Chapter 4

"Why can't I listen?" Jessie whined. "God!"

Jeanie stood her ground. This was bad enough without being watched. "Because, it's business. Pure and simple."

"Yeah, right. You know they're on tour. You're treating me like a kid!"

"You are a kid," Jeanie stared her down. This was one fight her niece was not going to win. She still wasn't sure she would even return Kevin's call. "Jess, please, believe me. You know people call me all the time about business at crazy hours and, yes, even when they're on tour." She was suddenly painfully aware of how many Backstreet posters were plastered on Jess's walls. She tried to not look at him...THEM...but it was useless. She felt as if Kevin was staring at her from almost every single picture. "How can you sleep at night with them staring at you?" she shook her head and laughed.

"Who says I sleep?" Jessie shot back, half-sarcastically. "I'm's just that it's KEVIN..."

"I thought you loved Brian."

"I do! But, see he's related to Kevin. Did you ever stop to think what our family tree would look like if you married Kevin who is Brian's cousin...then I married Brian and I'm your niece?" She made a silly face and crossed her hazel eyes.

With that, Jeanie walked out of the room. "Good bye..." she turned and quickly added, "For the record, no I HAVE NOT! Also, you give that number out to any of your friends or you call him and you will be one dead BSB fan. Got it?"

Jessie giggled. "Oh, man..."

"Jess..." Jeanie warned.

"Fine, but you better tell me everything he said!" She turned the volume up on the CD player. "I'll Never Break Your Heart," filled the room.

Jeanie took a deep breath and shut the door. "God help me," she mumbled.


Instead of going down to her office, Jeanie slipped into her bedroom and closed the door. She turned on soft music, went into the bathroom and began filling the tub with warm water.

She slowly undressed then walked nude back to the full-length mirror and forced herself to look. Her chin quivered slightly as she took in every bit of her reflection.

It had been almost a year since she met Kevin. She was down to a size 10...her goal was size 6. She turned and looked at herself from behind. She wasn't an idiot. She'd seen pictures of the women Kevin dated. Tonight, Mac made her feel beautiful, but the woman looking back from the mirror wasn't beautiful. Better, but not there.

She reached for the yellow sticky note with Kevin's number on it. She folded it in half, opened her jewelry box and put it inside.

The warm bath water scented with jasmine was comforting. Closing her eyes, she rested her head against the edge of the tub. Her tears were mixed with beads of salty perspiration as they inched down her cheeks. "Oh Kevin," she cried, "Please wait for me...I'm coming..."


One thing that Meg was right about...Jeanie and Mike Levine wrote good stuff. From the minute they met, they clicked both personally and professionally. Mike teased her mercilessly about being a hick and she dished it right back about being a rude Yankee. But the Yankee and the hick seemed to find an amazing common ground and they consistently turned out hit after hit. Now, artists were contacting them and that was a very, very good thing.

Jeanie's life seemed to continue to evolve, always for the better. She'd handwritten Lindsay Connings a thank you note after Lindsay's initial fan letter. One letter turned into two and pretty soon they were communicating on an ongoing basis, both snail mail and email.

The one thing that wasn't improving was her hectic schedule. She was scheduled to be in New York in late May 1998. She and Mike were working on three songs for a movie sound track. She was hopelessly behind in paperwork, both business and personal. Correspondence was piling up. It seemed like all she did was write and fly back and forth between the two coasts and Dallas. It was on her flight into La Guardia that she had a brainstorm.



"Hi, is Lindsay there?" Jeanie couldn't believe she was actually doing this.

"This is Linds..." Lindsay's voice was very hesitant. She couldn't quite place this accent.

"Lindsay, hi! This is Jeanie Kirkpatrick..."

"Get out of here! No way!" With that, Lindsay dropped the receiver, disconnecting the phone call.

All Jeanie could do is laugh and redial the number. Lindsay didn't even say "hello" the second time. "Oh God. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. It's you..."

"Jeanie giggled. "It's me. How are you sweetie?"

Lindsay covered the mouthpiece trying to stifle a scream. More than anything, she wanted to be an actress, singer, something - somebody. Now, Jeanie Kirkpatrick was calling her. "I'm okay. Well, maybe not. I'm sort of freaking right now. Sorry."

"It's cool, sweetie," Jeanie was becoming embarrassed. "Lindsay..."

"Call me Linds."

"Okay, Linds...I'm in town on business for the next week. I have a business proposition for you and I was wondering if you'd like to meet me for drinks or lunch." Jeanie held her breath.

"Well, I can't drink...legally...I'm only twenty, remember?" Lindsay laughed. "Mmmm, but lunch sounds good. Something healthy, right?" Jeanie had confided in her young friend about her struggle to lose weight and was surprised to find out that Lindsay was fighting the same battle.

"Right! Linds, real fast, let me just ask you and this way you'll have time to think about my idea."


"I need help," Jeanie started laughing at how pathetic that sounded. "Wait a minute...we all know that! I mean, are you still looking for a summer job?" Lindsay remained silent. "This is the deal. I own a huge, huge ranch just outside Dallas...six bedrooms. You would have plenty of space and privacy. My office is in my home that I share with my teenage niece. You would be my assistant, take care of the business end of things. I'm traveling a lot lately, so you would travel with me some of the time. Of course, I will pay you...say $600 a week, plus room and board. Oh, also, I have three cars so you'd have a car at your disposal..." Suddenly, Jeanie became aware that Lindsay had quit talking altogether. "Hello? Lindsay?"

"Huh?" Lindsay mumbled, in shock. "You don't have to pay me..."

"Yes, I do! Don't be silly," Jeanie chuckled. "Listen, you think about it and give me your decision when we meet for lunch."

"Okay, but Jeanie?"

"What sweetie?"

"I don't really have to think...I'm already packing!"


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >