Chapter 12

Jeanie settled back into her seat on Swissair Flight 8600. It was a little after seven in the morning. The sun was just coming up. The tarmac was bathed in pinks and yellows hungrily gobbling up the lonely grays of twilight. The plane rocked slightly as cargo handlers slung baggage into the belly.

She wasn't looking forward to the flight home. The Milan to Zurich flight wasn't bad, just over an hour. It was the fact that she was flying in such a small plane. She was scheduled to change planes in Zurich taking Delta to Atlanta, Georgia then changing from the international Delta flight to a domestic Delta flight that would deliver her back to DFW International Airport.

The Boys' next stop was Austria, then after that Germany. It always amazed her that they could function with their schedule. Nick seemed to suffer the most...he was always fighting a cold.

She wished she could have stayed with Kevin a little longer, at least through the July 4th holiday. She couldn't quite put her finger on what was bothering her. She knew the persistent rumors about Kevin were playing heavy on her mind. It was something else...Kevin himself. Sure, he'd been happy to see her, but he was TOO happy. He laughed TOO much and said, I love you TOO much. He wasn't excited, he was TOO excited. Their lovemaking, usually easy and comfortable, had been frenzied and almost desperate.

She shut her eyes as the small plane sped down the runway, feeling every bump and dip in the macadam as the plane neared lift-off. Sliding her hand into the pocket of her lightweight jacket, she felt a piece of folded paper. She removed it and smoothed out the creases. It was the messages Kevin had left at the hotel desk. "I love you," and "I still love you." She took a pen from her purse. Turning the hotel stationary over, she scribbled, "living on the edges of your heart."

Jeanie paused momentarily and looked out the tiny window. The plane was airborne, gradually climbing, leaving behind Milan...and Kevin. Tears inched their way down her cheeks as she angrily scratched through the line she'd just written. She started to return the pen and paper to her purse when it hit her..."living" was wrong. She quickly penned:


Waiting on the edge of your heart

Why did we hesitate?

Did we fall in love too soon

Or fall too late

Memories and stolen kisses

Won't take us very far

So I wait...and watch...and love you

From the edges of your heart***


Lyrics born from the agonizing, gut-wrenching pain felt deep within her fragile heart. A fragile heart that she'd gingerly placed in Kevin's hands, praying he wouldn't let it fall and shatter. The lonely realization that it was the beginning of the end.

Perhaps, it was her fault. Kevin tried for so long to find her, but she deliberately postponed their meeting because she had to be perfect. Maybe it was too soon...The Boys had gone from being popular to being a phenomenon. Now his life was so full. She replayed hundreds of stolen kisses behind darkly tinted windows in the back of vans or limousines, in mirrored elevators between floors...backstage as dressers frantically rushed to help him change costumes. Stolen kisses and bittersweet memories. She and Kevin had enough to last a lifetime.

Other passengers sitting across the tiny aisle were staring at her. Embarrassed, she wiped her tears and smiled bravely. "Allergies!" she giggled. She had no earthly idea if they even understood English.

She looked again at the chorus she'd just written. This was Kevin's song, "Edges of Your Heart."*** It was her tribute to the love of her life.

It would also be the song that catapulted Lindsay Connings into stardom.


Jeanie and Mike paced nervously. Lindsay, headphones on, sat alone on a stool in the booth. The music had been recorded earlier. She's already laid the vocals down three or four times, but Dek still wasn't happy. Megan quietly opened the door to the control room and signaled Jeanie to come out.

"How's she doing?" Meg said quietly. She had no idea why she was whispering, other than it was the middle of the night. Dek thought that perhaps Lindsay would feel more comfortable if there weren't quite so many people milling around the Los Angeles studio. She was used to the studio in Dallas.

Mike and Jeanie pitched the "Edges" demo to a friend, an A&R rep at RCA, shortly after her return from Milan. He jumped on it. Unfortunately, time was not in their favor. He wanted the song recorded and out NOW. He didn't want to wait a year for a Grammy nomination. The cut-off date for submission was September 30th. He was that certain "Edges" would be a smash hit.

"She's okay...I think," Jeanie mumbled. "She's not used to working with a new producer." She and Megan walked slowly down the hall toward a break room filled with vending machines.

"You want anything?" Megan fished change from her purse. Jeanie vehemently shook her head. "Still having morning sickness?" She watched as Jeanie lay back on the vinyl couch and pulled her feet up under her. She seemed to have lost another ten pounds, weight she didn't need to lose. She'd been so sick for the last month. Her doctor finally had to give her medication to help with the nausea. She had to eat. She and the baby were both going to suffer.

"It's better. I'm just really tired," she smiled as Megan forced her to accept a cheese and peanut butter cracker.

"You ever tell Boy Wonder he's got a kid coming?" Megan was furious with Kevin. She didn't care who the hell he was or THOUGHT he was. Jeanie was her best friend and she loved her. Megan was well aware of Kevin and the "tall blonde." She'd personally seen him with her backstage at a concert in Los Angeles. She was a dancer. It took everything Megan had to keep from confronting him right then and there.

"Not yet. He called and asked if I was going to be at VMAs in New York in September," she almost choked trying to force the dry cracker down. She gratefully accepted a sip of Megan's Pepsi. "That's still a few weeks off...I'm not sure what's going on yet."

"Does anyone know that the bastard knocked you up in Italy?" Megan's eyes blazed with anger. She was fiercely protective of Jeanie.

"Megan..." Jeanie sighed. "Don't get so worked up. And please, don't blame Kevin. It's more my fault than his fault. To answer your question, yes. You know, the regulars like Mac and Mike. Jess doesn't know yet, she thinks I've had the flu."

"What about Linds?"

"I think she suspects something's up. She's been keeping pretty close tabs on Kevin. A.J. tells her everything. She just won't tell me everything he says..." her voice trailed off, her words beginning to break apart. "Shhh..." Jeanie held her fingers to her lips. She could hear the echoes of Lindsay's boots on the tiled hallway coming toward the break room.

"UGH!" Lindsay plopped down beside Jeanie. "No offense, but I'm sick of this song already!" She started laughing. "I've sung fast, I've sung slow. I'm surprised he hasn't asked me to try and sing like Alvin the Chipmunk!"

Megan and Jeanie started laughing. "Hang in there, kid," Megan walked to the door. "I'm leaving you two alone. Lindsay, there's something important Jeanie needs to tell you."

Jeanie was shocked. She'd kill Megan for doing this. She'd planned on telling Lindsay sometime soon, but not now!

Lindsay looked terrified. "Oh, God! I was just kidding about the song! Hell, I'll sing it a zillion times for Dek...I'm sorry!"

Jeanie took Lindsay's hands in hers. "No," she chuckled. "No, that's not it. Not it at all." Jeanie looked at her young friend. How could she tell her and not cry? "Linds...I've been sick for the last month or so for a good reason." She began slowly. "I'm going to have a baby."

Tears filled Lindsay's dark eyes. She should be happy, but she wasn't. She knew too much. A.J. told her too much. "Kevin?"

Jeanie silently nodded.

"Milan?" Lindsay's voice was barely above a whisper. She knew Milan was the last time they'd been together.

"Yes," Jeanie wiped a tiny tear from Lindsay's cheek. Her soft hand lingered, "It's going to be okay, baby. I'm okay..."

Lindsay nodded in silent agreement and walked from the room. She went straight into the soundproofed booth. Tears streaming down her face, she sung from her heart and from her gut. Dek worked frantically at the boards to capture what was unfolding.

The final version was laid down in that one, single take. Lindsay was too young to know what a shattered heart really, truly felt like until tonight...when she looked into Jeanie's eyes.

It was August 30, 1999...2:35 a.m. ... Lindsay Connings had just recorded her first gold record.

~~~ "Believe when I say ~ I want it that way..."~~~


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >