The Cowboy Way

By:  Ari


"Oh he is soo going to die" I grumbled, letting the door slam behind her before tossing my keys on the small side table. 'Ain't Going Down Til The Sun Comes Up' was blaring from some corner of the house. He KNEW better, I had been forced to the Country Music Festival by two of my friends, eight straight hours of pure redneck hell. The fact that I detested country music didn't help matters.

"Alexander James...prepare to die" I growled under my breath, stomping up the staircase, making my way to our bedroom, and punched the 'off' button on the stereo. I moved to turn towards my closet, but stopped when something jabbed me hard in the back.

"One wrong move and I'll waste ya like the ornery critter thatcha are" a raspy voice growled near my ear.

"McLean, you have some major issues" I muttered, whirling around to face him. I took one good look at him and doubled over laughing. He was bare chested with skin tight black leather pants, black and silver studded cowboy boots, a matching holster complete with realistic toy guns, topped all off with a black cowboy hat with a sheriff's badge pinned in the center. "Where in the hell did you find that get up?" I managed to ask in between peals of laughter.

"Borrowed it from Deputy Littrell" he twanged seriously tipping his hat at me, then pulled the trigger of the 'gun', sending a blast of water to my chest. Using his free hand, he reached behind him and produced the stereo remote, turning it back on.

"Come on J, I've had to listen to this shit all day long.." I whined, reaching behind me and hit the 'off' button for the second time.

"Woman...are you trying to undermine my authority...the law of this here house?" he demanded, his voice thick with a southern drawl.

"And just what if I am?" I asked teasingly.

"Then ya gotta be punished" he said simply, closing the small distance between us.

" your worst sheriff" I purred, rubbing my body seductively against his.

"Always said you was an ornery varmint" he growled, grabbing my wrists and leaning down to fiercely capture my mouth. I hungrily sucked on his tongue, and let him push me back against the dresser. All of a sudden he stepped back, leaving me hanging.

"No.." I moaned, and brought my hand up to force his head back down, but I stopped, at stared at the shiny steel that linked my wrists.  I met his serious gaze, returning it with a glare. "Very funny, now let me go" I thrust my hands forward, demanding a key. Without a word he reached forwards and picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder. I opened my mouth to complain, but a loud escaped instead at my new discovery. The tight leather pants weren't really pants at all, they were riding chaps, and he wasn't wearing anything underneath, leaving his ass bare to the world. "You are too much" I choked out, then I went flying, being slung from his shoulder onto our bed, letting out a loud 'ouf' as I hit the mattress. I laid there, still shaking with laughter at the sight before me, and the bad thing, he kept a straight face the entire time, and I had yet to hear him lose the cheesy twang.

"I don't see what’s so darned funny" he mused, staring down at me. He eased himself on top of me very carefully, probably so that he wouldn't split his chaps in two. He easily grasped my shirt in his fists and ripped it open sending the buttons flying.

"I just bought that!" I whined, looking down sorrowfully at the torn fabric. He completely ignored and made short work of my bra and quickly tugged my capri's down, hurling all of it across the room. I glared up at him as he glared back down at me. He reached down and grasped my wrists, pinning them over my head and around on of the posts that lined the head of the bed. He grinned at me evilly, grinding his body against mine, the leather easily sliding against my legs, his pelvis grinding into mine. I let out a low moan, tipping my head back and letting my eyes close. He took advantage of this and leaned down to nip at my neck before sucking hard, nuzzling his head against my shoulder.

"Aj honey...don't you should...take off them damned pants" I panted as he made his way down my chest, stopping to gently suckle on each nipple in turn, pulling on it like a newborn.

"There'll be plenty of time for that lil lady" he drawled. Damn that was getting on my nerves! I yanked at the cuffs, trying to break free. He grabbed my hips and held me down, continuing his slow decent down my body. He stopped to dip his tongue in my belly button, then traced a quick circle around it, and placed tiny kisses down to my lower abdomen. I bit my lip, waiting for him to taste me where I wanted him the most, but he completely skipped over it, licking down my thighs, kissing my knees softly, down my calf, to my foot, flickering his tongue over my instep before taking time to suck on each toe in turn. His eyes locked with mine as he did this, swirling his tongue around each digit before moving onto the next. After paying tribute to each toe, he slid away from me and disappeared from the room. I bucked against the restraints, trying very hard to get loose, but it wasn't happening. The only reward I got from that was raw wrists. I started hollering for him to get back in here, extremely pissed to be left like this.

"Damn woman, think you're making enough noise there?" he drawled, rejoining me in the bedroom. I smirked at him, pleased to see he had lost his chaps along the way, but was still wearing the holster, boots and hat. He had one of the toy guns in his hands, fiddling with it.

"Come on J, lemme loose" I whined, arching off the bed. Right now all I wanted was to jump him.

"Now now now little one, good things come to those who wait" he said softly, pointing the 'gun' at me, aiming it thoughtfully then pulled the trigger, sending a shot of chocolate syrup across my stomach. He shot a few more streams of the syrup at me before tossing the gun over his shoulder and eased his way back on the bed. He started on my feet where he left off and slowly made his way back up, taking his time to lick up any syrup that stained my skin. Finally satisfied, he brought his mouth down on mine, and I eagerly tasted the sweetness of his tongue mixed with the syrup.

"You know what?" he drawled, nipping lightly at my neck.

"What" I whimpered...spreading my legs for him as he situated himself between them.

"I had all sorts of plans for us, to draw this out as long as possible.." he started, grabbing his cock and teased it along my slit.

"Yes?" I hissed, raising my hips, encouraging him to finish whatever he was saying, and to finish what he had started.

"But, all I this" he whispered, slamming into me as he hissed out the 's'. I arched high off the bed as he rammed home, sinking my nails into my palms. He never stopped his rhythm, pounding me down into the soft mattress. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, urging him deeper and harder, which he eagerly complied.

"Damn baby" he growled, bracing his hands on either side of my head for more leverage. "So sweet" he whispered, bending his head to suck on my shoulder.

"Please...let me go..I want to touch you" I whimpered, arching up to meet his thrusts. He grit his teeth and pushed into me harder. That was it. My legs released their lock around his waist and I forced myself to remain still, not reacting. He stared down at me dumbfounded, trying to elicit some reaction.

"Let me loose" I demanded through tightly clenched teeth. He growled, more out of frustration then anger, reaching for the key that was lying on the nightstand. He quickly unlocked the cuffs. I smirked up at him before maneuvering him underneath me. I quickly grasped his hands above his head and planted my lips against his. He moaned and started thrusting his hips upwards to get me going, but I wasn't ready just yet. I released one of his hands long enough to snatch the cowboy hat off of him and placed it on my head instead.

"Much better" I purred, looking down at him. He was staring at me, his velvety eyes darkened with lust, and there was a little bit of chocolate syrup that lingered on his cheek. I leaned forward and delicately licked it off. I could feel him throbbing inside of me. He was so close to his release, and this was driving him crazy. I slowly slid up, squeezing him with my inner muscles  before sliding back down. I grinned as his eyes rolled back in his head and he let out a low moan. I slowly increased my pace, riding him hard. I thought crossed my mind, and I couldn't help myself.

"Ride it, ride it, ride it, ride it, ride it...giddy-up.....giddy-up" I sang, bouncing up and down his length. He laughed and moved one hand to my waist and the other traced my belly button while my hands grabbed a hold of the headboard to brace myself. I started dropping down on him as I could, squeezing him as I did so. My eyes sprang open as his rough thumb parted my lips and found my clit, rubbing it furiously.

"Damn Alex" I hissed, and light started flashing before my eyes, and I found myself shaking as my orgasm washed over me. As my muscles caressed him tightly, he also cried out my name, spurting deep within me. I let go of the headboard and let myself lay across his chest, holding on tightly as wave after wave of sensation hit me.

"Dear God in heaven" I whispered against his sweaty chest, trying to regulate my breathing. "That was amazing!"

He chuckled and pulled the cowboy hat off, running one hand through my damp hair and replaced the hat on his head with the other.

"What can I say, there's no better way than the cowboy way" he twanged.

The End


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