Chapter 14

A.J. was pissed. They were in Arizona, maybe Anaheim, hell he didn't even know or care. He was tired, a little hung over, and mad.

Sometime over the past month or so, Kevin had decided the world needed to realize that The BSBs were human and that they had girlfriends. He said the fans would adjust. King Richardson had spoken.

It wasn't that the guys really cared. It was the fact that Kevin had become the self-appointed spokesman when it came to their love lives that bothered A.J. Brian had a girlfriend. The whole universe seemed to know without Brian making a public statement about her during every press conference or interview.

The icing on the cake for A.J. came the night before. He talked to Lindsay and she confided to him about Jeanie's pregnancy. She begged him to not tell Kevin, saying it was Jeanie's business and responsibility to tell him. He agreed, but just wasn't too sure how long he could keep his mouth shut.

They were in the dressing room after the concert. As usual, everyone was on an adrenaline high laughing and cutting up. Kevin made a wisecrack about a fan tossing her panties up on stage for A.J. That did it.

"Shut the hell up," A.J. growled.

At first, everyone thought he was joking and laughed at him. "Oh, got caught, Bone?" Kevin chided.

"I told you to shut the hell up," A.J. was now glaring at Kevin.

Kevin and A.J. had known each other a long, long time. Kevin wasn't afraid of him by any means and he sure as hell wasn't taking anything off him. "What's your problem, man?" Kevin walked over to A.J. Brian stopped what he was doing. So did Nick and Howie.

"You're my problem," A.J. looked up at him. "What I do is none of your business."

"You're right. It's not my, but I'll probably be the one saving your happy ass when Lindsay Connings starts telling her story to every teen mag. About how she was a nobody, slept with A.J. McLean, and guess what? Now she's a star!"

Kevin never saw the punch coming. Luckily, Brian did and jerked Kevin out of the way so A.J.'s fist couldn't make the connection. It took everything he had to hold him back as Nick and Howie tried to control A.J.'s fury.

Finally, convinced that A.J. wouldn't try to hit Kevin again, Nick released him, but kept a guarded hand on A.J.'s shoulder. A.J. walked over to Kevin and poked him in the chest. "Yeah, well at least I didn't get Lindsay pregnant."

The room fell totally silent.

"A.J.," Brian cleared his throat. "That's bad, man. Not funny."

A.J. fought back angry tears as he turned to leave the room. He looked back over his shoulder at Kevin, who remained motionless standing with his hands to his side. "You're right, Brian. It's not funny. I don't think it's funny. For that matter, Lindsay doesn't think it's funny. Oh..." he leveled his chocolate brown eyes toward Kevin, "...don't forget about Jeanie Kirkpatrick. I doubt seriously that she thinks having a baby alone is funny."

With one hand on the doorknob, he stopped. "Kev, man...I don't even want to look at you." With that, A.J. left the dressing room.


"Lupe, I need to talk to Jeanie," Kevin instructed her housekeeper. Using broken English, she explained that Ms. Kirkpatrick was asleep. He thought for a second, then remembered a conversation that he and Jeanie shared once about Lupe. She spoke and understood English perfectly. Kevin had a funny feeling that Lupe didn't want Kevin talking to Jeanie. He pushed her harder.

"Wake her up."

"Sorry. You call..."

"I said to wake her up NOW!" he screamed. "You tell her this is an emergency. This is Mr. Richardson and this is an emergency. NOW!" He immediately felt ashamed that he'd raised his voice to her. She was probably just following instructions...Jeanie's instructions.

He could hear her lay the receiver down.

A few minutes passed and Jeanie came to the phone. Her voice was the same, soft and innocent. If he didn't know better, he would've thought she was no more than twelve years old by her voice.

"Hello, Kevin? Are you okay? Lupe said this was an emergency."

"I'm fine. It is," he paused. "You're pregnant?"

Jeanie sat down in a nearby chair. Her heart sank. She was going to tell him...

"Answer me," his voice was almost robotic.

She cleared her throat and unconsciously ran her hand over her slightly swollen abdomen. "Yes," she whispered.

"We'll be in Vegas day after tomorrow. You be there. Do you want me to send someone to get you?"

Jeanie was insulted. She wasn't a child. "No. I'm capable of flying alone, remember?" she added somewhat sarcastically.

Kevin took a deep breath and sighed. "Yeah...I remember," his voice softened a bit. "I'll have somebody call you. We'll make your reservations and take care of the details. You just get on the plane."

"Okay," she replied. He could hardly hear her.

"Jeanie..." Kevin's voice began to break up. "I love..."

She cut him off mid-sentence. "Don't you say it, Kevin Richardson. Not now. Please...not now."


"Now I can see that we've fallen apart from the way that we used to be..."


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >