Chapter 10

Kevin and Jeanie continued to see each other somehow working around each other's crazy schedules. There were times late in 1998, when she would have given anything to chuck it all to be with him. The Boys were riding the crest of a tidal wave of popularity, suffering through legal problems, personal problems and management problems. It was none of her business. Kevin didn't ask her opinion and she didn't offer it. All she knew to do was be there if he needed her.

She and Mike continued to work together and continued cranking out hits. She and Mac settled back into a loving, comfortable friendship.

The Boys were anxious to go into the studio to record their next album, Millennium.

She and Kevin usually saw each other every six or eight weeks. When they found time for each other, they both made sure their worlds did not interfere. They loved each other completely...there was no distraction. Just two hearts and two souls united for whatever short time they had.

Kevin was adamant about his privacy and discretion. She completely understood and agreed with his feelings. Jeanie wasn't any more anxious than he was to face nosy reporters or paparazzi. He'd always taken the position with the press that he dated...they all did. She didn't want the publicity or the intrusion into her privacy either, so she gladly accepted his position. What happened between them, was between them.

She was terribly disappointed on New Year's Eve 1998 when Kevin told her that he had to work because they would be taping a concert in Orlando. She understood and spent New Year's with friends at Mac's, but at the stroke of midnight, felt like her heart was breaking. She missed him. She loved him.


The early part of 1999 was much happier than the end of the previous year. The Boys were happily in the studio recording and planning their upcoming European Tour. They signed with a new management company. Things were good.

Jeanie and Meg finally convinced Lindsay to cut a demo. Mike and Jeanie wrote for her...Meg pulled every string she had. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Lindsay would be a star. They needed one breakthrough hit...just one.

Until then, Lindsay continued to live with Jeanie in Dallas. She ran the office during the day and worked on her demo tape with a local producer at night. She had two good, solid original songs. Jeanie was convinced the same songs in the hands of an established artist would have been hits. Lindsay wasn't known...yet. They kept working.

It was spring...May, just before Millennium was released. Jeanie, wearing cut-offs and one of Kevin's Hawaiian shirts, her hair in a pony tail, sat barefoot in the music room. Because of the headphones she was wearing, she never heard Lindsay come in. She sat on the floor, tethered to a tape recorder, pencil in her mouth and sheet music scattered on the floor. Tiny purple tinted glasses rested halfway down her nose.

"Hey boss lady!" Lindsay nudged her bare foot with her toe.

"Oh crap!" Jeanie slid the headphones down around her neck. "I'm sorry, sweetie. How long have been standing there?" Lindsay sat down next to her.

"Aw, not long." She seemed sad. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, babe," This wasn't like Lindsay.

"Well, I mean. I went home for Christmas and New Year's and well..." she searched for the words. "Um, you stayed in Dallas, huh?"

"Linds, yeah, remember? I went to Mac's for a small party. I told you that," Jeanie didn't understand.

"Oh...well," Lindsay started to get up, then sat back down. "Jeanie...even though me and A.J. haven't worked stuff out YET," she rolled her eyes, "um, I'm a big fan. I still do all the stupid fan stuff..." she laughed.

Jeanie nodded, smiling. She and Jessie definitely still did all the stupid fan stuff...including spying on Kevin when he was at the house.

Tears began to well in Lindsay's dark eyes. "Oh crap. I'm just going to tell you!" she cried. Jeanie wrapped her arm around her. "I-I was surfin the net a few minutes ago and looking at BSB stuff. I found a bunch of stuff about New Year's Eve and the Orlando Kevin arrived with a tall blonde and also left after the show with her."

Jeanie didn't know what to say. She quickly forced a smile. "Linds! That doesn't mean a thing. Hey, for awhile people thought Mike and I were married. Remember? The hick and the Yankee!" she giggled. "Don't worry about it. I'm not."

Lindsay got up and tried to smile. She wasn't buying that it didn't bother Jeanie and she sure as hell wasn't buying that it didn't mean a thing. She decided to call Meg...then Mac...then Mike. If they couldn't help her find out what the hell Kevin was doing, she'd call A.J. Damn it, A.J. owned her that much.


When the Boys hit Ghent, Belgium on June 2nd, for the first show of the Into The Millennium Tour, Jeanie and Lindsay were there.

Nothing was said about the persistent rumors of Kevin's relationship with the tall blonde. Some of Jeanie's friends tried to tell her...hey, you're a tall blonde. Jeanie would just laugh, she knew better.

Kevin treated her as he always had, passionate and loving. However, he was terribly distracted. Jeanie chalked it up to the excitement of their first concert and the new album.

A.J. flirted shamelessly with Lindsay. To Jeanie's delight, Lindsay didn't succumb to his advances. She played him like a pro. A.J. didn't realize it, but he was falling in love with was written all over his face. That alone, was worth the trip overseas.

The next time Jeanie would see Kevin would be in July in Milan, Italy.


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >