what she was experiencing right at that moment. She lay there helplessly, unable to move with Lance on top of her and her Nicky underneath her. It was over all too soon...Lara finally found the release she had so long been denied, screaming out her lovers names, followed by Nick, whos cries were silenced by Justin's lips, burning her insides with his juices, and finally Lance, sinking his teeth into her shoulder as his body jerked violently. Amidst their own haze, they heard Chris cry out as well.
                After they all regained their breath, they made room for Chris, all of them snuggled together.
                "So, Mistress..." Nick coughed, ruffling her dampened hair, "Do you think that you will get bored with us again any time soon?" 

She looked up into his baby blues and chuckled. "I seriously doubt it, but we'll have to do this again. I don't know how I could ever get bored with you guys" she yawned, running her fingers through Chris's hair. They all fell asleep in each others arms.

The End


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