Chapter 16

Jeanie and Kevin stayed up and talked late into the night. He could tell by the bags under her eyes that the hour, as well as the emotional strain, was wearing on her.

Kevin was laying on the rich brocade sofa, shoes off and his head in her lap. She stroked his head and played with his dark hair, reminding him that he needed a haircut soon, unless he was planning on reverting back to his Beatles look.

"Do you have any idea how big your stomach looks from down here?" he gently teased as he ran his hand over her tummy for what to be the fiftieth time.

"Do you have any idea how easy it would be to dump your ass in the floor?" she joked back and pretended to stand up and roll him off of her and the sofa.

"Okay! Okay!" he laughed, then pressed his lips close to her belly. "Pssst...kid, your mom is mean. You better behave!"

"Kevin!" she shrieked and playfully slapped the top of his head.

He grabbed her hand mid-air and kissed it. "Have you thought about who this baby will look like?"

"All the time," she grinned.

Their emerald eyes met, holding each other's loving gaze. "All I can say is that baby better have green eyes or I'm hunting you down like a dog!"

Jeanie laughed and assured him that the baby would have their green eyes.

He looked at her hand as he held it. "Pretty lady...I have never known anyone like you," he spoke softly, picking and choosing each delicate word. "I've felt like we've known each other forever. From the first day we met, it was like we were old souls, reunited lovers. I've always loved you. It was just so familiar, so just couldn't be real."

Jeanie knew how hard this had to be for him. She remained silent.

"What scares me is..." he kissed her hand, "we laugh. I know that sounds dumb, but we laugh all the time. That's never really happened to me before. Not ever with other women. They're just out to impress me by being sexy or good dancers or some bullshit. You, pretty lady, make me laugh. You understand You have an enormous capacity for loving and trust. You never, ever expect anything in return..."

"I got something though, didn't I?" she smiled and pointed to her tummy. Kevin stood up and carefully, gently lifted her up and into his strong arms. "God, you already weigh a ton," he teased.

"Good. I want you to suffer. You need to be punished," she kissed him tenderly on the mouth, tickling his lips with her delicate tongue.

"Promise?" Kevin returned her kiss, hungry to taste her again.

"Promise," she wrapped her arms around his neck. He walked to the massive bed and gently lay her down, her head resting on the mountains of soft battenburg lace-covered pillows. He looked down at her. She was his angel...

"...till death do us part?" He began to cry as he picked up her hand and kissed it, holding her hand against the tears on his cheeks.

"I do," she whispered.


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >