Chapter 17

They still needed to talk...Jeanie knew it and Kevin knew it. There were a lot of unanswered questions about the past few months as well as what the future would hold. However more than answers, right now they both realized what they needed was to feel each other's love.

Kevin had never made love to a pregnant woman before. He was terrified he would hurt Jeanie or their baby. Jeanie sweetly kissed him and assured him that being afraid was okay. She'd never been pregnant before and didn't know anymore than he did. They would figure it all out, together. His only response was, "I love you."

They lay on their side, facing each other, Kevin gently stroking her blonde hair. The only light came from a Tiffany-style lamp sitting on the small desk tucked in the corner near the French doors that opened onto the balcony. The pieces of stained glass making up the shade cast subtle rainbow hues across the elegant room.

Jeanie's first inclination was to turn off the light. She wasn't sure she wanted Kevin to see her. She already felt fat and bloated. For some reason, she wanted him to remember her the way she was when they shared their first kiss in Los Angeles. However, he would have no part of loving her in the dark. To him, she was the most beautiful woman God had ever created. The fact that she was carrying his child somehow made her even more beautiful. He carefully removed her negligee and panties, letting them fall to the floor beside the bed.

She folded into the pillows on her back, stretching her arms over her head. She closed her eyes granting the man she loved so dearly silent permission to take in her changing body.

It was hard for him to hold back his tears as he looked at her. Her breasts were slightly swollen. Her tummy, once tight and flat, was now round and soft. What moved him the most was that she was allowing him to look at her. She loved him and trusted him that much.

Kevin ran his hand over her belly letting it rest for a moment, wishing he could feel the baby move, then slowly continuing up to her full breasts. She shivered under his gentle touch. Smiling, he leaned close to her ear and murmured, "Now, don't you bounce away from me..."

Jeanie giggled softly and lazily opened her eyes. Kevin ran his hand up to her warm cheek, pushing her hair back from her face. In turn, she lightly traced the lines of his strong jaw, sliding her hands to the back of his head and her fingers into his hair, then pulling him to her.

They nuzzled each other...butterfly kisses here...tiny love-laden whispers there...their lips teasing...their tongues playfully seducing each other. Kevin brushed his hungry mouth lightly across her slightly parted lips, then back again. As if she were blind, she let her fingertips read every curve and line of his sensuous mouth. Kevin closed his eyes, feeling his erection growing under her light, playful touch. Jeanie pulled her to him and kissed him. One small kiss.

When their kiss broke, he opened his eyes. She was looking at him. "Make love to me..." she said softly.

He began to kiss her, his passionate kisses building in intensity. When Kevin cupped her breast in his hand, she moaned with pleasure. Her breasts were tender and sensitive and his warm mouth folding around her swollen nipple almost brought her to orgasm. She ached to feel him; it had been so long. Kevin buried his face between her ample breasts, her hands entwined in his dark hair. He breathed in her scent. She was earthy...she was innocent...she loved him. Jeanie Kirkpatrick was driving him insane. He fought the urge to ravage her, go wild. Not tonight. He wanted tonight...this last as long as humanly possible.

Jeanie slid her hands down his smooth torso and Kevin shuddered. She massaged him pulling and squeezing his erection. Her hands caressed him softly at first and then harder and harder, forcing milky semen into her palms, which she smeared over his chest. Pushing him onto his back, she kissed her way down. Kevin's green eyes watched her every move. Her tongue dipped into his navel causing him to come up off the mattress. She shot him a tiny smile and murmured, "Don't bounce off, baby."

Kevin's head fell back into the mountains of pillows and he closed his eyes. "OOOH," he groaned, his penis jerking wildly, desperate for capture. He eagerly separated his legs for her and she nestled comfortably in between, anxious to pleasure the man she loved so much. She cupped her hand gently around his testicles and nuzzled him. Kevin grabbed wildly at the pillows, trying to hold on. "Not yet...not yet," she whispered.

Her warm tongue opened wide and flat, moving up and down purposely avoiding what she knew would send him over the edge. Kevin's breathing was uneven as he twitched and jerked with excitement. She nipped at him and he once again lifted his hips up, begging for release. "Shhh, down boy," she said softly.

Kevin clutched the lacy pillows in his fists as she placed the flat of her hand just above his groin and firmly pushed his slender hips down onto the bed. "AAGH," he groaned. "Please...please," he begged.

"All you had to do was ask," she purred. Her tongue played delicately across him. Kevin's hands released the pillows and plunged into her long hair. Jeanie swirled her tongue around and around sampling and teasing him. Kevin couldn't take much more...she knew that. She hungrily took him into her mouth, trying to go slow, trying to give him as much satisfaction as he'd given her over the past year.

She continued, balancing deftly between pain and intense pleasure. She forced him to the brink and then pushed him back from the edge. When she knew he couldn't take any more, she began to suckle him. There was no gentle rhythm now; Kevin had been pushed way beyond that point. His hips thrust wildly as she deep throated him. She could tell that he was close to release. He whimpered and moaned, his hands tangled in her hair, frantically jerking and thrusting in and out of her mouth.

Suddenly, Kevin's pleasure erupted. As his orgasm eased, he lifted her up to him. "God help me...I love you so much."

She kissed him, letting him taste his own earthly juices.

Jeanie held Kevin in her arms, his head resting at her breast, and gently rocked him back and forth. He was going to sleep. A tiny smile crossed her lips. She wasn't worried. She knew Kevin well enough to know this night...their night...wasn't over. He would pleasure her with the same unselfish enthusiasm she had shown him.

For now she was happy to just hold him, to make him feel safe and loved. As she swayed back and forth cradling him, she half-whispered, half sang, "you are my fire, my one desire...believe when I say..."she stopped, unable to continue then sweetly kissed the top of his head. Thinking he was asleep, she whispered softly, "I don't know how to live without you..."

One tiny tear broke free from the corner of Kevin's eye and trickled down her porcelain breast.


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >