Chapter 1

"I swear to God, Blake, I don't know what keeps the station from getting sued." Jeanie couldn't believe it. The "backstage passes," were backstage all right...WAY BACK, as in the parking lot behind the building in a small, caged area.

"We make 'em sign releases when they pick up the free tickets," he grinned.

"These kids are going to freeze out here," Jeanie looked over the fifty prize winners and the few brave parents accompanying them. "Take it back, I don't think they give a rat's ass if they freeze," she laughed. Blake smiled, "I think the idling tour buses are a nice touch!" He gestured toward the three running buses; the fumes were nauseating.

"Don't forget the Gestapo," she nodded toward the two women "handling" the fans. "Who are those chicks?" She'd been in the business long enough to know a "nobody" with a little power was usually a hell of a lot worse than the star.

"Who knows...some of their people," he rolled his eyes. "Scares the hell outa afraid." He watched a blonde woman shouting instructions to the fans. "I better go run interference."

Jeanie walked back over to where Jessie waited in line, sandwiched between two fifteen-year old girls and a young boy.

"Man, this bites," Jess muttered. The girls agreed. "First, we have to stand in a straight line. Oh, then she told us to act like we're meeting the Pope or the Queen. Be polite. No pictures. No autographs. Just smile, shake their hands. THAT'S IT!" she pouted. "She said if we get out of line, they would throw us out!"

"Oh, oh..." one of the girls added, "Don't forget the bus rule...don't touch the bus!" They started giggling. "What a bitch."

"I'm sorry you guys. Blake said they're just running really late because a television news crew showed up unexpectedly." Jeanie tried desperately to get their young minds off the "no's" being shoved down their throats and back onto the reason they were there to begin with. "So, Jess loves Brian...the cute one," she laughed. "How about you guys?"

Both girls began babbling at once. "Nick. Oh my God...Nick. The baby, he's so cute. Did you see Titanic? The guy that played Jack...he sort of looks like Nick. Seriously!" More girls quickly joined them, each arguing the attributes of Nick or Brian or A.J.

"So, how old are you?" One of the girls turned to Jeanie.

"I'm old. Twenty-four..." she blushed.

"Oh God!" A tiny girl screeched. "You get Kevin!" Jeanie smiled and thought, "cool...I get Kevin...who the hell is Kevin?"

"Oh, baby, you get Kevin!" Pete MacNamara gave Jeanie a quick kiss on the cheek. "Big Mac" was the deejay from six to ten every night. He gave them all a big smile and winked and began shouting into his cell phone, "It's a Big Mac attack, live, backstage, Bronco Bowl...BSB BABY...and I am getting me some LOVIN' out here tonight!" He paced furiously up and down the line working the crowd of girls into a frenzy. "Big Mac" was one of Jeanie's best friends. He was a lunatic, funnier than hell and a wildly popular jock. He was also a flirt and ladies' man.

Suddenly, the stage door was thrown open. The fans, screaming and watching "Mac" broadcast his show live, didn't notice. When they did, there was an immediate ripple effect. The noise level went from fairly high to almost total silence.

Brian was first and blew right passed a devastated Jessie. She didn't even get to look at his face, much less shake his hand or say hello. Next was Howie; then A.J., Nick and, bringing up the rear, Kevin.

After Brian passed Jess up so quickly, Jeanie was determined that one of these guys was going to stop and talk. These fans had waited almost two hours outside in the cold wind breathing bus fumes. When A.J. neared, she offered her hand and introduced herself. Then, to Jessie's shock, she introduced Jessie. A.J. was charming and gracious, kissing Jessie's hand and talking for several minutes.

Because A.J. stopped, Nick and Kevin had to stop. Jeanie was so engrossed watching Jessie, the girls and A.J.; she was totally oblivious to Kevin. That was, until she felt someone reach for her hand. She looked around to see a tall, tan, extraordinarily handsome man looking at her.

"Hey, how's it going? I'm Kevin," he smiled.

"Good. Umm, welcome to Dallas," was all she could think of to say. She was suddenly, painfully tongue-tied under his gaze.

"What's your name," he politely prodded her along.

"Her name's Jeanie!" one of Nick's fans shouted.

"Well...Jeanie, I'm Kevin...still," he grinned. He continued to stare and refused to release her hand. Jeanie felt her facing burning from embarrassment. She looked at the ground, at Nick, and then finally to Jessie who was now laughing her ass off at her. She looked anywhere and everywhere trying to avoid Kevin's green eyes.

All she could think was that he was staring at her. Why? Maybe a bird crapped on her and she didn't know it...oh, no he was staring at bird crap...or maybe her lipstick was smeared and she looked like a clown...or, worse, maybe he felt sorry for her because she was old and size 14. She wanted to run, but he wouldn't let go. No one was supposed to notice her...that wasn't in her plan. How could this happen?

The girls next to Jeanie introduced themselves. Kevin grinned and said hello, still refusing to relinquish Jeanie's tiny hand. After what seemed to be an eternity, the line began to move.

Giving her hand one last squeeze, he leaned closed and whispered, "Catch ya later, Jeanie..."


The concert was better than she anticipated. The girls loved it. The guys definitely gave it everything they had.

Jeanie learned a lot that night. First, she learned who The Backstreet Boys were. She also learned that thirteen-year old girls have an amazing lung capacity and can sustain an ear-splitting decibel level for approximately forty-five minutes before taking a breath.

Most importantly, she learned that it was time to make changes in her life. She vowed that she would never again feel ashamed about her looks. She was tired of being sweet and shy, chubby and always the victim. Jeanie Kirkpatrick made herself a promise that somehow someday she and Kevin would meet again. And when that day came, she would be ready and would make an impression that Kevin Richardson would never, never forget.


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >