Chapter 15

The Boys' suites occupied the 27th and 28th floors of the MGM Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The two-story terraced suites were massive. Amenities included a formal dining room, big screen television in the living areas, terrace with hot tub, an upstairs bedroom and bath. The best part of all was the spectacular view of the Las Vegas Strip and the sea of neon lights that was as much a part of the city as slot machines and craps tables.

Jeanie arrived late in the day on Saturday, October 16th. It was almost after five in the afternoon by the time security escorted her to Kevin's room. It was Brian who opened the door. She almost cried when he wrapped his arms around her and ushered her in. She could tell by the look in his blue eyes, he knew. Jeanie wanted to turn and run, but knew she couldn't...not this time.

Nick sat in the living area. Apparently, they had been watching a basketball game on television. "Hey..." he stood up and gave her a brotherly hug.

She sat sandwiched in between Nick and Brian. They made small talk about the game. Jeanie made the fatal mistake of calling the referee an umpire. Brian looked as if he'd been stabbed; Nick had no pity on her.

Almost an hour passed before Kevin finally made it downstairs. He stopped for a moment, as though he was getting up his courage to talk to her. "Hey," he kissed her on the forehead. Jeanie smiled, but remained silent.

"I forgot that we've got to get over to the arena a little early," Kevin started toward the door. Nick and Brian looked at each other, totally confused. Kevin scribbled a number on a piece of paper and handed it to Jeanie. "This is Dave's beeper number. When you're ready to come over to the arena, beep him. He'll come up and get you and bring you in." With that, he stepped into the hall.

Nick shook his head and followed Kevin out. Brian held back and reached for Jeanie's hand. "He's really upset. He acts like this when he's scared. He feels in control when he's all business-like." He tried to smile. "its not you...he's just scared."

"Me, too Brian," Jeanie hugged him, laying her head on his shoulder. "Me, too."


Jeanie didn't go to the concert on Saturday night. Instead, she wandered downstairs and had a sandwich, alone, in the deli. Eventually, she made her way back upstairs. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. After the way Kevin treated her this afternoon, she wasn't sure she was even supposed to be staying in this room or not. About nine-thirty she lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. She didn't hear Kevin slip in and change. When she woke up at two-thirty, she found his note saying he had gone to Studio 54 with the band and dancers. She could join them if she wanted.

When Kevin finally returned a little after five a.m., he didn't check on Jeanie. She'd been sleeping soundly when he left. He quietly made his way upstairs and took off his clothes. He slipped in between the cool, crisp sheets and rolled onto his side, and pulling an extra pillow to his chest...he cried.

Kevin cried because he was ashamed of how he'd treated Jeanie that day. He cried because he cheated on her. He cried for not doing more or saying more...he cried because he really did love her and he was scared to death that he'd blown it.

While Kevin lay crying Jeanie was, in fact, sound asleep. However, she was not on the couch where he had seen her earlier. She was covered with a small, blue blanket, the side of her face buried in a tiny white pillow aboard American Airlines Flight 885 bound for Dallas.


"Thanks, Mac," Jeanie smiled. It was the week before Thanksgiving and she'd decided come hell or high water she was talking to Kevin. Be it as lovers or in the guise of a business meeting (because he felt more comfortable!) they would talk. There was no denying or covering up that she was pregnant now, she was in her fifth month.

New Orleans is a quick forty-five minute commuter flight from Dallas. Southwest Airlines runs planes daily, almost hourly from six in the morning until nine at night. It's easier to hop a plane to the French Quarter than to find a parking place at the mall.

Mac wouldn't let her make the trip alone. He teased her and reminded her that, "the third time's the charm." She'd tried to talk to Kevin in New York, Las Vegas and now, New Orleans. "I hope you're not thinking of trying to get child support, you'd never catch him!"

For some reason, it struck a chord with her and Jeanie began to laugh. It was incredibly funny ~ she laughed out loud, so loudly passengers around them began to laugh just because she was laughing. She couldn't stop laughing...she laughed until she cried. Once she started crying, she couldn't stop. Mac held her for the rest of the flight.


Mac had press privileges and connections and he wasn't scared to use either. When the concert in New Orleans was over, Mac was waiting for Kevin in the dressing room.

Before Kevin knew what happened, Mac was all over him. Security grabbed and pulled him off Kevin, but Mac continued his verbal assault. "I'll kick your ass to hell and back the next time I see you! Jeanie may love you, but I don't even like you, much less care about what the hell happens to you!"

Hearing Jeanie's name, Kevin stopped the guards. "What?"

"You heard me."

"Is she okay?" Kevin was scared.

"If you call getting dicked over by you okay...yeah, she's peachy keen." Mac pulled free of the guards. He walked up to Kevin and lowered his voice. This was between them, man to man. "She," his voice quivered as he held back tears, "she is the kindest, most gentle woman I have ever known...take it back, ever had the PRIVILEGE to know. The only mistake she's ever made that I know of was you. Not because she's pregnant...she loves her baby."

Kevin stood stone-faced, jaw clenched tight.

Mac continued, "My best friend is in her room, alone. She's trying to get the courage up to find you and talk to you. She's flown all over the country...all over this world because she loves you! You..." he thumped Kevin on the chest, " need to be a man and get the hell up there."


Jeanie wearing a lace-trimmed negligee that came down to her ankles sat perched on the side of the canopied four-poster bed. The hotel was very grand, elegant and gracious in typical French Quarter fashion. If she had to live in a hotel the rest of her life, she decided it would be right here. From the ultra-civilized atmosphere to afternoon tea in the courtyard, she felt right at home.

She heard the key card slide through the scanner and the door click. Mac had returned. She was surprised. She figured Mac in the French Quarter with all the bars and clubs, she wouldn't see him again until their flight back!

Still sitting on the bed, she heard him coming across the plush carpeting and lay a comforting, loving hand on her shoulder. "Hey, pretty lady..." Kevin's voice was like a warm velvet cloak gently wrapping around her.

He knelt down beside the bed and touched her growing belly.

"I love you..."


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >