Chapter 5

The summer of '98 was a blast. Lindsay made the big move from New Jersey to Texas. Jeanie was a little afraid that Lindsay wouldn't adjust, but she adapted beautifully.

Even though Lindsay was taller and had shoulder-length raven hair and dark eyes and Jessie was just over five feet with blonde hair and hazel eyes, it took the girls a little over thirty minutes to decide they HAD to be long-lost sisters.

Much to their delight and Jeanie's dismay, Lindsay was as big a Backstreet fan as Jessie was. Jeanie suffered through many a "who's cuter" debate. Jessie stood her was Brian and those blue eyes. Lindsay was adamant that it was A.J., because well...he's just so damn sexy. Armed with Jessie's extra pictures and posters, Lindsay's guestroom soon became BSB central. Jeanie knew she was hopelessly outnumbered when she turned on the computer in her office to find a BSB screen saver.

By the end of summer, Jeanie wasn't sure how she would survive without Lindsay. Lindsay was a delightful dichotomy. She could be as professional, mature and competent as a veteran administrative secretary and then the next minute dancing around the office to Blink 182 or the Foo Fighters as she sorted mail or did filing. Jessie loved her, Mike and Mac loved her, Megan loved her...everyone adored Lindsay.

To Jeanie, Lindsay had become an indispensable part of running her business. She was also the little sister she never had. To Jessie, Lindsay was a big sister and an ally. She'd secretly confided to her about Kevin. How he'd called several times, but Jeanie always found excuses why she couldn't talk to him.


It was hotter-than-hell in August 1998. Typical Texas weather. It was already in the high eighties and it was only a little after ten in the morning.

Jeanie was cuddled under her comforter wearing only a pair of gray panties and a gray tank top. The bedroom was chilly because of the air conditioning and ceiling fans. She was cozy and drifting...half-awake and half-asleep. She could hear music coming from Jessie's room and music coming from downstairs in Lindsay's office. She'd gone out with Mac the night before and didn't get to sleep until well after two in the morning.

The phone rang twice. Lindsay apparently picked it up downstairs in the office. A few minutes passed when there was a light tap on the bedroom door.

"Jeanie?" Lindsay said softly, barely opening the door. Normally, she would never open Jeanie's closed bedroom door, but this was an emergency...sort of. "Jeanie?" she said a little louder.

Jeanie fought to open her eyes, trying to focus. "Yeah...what, babe?" she mumbled. Her mouth felt like it was packed with cotton. Then she remembered how many margaritas she and Mac had the night before. She and her hangover sat up, her blonde hair spilling down over her green eyes.

Lindsay rushed into Jeanie's bathroom, returning with a small cup of cold water and two aspirin and offered it to her. While she drank, Lindsay nervously put Jeanie's long hair up with a giant clip. She sat down on the edge of the bed. "You awake now?"

"Um...sort of, thanks," Jeanie tried to smile. That's when she noticed the light blinking on the multi-line telephone beside the bed. "There's someone on hold. Did you forget?" She took another sip of cold water.

",” Lindsay nervously chewed her fingernail. "Jeanie, I love my job. I hope you don't fire me."

Now, Jeanie was wide-awake. "Linds, there isn't anything in my life that complicated or that important," she tried to smile. Ouch. "What's wrong?" Lindsay stood up, unconsciously began smoothing the sheets, and then began pacing. Jeanie tried not to panic. "Linds?"

Lindsay walked to the side of the bed where the telephone silently blinked. She picked up the receiver and handed it to Jeanie, holding her index finger on the blinking button.

Jeanie took the receiver, but continued to stare at Lindsay. She'd never seen her like this. She looked scared to death.

"'s Kevin," she whispered. With that, she quickly depressed the button connecting the call and ran from the bedroom.


Kevin sat patiently on the side of the bed in his hotel room.

Talking to Jeanie Kirkpatrick had gone from something he wanted to a personal an actual goal. For almost eighteen months he'd pursued this woman. First, he couldn't find her. That, alone, took over a year. Then when he found her, there was always a reason they couldn't connect. His schedule, her name it.

Closing his eyes, he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. What the hell was taking so long? Jeanie's secretary said she was there. He wasn't even sure what he was going to say. It had been so long. Things had changed both career-wise and personally, for The Boys. It wasn't the same as back in '97. Kevin doubted it would ever be the same again.

He'd been waiting almost ten minutes. Had it been anyone else, Kevin would have hung up. But for Kevin, who had waited a year-and-a-half for this moment, it was no time at all. Finally...a click...

"Hello? Jeanie said softly.

Just hearing her voice after so long brought all his feelings back with a vengeance. So many times, women trying to impress him would lower their voice trying to sound sexy. Not Jeanie. Her voice was delicate, soft and laced with a sexy southern accent.

"Hey...I don't believe it. Jeanie Kirkpatrick," Kevin's heart was racing. "I...I told you I would catch ya' later." Jeanie giggled and Kevin felt as if he was melting.

"That you did...that you did," she said sweetly. "Well...look at you guys. You're big-time stars now!"

"Yeah...we've been lucky. Blessed." Kevin paused. He was drowning in his memory of her. He would give anything to touch her right now. " doing okay? I've been seeing your name a lot lately."

Jeanie assured him she was great, keeping very busy. The small talk continued, random thoughts leading nowhere. A compliment observation there. "Kevin?" Her voice was like honey, sweet, coating each and every word she spoke. "I suppose I should let you go. I know you're much busier than I am. I really appreciate the call..."

"No!" he interrupted. "I mean...I wanted to tell you that I'm looking forward to seeing you at the VMAs in Los Angeles." Kevin wasn't ready to end the conversation...not yet, not after all he'd been through. "We're going to be performing...Everybody, I think."

"Oh?" Jeanie's mind shifted into high gear. The MTV awards. She knew about it, of course, but couldn't remember telling anyone she would go.

"Yeah, your publicist said she was dragging you along."

"Megan?" Jeanie was shocked. Megan had been talking to Kevin? Megan, her best friend that she'd confided everything in...everything about losing weight...and her secret fantasy of someday blowing Kevin Richardson out of the water...Megan...oh no...

"Yeah," Kevin took a deep breath. "So Ms. looks like you and I have a date. I'll see you in September..."


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >