Chapter 8

Lindsay held A.J.'s hand as he led her silently through the still-crowded lobby of the hotel in Universal City. Just as it had been at the party, everywhere she looked there were familiar faces. Faces she was comfortable seeing on TRL, Much Music or VH1. She tried to absorb as much as possible as he led her to the elevators...the vaulted glass ceilings, soft music coming from the adjacent piano bar, massive floral arrangements, and stars...everywhere.

Megan wasn't happy when Lindsay announced that she and A.J. wanted to go somewhere quiet so they could talk. Jeanie was an adult and capable of making very adult decisions. Even though Lindsay was now twenty, she was still a child in an adult's body. She was away from home and her parents for the first time. Until tonight, whether she realized it or not, she had been under Jeanie's gentle and loving guidance. Jeanie gave her all the freedom she wanted, but was always there to lend advice and try to steer her down the right path.

A.J.'s room wasn't quite what she expected. She'd always imagined that stars stayed in palatial suites. Apparently, that wasn't always the case. What the room did have was a beautiful, panoramic view of the millions of twinkling lights in the Valley below.

Lindsay stood at the picture window looking out while A.J. checked his messages. "You want something to drink...a soda or something? How about music?"

"I'm fine, thanks," she said dreamily. She could hear ice clinking followed by soft music. Boyz II Men wafted through the room. "I'll make love to you want me to..."

"I promise, I didn't plan that," A.J. laughed as he slipped his arms around her waist from behind.

"I am SO not believing you!" she shot back, smiling. Lindsay closed her eyes as they swayed back and forth to the sensuous music, A.J.'s pelvis pressing firmly against her, his chin resting on her shoulder. Pushing her long hair to one side, he planted tiny little kisses up and down her neck.

Part of Lindsay wanted to just go with everything that was happening. Another part of her...the fan part...wanted to yell and scream from the balcony, "I'M WITH A.J.!" Instead, she tried to remain calm and follow his lead.

Taking her by the hand, he led her to the bed. Before they could sit down, he kissed her. Holding her face between his hands, he continued to kiss her; their tongues battling, ignoring the fact that they had to breathe sometime. They dropped to the bed, their passion almost out of control. A.J.'s hands were under her shirt and down her pants.

Lindsay felt drunk from the adrenaline rush. A.J. stood up and removed his tie-dyed shirt, his eyes never breaking from her. She reached to him, tracing her fingers along the lines of the cross tattoo on his upper right arm as he began removing his pants.

                She knew what he wanted. She may have been a virgin, but she'd had more than her share of hormone-driven boys in high school who were appreciative of anything they could get in the way of oral sex. This was different. A.J. was not a teenager. He was a grown man used to getting whoever and whatever he wanted. Tonight, he wanted Lindsay.

The only clear thought she had right now was of a rainy night in Dallas when she and Jeanie stayed up almost all night talking about boys and sex. Lindsay had played around, but never really gone down on a guy until she'd brought him to orgasm. Jeanie tried to explain technique, which usually resulted in both of the girls breaking into fits of hysterical laughter.

A.J., his hands tangled in her raven hair, pulled her toward this throbbing cock. Hesitant at first, she let her tongue bathe the length of his shaft. She was surprised how briny he tasted. He moaned, head back, as she slipped him into her warm mouth.

("Massage their balls, they love it," she remembered Jeanie telling her.) Lindsay fought a gag reflex as A.J. pushed deeper into her mouth. She scraped her long nails gently across his testicles causing him to twitch and involuntarily jerk with delight.

"Aah, Linds..." his voice was deep and gravely as she began to suck up and down, finding his rhythm. Suddenly, he pulled out. His heaving chest was shiny from perspiration, his eyes filled with wanton desire. He pushed her back onto the bed and began removing her clothes.

She lay passively watching him. This was farther than she'd ever gone with any man. Lindsay was excited and scared at the same time. There was no doubt in her mind what was going to happen tonight.

As his teeth buried into the side of her neck, she groaned and closed her eyes. He moved quickly down, letting her ample breast fill his mouth, suckling harder, then harder. A.J. alternated, pulling and fondling the nipple of one breast while his tongue teased the other breast, then moving deftly back and forth, again and again, until she writhed with pleasure. All the while, his free hand feeling, probing, and rubbing her.

As he separated her thighs, Lindsay hesitated. Her voice quivering, she mumbled, "I've never done this before."

He stopped. Taking a deep breath, he backed off. "Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered. "I'm sor..."

She wouldn't allow him to finish his sentence. "No! No, you're misunderstanding. I want to...I want you. I just thought you should know. Please don't stop."

He closed his eyes momentarily. Maybe he should send her home...

"A.J., please?" she softly begged.

He leaned down to her, kissing her mouth. "You sure?" Lindsay nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him to her. There would be no experimenting or anything kinky tonight. Not now, not with Lindsay. He mounted her missionary style, using his legs to separate her thighs. Her breathing was fast and edgy, he could feel her heart pounding as he slowly lowered himself into her.

"Oh," she moaned, her eyes closed. She was aching to feel him inside her, but terrified at the same time.

"Lindsay, I don't want to hurt you. Tell me if you want me to any time, okay?" A.J. began kissing her, their passion mounting once again. When the time was right, he began to ease further into her...slowly at first...tiny, hesitant in intensity until he was certain she was ready. Then with one powerful thrust, he filled her. A tiny scream escaped her throat and she began to cry, not from pain as much as the emotional release. He stopped, "Shhh...I'm sorry," he kissed her tears.

"Please, don't stop."

He began again, trying desperately to pace himself, to hold back so he wouldn't hurt her. He would push then wait until she relaxed, then would resume his rhythm. Every time he felt her tense up, he would slow down. A.J. was a gentle teacher, guiding and leading her down a path she'd longed to take, but had never found the right man to take the journey with. Until tonight, until A.J. McLean.

Afterward, as they lay together, arms and legs entwined, the sheets beneath them wet from their lovemaking, A.J. kissed Lindsay's forehead. She snuggled into the small of his neck and whispered, "I love you, A.J."

He blinked back guilty tears and replied, "I know."


< Ain’t Nothing But A Heartache >