Chapter 7

The girls were sitting in row fifteen to the left side of the stage. They'd been in their seats about twenty minutes when they spotted the Boys entering the auditorium. Megan couldn't help but notice that Jeanie was picking mindlessly at the bands on her thumbs. As if she could read her mind, Jeanie mumbled, "I'm okay, Megs."

Kevin scanned the crowd smiling and waving trying desperately to make sure Jeanie was there. He couldn't see her, but she could see him perfectly. He was dressed in a long white jacket over a gray collarless shirt and wore white pants. During commercial breaks, he would occasionally stand up and nonchalantly look over the sea of faces in the auditorium.

Thanks to Ben Stiller, the show seemed to move along quickly. When the Boys performed "Everybody," Lindsay grabbed Jeanie's hand and held on for dear life. When the Boys won the award for Best Group Video, Lindsay couldn't help but notice that Jeanie cried.

However, she and Megan knew the real show would be at the party after the awards. Because that's where Kevin and Jeanie had agreed to rendezvous.


In the ladies room, Jeanie and Lindsay stood side-by-side, facing the mirror. "How do I look?" Lindsay mumbled. This was important. Tonight she would finally get a chance to meet A.J. At first, she was excited. Now, she was almost catatonic.

"Lindsay, you're so beautiful," Jeanie hugged her and stroked her dark hair. "My God, you have no idea how beautiful and talented you are!"

Lindsay grinned, blushing, "Thanks." She watched Jeanie nervously chew on her bottom lip. She looked like a model tonight, dressed in size 4 leather pants and a sheer leopard print top. "Sis..." she chided, "you're keeping the man of your dreams waiting...let's go."


The party was jam-packed with industry professionals and rock stars. The Boys were there, some with girlfriends in tow. Kevin had his back to them, talking to Megan. Lindsay led the way. However, as they neared, Jeanie was once again overcome by her insecurities and seemed to hang back. Lindsay and Megan tried to look casual as they made frantic faces trying to get her to join them. Finally, Megan leaned close to Kevin whispering in his ear.

He turned around...and there she was. He was scared he wouldn't recognize her after so long. The minute he saw her, he knew his fears were unfounded. As far as Kevin was concerned, she was the only person in the room. She looked like an angel: tall and thin, her blonde hair softly framing her tiny features like a golden halo.

As she held Kevin's gaze, Jeanie couldn't help but notice that even though the room was full of people and they were all laughing and talking, she couldn't hear a thing. Everything around her seemed to stop...except Kevin. He slowly made his way toward her, keeping his eyes locked on her afraid that if he looked away for even a moment, she might disappear.

He reached for her hand; the same tiny hand he'd lovingly caressed so long ago. Jeanie broke their soulful gaze and momentarily looked down to the floor. Placing a finger under her chin, he lifted her face up until their eyes met again. "Don't ever look away from me...I've waited so long to see your face."

Her chin quivered slightly as Kevin gently kissed her cheek and whispered, "You, pretty lady, are the most beautiful woman I've ever known. Let's go."


The other girls conveniently decided to stay at the party a while longer. Megan eagerly turned the keys to her Mercedes over to Kevin, assuring him they could get a ride or a cab home. There was just too much partying to be done for her and Lindsay to leave. A.J. and Lindsay were least that's what Jeanie thought they were supposed to be doing.

Kevin squeezed her hand. "You want me to rescue her before we leave?"

"That bad?" Jeanie giggled.

"With Bone, maybe!" he grinned. "So?"

"You don't know Lindsay. A.J. may be the one who needs rescuing. Let 'em play..."


The pool lights cast a subtle eerie glow on the surrounding lush vegetation. Shoes off and pants rolled up to their knees, Kevin and Jeanie sat on the edge of the pool with their feet in the water. They were holding hands and quietly talking. The awkwardness was gone and they delighted in how comfortable they were in the company of each other.

Kevin kissed her hand again. "You know, I was scared I wouldn't know you. As soon as I saw you tonight, I realized some things never change."

She couldn't believe her ears! She'd dropped almost sixty pounds and he didn't think she'd changed? "I've changed a lot, Kevin," she said quietly. "You have no idea how important it was that I look good for you."

He was stunned. "How can you say that? You've always looked good to me. I've relived the night we met a thousand times. Just ask A.J. or're all I talked about. I wanted you then and...I want you now."

Kevin stood and helped her up. He trembled as he pulled her to him for their first kiss. A hesitant kiss. A gentle kiss. A kiss anticipated for almost two years. His lips, slightly parted, were soft against hers. Jeanie tugged seductively on his bottom lip sending shivers through Kevin, who responded by pushing his tongue deep inside her mouth. Their breathing was ragged, their passion escalating.

Kevin removed his shirt and unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the pool deck. Jeanie had no idea how truly beautiful this man was until that moment. Every chiseled feature, every defined muscle bathed in the iridescent glow of the pool lights heightened her earthy anticipation. Watching him strip in front of her was one of the most wildly erotic experiences she'd ever had. Her hands trembled as he pressed his full erection against her and she began to slip his boxers over his hips.

When he was completely naked, he stepped back. "Please, take your clothes off," he spoke slowly barely above a lover's whisper. "I want to look at you."

He was a total stranger, yet she was so full of love for this man that she completely forgot about her misgivings. Kevin couldn't take his eyes off her. Her waist was incredibly tiny, her blonde hair spilling like a waterfall of spun gold over her delicate shoulders. Her breasts were full and her nipples hard under his gaze. There was a tiny tattoo very low on her right side. She was perfect...sensual...and his for the taking.

He silently led her to the shallow end of the heated pool, waded down the steps, turned and offered her his hand.

She stepped carefully into the warm water and into his life...forever.


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >