Chapter 3

Mac looked down at Jeanie, her blonde hair spread over the pillowcase, skin flushed, green eyes fixed on his every move. She had no earthly idea the effect she had on him.

"Don't stop..." she whispered.

Once again, he thrust into her. A moan escaped her throat as she lifted herself up to take him in. Her arms were stretched above her head; her breasts spread full before him. As much as he wanted release, he wanted this to never end. He wasn't sure when their relationship changed, but over the course of the past year something happened. They had always been friends, but now they were lovers. He wasn't sure this was right, but he was certain they both wanted it to happen.

He pulled out again. She moaned, "Mac, why are you doing this to me?"

"Because you love it," he mumbled as he began to caress and separate her trembling legs. His tongue played lightly over her until she begged him to stop. Her legs wide open, he continued his assault by slipping his tongue into her quickly and then back out as he lightly pinched and held her between his fingers...gripping her until his tongue plunged deep into her again. Her hips moved to the tortuous rhythm of his tongue and fingers, alternating and balancing between extreme pleasure and intense pain.

"Mac, please..." she whimpered.

Smiling, he sat up and pulled her up and down onto him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a tiny kiss on the lips as she eased onto his erection and began grinding her hips into his lap. For Mac, this was the best part...when they sat face to face, pulling him in, enveloping him. When he thought he couldn't possibly fill her any more, she would wiggle and moan and somehow take in more of his throbbing erection.

"Lady," he groaned, "you know how to work it, don't you?"

"No," she murmured, eyes closed.

"Yes..." he began to thrust harder, grabbing her ass, pulling her hard onto him, slamming into her. He slipped one finger into her and she erupted into an orgasm so powerful that he felt certain she would break free of his embrace.

"God...yes..."she screamed as she climaxed.

They sat locked in a lovers' embrace for several minutes, gently rocking back and forth, kissing and stroking each other.

"Mac?" she said softly, pulled back a little to look at his face. "Thanks."

He winked and kissed the tip of her nose. "That's what friends are for..."


Kevin looked at the piece of crumpled paper. He'd never had so much trouble getting a phone number in his life.

Every road leading to Jeanie Kirkpatrick seemed to lead to a dead-end. He called the radio station, but no one seemed to know who she was. He tried to tell them he thought she was a contest winner. Unfortunately, her name wasn't on any list of winners. He tried Directory Assistance for Dallas...dead-end. He even tried checking the search for people feature on his web browser...another dead-end.

His break came in the most unlikely fashion while he was flipping through Billboard scanning the charts to see where they placed that week. A new group called "8-O" had a song with a bullet. In tiny parenthesis under the title was J. Kirkpatrick/D. Boudine. Kevin made a few phone calls and sure enough, one of the songwriters was Jeanie Kirkpatrick, but was it her?

All the professional association directories referred her calls to Megan Woods. His office had been contacting Woods' office for over two months with no success...until now.

The memory of Jeanie Kirkpatrick was driving Kevin crazy. He had no idea why. He just couldn't seem to shake the picture of her as she dipped her chin a little when he spoke to her...diverted her eyes. He would never forget that was almost dusk...windy and cold. She seemed to hang back a little, standing behind the kids, but seemingly surrounded by a gentle sadness. She wouldn't look at him yet let him caress her soft hand.

She was a mysterious puzzle to him...a puzzle Kevin was determined to solve.


"God, answer your phone," Jeanie grumbled, half-asleep. She shook Mac who was sleeping soundly.


"Your phone is ringing. Do you have the machine on, dumb ass?" she buried her face into the pillow again.

Mac fumbled and groggily answered. "yeah...yeah...sec." He shoved the receiver in the direction of Jeanie, hitting her on the forehead.

"Ouch!" she slapped his arm. "Hello?"

"Aunt Jeanie?" Jessie sounded hysterical.

Jeanie was immediately awake. She looked at the clock. "What's wrong?"

"Oh my God," was all Jessie could mumble as she paced furiously around her room.

"Jessica, what's wrong? Did something happen? Just calm down and talk to me," Jeanie pulled the sheet up around her breasts. "Jess?"

"I'm okay...everything is fine. It's just you got a call..."

"For Christ's sake, Jessie. You scared the crap out of me." Jeanie rolled her eyes as Mac lay back down. "Who called?"

"Oh God..." she began chanting again. "Okay, okay, okay...Kevin. Kevin called. Kevin Richardson called. I talked to Kevin. He gave me his phone number. Oh God, I'm looking at his number..." she was rambling incoherently.

Jeanie was stunned. "I'll be right home."

"Everything okay?" Mac asked. She looked like she'd seen a ghost. "Jeanie?"

"Yeah...yeah. I need to go home." She stood up and reached for her clothes. "Jess is freaking out. For some reason Kevin Richardson called me."

"Cool. Set me up an interview," he laughed as he reached for his jeans.

Jeanie laughed and tossed a pillow at him. "That's great...boy, do I feel used right now!"

"Funny...I feel used, too," he teased. "I mean you come over here, seduce me, come like a friggin’ freight train...then run off cause Kevvy called you!" he ducked as she took a playful jab at him. He grabbed her and gave her a hug and jokingly whispered, "Oh, get Kevin!"

"Screw you, Mac!" she pulled away laughing.

"Any time...any time..."


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >