Chapter 11

Milan, Italy in July isn't the best time of year for a visit. The temperature in July is in the high eighties, humid, and there are frequent late afternoon thunderstorms.

It was because of one of those thunderstorms that Jeanie's flight was delayed. She arrived too late to see The Boys' first show at the Forum.

By the time she got to the Principe di Savoia Hotel she felt like she could hardly walk she was so exhausted. All she wanted was a warm bath, a glass of wine and a comfortable bed.

She'd stayed at this luxury hotel once before. Maybe it was because she was in love, but this time she truly appreciated the beauty of the stately old hotel. She thought the hotel had been open since the 1920s. The decor was very 19th century Lombard. Lavish. Opulent. Dark woods. Eclectic.

Jeanie had no idea what time it really was. Her watch was still on Dallas time. All she knew was that it was late. Her baggage was transported to her room while she checked in. There were two messages waiting at the desk for her. Both were from Kevin. The first read: I love you. The second read: I still love you. She smiled and tucked them into her pocket.

As she opened the door, she noticed the lights were dimmed. That was odd considering the porter had just delivered her luggage to her room. "He could have at least left a light on," she grumbled, tired and cranky.

Jeanie felt along the wall for a light switch. Still unable to locate one, she stepped into the darkened room. She had taken one step in when a man covered her mouth with his large hand to keep her from screaming. He eased her back against the wall, shutting the door with his foot.

She was momentarily terrified, that was, until he leaned close to her. She could smell his cologne...D&G Pour Homme. "Kevin Richardson!" she mumbled beneath his hand.

"Lady, be sweet and I won't hurt you," he grumbled, his Kentucky accent thick. Kevin removed his hand and Jeanie stood perfectly still, his muscular body pinning her tiny frame up against the wall. She wanted to be mad at him for scaring her, but more than that she wanted to play along with his game. It had been so long since she'd felt him, tasted him, made love to him.

Kevin tore at her cotton blouse, popping the buttons off the front and buried his face between her breasts. Jeanie grabbed his dark hair and closed her eyes and his gently bit into her neck. Kevin was playing rough, rougher than usual, but she didn't care. Not tonight.

He picked her up and carried her to the massive antique bed. Removing her blouse and bra, he loosely tied her tiny wrists to the headboard using silk scarves. She couldn't take her eyes off him as he removed the rest of her clothes. His laser green eyes were glassy and wild with desire.

Kevin stood over her and undressed. Her would not permit her to speak, threatening to gag her if she said even a word. Her forced silence heightened her erotic anticipation. He poured a glass of wine and took a sip.

"Are you thirsty?" his voice was deep and throaty. "A sip?" She nodded, almost scared to even move. He brought the glass close to her parted lips, but instead let the wine drizzle between her breasts causing her to gasp as the cold liquid hit her.

"Uh-uh...what did I tell you?" he grinned devilishly. He held one hand over her mouth and with his other hand poured tiny rivers of wine over her stomach and pubic area. She shuddered.

He set the glass on the nearby table and began to lap the wine from her stomach and breasts. She tugged on the restraints. His tongue was driving her wild. She wriggled and writhed under him, trying desperately to break free. She wanted so badly to moan or say something...anything.

Kevin continued to tease her. He knew full well how badly she wanted to pleasure him. She opened her mouth, praying he would let her just taste him. He laughed and pulled away and began stroking himself, taunting her.

She closed her eyes and turned her head. She needed him. She needed his love. Her every nerve felt as if it was exposed. All the months wondering who he was seeing and wondering what he was doing, smiling and denying to world that he was loving another woman, but knowing somewhere deep in her heart that he all flooded her senses. Tears welled in her green eyes...all she'd wanted to do was say, I love you.

Kevin had never actually seen Jeanie cry. Horrified, he quickly untied her, cradling her in his arms. "Oh God, Jeanie, I'm sorry..." he kissed her over and over, rocking her back and forth. "Oh baby, it was just a game, I'm sorry."

She sniffled, "It's okay...I just love you so much."

"I know you do...I love you, too. What's wrong, baby?"

She buried her face in his smooth chest and cried. "After so long without you...I couldn't stand not even being able to tell you I love you." Kevin stroked her hair. She pulled back and their green eyes locked in tearful, heart wrenching gaze. "Kevin, every single day, I love you. But every single day, I live on the edges of your heart."

Tears streamed down Kevin's cheeks. He gently laid her back down and kissed her sweet mouth. Then he made love to her. He loved her as if his very life depended on it. As if they wouldn't have another day if every touch, every kiss, every tumultuous orgasm together would be their very last. Kevin made love to Jeanie until they were both totally spent and exhausted.

Like bittersweet gentle tears, the rain continued to fall on the piazza below. As she drifted into peaceful, much-need sleep cradled in her lover's strong arms, Jeanie's last thought was...I'm living on the edges of your heart...

~~~ you are my fire...the one desire ~~~


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >