The Final Seduction

By:  Ari



 "Dammit Erin...we were only dancing!" he repeated for the fifth time straight.

"THAT was NOT dancing!" I growled back, our faces so close our noses were almost touching. "THAT was fucking on the dance floor! If you want a cheap fuck like that, then why in the hell are we even together! Anytime I look around, there you are flirting with another cheap ho, or even my own fucking friends!" I fumed. I was on the verge of breaking, this was one of many arguments that we had had in a growing number over the past few months. They always started over something small, but of late, they just keep getting worse and worse. We had gone out for a night on the town with the rest of the guys and their girlfriends, and I had left him along for five fucking minutes to get us something to drink. I come back and oh ho...what do I find. He was out in the middle of the dance floor grinding against some bleach-blond ho, pulling one of her legs up to rest on his hip. As soon as I had seen them, I had plunked the drinks down at our table and stormed over to him, knocking the ho out of the way and demanded to know just what in the fuck he had been doing.

"Erin, if I wanted the ho, I mean Jennifer..."

 " you actually found out this one's name.."

"DAMMIT! Would you just hear me out!" he snapped, exasperated.

"I don't want to hear anymore of your shit tonight Aj" I snapped back, turning to leave but he grabbed my elbow and pulled me back to him. I glared at him, but over his shoulder I could see Lara making 'calm down' gestures. I shook my head slightly. "" I hissed under my breath, returning my gaze to meet his eyes.

"Damn woman, would you please just let me explain" he bellowed, his eyes darkening.

"You have nothing to say that I wish to hear. I'm going home." I snapped, wrenching away from his grasp and plowed through the crowd making my way to the exit.

*~* AJ *~*

"WOMEN!" I said in disgust. I ignored the looks of my friends and made my way over to the bar, ordering a glass and a bottle of Jack Daniels. Why in the hell does she blow up like that every time I even SPEAK to another chick, I mean damn! We're not married or even engaged or anything like that! And I've NEVER heard any of the other guys complain about their women being so damned possessive. Why in the hell did I end up with one. Not that Erin wasn't great, but damn did she have a short temper and the sharp tongue to back it up. Not too mention the backhand. I rubbed my still stinging cheek.

"J, you ok man?" I looked up to see Kevin, Howie, Brian and Nick staring at me.

 "Just fine fucking dandy" I muttered, tossing back another shot. "Did you all escape from your ball and chains long enough to see what lil ole me was doing?" I smirked into my glass.

 "Come on J, you know us better than that...let's get you home. The girls have already run off to find Erin. Besides, you are in no shape to drive or probably even walk home" Howie said, pointing to the rapidly emptying bottle.

"I can handle myself" I heard myself growl, and pulled the bottle close to my chest. I saw Kevin slap down a twenty, then felt two hands sliding under my arms and pulled me from my bar stool.

 "Well, at least we didn't have to worry about him driving" Nick commented, helping them to slide me in the front seat of his Durango. They looked over to the empty space where my Four Runner had been parked earlier. Damn women, even taking my wheels. I pouted for a moment, then took another drink.


MEN! Who in the hell needed them I squealed into the parking lot at my favorite watering hole, Johnny's. I had been spending quite a bit of time here of late. Damn him. I tossed my keys to Johnny the bartender, the best in the area I might add...and ordered what was fasting becoming my new best friend, gin and juice. I downed one quickly and ordered another, sipping at it more slowly. I turned around and surveyed the place. It was packed, no big surprise there. My eyes traveled to the door as someone made their entrance and I groaned aloud. I saw Kelley point at me, and they all flocked over to me.

"Get these ladies whatever they want, and bring them over there" I ordered Johnny as they all surrounded me, and I took off to one of the small tables over in a corner. I saw the four girls quickly tick off orders then joined me.

"Ok Erin, was all of that really necessary?" Lisa demanded as she plopped down opposite of me, followed by Leighanne then Kelley and Lara on either side of me.

"Was it necessary that he be all over that skank ho slut?" I countered, taking another drink. I frowned at the empty glass, then gestured to Johnny, who nodded and quickly hooked me up, delivering the other girls drinks, Lara and Kelley a vodka collins, Lisa with a tequila and Leighanne a strawberry daiquiri. 'Wimp' I thought as I sipped my refill. I vaguely listened to them, the only time I emerged from my own thoughts when Leighanne announced she had to go, a flight to catch or some shit. Good riddance. Never did like her anyway I thought, glaring at her over the rim of my glass.

We were all well into our fifth round of drinks. That's how you tell who your real friends are. The ones that get plastered right along with you when you're having a bad night. I glared at Lara and Lisa who were really starting to get giddy and ridiculous. Kelley sat back watching them, joining in everyone in a while with some smartass comment that would send us all rolling. I flagged down Johnny for another round. He shook his head.

"You know girl, if he's getting this bad, I'd leave him, no good getting yourself like this every other night." he commented. I didn't need a lecture. I needed another drink dammit! He shook his head again, but he returned a few minutes later with new drinks.

"Who needs men when all you really need in life is a good drink" I slurred, reaching for my gin and juice.

 "Men are really nice though" Lara hiccupped, then giggled.

 "REALLY nice" Kelley agreed.

"Yeah, I guess so, if you have a nice big stud like Kevvy" I pondered that for a moment. Lisa gave me an evil eye.

"I don't know why you and Aj can't get along. I mean, he's terrific" she crooned, her eyes glazing over as she slid in her own world.

 "Oh yes....damn girl, I'd stay with him for the sex alone" Kelley agreed, following Lisa's lead.

 "Yeah, it was for a while..but even that's not there anymore" I whined, rolling my glass between my hands.

 "Oops, guess we've just worn him out" Lara giggled, then stopped as I glared at her.

 "What was that?" I demanded, her words slicing through my nice fuzzy world.

"Oh yeah, damn that man...fingers...lips...just EVERYTHING" Lisa elaborated, her eyes still sort of glazed.

 "He could just keep going and going and going" Kelley put in. I sat there in shock as the three of them sat there with these glassy eyed looks plastered on their faces. Until Lara broke the silence.

"I still can't get over Kevin and Aj actually lip locking though..."

 "Or Nick..."

 "Howie didn't even know he was there...but DAYUM...what a sight that would be." Kelley let out a long sigh. That was it. I didn't need to hear anymore. I threw my glass down on the table and stomped up to the bar, grabbing my keys from the basket. I vaguely heard Johnny hollering after me, but I made a beeline to the Four Runner, slammed the keys in and squealed out of the parking lot. I flew through the night with the windows down and the stereo up, trying as best I could to clear my head. Limp Bizkit's "Break Stuff" was pounding through the speakers, and I bobbed my head to the music, thinking this song fit my life perfect.

How DARE he....and how dare THEY. These were my friends...and my man! Why in the HELL was I not told about this. I felt so stupid and even worse, used, even though I don't know how. I soon squealed into our driveway, somewhat relieved to see all of the lights off. At least I didn't have to face him just yet. I hurried inside and grabbed a suitcase and a small carry on bag. I quickly ran through our bedroom, grabbing clothes and some personal items, throwing them haphazardly into the suitcase, and grabbing some necessary items from the bathroom. I fought to close my suitcase, but eventually made it out of there. I pulled out back onto the freeway, heading for the airport. I flipped open my cell phone and called ahead, seeing which flights were open for the evening. I listened carefully as the bored receptionist rattled off outgoing flights. I eventually flipped my phone shut and turned my radio up louder against the wind. I was getting tired fast, between just being emotionally exhausted and the after effects of the alcohol kicking in, I was ready to turn in. My eyes started to blur, and everything was going by in one big shiny streak. I passed under this really pretty red light...and then there was the sound of shattering glass.

I eased my head up, wincing as my world continued to spin. I could barely make out the sweet looking Explorer I had just hit. Damn. I always did like an Explorer. I saw someone climb out of the drivers side, inspect the damage, then rushed over to my car. Or Aj's rather, I almost felt like laughing. Oops.

"Hey Miss, are you ok?" I slowly turned my head towards the soft voice. "Holy shit..Erin!" My eyes drifted up, and I felt a cool blast of air hit my legs as the door was flung open. "Erin, come on, say something, are you ok?"

 "Brian?" I croaked out, trying despiratly to clear my vision. That's it. I've had WAY too much to drink.

"Yeah hun, it's me...are you ok?" he pushed again, easily sliding my out of the Four Runner. "Oh Lord, you're bleeding" he gasped, and wiped at my forehead.

 "I'm fine Bri, I just halfta get to the airport" I stuttered, trying very hard to keep my balence. "What are you doin're supposed to be home with your fluffball or something aren'tcha?"

 "Erin, hun, you've been drinking. Let's get you back to my car, I don't think your's is going anywhere. Let me call Aje for you.."

"NO!" Finally, at least one thing came out of my mouth clearly. "No...don't call that worthless bastard, I don't want to see him again" I muttered, glaring at the device in Brian's hand.

 "Huh?" He stared at me like I was losing it. "Erin, he's probably worried sick about you.."

 "Yeah, I bet he's so upset that he went back to Lara or Lisa for another round"


"Nothing...Bri, just let me call a cab, I need to get to the airport before my flight leaves" I grumbled, trying to pull away from his grasp.

"Sorry, I think you're going to the hospital, that looks like a nasty cut you've got there, and plus you need to sober up a bit before you go anywhere" he said in a fatherly tone. I just glared at him. It wasn't too much longer before Orlando P.D. were on the scene. Oh joy. They milled around, asking tons of questions. Brian was such a sweetheart. He told them not to worry about charges, on either account, and if there were any problems, they could contact his management. The simply nodded their heads and left. I sat on the curb the majority of the time, watching the cars whiz by me. I was finally pulled back into reality when the tow truck came for Aj's car and Brian was pulling me to my feet.

"Come on sweety, let's get you home" he said softly, leading me over to his Explorer. I winced at the damage I had done. Shit. "Is there anything you need from your car?" he asked, his blue eyes still filled with worry.

"I have some luggage in there with my purse, but that's it. And Bri, I'm not going home.." I started, but he had already hurried off to collect my belongings.


 What a night! Damn. We had finally coerced Aj to go home, but he refused to be in the same building with that 'overbearing bitch' as he had called her, so he ended up at Nick's house, passed out on the sofa. I then had to hurry home to pick up Leighanne to take her to airport since she was going to fly back home. I was driving downtown, about to turn onto Thistle Boulevard when out of nowhere, this damned car broadsided me. Figures, brand new car, can't keep nothing. I had reluctantly gotten out to inspect the damage. Not too bad, just caved in my passanger side door and scratched the hell out of it. I looked up and could see the driver of the Four Runner still bent over the wheel, not good. I hurried over to see how bad they were hurt, then they lifted their head to look at me with a completely spacey expression.

"Holy shit, Erin!" Be damned if she didn't look like hell warmed over. She had a nice sized gash across her forehead, and she basically had no clue what was going on. No doubt the aftermath of her exit earlier. I easily took care of the cops, sending them off without even a suggestion of a breathalizer test. Am I good or what. But now, she's going on about a flight and a cab. I put my foot down, and evade her, not too hard in her current state. I rush over to get her bags before the tow truck arrives, and make it back to my car, only to find her curled up in the front seat sound asleep. I let out a loud sigh as I slid back into the drivers seat, pausing to buckle my seatbelt, then leaning over to manipulate hers around her sleeping form. She was so cute asleep, none of that harshness that usually seem to pour from her was there, just innocense. I pushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead, careful not to touch her injury. Then I gave myself a mental shake. I looked over at the small clock in the corner of my dashboard. 3:43am. Dammit. There was no way I was going to let her go home alone in her current state, let alone fly to where ever in the hell she was running off to. Only one other choice. Looks like I wasn't going to have the house to myself this weekend after all.

I got us home with no more accidents, and called out my butler Scott to grab her bags while I carefully slid her out of the car. We made it upstairs where I gently laid her down in one of my guestrooms, and thanked Scott, sending him back to bed. I didn't feel right rummaging through her things, so I hurried across the hall to my room, returning with a tee shirt and an old pair of my boxers. I carefully pulled off her shoes, pantyhose and dress, trying to divert my gaze as best I could.


Think about Leighanne.

 My breath caught in my throat as I looked down at her, she looked so peaceful, almost child like. I reluctantly pulled my shirt over her head and slid my boxers up her thighs. No, my hands weren't lingering on that soft skin at all. I pulled the covers up to her chin, kissed her forehead softly and left.


Oh man, I really need to stop waking up like this. My head was pounding, my tongue was pasted to the roof of my mouth, and all of the all too familiar signs of a bad hangover were present. I heard someone banging pots and pans in the kitchen. Don't they know people are trying to sleep here? I rolled over, trying to turn away from the sounds, only to suddenly find myself hitting the floor. What the fuck? I looked around me through crusty eyes, trying to figure out just exactly where I was at. I looked up on the mantle of the fireplace. I was at Nick and Lara's. How in the hell did I get here...

 "Morning J, feeling any better yet?" I slowly turned my head towards the yelling, narrowing my eyes at the cheerful youth before me.

 "Yeah Carter, I feel like doing some back to back world tours." I grumbled. How dare he be so cheerful while I feel so shitty. "How did I end up here?" I stood slowly, grabbing a hold of the couch to balance myself.

"You didn't want to go home, so I just brought you back here" he shrugged.

"And why didn't I want to go home?" Man I wish this room would stop spinning.

 "You and Erin had another fight. She tore outta the club, and you started drinking, and the guys and I brought you home before any other damage was caused" he said simply. He actually sounded like a kid repeating a speech for the hundredth time.

"Oh hell, what was it about this time?"

"I dunno. She left and the girls went after her while we took care of you. Lara came home not long after we did, and she wasn't much better off than you were. I don't know what happened, she's still sleeping.

 "Can I bum a ride home? Perhaps I can get back before she wakes up and I won't get my ass kicked as bad" I attempted a grin, but it made my face hurt.

"Erin honey?" I called out softly, shutting the door behind me. The house was silent, good indication that she was probably still asleep. I smirked to myself. That was usually a good sign. If I woke her up, chances are, we'll spend the day making up. I bounded up the stairs, mapping out the day's events, stopping in front of our bedroom. I slowly turned the knob and eased the door open, looking over to our bed. I was fully expecting her to sprawled out, tangled in our sheets, like normal. Oh no. Dresser drawers were pulled open, clothes hanging from them, her closet was wide open, the light still on.

"Erin?" I called again, starting to get worried. What if she was in here alone while a burgler ransacked the place, or even worse, she was kidnaped! My mind raced a mile a minute as I ran through the house, screaming for my girlfriend. Nothing. I vaulted for the phone, punching in Kevin's number with shaking fingers. I plopped down on my couch, yelling for him to hurry up and pick up the damned phone. My eyes surveyed the room.


 "KEVIN! It's about fucking time.."

 "Aj, what the hell's wrong with you!"

 "She's gone man, our room is torn apart, and she's fucking missing!" I hollered into the phone. I got up and started pacing.

 "Aj, slow down man, now what?" I heard him shush Lisa in the background. I took a deep breath and repeated my findings since I got home.

"Is her luggage there?" he asked simply.

"Huh, how in the hell should I know!" I glared at the phone.

 "Well, go check...if it's there, then I'd start worrying, if it's not then.."

 "What think she'd leave purposefully?" I practically ran upstairs. "It was just another spat Kev..."

"Maybe to you it it there?"


"Not there is it?"

 I stormed out of her closet, throwing the phone at the wall. What in the hell! Something glittering in the corner caught my eye. I stomped over there and kneeled down. I gingerly picked up the shattered picture frame. It was a picture of us together, curled up on the deck of Kev's and Lisa's pool, looking at each other with happy grins plastered on our faces. It was her favorite picture of us. I carefully brushed the glass off the photograph, falling back against the wall.

 "Erin....." I felt the tears start falling.


Number One Downfall to drinking, The Morning After. I rolled over slowly, prying my tongue from the roof of my mouth, trying very hard not to jilt my head too much. The room was flooded with the afternoon sunlight, blinding me even with my eyes still shut. I tried to burrow down in my bed as far as I could, no luck there. Shit, guess that means I have to get up now. I slowly pried my eyes open and stretched, then froze. Where in the hell was I!?! I scrambled from the bed, looking wildly at the unfamiliar surroundings. I placed my hand on my forehead, trying to stop the spinning, only to find a big bandage plastered across it. Ok, the hell with this...bathroom. I eased my way over to the small room to the back of the bedroom and flipped the switch on.

Ack! I actually jumped back from my own reflection. I narrowed my eyes and leaned it. Shit, talk about hell warmed over. I could be the poster girl. I opened the medicine cabinet and quickly found some aspirin and downed it. I held onto the sink, once again trying to get my bearings. That’s when I noticed that I was NOT wearing my dress from the previous evening. I was wearing rather unfamiliar boxers. Hmm...interesting.

I padded out into the hallway, and made my way downstairs. I easily recognized Brian's living room. Question now, how in the hell did I get here, and where in the hell was Brian? At least I didn't wake up lying next to him, not that I personally would have minded, but that would have been just one too many surprises for me. I heard noises coming from the kitchen, so I made my way into there. A grin lit my face seeing Brian's housekeeper/cook already busy over the stove preparing lunch. She was an ancient old thing, but was so sweet. If Brian wasn't almost 25, we'd say she was his nanny, but they kept each other straight.

 "Good morning Miss Holliday, I trust you slept well?" She asked as soon as I set foot in her domain.

 "Good morning Aida. I've told you, call me Erin. Doesn't that slave driver ever give you a day off?" "Nah, he needs me 24/7, or else everything would fall apart around him" she gave me a sly wink.

 "I hope you're hungry dear, I've got a big pot of spaghetti and meatballs just about done" she announced.

"Where's Brian at?" I asked, going over to the fridge and pulling out some grape juice.

 "I haven't seen him yet, rather surprised me though, thought he was going back to Kentucky with Miss Wallace for a few weeks, but Scott told me that he had come back here after all, with you." she shrugged like it was an everyday occurrence.


 I threw my head back, not even trying to stifle the moan that escaped my lips. I let my hands slide down to weave my fingers through her soft hair. Dear God, if she deep throated me on more time....

"Leigh baby, ease up or I'm not going to last much longer" I whispered. She chuckled, sending a teasing vibration through my cock. Ah, the hell with it. I thrust my hips upwards, driving my dick down her throat, which she eagerly took. Finally, I felt the wonderful tightening in my balls....almost there... But what in the hell! My eyes flew open as the warm mouth suddenly disappeared, and felt light butterfly kisses being trailed upwards from my abdomen. I opened my mouth to protest, but no sound came out as my blue eyes met bright green ones.

"Shh..." she whispered, kissing my lips softly before capturing my lower lip between her teeth. My hands reached up and held her head in place while I leaned up and thrust my tongue in her mouth, moaning at the slight taste of myself that lingered on her tongue. I sucked that same tongue hungrily, sliding one hand down to that ass that had taunted me for so long, pushing her into me. This time it was her who was moaning. Her hands danced over my chest, then one hand traveled down to grasp my straining cock. I almost blew my load right then and there, but I didn't want it to end that way. I swiftly flipped her underneath me and drove hard into her tight depths. We both groaned at the sensation, and she quickly wrapped those slender thighs around my waist urging me deeper while whimpering my name the entire time. I pulled almost the whole way out before driving back in, never losing the fast pace we had set. It was over all too soon.

"Brian!" she shrieked, and I let out a low hiss as her nails raked down my back, her sweet muscles clenching my cock so tightly. I drove into her one last time and let myself explode, deep within her, at the same time sinking my teeth into her shoulder to keep from screaming. After a few minutes I raised my head and smiled down at her, pushing a dark lock of damp hair from her forehead.

 "Fuck!" I sat up sharply. What in the hell was that all about!!! I shifted uncomfortably in my bed, and let out another curse as blood rushed to my face. The sheets were pasted to my thighs and stomach.


 Just perfect. I'm worse than an adolescent with a centerfold. I hopped out of bed quickly, pulling all of my sheets and blankets off. Oh well, it was time for them to be washed anyway. After throwing them in the corner, I headed for the shower. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back as the hot water cascaded down my body. I bit back a moan as flashes from my dream came back. Damn! It seemed so real, I could still feel her lips, the feel of her mouth engulfing my... I reached over and turned the water all the way cold.

 Twenty minutes later I bounded downstairs, a smile lighting my face coming into the kitchen. Erin and Aida were deep in conversation, not paying any mind to me.

 "Good Afternoon Master Brian."

Opps, perhaps not.

"Afternoon ladies" I greeted them both, leaning over to give Aida a quick kiss on the cheek before lifting the lid off of a pot, only to be cracked with a wooden spoon.

"You know better's almost done anyway, always the impatient one" she growled playfully. I gave her my best grin I could manage, then turned to my best friend's girlfriend.

 "Did you sleep ok last night?"

"Yeah, thanks for letting me crash here" her cheeks flushed at the word crash, how cute!

"It's no problem. Have you called Aje yet to let him know you're ok?" I raised an eyebrow seeing how her eyes darkened at the mention of her boyfriends name. Hmm...interesting.

 "No, I'm going to call the airport shortly though, see if I can't get on a different flight since I missed mine from last night. If you want, I'll call and give you whatever address I'll be at, and you can send all bills for your car, and I'll take care of it, since it is my fault" There was that cute blush again.

 "Don't worry about it, insurance will cover mine, plus it was only a few scratches compared to yours.." I said honestly, pulling up a chair next to her.

"You wanna talk about last night hun? I mean, if you want to flit out of here, be my guest, but you might want to think about it a little before up and leaving like your planning on." I slid my hand overtop of hers, and lifted her chin up to meet my gaze with the other. Those green eyes met mine head on and unwavering. Then she blinked, ducked her head and mumbled something under her breath. "What was that?" She mumbled something else, and I still couldn't make it out.


"I said, he was fucking around behind my back" I growled through clenched teeth. Dammit! Why did Brian have to be so sweet and caring...and so NICE! I snuck a peek of his face after my words had had time to sink in. His baby blues were wide with surprise.

 "Oh Erin, I'm so sorry hun" he pulled me into his arms in this crushing bear hug. This was something I needed everyonce in a while. Not just wham bam thank ya mam, I need the cheesy snuggly stuff too. I slid closer, just letting him hold me close, all of the emotions I had been bottling up for so long, decided to let loose right then. It started out a few tears, but after a few minutes, I was full blown sobbing. How old am I again? But it was so nice, he ran his fingers through my hair, whispering comforting words in my ear, not bitching because I got a little emotional. After that thought, I pushed him back, and furiously wiped at my eyes.

"I'm sorry Bri, I didn't mean to.."

"Hey, it's ok. You need to do that every once in a while" Oh God, he gave me that adorable grin of his. I fought the urge to smile and pinch his cheek, but it was hard.

"Hope you two are hungry, cause there is plenty to go around" Aida plopped down two heaping plates of spaghetti and meatballs down in front of us, completely oblivious to my momentary break down.

"Why don't we take this in the living room, we can turn on the tube" he offered, already grabbing my plate and his and taking off.



"Little girl, don't play with fire unless you're ready to get burned"I growled, nipping at her shoulder blade, trying my damnedest not to just fuck her senseless. Damn she was turning me on more then I had been in a long time. My hard on was stabbing against my jeans painfully. I bent my head down and caught one of her nipples between my lips, sucking on it softly. A content sigh escaped from her lips, and she arched against me when I lightly bit into the tender bud.  I felt her hand dance down my back, her fingers finding their way under the hem of my boxers.

I switched over to her other breast, tracing it's outline with my tongue, then bypassing her nipple, licked a trail down her chest, pausing to swirl my tongue around her belly button. She inhaled sharply when I continued my quest lower, sliding my tongue across that sensitive crease where her leg and hip connected. I held her thrashing hips still, nudging her legs open further so I could settle down inbetween them. I paused a moment in my quest to glance up at her. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. Her head was thrown back, teeth embedded in her lower lip, the sheets were caught up in a death grip, her entire body was taut with anticipation. I decided to be nice and not keep her waiting, my tongue traced her slit before plunging between her folds, easily finding her clit. Her hips jerked upon contact. I traced lazy circles around it, occasionally flickering my tongue across it eliciting a gasp. Her fingers slowly unhooked themselves from the sheets and soon found themselves tangled in my hair tugging gently every so often. I slid a finger inside of her and slowly worked it in and out as I sucked on her clit. I added another finger, using my other hand in an attempt to control her thrashing hips.

"Brian, please" she whimpered, moaning as another finger slid in with ease. Her breathing became more labored and I had given up all attempts in holding her down. I lightly bit down on her clit and it was all over for her. She arched off the bed with a soft cry and she gripped my fingers tightly with her inner muscles as her orgasm washed over her. I slid my fingers out and kissed a trail up from her thighs, meeting her mouth in a crushing kiss. After a moment I pulled away, grinning down at her.

"Damn Bri" she mumbled, burrowing her face in my neck, still breathing heavy. She squirmed beneath me, her hips rising to grind against my own causing my stomach muscles to clench upon contact and I bit back a moan. I opened my eyes and saw her grinning up at me.




"I think that you have a little problem that you need to take care of" I teased, squirming a little more underneath him. He looked down between us.

"Does that look like a little problem to you mam?" he asked seriously.

"Well, now that you mention it..." I said, placing a hand on his chest and pushed him back, but he grasped my wrist and held it fast above my head, bringing the other one immediately.

"Nope, there's only one thing that’s going to take care of my little problem" he teased now, nibbling at my neck. He continued to hold my hands above my head with his right hand, his left hand slid down my body and down between us. I couldn't help but whimper as he slid the head of his cock up my slit, teasing at my still tender clit before slowly sinking himself into my warm depths. I was surprised at the restraint that he was showing, the sweat that beaded on his forehead gave it away.

"Bri..." I urged softly, rotating my hips when he didn't start moving, just laying there, his full length throbbing inside of me.

That was all it took,  he started pistoning in and out of me, pulling out almost completely before pounding back inside as hard as he could. He finally let go of my hands in order to brace himself gaining some more leverage. I wrapped my legs around his waist urging him on, my hands clutched at the sheets, digging my nails until I was sure there were going to be holes in the mattress. The room was silent with exception of some gasping and the bedsprings creaking. Honestly, I faintly wondered how much longer the bed would hold out at the pace we had set. Then Brian would slam back inside of me and all rational thought was gone. I don't know how long we writhed together, but all too soon I felt myself let go completely and through my haze I heard Brian cry out and felt his body jerk with his own release.




"Erin?" We were now cuddled up on top of a mass of tangled and sweaty sheets, just laying there together.

"Hmm?' she mumbled, nuzzling closer to my chest. I sifted my fingers through her damp hair, twirling one piece around my finger

"I know this a hell of a question right now, but where do we stand?" I wondered softly. For a moment she didn't respond, just lying motionless buried beneath the crook of my arm. Then she sighed and propped herself up on an elbow.

"I don't know, I was just wondering that myself" she admitted, running a finger up and down my breast bone. She appeared to drift off for a moment, deep in thought. Then she blinked and shook herself out of it. "I don't know, but we'll worry about it later" she announced then curled back up to me kissing my neck softly.

"Sounds like a plan to me" I wrapped my arms around her, kissing the top of her head. "Later...."  We drifted off to sleep in each others arms.




I rolled over, reaching for another warm body, and failed to find one. I cracked my eyes open slightly, moaning as the light penetrated the flimsy curtains. The covers were rumpled so that I could tell that last night was far from a dream, but where was Brian? I thought on it for a minute, then gave in to the fact I was not going back to sleep. I rolled out of bed and stole a bathrobe that was hanging on the back of the bedroom door.

As I padded down the hall and downstairs I heard pots and pans being shuffled around and the distinct smell of bacon and eggs. I entered the kitchen expecting to see Aida, but instead it was Bri, standing at the stove in a pair of baby blue boxers.

"Good morning" I walked over to where he was, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaned my head against his bare back.

"You're no fun" he pouted adorably, turning to give me a quick kiss before turning back to the task at hand.

"And why is that?" I asked curious.

"Because, you weren't supposed to wake up until I woke you up. Damned kids" he mumbled, expertly scrambling some eggs.

"Hey, that's my line!" I grumbled, tickling his sides. He squirmed away from me, hmm...seems to very ticklish. Mental note to self...

"Hope you're hungry" he continued fiddling with breakfast while I hopped up on the island and snatched a piece of toast, nibbling on it. After staring at him for a minute, my mind wandered to Alex. By now he must know that I've left, and I wondered what he was doing now. Wondered if he was upset because I had gone, wondering if he cared at all.  I narrowed my eyes at that thought. I don't know how I didn't realize what was going on. How could I have let something like that slip by me?


This story belongs with a group of stories, also read the following:


The Situation – by:  Lisa

The Situation ... My Turn – by: Kelley

Unreal – by: Lara


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